What AT/Powerset am I looking for?
I know what I want my next toon to do in theory, but only sort of think I know what it is.
I want my next character to be the tip of the spear if I am teamed, but I also want to be able to be the entire spear if I want to solo. I'm pretty sure I want it to be a force multiplier of sorts for the trials/tfs/teaming in general, but I want the ability to solo just about ANYTHING I want as well. I don't particularly care if I don't see big orange numbers, would rather care about constant decent sized orange numbers. I also want to be survivable. I know with IOs and incarnates I can have plenty of tank mages, but I want to at least mage harder than a mage, if not tank harder than a tank as well. I figure I'm describing ill/cold, ill/rad, or rad/son but maybe there are a few gems I'm ignoring (traps possibly, just don't know...) Thanks. |
Fire/Cold Corr, build for Range Defense, pick up a Resist shield, go destroy things!
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Fire/Traps Corr is possibly the most ridiculously powerfull combination I have in my arsenal. Can reach iTrial softcap without sacrificing damage potential. Can run +2/8's with ease. +4's if played smart. Has an excellent balance of AOE and ST attacks.
Just remember when playing traps, if you are waiting to set up, you are doing yourself a disservice.
If you have access to them a Soldier of Arachnos might be just what you want. Building either a Crab Spider or a Night Widow/Fortunanta
Storm, the original tank mage.
Bots/Traps Tankermind is a good choice. In fact, Anything with Traps is a good choice .
A Crab Spider might also work well for you. Between Venom Grenade and the Tactical Training powers you provide excellent force multiplication and the other crab powers give you decent solo damage and survivability.
You want a MFing Warshade. See my guide.
At its height, The MFing Warshade will have 300% damage bonus, 85% resist all, well over 50% tohit bonus, three damage dealing pets in tow, a ranged AoE attack chain, and the ability to refill both bars more often than I blink. It can also perma stun ten targets, perma hold one, and even stun bosses in a single shot. It has mez protection with an 80% hitpoints bonus on demand. It can even shrug off defeat twice every five minutes. |
Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.

Mains (Freedom) @Auroxis
Auroxis - Emp/Rad/Power Defender Pylon Video Soloing an AV
Pelvic Thunder - SS/Elec/Mu Brute
Sorajin - Elec/Nin Stalker
Neuropain - Sonic/Mental/Elec Blaster
Fire/traps or even bots could be interesting since in theory they can do plenty of damage, plenty of survivability, and in practice I haven't played a ton of traps anyway. Am I going to regret one if I choose the other?
I keep hearing fire/cold and mine is 12 so far but I don't see how it can bring that much dam + survivability solo.
yea just rolled a soldier and was thinking bane, but not sure. Hated my fort until 29 then stopped
Your guide's depth and humor has just about convinced me to make a ws but I don't see that being this toon
Fire/traps or even bots could be interesting since in theory they can do plenty of damage, plenty of survivability, and in practice I haven't played a ton of traps anyway. Am I going to regret one if I choose the other?
I'd say it depends on how you prefer to play, the power difference between the two matters less than the playstyle differences.
yea just rolled a soldier and was thinking bane, but not sure. Hated my fort until 29 then stopped |
Fortunata and Huntsman/Bane Build!
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
Storm is an awesome debuffing set. Illusion is really good with indestructible phantom army, Rad/sonic is legendary for its solo ability and supporting teams.
One suggestion not voiced is a Night Widow. She has SoA leadership, can take pool leadership, has some features of a stalker, striking from stealth, but the big buff is Mind Link and it recharges much faster on widow than a fortunata. Dart Burst has some -regen, too. Just make a second build for your fortunata at a trainer and give it a whirl.
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
My recommendation is some sort of corr. My tankmage of choice is my dark/ice defender but I know most other people prefer corrs for higher damage(aka fire blast). I chose defender over corr for the ridiculous survival numbers but now that I have tier four radial reactive interface I put brutes/scrappers/blasters to shame aoe damage wise and often outtank tanks. But for the general player who hasn't been tankfending for years, I say go fire/dark/dark or fire/dark/soul. Dark for perma soul drain or soul for softcap with power boost for taking alpha without toggle. If you do go soul note that the recharge for soul drain is twice as long as from dark and less targets, and I consider it to be completely skippable.
Ok now that I'm on my PC and not my phone, let me post my build for my Dark/Ice/Soul...
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593594F135114C7EFED4C2D2D6B812EC866299B850EA DA0BC8962418BD4800|
|89A18D38CED501AB16DA625419FFC0C9AB8BFBA7C04DF4C5C 3E858F62F4C5E51BD4|
|33E77F81269DB4F3BB7396FF3DF7DC7B33FBA936211E2D08D 97169D7AC56B3296BD|
|B2AE52DDB9D310BC59C276FDAF78A39CB2384E83B746517F7 B6B78D1479B299A259|
|BD6F1E7BAE9BA5829537D2392BBB4872357FBAB463D956A96 61C0E7C6BE5F2AEB15|
|1B1AC7C270F572D9332AB3BC54A3B7F2F170B3BB562A9D076 E8ADD047FF52A59833|
|2E956D7BAF522BDBD98DF2DE6E36431358F68330D516A3FF8 64BA8A7EE16614D88A|
|49808314E078100D0CB88F5303E3666255D8E693C01CC3026 0C20CE48BE170E36E9|
|43224BCA7982AE8951C51BE4D3944F9BE2F051608B3C6EE57 1C314076E92C723518|
|527201D53CB0AD7D7B2CCF0A51991F3CE1C3452FC44795E28 BABC6FB8C2997728F4|
|2DE316BD5B11A0B5FEA28F41D1F61DF8C9E8F8C188D20EB72 34EB47FE3D4CFF4EE5|
|49DE94CB3A9EB0AB0C4E85E668C5E664CA7182324E4C74AA4 1F8BEB06BE90BF47E9|
|F5CC7370EF39E02C233CC7189865C43E70969FF402D0D302E 84C109D09A23361744|
|6525C482D2054A7476864E943A6AB2F289D559E0C0161C657 9AA71F297AFF6BC284|
|1878C538F51278013C67E8A437A82A19442543A86408950CA 192DB243BAC5A3E8C9|
|647D0EB083A3F7EC00892DE88D21B815E147A51E845AF32BA 296E0C71622CC24DD9|
|27C7244CFAE41C8EF319C67492114F00338C03BAE253EADC4 D6133A68187E437D4F|
|93116707E2E0017B135347942B535812207F4A31B433FA7D3 B1264BA2C9926CB2CC|
|3659E69A2CAB8D162F5774CD3161EDF535FDE81A0AC909DEA EA3CB57FFED23AF6A9|
|C8CF37AFF1E9BDC728B97A36F324EAC032BD2D96B5F9AD1B1 C4F8D32834C942FF8E|
|4D9A7CC685B99E028F19FA13C63A9DF8A4AAF6AECFD9008CC D86F19D86F15AC3F83|
and Dark/Ice/Dark...
| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6593694F13511486EFED4C2D2D6B812EC866299B850E1 D41895B4C10D022352|
|08226C634633B9489589A1613FD86FE04F7ED87F8CDC4E557 F8518D7E71F907F5CC|
|792F6D934EDA79EEBCE79E77CE3D776EE6C1629B10071784E CB8B86B552AD9457BD|
|B2EE6EDB23763159C9C2F6F95EF3A39DB2784E83B0C6517EE 6F6F1B8B14C9661CAB|
|72CFAA47AE59C5829D37D2393BBB4076FBC17471C72EDBC57 DE3701058DBDBDB353|
|64AB69DEFE4E1AA6D516665C729B5F3F3B253D8D9778A85B6 C368891E824B2527A7|
|5E49B676F961942A4AD07FC323D455F58AA826842926228CE 3612004F432123D8C0|
|FF52C5D981E571A4F01338C0903483236E92E315DCA7982AE 8951C5EB14D3544C9B|
|12EEF451608B225E15F14232811B14F14914ED0B49576A59E 1C25A9619813423368|
|D2CE02365F9E127FC30BA49522B24ADF5173D0C8AB66FC04F 46C70F469C36B05DA5|
|B67FE5357DA27BA76A41679AA5AECBC012A37B99317A89314 20E41942C83787937F|
|099E23D6A077AE67972EF29E024233AC718986524DE735690 FC42F0D3426841182D|
|08A30551B440D2BC88AA3C52A54B68A4F421D3D31796EEF28 E468028E30BBDA75FA|
|DACFF1D61420CBC651C7B03BC065E3174F21B54950CA29221 5432844A8650C92DB2|
|1D56BD1E46AF6368720C2D1FFFCE0893DF88F21B815F1C7E7 1F8C5AF30BA69DE18E|
|689B11837E5800293FCA555B5C91768D733C6F45346F239E3 11CD9B42AA3E7582DD|
|A64D6086914C01738CC7743760AB1BE7D961E61C701638C33 04F63DBA8B0946A790|
|A0B18D06BE7857EEE2E249A945493623629B34DCA5C93B2DA A8F8B9A2ABAE84F556|
|D7F4DA59149213FC5DB51358FD1DA0A86AAA4C7253FFD625A FDCE2E5E89B8C23EBC|
|08A74BF83409AD1B1C4F8D36834C946FFEA92265F72611E6C 92E70943C726ADD369|
Yea I'll probably end up going traps corr, but idk, if I did it might be fire AGAIN so bots is a little more appealing in that regard...thanks though
Ah, I'll definitely try crab out instead
I really should give my fort another try or another build and try widow, but it just felt really lackluster even @ 29
I definitely forgot about my storm, I plan on respeccing my PvP sonic/storm for PvE very soon, and that would be another solid force multiplier, and could probably shell out WICKED dps solo (though nothing great AoE wise)
Thanks for the builds bloodbath, but yea not sure if I'd go fender, would have to see.
Team buffs, -RES options, high AoE dmg output, DEF and RES, +HP, mez protect, pet options. There really isn't much of a debate here.
Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider
RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run
Thanks for the builds bloodbath, but yea not sure if I'd go fender, would have to see. |

I keep hearing fire/cold and mine is 12 so far but I don't see how it can bring that much dam + survivability solo.
Lets review. Softcap to SM/L for alpha. Two rains to destroy the spawn leaving a couple of hard targets. Psudo resistance of 80% without tough vrs a single target. Unlimited endurance with heat loss just shy of perma. 3 excellent single target blasts to take the hard targets out. Oh, and fire ball in your pocket, just in case you need to up your aoe dps a bit.
I think it fits the bill just fine.
I still recommend Fire/traps over it, just for versitality.
Oh, and try not to think of Bloods toon as a defender. It really does **** a spawn up bad.
Of course, if you are still considering an Illusion/Radiation controller, you should look at my Illusion/Radiation guide, linked in my sig.
The problem with many of these builds is that they can be awesome when they hit level 50 and fully IO out, but leveling up is a chore. An Illusion/Rad gets many of its best powers early and levels up very well, long before the fully IO'ed out Perma-PA build. My guide has a recommended path for leveling up, with lots of options for your personal style.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
You raise a valid point about general leveling LM, but the OP is asking about tank mages, that's generally a lvl 50. Pimped in some way or another.
In case anyone was wondering what I decided / how i've been deciding I'll update
Rerolled the fire/cold to ill/cold since that duo died anyway, stuck with my lvl 12 rad/son and will level that, leaning towards bots when I give traps a better try, but undecided, still have my soldier i'll play but am leaning more crabish now, rolled a WS since I haven't played one anyway, and respecced my PvP build to a PvE build (still needs a lot of work) for my sonic/storm
The problem with many of these builds is that they can be awesome when they hit level 50 and fully IO out, but leveling up is a chore.
Fire/cold is massively awesome, but it really doesn't start to shine until you get sleet, which is lvl 38 I think. At that point, it turns into a machine of death.
Mine has turned into my favorite lvl 50 character. Sleet + Rain of Fire + T3 Reactive interface = the awesome. Incarnate has been very good to this guy. Spiritual Alpha for better recharge, reactive interface makes any pseudo pet rain into a crashless nuke, lore pets significantly boost single target dmg, and rebirth destiny for a self heal that cold was missing.
If your looking for a end game monster, you can't go wrong with fire/cold. It can solo very well and brings great buffs and even better debuffs to a team.
Stupid work! It took me so long to make my post the OP has already rerolled his fire/cold.
I know what I want my next toon to do in theory, but only sort of think I know what it is.
I want my next character to be the tip of the spear if I am teamed, but I also want to be able to be the entire spear if I want to solo. I'm pretty sure I want it to be a force multiplier of sorts for the trials/tfs/teaming in general, but I want the ability to solo just about ANYTHING I want as well. I don't particularly care if I don't see big orange numbers, would rather care about constant decent sized orange numbers. I also want to be survivable.
I know with IOs and incarnates I can have plenty of tank mages, but I want to at least mage harder than a mage, if not tank harder than a tank as well.
I figure I'm describing ill/cold, ill/rad, or rad/son but maybe there are a few gems I'm ignoring (traps possibly, just don't know...)