A Huge Thank You!
Awwww thats lovely and its a pleasure to be your friend xxx
And we are all the better for meeting you to hun .
Hugs right back at ya.
Its always a pleasure and fun to team with you Liz xx
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

Its a pleasure to know you Liz. Your kindness and caring towards everyone is something we are all very greatfull for, I'm sure.
Just do us all a favour would you? DON'T CHANGE! hehe
Always fun teaming with you Liz glad you came back and glad your staying with us.
yeah always great to have ya around liz
A huge thanks to you too It's great to have you in a team or in the SG
It's always a pleasure to team with you Liz.
@Nanas (on Defiant)
Best damn brute on defiant bar none! honour to call you a friend!
Always a pleasure teaming with you Liz as you know.....call on me anytime
i never teamed with your Heros Liz but you sure made CoV a brighter place, i hope to team again with you some day.. take care and TY
Thanks for inviting my wee guy on several occations. :-)
Always a pleasure to team long may it continue
thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor
Thank to you hun
It's always a pleasure (well... no when u want see us in PINK!, but y'know...)
Play the game... dont get to serious...
And please all have fun thats why were here!
Miss Useful (main toon) Elec/Rock
[color=red][b] **Retired** [/b][/color]
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that, Liz, you are of, if not 'the' nicest person on CoV defiant. It wasn't until I met you that I actually started to enjoy playing CoV. & I definately would never have reached lvl 50 if it wasnt for all your help and patience.
Thanks, for not only all your help but for allowing me to call you a friend.
I've lost so many CoX friends the last 2-3 months, so I can only agree with the poeple before me:
I thank YOU for letting me be on your global/teams. I was slowly on my way to new stomping grounds, but I think I might actually enjoy the CoX community for quite some time, as long as there's still one or two "Liz"-like poeple around. ...and the smurfites makes me smile every day!
I just might have to ditch yet another hero/slot to make a smurfy smurfer to smurf with.
Before any1 says it, i know this may not be the right place for this thread but it is about the general comunity of defiant villains (or some of them) so i think this is a good place hehe!
Anyways, yes a huge thank you to all of the people who have welcomed me into there teams, and onto there global lists. It seems way way 2 many to mention so im not even gona try... I left the game the year before last under some rather bad circumstances and i know i upset one or two people by suddenly dissapeering... and no! this post isnt me leavin again u aint gettin rid of me!.. but i am greatful of the new friends that i have gained since returning and being warmly greeted back by those who i left so long ago...
Thank you all again your friendship and fun on here!
Play the game... dont get to serious...
And please all have fun thats why were here!
Miss Useful (main toon) Elec/Rock
[color=red][b] **Retired** [/b][/color]