's 6pm BST on Union...where's our invasion?




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Defending Primal Earth from a crazed god emperor and his invasion armies of fascist thugs and giant war robots isn't worth more than 20 minutes of your time?
I don't think you've quite got the hang of this whole hero thing yet
One attack every five minutes doesn't constitute defending anything. Nor does it add up to a heck of a lot of fun. I would very much like to be a hero, thanks, but so far the event isn't letting me.

I've never seen lag this bad in CoH.



It was better when i was in atlas since there were less people, i liked the rain of gm's. St.M though was murder could barely actiate powers.
Freitag is a funny dude.



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
+1. I don't see the need to test Freedom. That was unplayable on a basic level. Attacks could be timed in minutes and not seconds. Attack chains? You mean for the whole 3 hours? Rubberbanding was rather epic since I would rubberband 5 times on the same street and it was annoying even when you decided it wasn't worth and tried to leave. That was, in a word, brutal.
Different type of stress intention. They want to see the max concurrent population numbers, not the max number of characters in a small area.

This sort of event will stress the small area population far earlier.

I will say though, it's still not as bad as the lag was for me with the 5year event.

Let's Dance!



I tried to go to different zones, but had to go through my base, because the tram doors were not closing, or it would let me click on them but the game would hang and not go to the new zone.

I beat the lag by leveling one of my characters IN PRAETORIA. No lag there, haha.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Actually, it still does. They wanted us to try to break the server. Breaking it at 1000 players is just as useful to know as it would breaking it at their goal of 2500, or even higher.

All you have to do is log in to get the badge on the 27th, the actual Invasion part is just giving all those people something to do so the server actually gets its stress test.
What constitutes broken, though? As far as I'm concerned, 10+ seconds for powers to fire after pressing the button IS completely broken.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Ouch FF

I was there from the start to finish. (Felt it in my hands by all that clicking and activating powers )
Anyway the first hour or so for me was not that bad. It was not before they spawned down at the Docks that I got a pigg error. Had to do a complete restart of pc for that one.
Then got back and started fighting again, took some time before the pigg error happened (que 1 more)
However it was in the last hour that I began feeling the power lag and at the end it was bad. When the announcement that a rift is opening came up, I could not see any and we fought at that place for some time. I did another scan around and computer froze. (Must have been too many buffs and one tired little pc)

Lady Arete on Unionhandbook
My Excel Badge tool



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
What constitutes broken, though? As far as I'm concerned, 10+ seconds for powers to fire after pressing the button IS completely broken.
No, that's WAI for large raids.

At least I assume it must be, since they keep having these sort of large scale events even though they've always been laggy slideshows.

I spent 5 minutes in Talos on Virtue last night and just logged off once I saw how bad it was. Pointless, frustrating event is pointless and frustrating.



I joined in the Union one for about 15 mins in PI until I got bored of fighting War Walkers ad nauseum.

If I want to do that, I'll do the trials, at least that way I'm working towards my incarnate stuff.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



on Union i had unplayable lag in St M , but was ok in Atlas and Cap, then again very very bad lag in St M for the last bash the names. The server was fine in other zones, zero lag.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
What constitutes broken, though? As far as I'm concerned, 10+ seconds for powers to fire after pressing the button IS completely broken.
If you are in a non raid zone, or in an instance, I would definetly say it's broken. In a raid with 50 other heros, it's par for the course. Not ideal sure, but normal.



The lag, while bad in Atlas Park, was much less noticable once our league moved to PI-2.

Plus I got a few rare salvage drops so it's not a complete loss in my eyes.

Having said that I'm unsure if I'll join another invasion before the Freedom one. Getting badges for defeating the named Praetorians would have been a nice touch. But then again I can see that opening another can of worms. :-/

New and improved(?): @Changa

DIPLOMACY, n. The patriotic art of lying for one's country.
Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictionary



It was okay, the 12 shard drops I managed was nice too. but that did take 3 hours.

was only getting 1 or 2 seconds added activation time for most of it.



Red side went pretty well and fast yes.

But the lag at some points was incredible! 10 sec wait!? Neh.. sometimes much longer. Or simply not responding at all. I did notice that some powers where more lagfree then others.

I even saw my zombies stand still... and they where on aggressive and attacking. No idea if they did damage while I saw them standing still.

Lag as much as this I consider 'broken'! There is no way to play...

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I enjoyed it despite constantly crashing over and over. The amount of War Walkers first spawned in St. Martial combined with the amount of players that attacked them caused me to crash three times.

It got a little easier to handle when we moved to Cap though, especially when the Praetorians started attacking Mount Diable. I think it was somewhere near this point I remember messaging Beastyle to see if Emperor Cole himself would appear for tea and biscuits. But alas, I was told the whole event was beneath the Emperor's notice.

Username: @Royal
The Alien Tyrant, 357388: Stop the reign of an evil emperor!
Spawning Chaos, 469020: Form an army of Freaks, win the Freaklympics!
The Restarian Front, 363257: Stop the invasion of an alien fleet from another galaxy!



Originally Posted by Lady Arete View Post
I did another scan around and computer froze. (Must have been too many buffs and one tired little pc)
I figured this would happen to me if I stayed on. I see no reason to do something that is going to lock up my PC at some point.

Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
No, that's WAI for large raids.
Which is asinine on a fundamental level. It's the one thing about MMOs I don't understand. Let's do something that creates so much lag it's virtually unplayable and reward people for doing it. Yay?



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
No, that's WAI for large raids.
So let's see. MMO stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. The entire game is designed around large amounts of people playing it at once, and you somehow think it's acceptable for the game to crawl to almost a complete stop just because a few dozen players are in the same place?

Because I sure don't.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
There was an invasion on Union about...three hours ago.
I was on the tail end of some teaming in Kings Row with a nice group when the warnings came, an Atlas Park 2 instance was created and we all gathered there. War Walkers, robots and even saw a "Damz" floating around.

There will likely be more of them over the next while.

I do not float i hover

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