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  1. yeah i seen ya around and have been on teams with ya, welcome to the server and channels
    hope you enjoying it, i'm in the US also and have been here for over 5 yrs now, cause i do enjoy defiant
  2. Nidah

    Freedom 27th May

    would be interesting for sure , i know i already made a new toon on freedom for this
  3. mine got changed , figured i would be safe, but alas no
  4. you must have missed the thread about this already going in the euro lounge part of the forums
    like i said on there, mine got switched and here i was thinking mine wouldn't
  5. someone actually had my global i guess on NA, i logged in and had to change my global, since it made my global something weird

    atleast i was able to go back to what it was when i 1st started

    now i'm @Midah

    also it has been a few yrs since i logged into the forums, had to remember what to use to get on forums
  6. new forums its about time, seem to be better than the crappy forums had before and hiya ppl
  7. this hotfix you linked seems to have fixed my crashes, i played for several hrs with no driver crash , now to see if it lasts
  8. i think i told you in game that i have a lvl 23 dark/kin corr for this, so when it gets close to that i can join or i can get mal down, don't bother me either way
    all depends on what times you plan to do the teams if i can join
  9. Nidah

    50 MIN LRSF!!

    well we did rsf with no shivans and no nukes and with only 7 ppl and will tell you now, 1 brute, 1 dom, 1 mm and 4 corrs
    had other brute, but he never did come back :/
  10. Nidah

    50 MIN LRSF!!

    what is US server speed?
  11. ok since last patch or 2 or sometime, i haven't been able to edit my base
    i get to the edit screen and can move around the base just fine, but the second i click on something the game just locks up and nothing works, i have to ctrl-alt-del and end the game that way
    no matter what toon i use it happens and others insg that can edit base have no problem at all
    its really sucking not being able to edit base when i am asked to help add stuff to rooms i think might help it look better or do whatever
    anyone else haveing this problem ???
  12. yep trying yet again to get 8 ppl to try for this badge
    hoping to start at 7pm
  13. gratz on 50 , been wondering when it was gonna happen, teamed with ya many times and your no more suicidal than me on my corr
  14. bumpity so this stays on top page so ppl see it
  15. will try ti be there with fidah
  16. this not happening tonight or what?
  17. big gratz on your 2nd 50 villian, glad to be there when ya dinged
  18. i'll join with fidah for this i'll most probably be on before its to start
  19. ok this time will only be on my corr for this time around cause still need the badge on that toon
    again need 8 ppl for it to work
    hope to try and start at 7pm for it
    so if missed last 1 i tried or didn't get enough, here is chance to give it a go again to get the badge and yes its a pain to get
  20. thx to all that showed to help out get this badge, its a pain to get for sure
    if anyone still needs it, i need the badge on my corr still and she has the mission for this, will make a post about that later though
    again thx to all for showing and helping and gratz to all that got badge with me
  21. yeah gratz, think only us few knew you would ding in the 1st mission
  22. opertive wellman in cap, its the destroy hero statues mission, think its like middle way therough 1 of the arcs
  23. still have mission for this on my corr, been saving it forever, need a team of 8 for it to work
    can start at 7pm or 8pm, whichever is best for most that want to join in the hunt
    let me know here when ya post what time is best
    if anything can try for 7pm and if not enough wait till 8pm and if still not enough try like hell to get enough
  24. yeah always great to have ya around liz