Another reason Trials Fail




Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
I've seen this attitude before, from squishies of all types (not just MMs), that if they die it's somehow the melee's fault. I personally know someone in a global channel I frequent who thinks that it is the job of melee characters to babysit squishies (the same person scoffs at high defense builds on squishies - I wonder why? ) Players who blame other players for their own deaths are the worst incompetents.
So I go in with my blaster and hunt for grenades and acids just fine. I die occasionally sure, but it's on a 50 so who really cares. That said there are also things I'd much prefer to build for on her than defense, and while I'd never get upset over a stalker or scrapper not holding aggro on something like an AV I do get annoyed when I team with a tanker who can't whold aggro(which has happened).

I wouldn't complain anywhere but maybe tells to friends though.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Wow. That pales in comparison to me asking in League chat who the player "Nova Fist" was.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
People think too high and mighty of themselves sometimes.
No, it's just that it's not funny, it's dumb. The first time or two I saw a cutscene crashed (back in ITF days), I thought it was clever. Then everyone and their brother started doing it. "Oh, look. Another cutscene crasher."

It's like a rickroll. Five or six years ago, it was amusing. Now, it's so old that it's lame. What's next, knock-knock jokes? At least with those, there's a punchline.

Also, there's the little fact that some of us actually like to watch the cutscenes. I know, a lot of you are jaded of the trials, but since I don't play them 10 times a day, I actually don't see them very often. What you're doing is irritating because you're basically talking while someone else is trying to watch television. Personally, I hope that at some point, the devs actually auto-suppress all player models to be invisible and silence all chat during cutscenes.

I had no idea that crashing a cutscene could actually cause a failure of the trial. Add me to the camp of people for /kicking people who do it.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
The two instances that I've seen that the person just ran into the cutscene because they saw other people doing it on previous runs. They didn't realize that the trial failed if Marauder ran out of the complex. So can certainly understand running the wrong way .
I honestly didn't know that was possible, or I'd have been nowhere near him. That said, he didn't aggro me, and we didn't have any trouble finishing. That was my first -and I'm pretty sure my last- time doing so. I can't see why there'd be a reason to do it more than once, anyway.

@Murphy's Lawyer
@Murphy's 2nd Law



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I can't understand why anyone is bothered about dying anyway? It's not like there's a long corpse-run or negative XP or whatever. It's trivial.


EXACTLY you win an all expenses paid trip to Kings Row. LOL sorry our budget is pretty small.

The only players that can even enter any of the trials are 50 levels.. There is no reason to worry about dying anymore since you are at the highest level you can ever attain. Now I am not saying you shouldn't resist death as much as possible since a live team mate that can fire off attacks, buffs, debuffs, etc is much more useful than one laying face down of the floor. But an attitude of "I won't even try that part cause I'll just end up dead" in my opinion STINKS.

There were plenty of Defenders, Controllers and other "Squishy" AT on the league in question but they all headed inside and did the best they could. As I mentioned the Tank I was playing was on her first ever Lambda and only her 2nd Trial .. Not a single level shift so she was at a -4 disadvantage and died 3 or 4 times during that same trial but as soon as i rezzed in the hospital i rushed back, passing the MM that refused to help, on the way. I never decided I'll just hang around out here while you +3 types finsih up in there.. I went back and added my damage to the mix until we had all the acids and grenades.

The MM in question was nothing more than a leech, as one of the other team members pointed out, happy to stand around outside waiting to dance in the cut scene rather while the rest of us did the work. I loved his comment after he managed to make the trial fail...

"I had NO idea!" Really? You didn't see any of the warnings about the trial failing if Maurader leaves the compound? On ANY of the Lamdbas you have been on? And Since you knew exactly where to stand so you'd be in the cut scene don't even think about saying you never did one before. He's on any number of peoples lists at this point and I am sure word will spread and he wont have to worry about dying on the Lambda anymore.. cause he'll be hard pressed to find anyone that will invite him to join one.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
No, it's just that it's not funny, it's dumb. The first time or two I saw a cutscene crashed (back in ITF days), I thought it was clever. Then everyone and their brother started doing it. "Oh, look. Another cutscene crasher."

It's like a rickroll. Five or six years ago, it was amusing. Now, it's so old that it's lame. What's next, knock-knock jokes? At least with those, there's a punchline.

Also, there's the little fact that some of us actually like to watch the cutscenes. I know, a lot of you are jaded of the trials, but since I don't play them 10 times a day, I actually don't see them very often. What you're doing is irritating because you're basically talking while someone else is trying to watch television. Personally, I hope that at some point, the devs actually auto-suppress all player models to be invisible and silence all chat during cutscenes.

I had no idea that crashing a cutscene could actually cause a failure of the trial. Add me to the camp of people for /kicking people who do it.
One of the few times I agree with TonyV.

On the Lambda trials I lead I announce ahead of time no cut scene crashing or you get kicked. And I explain why, that it can cause the trial to insta fail.

I've kicked A LOT of folks since I started leading Lambdas.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Not to mention the cutscene bomber who wasn't stealthed enough meaning that Marauder 'saw' him and so he ran *out* of the courtyard with Marauder in tow and thus auto-failing the whole iTrial for everyone.
Explained it better than I did.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<Votes to kick the Tanker/Scrapper/Brute who runs up to Nightstar or Siege who *is already being successfully pulled* and then slows them down with a Taunt, cause, you know, THEY HAVE RANGED ATTACKS AND WILL **STOP** TO ATTACK YOU!!!>

<Votes to kick the Ranged Attacker who hits Marauder from a distance to 'pull him' while we're all buffing up causing his entire spawn to stretch out across the entire courtyard ensuring a lengthy and chaotic battle instead of INSTA-KILLING THE WHOLE FREAKIN' SPAWN WITH 24 JUDGEMENT ATTACKS IN 2 SECONDS!!!>
I understand kicking someone who through malicious behaviour causes a trial to fail.
I don't understand kicking someone who only lowered run efficiency in a trial.
...Unless the leader advertised it as "high efficiency speed trial run, follow my instructions exactly or be kicked", or the like.
Why not advertising your runs as such in the future?
It will be win-win: they don't get kicked, you don't get headaches.

"Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." -- Plato

Playing Gods (51106) - Heroic Lvl 5-20
What Rough Beast (255143) - Villainous Lvl 40-50



Just to keep this rolling a bit so that maybe someone will learn from it and stop the Cut Scene nonsense let me relate another FAILED lambda I was on a while ago..

Everything went well until we defeated the Security Guard. I was on a blaster and the league leader assigned our team, team 2, to grenades. We headed in and when 3 of us got to the first container someone attacked so I launched my attacks to cover my team mates. Now WHY anyone would attack a mob designed to challenge an 8 manteam with only 3 I don't know but I am not the type to stand back and watch my team mates die. Short version .. the trios consisted of 2 blasters and a controller.. we all ended up dead.

Now as we are laying there i am wondering where the heck everyone else is and I zoom out on my mini map to discover there are 4 of us in the warehouse and we are all dead. I head to the hospital and send out a message "why are there only 4 people in the warehouse?" The league leader instructs players from team 2 to get to the right side. I head back in and discover 4 or 5 players now scattered all over the map and most are dead or dying.. worse.. the dead ones are not hosping they seem to be waiting for someone to tp and rez them. team one seems to be having trouble with the whole work as a TEAM concept to and eventually time runs out with 10 acids and exactly 2 grenades recovered.

Okay things are going to be tough but not undoable we just need to close the portals and Not AGGRO Maurader until we have more nades. While Team one is closing portals I even say in league chat don't aggro the AV until we are ready.

Oh did I Mention that once again after dying repeatedly TRYING to get grenades there were three members of team 1 in the cut scene? Yeah apparently they saw no need for pacifying Maurader it was more fun to disco in the mini movie.

I don't think i had my warning not to aggro Maurader for more than a few seconds before all of his support troops and Maurder himself were attacking us. The BRILLIANT trio that just had to dance with the AV managed to aggro him trying to get back to us and pulled everything down on top of us.

People were dying left and right and suddenly things got worse.. the acid team hadn't closed more than 5 portals and reinforcements were pouring in and heading straight for us. We couldn't get to the weapon drops to grab grenades because we couldn't stay alive long enough. People started to quit when it became obvious we couldn't win.... including some of the ones that had the remaining acids. We were down to about 4 minutes left and half the team was gone , we had NO more grenades than when we first left the facility and still had five protals open. Last post i saw from the leader before I quit after my 10th death was "Okay lets let the timer run out and start over and try to figure out where we went wrong"

Where we went wrong? What did we do right? LOL

1. Teams did not pay attention and do what they were assigned to do.. 12 players on acids is 4 TOO MANY.

2. After being instructed to get where they belonged most players did head to the rigth spot but on both sidesit seemed like no one payed attention to the "STAY TOGETHER INSIDE SO YOU SURVIVE" speech the leader gave before we even entered the Queue. We had 2 players here, and 2 there spread out all over the map. No one had enough damage to be effective and some players either didn't pay attention when they were told to HOSP. or decided to just lay there and collect IXP or whatever rather then go rez and come back.

3. Of course three players just HAD to be in the cut scene instead of helping out with grenades. Which only added to our problems.

4. Same trio managed to pull everything down on top of us long before we were ready to fight. Result was we never got more grenades and couldn't even get the other portals closed.. so more and more reinforcments joined the blood bath.

Now obviously on the MESS of a trial the three guys in the cut scene were by no means the only problem. If anyone had done their assigned task inside we'd have had all the acids and grenades and would have been fine. BUT even with the mess up inside we still had a chance UNTIL out three man disco squad managed to pull every bad guy within a mile down on top of us while we were still organizing.

If your reading through this thread you may have noticed not a single person has argued that being in the CS isn't a big deal. You have seen that many leaders WILL outright tell you upfront "I see your face in Maurader's Cut Scene and i will kick you" So for goodness sake take the hint.. IT IS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE so stop being idiots and stay the heck off camera. Use that time to do something constuctive.. like OHHHH I dont know.. HELP YOUR TEAM!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I think every trial is different. If the league is blowing through it, and the cutscene-bombers helped their team get the nades/acids, and the other team is not struggling on their end, I don't really care. Still:

1. If you finish getting nades/acids, and the other team still has a ways to go to get theirs, you go and help them. If you end up in a cutscene you should be kicked.

2. If you never help, and spend the whole time waiting for the cutscene to pop, then obviously you should be kicked. This one's a little harder to figure though. When I'm running through getting nades/acids, I'm not usually checking where everyone is at, unless we start making a lot of hosp trips.

3. If the leader says no bombing beforehand, then don't be stupid. Honestly though, I rarely see leaders give out this particular command. Maybe more should.

I think the assumption is cutscene-bombers don't help, but that's not always true. Still, I can understand why people get annoyed, and there are certainly some people who seem more interested in doing that than actually helping the trial. But you note those players and you move on.

@Murphy's Lawyer
@Murphy's 2nd Law



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Anyone refusing to help the team need to be kicked at once.
Every once in a while you post pure wisdom. This is one of those times.

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I don't reallythink getting caught in the cutscene with a league possessing 19 out of the 20 temp powers is reason to kick anyone. By the time you zone back in the door and catch up to teammates, the objectives will long have been over. Ive been caught in it twice running back from the hospital, both times i assumed the "at ease" emote and waited it out.

The more important issue to me is people not opening that damn door behind Marauder. DONT OPEN THAT DOOR, he runs nowhere and potential problem solved! WHY do people feel this insatiable need to open that door?!

People who refuse to hosp deserve an instant kick.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I don't reallythink getting caught in the cutscene with a league possessing 19 out of the 20 temp powers is reason to kick anyone. By the time you zone back in the door and catch up to teammates, the objectives will long have been over. Ive been caught in it twice running back from the hospital, both times i assumed the "at ease" emote and waited it out.

The more important issue to me is people not opening that damn door behind Marauder. DONT OPEN THAT DOOR, he runs nowhere and potential problem solved! WHY do people feel this insatiable need to open that door?!

People who refuse to hosp deserve an instant kick.
Because it's the path into the facility. Sure, you can jump over or fly, but presuming people don't freaking cutscene bomb it's not a big deal.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now WHY anyone would attack a mob designed to challenge an 8 manteam with only 3 I don't know
To be fair, some people can solo those spawns. I can do it on my earth/rad if all my powers are charged. I can also do it on my scrapper. Both of them are fully level-shifted.

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