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  1. Thanks for the reactivation week ncsoft but only got loaded in and one mission later 1st ever gfx driver crash.

    Anyone know of a fix and yes usual [censored] sorted like up to date drivers etc.

    The hotfix stickied on here needs a degree in computing to understand how to actually get the hotfix. If the microshaft website is not recent please update.

    Dual core
    X64 bit Vista
  2. Gratz mate, thanks for trying to kill them even know I NukeAlot.....J

    Now for a villian to 50
  3. Gratz Doc and thanks for keeping me alive
  4. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    I like conteollers the way they are its important to me. Just as I like corrupters but thats a seperate forum I will agree.
  5. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    [ QUOTE ]
    I do get my own pool C recipes, thanks very much

    [/ QUOTE ]
    And how do you do that considering the vast recipe selections on offer. Farm (ohh noes) Task force pool c drops/Tforces perhaps cause thats the only way you will get what you want rather than buy.

    Keep digging.
  6. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    When your wrong 'Whine'

    Sorry I thought you had some sense. I will not debate with a fool

    [ QUOTE ]
    Whine? Me? Nah, that's more your area.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Point me at my last whine, I can sure point you at yours
  7. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    I see your familar with Google Jay, that means your not entirely stupid.

    Its a pity you can't reason with people that know better than yourself.

    Can I just spell it out for you, FARMERS DO NOT BUY ANYTHING (they get what they want themselves) therefore dont coontribute to anything else other than lowering prices for pool A recipes and salvage due to the excess thay have.

    I farm, I buy nothing, I actually sell very little. What difference do I as a farmer make to a market. NONE except for selling my [censored] cheap..

    What does make a differtence is the people plvling commercially, that effects everyone else not pure farmers farming for what they want.

    If you want a good pool c recipe go get it yourself instead of whineing about farming.

    Now go whine at a mmorph that better suits your argument
  8. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    [ QUOTE ]

    Whilst Farming increases supply of Purples recipes, it also supplies farmers with vast amounts of influence (from both Purples and raw inf from farming).

    So whilst supply increases, the system is awash with far more influence.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Farmers dont need to buy anything.............
  9. silent_knight

    City of Farm

    [ QUOTE ]
    1. Inflation of prices.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Im not sure im with you on that one, prices for things are lower due to farming IMO. Take the fast Katie Hannon TF for instance, when it was being farmed the prices for rare recipies where lower than they are now. If farming was irradicated prices for purple recipes and rare arcane salvage would go up because the supply would go down.
  10. Soloed it

    No temps no deaths.

    Got Master Of Arachnos Flier Badge
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Not sure if they do, i only had tough/weave pre-granite (im perma).

    Though tough is overkill on GA, Granite and stoneskin already puts you at cap resist SL. Weave does stack with Granite's defence, so that would be a choice.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They do stack, but they are toggles that cost endurance.

    Tough is a waste (overkill) as Synergy says your already at the cap with one slot in stoneskin after GA is fully slotted.

    Weave is a nice 7-8% addition to defence but its not worth it in my opinion as an orange insp or two will suffice in times when you are against tough AV's, ie STF Av's.

    I am not a fan of perma granite though due to the negative recharge and -damage. If you know what you are fighting you can use your toggles to better use than just being a meat shield.

    You need to know what it is you are looking from a stone tank to achieve what your after.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Well done, I cant even get a corruptor into the teens

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You have seen at least 6 of them in action, Points at your badge for MoLRSF

    Corrupters rock.

    Well done Miss Killer
  13. silent_knight


    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    1-50 in 11 hours,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hang on a minute, 11hrs!!!! whats all that about did you hack the game or something

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Typo obviously.

    Im not young enough to know everything like Lui though.
  14. Well done all, Huge gratz.

    Its a tough one and one that needs eight people to be on there toes, well done on leading it to cynic, its not a task I would envy
  15. Kicking and screaming but but you got there in the end.

  16. Its getting hard to keep up with these 50 dings

    Gratz mate.
  17. Nice one, love that tune.