So you lost your Global....tell us your new one

Bull Throttle



A lot of us have lost our globals, for 75 months I've been @virtue but needless to say I'm not any more. So from now on I guess I'll be Virtue_EU. Could those of you who have had their globals pinched by our cousins across the pond leave your details here?



you must have missed the thread about this already going in the euro lounge part of the forums
like i said on there, mine got switched and here i was thinking mine wouldn't



Yeah, isn't it only the Euro players who got saddled with appendices to their names?

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by virtue View Post
A lot of us have lost our globals, for 75 months I've been @virtue but needless to say I'm not any more. So from now on I guess I'll be Virtue_EU. Could those of you who have had their globals pinched by our cousins across the pond leave your details here?
"Pinched"? I'm sorry that you had to go thru this Virtue but unless you are in a situation like Floating Fat Man and you had an NA account where you used that as your global name, then it isn't that hard to believe that an NA player chose that name for his own account first back in 2004 before the EU servers even launched.

And considering how often NA players complain about how hard it is to come up with character names because all the easy ones have been taken, it makes it much more believable that someone on the Virtue server grabbed @Virtue that first year because it's an obvious name to grab.

Again, sorry you had to go thru this and I look forward to seeing you on our servers.



What about the US Techbot ALPHA, who seems to have been inactive for at least a year, if not more? ¬¬

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
"Pinched"? I'm sorry that you had to go thru this Virtue but unless you are in a situation like Floating Fat Man and you had an NA account where you used that as your global name, then it isn't that hard to believe that an NA player chose that name for his own account first back in 2004 before the EU servers even launched.
History lesson...

Global names were introduced with Issue 3 in January 2005. There were no global names before then.

Issue 3 was the launch issue in the EU.

You are, therefore, talking rubbish. No US player can have had a global name for any longer than an EU player, within a factor of a few days at most.

No US player can have had a global name "since 2004," because they were first introduced in 2005.


Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I was totally crushed to find my Euro handle had been changed from @Golden Girl to @Golden-Girl - I might even need to take a break form the game now to try and come to terms with it.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
History lesson...

Global names were introduced with Issue 3 in January 2005. There were no global names before then.

Issue 3 was the launch issue in the EU.

You are, therefore, talking rubbish. No US player can have had a global name for any longer than an EU player, within a factor of a few days at most.

No US player can have had a global name "since 2004," because they were first introduced in 2005.

Slight correction. The US players got Global Nmes and Global Chat with i3's launch, yes. But the EU version did not launch with them. It was several months later before we finally got them in the EU.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by virtue View Post
A lot of us have lost our globals, for 75 months I've been @virtue but needless to say I'm not any more. So from now on I guess I'll be Virtue_EU. Could those of you who have had their globals pinched by our cousins across the pond leave your details here?
Hey Virt I feel for you but perhaps from now on I'll call you Virtue_EWWWW

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Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
"Pinched"? I'm sorry that you had to go thru this Virtue but unless you are in a situation like Floating Fat Man and you had an NA account where you used that as your global name, then it isn't that hard to believe that an NA player chose that name for his own account first back in 2004 before the EU servers even launched.

And considering how often NA players complain about how hard it is to come up with character names because all the easy ones have been taken, it makes it much more believable that someone on the Virtue server grabbed @Virtue that first year because it's an obvious name to grab.
In defence of Virtue (Cos she's lovely and all ) Is the US @Virtue still playing the game? Do they have over 75 months of Vet Rewards to show for it? How do you know they didn't play for 3 years and then drop their sub? Or even just a few months? Or even just a month??

Why should a long-temr player who has shown the loyalty to the game and paid her subs and dues, lose out to a player who may no longer be active?

If the US @Virtue has been there on global since it went live, then fair play, they can make a fair claim to the name, but without that evidence, Virt has every right to feel agrieved atm. I know I would have felt the same if it happened to me.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



It is annoying that so many of us lost out to inactive accounts both global wise and character name wise.

It's a farce, but it's done.



Personally I'd think if you have the forum name the global should be yours too but eh.. what do I know?



Originally Posted by Cass_ View Post
It is annoying that so many of us lost out to inactive accounts both global wise and character name wise.

It's a farce, but it's done.
true, but it would have been nice to know why it wasn't based on time spent subbed or vet reward figures.

My global friends list looked very weird this morning

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Why should a long-temr player who has shown the loyalty to the game and paid her subs and dues, lose out to a player who may no longer be active?
If that person came back to the game (if they're even gone) and posted on the forums because they lost their global handle because another player just happened to play longer, would that be your argument? Punishing someone for taking a break from the game is not the way to handle it.

Looking at this from the sidelines, someone's going to be unhappy, regardless of what happens. There is no fair way to judge this, unfortunately people will have to simply deal with it. Sorry it's not sunshine, rainbows, puppies and ninja kittehs, but it's the truth.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
Slight correction. The US players got Global Nmes and Global Chat with i3's launch, yes. But the EU version did not launch with them. It was several months later before we finally got them in the EU.
Thank you, and that's plenty of time for an NA player to have gotten it first. If indeed that is what happened. As I said before unless they are in a situation like you yourself are in they have no idea who got a given name first and so really can't say a name was "pinched".

I strongly believe whoever got the name first should get to keep it.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
In defence of Virtue (Cos she's lovely and all ) Is the US @Virtue still playing the game? Do they have over 75 months of Vet Rewards to show for it? How do you know they didn't play for 3 years and then drop their sub? Or even just a few months? Or even just a month??

Why should a long-temr player who has shown the loyalty to the game and paid her subs and dues, lose out to a player who may no longer be active?

If the US @Virtue has been there on global since it went live, then fair play, they can make a fair claim to the name, but without that evidence, Virt has every right to feel agrieved atm. I know I would have felt the same if it happened to me.

I suggested all the names being used on inactive accounts should have been freed up like they do with the character name script so anyone on the EU accounts would have gotten them if they were actively using them.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
If that person came back to the game (if they're even gone) and posted on the forums because they lost their global handle because another player just happened to play longer, would that be your argument? Punishing someone for taking a break from the game is not the way to handle it.
They get told the same thing we tell players who lost character names because their account was inactive when the devs ran the name freeing script.

They have no claim to any names if they aren't paying to keep their account active. Here's a free rename token, deal with it.

Punishing paying customers is worse than penalizing people who aren't even customers.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They get told the same thing we tell players who lost character names because their account was inactive when the devs ran the name freeing script.
didn't that effect characters that were only level 6 or lower and inactive for 90 days or more?

They have no claim to any names if they aren't paying to keep their account active. Here's a free rename token, deal with it.

Punishing paying customers is worse than penalizing people who aren't even customers.
like I said in the second half of my post, someone is going to be upset regardless of the decision.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I was totally crushed to find my Euro handle had been changed from @Golden Girl to @Golden-Girl - I might even need to take a break form the game now to try and come to terms with it.
Do it! I know I'd be absolutely crushed if I discovered my global had been changed to EITHER @golden girl or @golden-girl.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I suggested all the names being used on inactive accounts should have been freed up like they do with the character name script so anyone on the EU accounts would have gotten them if they were actively using them.
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
They get told the same thing we tell players who lost character names because their account was inactive when the devs ran the name freeing script.

They have no claim to any names if they aren't paying to keep their account active. Here's a free rename token, deal with it.

Punishing paying customers is worse than penalizing people who aren't even customers.
This and That ^

I have a very strong hunch that the person I lost my global to is no longer active.

So, yes, someone would be upset. You can't please everyone.
How's about NOT upsetting the guy who has never once let his subscription lapse? Is that not a little thing called loyalty? Hmm?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Upsetting the guy coming back is just as bad, loyalty has squat to do w/ real life situations. I'll concede to this as much as putting a time limit on a inactive name.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Upsetting the guy coming back is just as bad, loyalty has squat to do w/ real life situations. I'll concede to this as much as putting a time limit on a inactive name.
Hey I'm not talking about people getting everything genericed as soon as their account goes inactive. That would be total BS. But somewhere between 90 days at the earliest and 6 months seems reasonable to me. After that the company has a business to run and should be concerned with people paying their subs.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
But somewhere between 90 days at the earliest and 6 months seems reasonable to me.
That seems a little silly. I left the game for around 2 years due to medical issues and family issues. I have every intention on coming back eventually. None of my characters or global should have changed in that time.

After that the company has a business to run and should be concerned with people paying their subs.
And they should also be concerned with getting people to come back and play the game they left for whatever reason. Keeping customers happy works in several ways. Keeping current customers happy, keeping new customers happy, and keeping returning customers happy.



Had my global this morning, but somehow it's gone now. So I am now known @The Real Slazenger.

I didn't want the merge before yesterday, guess what I feel about it now?

Too many 50's to list here's a few you may know.
Slazenger, Area51, Area53, Area54, Erruption, Mind Plague, Thresher, Sheath, Broadside, Debt



Originally Posted by Tubby View Post
That seems a little silly. I left the game for around 2 years due to medical issues and family issues. I have every intention on coming back eventually. None of my characters or global should have changed in that time.

And they should also be concerned with getting people to come back and play the game they left for whatever reason. Keeping customers happy works in several ways. Keeping current customers happy, keeping new customers happy, and keeping returning customers happy.

Sorry to sound callous to your personal situation but intentions don't pay the bills. Furthermore you don't own the characters, names, or costumes. Read the EULA.