Another reason Trials Fail




For the most part it's actually pretty hard to fail a trial with a decent group of players. I have done the Keyes island trial 4 times and even when it felt like no one had a clue what was going on and the whole thing felt like a Cluster (insert expletive deleted of your choice) we managed to pull through and get a mission complete and all our Astrals and Empyreans.

And then there are the missions like the Lamdba I just left...

Everything started out fine. We cleared the streets outside, wiped out the courtyard, eliminated the turrent and defeated the Security guard. Then the glowies stage began....

[League] Tia Anker: why are there only 4 of us on nades [I asked this question after the 4 of us died taking out a weapons cache]
[League] XXOOOOO: cause I die if I go in there
[League] TM 03 Then die
[League] TM 03 It's better tan being a coward
[League] TM 03: Or, you know, a team leach ^_^
[League] XXOOOOO: uhm... no... just dieing, to get up, to die, is really quite pointless
[League] XXOOOOO: and uses a lot of insp
[League] Tia Anker: really and what if we all felt that way
[League] XXOOOOO if I was a tank, and I was planning on running and leaveing the squishy healer behind, I wouldn't care
[League] XXOOOOO: if the tanks really cared, they would out run us squishy guys
[League] XXOOOOOO: but seeing as how you might
need a res in a min, you'll be glad I'm there

For the record I died 3 times while located and detroying weapons crates for grenades and not Once did this clown tp me and rez me.. he was outside and had no idea if anyone was alive or dead. Plus everyone knows the hospital is in zone and has a combat nurse.. why let someone rez you when you can hit the hospital and resupply?

I was on my WP/DB Tanker Tia Anker the other names are switched to protect the innocent along with the guilty. XOOOO is a 50 level MM that was standing outside at the entrance where Maurader appears long before any team had completed its task. As you can see he felt it wasn't his responsibility to help with nades or Acids since he'd just die. Now I have done countless trials at this point on everything from an MM to a defender to a controller , a Crab spiders, a Widow, and my other Tank. I never just refused to go inside and hunt for glowies even if I knew it meant frequent trips to the hospital.. I figured if the mob was busy killing me maybe someone else was able to destroy the weapons container or containment chamber so we had more temps to play with.. That's called being a good team mate. Anyway despite our MM we managed to get all of the nades and acids and then....

[League] LL : Leave one or two Portals open till we get our bonus merit
[League] TM 01: WTH
[League] TM 02: You a__hole
[League] XXOOOO: think I'ma go drown myself in a bucket now
[League] Tia Anker: yeah that really helps me get merits to slot this toon I just started trials with her
[League] TM 02 Why weren't you helping us break stuff anyways? Why were you up here?
[League] LL : *sigh*
[League] Squad 0 Commander: seriously had no idea, really really sorry
[League] LL: We'll go again

Can you guess what that is a response to? Yeah the very same MM who refused to DIE to help out and spent the entire time waiting to dance, WITH HIS MINONS, in the cut scene managed to aggro Marauder and before we could even get outside and shut a single portal the trial failed because Maurader chased either him or his pets out the entrance. So not only did our so called HERO refuse to help out cause he'd just die and use a lot on inspirations up [you are a 50 level and the hospital is IN ZONE. If buying a few new inspirations sets you back that much you need to go run a few kill all ITFs and leave the trials to those of us that can afford to be here .. a catch a breath costs a whole 50 INF Sheesh] but he turned right around and cause they trial to fail so he could see his Avatar dancing behind Maurader in the cut scene [Just so those not already aware know.. that has stopped being cute a LONG LONG time ago and all you do is identify yourself as a selfish jerk instead of a good team mate].. BTW while I totally agree with that last statement I am just repeating what someone else said to a couple guys that HAD to boogy with Maurader in a different Lambda I was on recently. Its not just MY opinion its one that a number of players share and after today I am sure a few more joined the ranks.

You want a simple easy guide to a successful trial (any of them) okay...

1. PAY ATTENTION if the League leader says pull to the Norht wall on a BAF then get to the North wall and wait for the tank to bring the AV to you.

2. DO WHAT YOUR TOLD If you are assigned to the warehouse to find grenades on a LAMBDA don't go to the Lab and find acids cause you don;t like the other side or its too laggy there. I have been on lambda where 12 people were after acids and 4 were on nades .. and three of US, me included, were blasters.. Guess how many pacification grenades we sound up with? ( ZERO)

3. LEARN TO COUNT TO THREE and RECOGNIZE ALL THREE OF THOSE NUMBERS. I cant count how many times I have been on a BAF and the leader says Team 1 to North choke point, 2 and 3 SOUTH.. and a minute or less later team leaders from 2 and 3 are yelling at members to get them to the right side... HERE LET ME HELP YOU .. 1 <----this is a one 2 <----this is a two and 3 <----this is a three.

4. MOST TRIALS ONLY LAST A MAXIMUM OF ONE HOUR and are usually done much faster.. FOR 30 MINUTES TRY THINKING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE BESIDES YOURSELF. Even if you don't manage to aggro the AV and cost the whole league by making the mission fail. There is nothing I personally find more annoying than dying with one of my squishies repeated while trying to get acids or nades and then after all of them are located discovering 4-5 members of the team that finished first goofying around behind and even in front of Maurader in the cut scene. Especially after the League Leader, and thier team leader specifically said to go help the other team. Makes me feel like I just died about 4 -5 times for their amusement. I NEVER do it myself and have always rushed to the other side when my team finished first.

I particularly love the MM's comments about tanks since I was on one during that mission. I was ahead of the team for the first 3 Weapons Containers sure.. They followed me to where it was because I KNEW where they all were and I attacked first so I absorbed the ALPHA strike instead of any squishy. And I had no level shifts as all since this Tanl only has a tier 2 ion Alpha and in Destiny so far. I BOUGHT IXP to open all the powers but have only had enough to slot those two so far. So my 50 (+0) tank was tanking hits from level 54s and this MM is yapping to me about dying. I was in the hospital 3 times and passed him twice on the way back in to DIE again HELPING my team.

Okay I needed that rant after that mission LOL

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Yeah the very same MM who refused to DIE to help out and spent the entire time waiting to dance, WITH HIS MINONS, in the cut scene managed to aggro Marauder and before we could even get outside and shut a single portal the trial failed because Maurader chased either him or his pets out the entrance.
Well, this is what player ratings and notes are good for - ensuring that you never team with that jerk again.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. I think the quote above sums up pretty nicely at least part of my desire to avoid running too many trials though.



Should have votekicked him when he did the "I'm waiting out here so I don't die" bit.

That said, I've seen dance accidents happen, and I tend to let it slide if the person doesn't know better, but the prior comment just makes them not worth the effort imo.

Perhaps if it was I'm waiting out here because I always LD on those maps, I'd be sympathetic.

Let's Dance!



Right after defeating the Security Guard, the league leader should make the announcement "If I see you in the Marauder cut scene, I will kick you immediately"

Justice Server
Global: @Abraxxus



Vote to Kick is great..he would have been gone.
Every Lam I have formed, I specifically tell people before the EB, if anyone goes to dance in the cut scene, you get kicked. Only time I wont kick someone is if they happen to be running back from the hospital. I dont care if a persons team finishes their bit while the other is at 9/ STILL attempt to help.
Naturally, I always wait until said lazy person has used their temp powers before booting them.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Anyone refusing to help the team need to be kicked at once.



Do what you are told sums up things quite well.

One caveat - Be sure you orders are clear. I've been on Trials were we failed because people didn't understand what the people barking orders where saying. Also, make sure people know who the leaders are, and make sure those leaders all know what their roles are. Having contradictory orders is a great way to fail.

A rather embarrassing failure came when, on a Lambda, the leaders gave orders based on a map he had of where the grenades and acids may spawn in. He (?) gave some very specific instructions, that completely confused many others who did not have that map (myself included.)

It only got worse when our team leader used Grant Invisibility on our teams, and told us to just go for the acids - which was a real issue, because while I had no idea what the directions that Leaders barked out meant, I did know that our team (team 3) was supposed to concentrate on Grenades.

Yeah, this trial was a fiasco from start to finish, and I can't say the inevitable loss was a surprise.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
[League] XXOOOOO if I was a tank, and I was planning on running and leaveing the squishy healer behind, I wouldn't care
[League] XXOOOOO: if the tanks really cared, they would out run us squishy guys
[League] XXOOOOOO: but seeing as how you might
need a res in a min, you'll be glad I'm there
I've seen this attitude before, from squishies of all types (not just MMs), that if they die it's somehow the melee's fault. I personally know someone in a global channel I frequent who thinks that it is the job of melee characters to babysit squishies (the same person scoffs at high defense builds on squishies - I wonder why? ) Players who blame other players for their own deaths are the worst incompetents.



Originally Posted by Abraxxus View Post
Right after defeating the Security Guard, the league leader should make the announcement "If I see you doing any emote in the Marauder cut scene, I will kick you immediately"

On my 1st or 2nd trial I got caught in the background (turning the corner from the road onto the bridge) whilst superspeeding back from hospital. It's not right to kick immediately for accidentally being in the cutscene whilst doing their best to participate fully.

Anyone caught doing any emote in the cutscene is obviously a different matter.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I can't understand why anyone is bothered about dying anyway? It's not like there's a long corpse-run or negative XP or whatever. It's trivial.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I can't understand why anyone is bothered about dying anyway? It's not like there's a long corpse-run or negative XP or whatever. It's trivial.
<Dons old-style debt flat cap>
Back when I were't lad we had real debt - permadebt - not this nansy-pansy thing the kids call debt nowadays.

An' we 'ad no fancy-smancy patrol xp to remove it.

Kids today. Don't know they're born.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I can't understand why anyone is bothered about dying anyway? It's not like there's a long corpse-run or negative XP or whatever. It's trivial.
I can't speak for everyone, but personally, it's the defeat. In a purely mechanical, numbers, sense, it is at worst an annoying delay in which a foe might regenerate some. But if you've invested anything in a character, a defeat is a defeat — an indication that this battle was, in principle, lost.

I don't think anyone expects to win every fight. Repeated defeats though are demoralising: it is as if the game world is saying, in a city of superheroes, you're not super enough. Lingering debt is just squeezing lemon juice on the paper-cut.



I have no problem calling people out if they decide to stand out during the warehouse/lab part of Lambda so they can be "on spot" to crash the cut scene.

At least now we have the ability to begin a vote to kick.



Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post

On my 1st or 2nd trial I got caught in the background (turning the corner from the road onto the bridge) whilst superspeeding back from hospital. It's not right to kick immediately for accidentally being in the cutscene whilst doing their best to participate fully.

Anyone caught doing any emote in the cutscene is obviously a different matter.
I laughed when someone called me a leecher because I was doing a emote in the cut scene. Nevermind the fact the other team only had 1 crate to go before I even got in position

It's one thing if people are just out there for the whole duration for the vast majority if not the entire gathering phase, it's another when you're pretty much inside for the whole thing and obviously the other team didn't need help. People think too high and mighty of themselves sometimes.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I laughed when someone called me a leecher because I was doing a emote in the cut scene. Nevermind the fact the other team only had 1 crate to go before I even got in position

It's one thing if people are just out there for the whole duration for the vast majority if not the entire gathering phase, it's another when you're pretty much inside for the whole thing and obviously the other team didn't need help. People think too high and mighty of themselves sometimes.
It's all fun and games until someone accidentally runs the wrong way.

Have had that happen too many times, now I don't personally blame folks for it, it's an accident, I just prefer that they don't get into that situation in the first place.

Let's Dance!



Last night we had 4 people in lab, 3 squishies and a brute, and we were running out of time. The clock got under one minute while we desperately tried to get enough acids. I got caught in some unfriendly fire, and died, leaving only 3. I raced to the hospital...

And I saw 3 people standing in the door and 3 people in the cutscene spot.

Me: <name1>, <name2>, <name3>, help in lab, you three
Me: also the 3 @$$holes in the cutscene
Me: we need help in lab, stop slacking
League Leader: be nice, leandro. i figured they'd have the last one before we could get there

Two of the players in the cutscene moved to help, but one of them just stayed there without giving a darn. This is why I have a strict "you're goofing around in the cutscene, you're kicked" policy, and I announce it clearly. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by reiella View Post
It's all fun and games until someone accidentally runs the wrong way.

Have had that happen too many times, now I don't personally blame folks for it, it's an accident, I just prefer that they don't get into that situation in the first place.
I'd be confused if someone told me they ran the wrong way o.O It's like, how do you botch running forward?

I guess I'm spoiled because I've yet to fail any Trials.

Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Last night we had 4 people in lab, 3 squishies and a brute, and we were running out of time. The clock got under one minute while we desperately tried to get enough acids. I got caught in some unfriendly fire, and died, leaving only 3. I raced to the hospital...

And I saw 3 people standing in the door and 3 people in the cutscene spot.

Me: <name1>, <name2>, <name3>, help in lab, you three
Me: also the 3 @$$holes in the cutscene
Me: we need help in lab, stop slacking
League Leader: be nice, leandro. i figured they'd have the last one before we could get there

Two of the players in the cutscene moved to help, but one of them just stayed there without giving a darn. This is why I have a strict "you're goofing around in the cutscene, you're kicked" policy, and I announce it clearly.
I just don't agree w/ the "kick you for being in the cutscene" notion, but given good reason, like the situation you were in, it's more than justified for wanting to kick the people who were purposely being slackers.



<Votes to kick the Tanker/Scrapper/Brute who runs up to Nightstar or Siege who *is already being successfully pulled* and then slows them down with a Taunt, cause, you know, THEY HAVE RANGED ATTACKS AND WILL **STOP** TO ATTACK YOU!!!>

<Votes to kick the Ranged Attacker who hits Marauder from a distance to 'pull him' while we're all buffing up causing his entire spawn to stretch out across the entire courtyard ensuring a lengthy and chaotic battle instead of INSTA-KILLING THE WHOLE FREAKIN' SPAWN WITH 24 JUDGEMENT ATTACKS IN 2 SECONDS!!!>

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Last night we had 4 people in lab, 3 squishies and a brute, and we were running out of time. The clock got under one minute while we desperately tried to get enough acids. I got caught in some unfriendly fire, and died, leaving only 3. I raced to the hospital...

And I saw 3 people standing in the door and 3 people in the cutscene spot.

Me: <name1>, <name2>, <name3>, help in lab, you three
Me: also the 3 @$$holes in the cutscene
Me: we need help in lab, stop slacking
League Leader: be nice, leandro. i figured they'd have the last one before we could get there

Two of the players in the cutscene moved to help, but one of them just stayed there without giving a darn. This is why I have a strict "you're goofing around in the cutscene, you're kicked" policy, and I announce it clearly.
I like the way you think.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
I'd be confused if someone told me they ran the wrong way o.O It's like, how do you botch running forward?

I guess I'm spoiled because I've yet to fail any Trials.
The two instances that I've seen that the person just ran into the cutscene because they saw other people doing it on previous runs. They didn't realize that the trial failed if Marauder ran out of the complex. So can certainly understand running the wrong way .

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<Votes to kick the Tanker/Scrapper/Brute who runs up to Nightstar or Siege who *is already being successfully pulled* and then slows them down with a Taunt, cause, you know, THEY HAVE RANGED ATTACKS AND WILL **STOP** TO ATTACK YOU!!!>
Heh, I can see that happening depending on the area with Siege. Since the pull for Siege -> Courts can result in de-aggro. And well, more specifically with Siege, folks get restless and try to grab the adds.

Not saying it's not annoying , just saying I can understand that a bit more .

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
<Votes to kick the Tanker/Scrapper/Brute who runs up to Nightstar or Siege who *is already being successfully pulled* and then slows them down with a Taunt, cause, you know, THEY HAVE RANGED ATTACKS AND WILL **STOP** TO ATTACK YOU!!!>

<Votes to kick the Ranged Attacker who hits Marauder from a distance to 'pull him' while we're all buffing up causing his entire spawn to stretch out across the entire courtyard ensuring a lengthy and chaotic battle instead of INSTA-KILLING THE WHOLE FREAKIN' SPAWN WITH 24 JUDGEMENT ATTACKS IN 2 SECONDS!!!>
I'd agree to that. More than often when we're told "ONE TANK PULL NIGHTSTAR/SIEGE TO SPAWN POINTS!" (sees 3 other people run off). *facepalm*

The Ranged Attacker needs to be slapped in the back of his head.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
The two instances that I've seen that the person just ran into the cutscene because they saw other people doing it on previous runs. They didn't realize that the trial failed if Marauder ran out of the complex. So can certainly understand running the wrong way .
Ah, okay, definitely see that happening. Sometimes trying too hard doesn't work out so well :3



I'm a blaster and I have no problem taking point on Acids or Nades. I know where they all are, and I can usually get through at least half of them before my insp runs out, and that's if the team is split. I've done plenty where I've gone all the way through with no trouble. Being a squishy is no excuse. He was a poor player, period.

I'll admit I recently cutscene-bombed maurader, but that's after getting all 10 nades, and the other team had 9 acids, with 8 mins to go, I figured they had it under control, and I thought it would make a good screenshot

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