No Traps :(




Maybe next time =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Controllers aren't getting traps!!!!?? That's the only proliferation I REALLY wanted
We'll get it in time.

During the last USTREAM video Synapse basically said "all sets will be proliferated eventually."

I'm more excited about what they cook up for Dark Control/ (whenever Dommies get it) which was also mentioned in the video (but not available in i21)



Is there a +regen cap? Because stacking 2x Spirit Tree and 2x Triage Beacon (or even one of each) sounds, well, interesting.



Originally Posted by xhris View Post
Is there a +regen cap? Because stacking 2x Spirit Tree and 2x Triage Beacon (or even one of each) sounds, well, interesting.
I would imagine it's around 3500 hp/sec for a controller. I messed around in Mids and stacked on all the regen bonuses I could, and then toggled Rest, and got something like 3424%. Without rest, i got +1524% Using Spirit tree, regen aura, and a couple bonuses.

Spirit Tree and Triage beacon both do about ~+300% regen when slotted with 3 Health IOs. so two of each all together would only be about +1200% regen, less than you get with Spirit Tree and Regen Aura.

Of course, with traps you also have a FFG and seeker drones which significantly reduce incoming damage, so that balances out.

Mids currently doesn't seem to have Incarnate info past Alpha or else i'd try throwing in some Destiny Rebirth numbers. Ah well.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



For controllers, /Traps and /Dark Miasma interest me. /Poison not so much. Still I am glad they are proliferating something.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Yeah traps would have been slick, maybe next time.

I think Plant/Traps and Grav/Traps are gonna have lots of "giggle" potential. As in pointing and giggling at the bad guys.

For plant, the Tree and Triage stacking is neat, but its really all about confusing the bad guys, having giant tentacles and roots rip them up, and having Audrey spit all over them, with all the crazy procs going and the -resist procs maybe stacking with Acid Mortar and plus you'll have the seeker drones nerfing the hell out of them and the poison trap making them puke the whole time. Then you toe-bomb them because, what the hell they gonna do? Eventually you might even be soft-capped during this process.

For gravity, its all about setting up the kill zone and using Wormhole to transport guys into a kill zone where Singularity, Poison Trap, Acid Mortar, Seeker Drones, and about 10 trip mines are waiting.

But I'm sure you can't go wrong. I think Illusion/Traps will be wicked also, and Elec/Traps also seems very interesting in terms of how they'd combine. I'm sure Ice and Mind etc will work well too.

I will probably go with Fire/Traps and Earth/Traps simply because those are favorite sets of mine, and they have their own nifty interactions. Seeker Drones, Acid Mortar, and Hot Feet alone just make for some fun killing. As for Earth, well it will simply be fun to stack Earth's controls, which are location based, with Traps which are location based too. So its more of an overkill thing. Good times. Oh and I'll probably roll Plant/Traps also.

Here are my plans:

I21: Fire/Poison, Earth/Poison, Plant/Poison, Illusion/Poison
Later: Fire/Traps, Earth/Traps, Plant/Traps
Later: Fire/Dark, Gravity/Dark, Plant/Dark, Illusion/Dark

Anyway. Hang in there gang, Poison will be pretty killer, especially with several of the powers getting a half-strength small radius AOE splash (the heals and debuffs I guess). Good times!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Traps is going to require some sanitation before they port it. I'm pleasantly surprised to get Poison. I was expecting Pain Domination, which is probably the easiest of the remaining ports.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Traps is going to require some sanitation before they port it. I'm pleasantly surprised to get Poison. I was expecting Pain Domination, which is probably the easiest of the remaining ports.
No more than the sanitation required to port Illusion/ to Dommies.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I would imagine it's around 3500 hp/sec for a controller.
lol I wish my WP tank could get those regen numbers.



Elec/ would certainly love the damage from Trip Mine, but the knockback? Not so much.

Elec/Poison, that seems like it could be pretty interesting. Some good -res, and a few additional tricks to handle some of the particularly annoying enemies.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I was expecting Pain Domination, which is probably the easiest of the remaining ports.
I hope that they do port it, and don't decide that it is just a villainous port of Empathy so Controllers "already have it".

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Traps is ready to go as is, it won't be any more OP for trollers than it is for Corrs, Defs and MMs. I for one am anxiously awaiting a troller port, #1 on my prolif wish-list.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Mr_Kingkillaha View Post
lol I wish my WP tank could get those regen numbers.
Mind you, that regen number was while under Rest. If there's a cap, even Rest doesn't hit it (either that or there's some cap-trickery going on)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I personally want it for plant/traps for the spirit tree/triage combo. I don't think it would be anywhere near overpowering but would in general be nice since they don't follow you around to have one ready ever y battle on the faster late game teams.

Grav/traps. would be funny but on late game teams, meh.

And poison, I really fail to see where it stands out much more than /cold does outside of a ST heal but at a MUCH larger loss.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
I personally want it for plant/traps for the spirit tree/triage combo
Dude. You should want it for the Seeds + Acid Mortar + Poison Gas + Seekers + Roots + Creepers + Caltrops + AOE + softcapped zone of death! Why do you need tree/triage when everything is helpless and dead?!

Oh sure, there will be times, but its the utter carnage you should want the combo for!


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Meh, I don't take much stock in mortar and poison gas, seekers, creepers, caltrops, aoe defense at all, When the enemy is confused, the rest of that really doesn't matter. On the rare confuse-free mobs, traps isn't going to do much against them, think even nemesis.

IMO traps is terrible outside of AVs. The situations where it's even that useful outside of that is rare.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Actually Acid Mortar would be perfect for Seeds, it debuffs def and resists, meaning enemies hit each other more frequently and harder.

And I apologize in advance for my brusqueness, but to any one that says "IMO traps is terrible outside of AVs. The situations where it's even that useful outside of that is rare" I can only say "lrn2play". That's truly a mind boggling statement, so much so it's not even worth countering.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
Actually Acid Mortar would be perfect for Seeds, it debuffs def and resists, meaning enemies hit each other more frequently and harder.

And I apologize in advance for my brusqueness, but to any one that says "IMO traps is terrible outside of AVs. The situations where it's even that useful outside of that is rare" I can only say "lrn2play". That's truly a mind boggling statement, so much so it's not even worth countering.
I already have a plant/ta, so that's not that big to me there considering you can't control where the acid mortar hits and it's small radius. If they increased the radius on that then maybe. But as i've explained there are other sets that also debuff those things. On good teams the damage they do to themselves anyways is hardly a considering factor.

I'm not saying I haven't been useful on my traps. but the FFgen can be slow sometimes to pertaining on your positions, the triage has a long recharge, so fast teams will hardly notice it nor use its duration fully, acid mortar, make it mobile with a larger radius of the aoe and we'll talk. Seekers, even if placed in the mob, they can take the alpha at least, but usually get killed before detonating and are slow to detonate and can't be controlled. Poison trap is somewhat decent, but having it be a pbaoe location instead of a ranged location fails the power IMO. Time bomb, we all agree is useless,(obviously not "all" but you know what I mean) and trip mine, setting up takes long for good effect, and mob-mob usually gets interrupted and even then not THAT damaging IMO for the set up time mid-battle vs risk.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Getting /Poison is nice, but yeah I've really wanted /Traps on my Controllers for a long time.
I agree, but i'd rather have a devices themed primary, then /traps proliferated just yet. It'd be cool to have a controller based around using the above.



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Meh, I don't take much stock in mortar and poison gas, seekers, creepers, caltrops, aoe defense at all, When the enemy is confused, the rest of that really doesn't matter. On the rare confuse-free mobs, traps isn't going to do much against them, think even nemesis.

IMO traps is terrible outside of AVs. The situations where it's even that useful outside of that is rare.
Thats just funny, the thing is most debuff sets on a fast moving team most people wont notice the effects they only tend to notice the buffs.

Most of the time they will all come in handy, not to mention the amount of lock downs on a entire mob that you will get.

With the 2 hold procs and poison trap you can pretty much lock down every mob, add in a trollers primary sets holds then it will be crazy.

I myself cant wait to play Ill/traps - with so many ways to take the alpha and lock down mobs along with the -res that will help PA do more damage it will just be crazy.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
...Here are my plans:

I21: Fire/Poison, Earth/Poison, Plant/Poison, Illusion/Poison
Later: Fire/Traps, Earth/Traps, Plant/Traps
Later: Fire/Dark, Gravity/Dark, Plant/Dark, Illusion/Dark...
Illusion/Dark has long since been my dream of dreams in the City.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



I like traps, though it's look is quite different from most controller sets, much more gadget oriented, I can't come up with a ??/Traps controller theme off the top of my head.

However the brilliance of traps is for a large part contained in the seemingly modest Caltrops power, per second ticks of auto-hit damage(though resists still work) a per tick application of a crippling slow that can be slotted with the proc-set for more damage ticks, and a fear effect that (can't be enhanced, but) gets worse the longer a mob stays on the caltrops, it even works on bosses if they stay on long enough.

I love caltrops.



Originally Posted by Zwets View Post
I like traps, though it's look is quite different from most controller sets, much more gadget oriented, I can't come up with a ??/Traps controller theme off the top of my head.
Illusion/Traps: Special effects guy turned superhero/villain; like the Marvel villain Mysterio.

Plant/Traps: Mad scientist with gadgets and genetically engineered plant life. DC's Poison Ivy with more hardware.

Earth/Traps: "You cannot defeat Doctor Quake, mwhahahahaha! Give in to my demands, or Paragon will be reduced to rubble by my earthquake machines!!""

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth