Will it still be, y'know, fun?




The F2P change has generated a lot of comments already. But I'm not sure a central question has been addressed: will making the game F2P keep the fun?

I've been playing for 7 years. I stay because I love the game and because you guys are fun to team with. Really, if I wanted to solo all the time there are plenty of FPS games on other platforms. Right now, we are all on an even footing, we pay because it's the only way to play. But what happens when that changes?

I worry that if I play on the F2P servers, I will (A) get trashed by rude people, (B) play with people who aren't very experienced or that interested in the game, or (C) only play with people who have a minimal commitment and will log out after the first team wipe: "this game sux kthnxby"

On the other hand, on the VIP server, I worry that (A) teammates will not tolerate any casual attitudes or gameplay errors: after all, they are paying to be there, and/or (B) the only teams will be level 50s grinding out the latest and greatest Trials for the Incarnate powers.

Neither of these options falls into the "fun" category for me.

My wife only plays intermittently now, so I bet she will want to go to F2P status. But I know that if she logs in 4 months from now to find out she can only play 2 of her characters, she will not be happy. If she finds out she can't play with me because all my "good" characters are on the VIP server, that will be bad too.

Are these legitimate concerns?

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



I think all you can do is wait and see. Honestly, though, I see your A, B, and C concerns happen in the game often enough now (not to mention your VIP A and B).

Some people have had good experiences in F2P games (myself among them), others not so much. So bottom line is no one knows (although whichever group turns out to be right will claim they knew all along and be insufferable).

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



As a past subscriber, your wife will be a "Premium" player.

That means that she'll almost certainly have access to more than two characters, though equally likely that she won't have access to all of them if she is an altoholic.

As for your other concerns - You will encounter them to some degree, yes. It will almost certainly NOT be to a degree that makes you unhappy, any more than the current game's resident nimrods make you unhappy.

In the end, don't worry. Things will proceed as they proceed. The only answer to your concerns is "wait and see". My personal experience with freemium MMO's is that such fears tend to be much larger than any actual problems.



I think to a large extent it will be up to you, not to the other players. Whatever attitude you take into it will color your perception of the change, for good or ill.

I've gone through the same change in another MMO and am still having a blast. It has not changed for me. Yet I see other posters who play that same MMO comment that F2P "ruined" the game for them.

The only examples of seen of this "ruining" are things I've seen from day one of the game (non-lore character names, players not knowing how to play their ATs, etc.). None of this is new in the least, though there is greater volume -- because there are more players. If any game has an explosion of players -- subbed or F2P -- you'd see exactly the same thing.

My advice would be that until you actually do experience something mindnumbingly negative, just play as you have always played and you'll probably still have fun. If you go into it looking for negatives, you'll find them, whether it's really any different or not.



.... will making the game F2P keep the fun?
I think there will still be Fun to be had…

I worry that if I play on the F2P servers, I will (A) get trashed by rude people, (B) play with people who aren't very experienced or that interested in the game, or (C) only play with people who have a minimal commitment and will log out after the first team wipe: "this game sux kthnxby"
There is a level of all of that now. You will still have the tools to /Ignore them in addition to not being able to receive /tells from them. With F2P having limited access to chat, create a Key Bind for a /ignore $Target... to save you some keystrokes if it gets too bad.

On the other hand, on the VIP server, I worry that (A) teammates will not tolerate any casual attitudes or gameplay errors: after all, they are paying to be there, and/or (B) the only teams will be level 50s grinding out the latest and greatest Trials for the Incarnate powers.
Don’t get your expectations on too high of a horse… There has been comments from players saying that they will Create a new Character “IF” they go to the VIP server Just to be able to make new friends. But still there are many things that F2P will not have access to so they won’t be that much of a bother in many areas…

My wife only plays intermittently now, so I bet she will want to go to F2P status. But I know that if she logs in 4 months from now to find out she can only play 2 of her characters, she will not be happy. If she finds out she can't play with me because all my "good" characters are on the VIP server, that will be bad too.
Maybe it could be bad for you… but if you keep the sub up, things may just work out… for you.

Are these legitimate concerns?
Only if you allow your expectations to overshadow your fun factor.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



The very low levels may suck for a while, but if you see any freedom player who has stuck with one of their two characters past level 20 then I think it might be likely that they have a genuine interest in playing the game just like any other of the new players that have been consistently joining this game.



Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
I worry that if I play on the F2P servers, I will (A) get trashed by rude people, (B) play with people who aren't very experienced or that interested in the game, or (C) only play with people who have a minimal commitment and will log out after the first team wipe: "this game sux kthnxby"

On the other hand, on the VIP server, I worry that (A) teammates will not tolerate any casual attitudes or gameplay errors: after all, they are paying to be there, and/or (B) the only teams will be level 50s grinding out the latest and greatest Trials for the Incarnate powers.

Neither of these options falls into the "fun" category for me.

Are these legitimate concerns?
IMO, no, they are not legitimate concerns. There will still be global channels on the non-VIP servers, and they will work the same way they do now, so you'll have plenty of opportunity to team with experienced people who are committed to the game through them.

As for the VIP server - people who subscribe to this game for the first time tomorrow will have access to the VIP Server, so it will not be populated only by 5, 6, or 7 year Vets - there will be plenty of newbies on it too. Anyone who does not tolerate mistakes or casual gameplay in the future is probably someone who wouldn't tolerate it now because they are paying for access to any server they're on today.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



It should be fun. And you can safely ignore the one lonely VIP server if you want. I don't actually expect that many players will rush over there. Some will but most... Meh they will stay happily on their existing server.

As for attitudes, you get some people being self righteous no matter what. Ignore them it is better for your blood pressure.

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Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
As for the VIP server - people who subscribe to this game for the first time tomorrow will have access to the VIP Server,
Wait.... What?

Mind going into more details... about that?

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
Wait.... What?

Mind going into more details... about that?
Basically they are adding 1 brand new shiny server with the release of COH:Freedom.

If you are subscribed, ie are VIP, you can create characters on the server and play on it.

If you are not subscribed you can't create characters or play characters that are on it. Though you can use a transfer token to transfer a character from it to any other server.

That is basically it.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Personally, I worry more about the game reaching into my pocket and how that will impact my fun. Flat subscription games have no need to advertise their latest greatest to me in-game, because I'm already paying for it. F2P games, even ones I'm already paying for, want me to pay even more, and so constantly remind me of the "incentive" to spend more money. I have a severe dislike of TV commercials, and the commercials-equivalent in games doesn't make me any happier.

If Paragon Studios can make the transition such that I don't feel like the game constantly expects me to pay more than I am, there's a high chance that my fun won't be ruined. And if a game can keep me entertained, then I'm all the more willing to invest more money in it.

We'll see how that goes.


As far as "other people" ruining the game go, that's a myth. We've had new players, we've had idiot players, we've had snob players and we've had them since the game came out. This isn't going to change, not by very much, anyway.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
I worry that if I play on the F2P servers, I will (A) get trashed by rude people, (B) play with people who aren't very experienced or that interested in the game, or (C) only play with people who have a minimal commitment and will log out after the first team wipe: "this game sux kthnxby"
I left in April 2010 due to a new baby and only just returned on May 28th. In that time, I have (sadly) seen so much of your "A" and "C" in the game, and this is on my (always) server of choice: Virtue!

Two nights in a row, I got insulted in /tells and broadcast for asking for anyone who wanted to team-up to help with a mission that was, quite frankly, repeatedly kicking the tar out of me. The general responses were so insulting, I actually had memories of WoW all over again.

When I have been on a team, though it isn't due to wipes, I have not seen a single mission team stick together for more than 2 or 3 missions so far. Of course, this was a regular occurance before I left in 2010, so it hasn't changed in a year.

If anything, as a VIP, I think I will be avoiding the VIP-only server. At this point, I am looking forward to seeing some new blood in the game. Because after my experiences in the past 3 weeks, I was prepared to cancel CoH and simply nurture the fond memories of the community that used to be . . . .

Which is ironic, because my best friend of 21 years (I am 38, and he is 39 years old) had both started here in Beta, and both had to finally end for a time in early to mid 2010. Both of us came back, and both of us shared similar stories at my house the other night.

So, I can't imagine how F2P can be any worse than what we feel we came back to.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
That's not it... It's the Tomorrow line that got me...

Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
As for the VIP server - people who subscribe to this game for the first time tomorrow will have access to the VIP Server,

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
That's not it... It's the Tomorrow line that got me...
I believe the point was that VIP has nothing to do with being a veteran and everything to do with being a subscriber. If CoH:Freedom launched on July 1, then a brand new true newbie who subscribed on July 2 would get access to the VIP server.



Yes, as long as you're subscribed--no matter when you subscribe--you're a VIP player. Even if you were to start playing City of Heroes Freedom well after Freedom launches and you decide you'd like to upgrade to VIP status, once you become a VIP you can join the VIP server if you choose.



Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
I worry that if I play on the F2P servers, I will (A) get trashed by rude people, (B) play with people who aren't very experienced or that interested in the game, or (C) only play with people who have a minimal commitment and will log out after the first team wipe: "this game sux kthnxby"
I've already seen this NOW and you're concerned about it happening in the future?



I dunno, we have had the free trials for some time now for destructive twits who just want to long in and get "lols". how much more are we expecting the restrictive nature of what channels free players can post in to enable determined jerks that they cant already do? yeah there may be a short lived spurt of idiots that follows the new f2p caravan to defecate on as many games as their little brains can handle, but since another game is going f2p and has naked boobs and pvp griefing,n it in a roughly similar time frame, i expect that to hold their attention longer and for the unpleasantness to dry up about as quickly as it did the last few times we got waves of spammers and idiots.