A Dictionary for Trials




Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I am assuming you need a better connection or PC Mr 37...maybe then you will get to see these mysterious bits in the trials.
I never had a single issue prior to i20's launch with the level of frequent disconnects I am having. Also, they are not exclusive to the Trials, so I can't blame that.

Gee, what ARE adds? Never heard the term during all the other pve content? Come on. Or do you dc in that too?
First, I never said *I* didn't know what they are, it was merely an example. And, no, it is not a common term in my play group... I never actually used it before the Trials, but from context it was fairly obvious. However, what was a bit odd, is the penchant for capitalizing the letters (i.e. ADDS), which I thought was some sort of acronym that I hadn't heard before a la BAF. But again, I figured it out without being told... it was, as I said, merely an example.

Also, how does giving instructions AFTER the trail has begun, constitute a bad raid team? Thats just stupid. You are saying a leader should form the team of 16/24 people, then when everyone is ready to go...say 'Hang on guys, gimme 5-10 mins while I lay out exactly what we do in each bit of the trail!' If I joined a league like that, Id quit and join the other team in broadcast forming, thats lf1 more and ready to kick off.
That wasn't my statement.

When I lead, I assume that most people know what is going on. And that if they dont, they will ask. Crazy notion right? If they ask..I will gladly tell them. Ever if they dont, I always give a lil briefing for whatever it is. Like..'clear streets, courtyards, turrets etc,' 'team 1 to warehouse, 2 to lab,' 'use acids on glowing doors, wait by teh container spawn, dont aggro.'
Granted, not the most detailed instructions, but nothing in these is really that tricky. Oh, temp powers on the HUGE glowing doors? Wow thats crazy! Nothing like that in the game before...! Oh wait..maybe I dc'd during that part of mission X..
What's with the ridiculously defensive attitude? It's as if I called you out personally or something.

And no, there really isn't much of a precedent for using Temp. Powers granted during a mission on a particular area within that same mission. But that is beside the point, as you seem to be hell-bent on making me sound like an idiot... especially with regard to the things that I didn't have an issue with.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Perhaps, but I guess that goes to my point just the same. If few instructions are given at any point, doesn't that go to the idea that leaders are just assuming everyone knows what's up? (Of course, my implication in the first place was to place some onus on bad leadership as opposed to the rest of the thread which seems to imply stupid members.)

Admittedly, I have not been on too many Trials, but I haven't seen very many (one maybe) in which the leader actively said much of anything... unless all instructions were being given in a Global Channel that I was not aware of... but I don't consider that likely.
Yep, bad leaders. A good leader would first ask if anyone is unfamiliar with the trials. At that point it's on you to speak up, but if you do, a good leader will explain.

As for giving instructions during the trials, not before, there are plenty of phases where the leader has time to do so. The clearing phase of Lambda is not time-sensitive and during the first part it's pretty obvious what you're supposed to do, so a leader can use that time to explain the rest of the trial. BAF has enough pauses, if the pulling strategy is used, to explain what you are to do, and it's also more straightforward so less explanation is needed.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yep, bad leaders. A good leader would first ask if anyone is unfamiliar with the trials. At that point it's on you to speak up, but if you do, a good leader will explain.
This is mostly what I meant. I wasn't saying that a raid leader always needs to do a total info dump before the trial begins, I was saying that a good raid leader needs to make sure everyone has the basics down. Bonus points if they clarify what strategy they're using. Giving contextual instruction during the raid isn't a bad thing, either.

But I've been on a lot of raids where they announce courts/helipad/keep 'em separated five seconds before that phase starts, which leads to confusion. And I've been on quite a few Lambdas where people immediately throw the whole league into a panic by going down the elevators during the prep time, hence why some kind of explanation before the raid can be advantageous.

Of course, "if you get confused, stick with your team" = "at the first inkling of confusion, run blindly into danger!!".

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
To be perfectly honest, if your raid teams are giving instructions *after* the raid starts, you're joining bad raid teams.
That's totally not true at all - leagues need to be flexible, and league leaders need to be open to feedback.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
I am assuming you need a better connection or PC Mr 37...maybe then you will get to see these mysterious bits in the trials. Gee, what ARE adds? Never heard the term during all the other pve content? Come on. Or do you dc in that too?
Also, how does giving instructions AFTER the trail has begun, constitute a bad raid team? Thats just stupid. You are saying a leader should form the team of 16/24 people, then when everyone is ready to go...say 'Hang on guys, gimme 5-10 mins while I lay out exactly what we do in each bit of the trail!' If I joined a league like that, Id quit and join the other team in broadcast forming, thats lf1 more and ready to kick off.
When I lead, I assume that most people know what is going on. And that if they dont, they will ask. Crazy notion right? If they ask..I will gladly tell them. Ever if they dont, I always give a lil briefing for whatever it is. Like..'clear streets, courtyards, turrets etc,' 'team 1 to warehouse, 2 to lab,' 'use acids on glowing doors, wait by teh container spawn, dont aggro.'
Granted, not the most detailed instructions, but nothing in these is really that tricky. Oh, temp powers on the HUGE glowing doors? Wow thats crazy! Nothing like that in the game before...! Oh wait..maybe I dc'd during that part of mission X..

Really? Now I have done countless trials both BAF and LAM. I have found very few leaders that don't take at least the time to ask... Is this anyone's first time? If the answer is no then normally instructions consist of clear street, clear courtyard, then guns and finally EB , team 1 on nades and team 2 on acids. Any questions? ... SILENCE ... And then the pop up screen appears and we head inside. Sure every one knows that routine by now but it still lets players know... I don't plan to RACE through this we are taking out everything we can until we head in after the glowies! Tells everyone which glowies they SHOULD be after and cuts the number of questions inside to .. should I just keep my nade or give it to someone. Takes around 20 seconds or less. YOU'D quit a league over that?

If not while they are fast and short ..those were instructions PRIOR to entering the trial. Same thing with the BAF.. pull AVs to helipad, teams 1 and 2 north chokepoints team 3 south. That took me like 10 seconds to type.... and is there anyone out there with trial experience that now doesn't know what to do inside?

Of course there is such a thing as being a GOOD team member too. the first time I did a BAF and they used the new strategy of pulling to the helipads and using chock points instead of watching each door.. I had NO idea what they meant by chockpoints. Had a vague clue of where the helipad was.. but I clicked on my team leader and just followed him to the right spots. By the end of one trial I was a vet and all the instruction I needed after that was pulling to tennis courts or helipad? using chock points or doors? okay using chockpoints .. where is my team north or south?

Most of the good leaders I have teamed with take a second to see if anyone is doing this for the first time and if so WILL explain it more and league members will wait patiently while he does. That new player may be the difference between success and failure so giving the leader time to educate him or her is worth it. Now since the first phase of both trials is untimed this can be done inside or out but most of the time it occurs before we teleport into the missions. Things get hectic inside so it just makes sense to brief prior to it.

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Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
To be perfectly honest, if your raid teams are giving instructions *after* the raid starts, you're joining bad raid teams.
This statement is a load of ****. Most trials I've been on, instructions were given right before we started a particular phase and the raids were completed successfully.


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Yeah, instructions should be getting distributed throughout the trial and not all in one lump before it even begins because you have no idea what they're talking about.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Originally Posted by Razoras View Post
Yeah, instructions should be getting distributed throughout the trial and not all in one lump before it even begins because you have no idea what they're talking about.
Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
This statement is a load of ****. Most trials I've been on, instructions were given right before we started a particular phase and the raids were completed successfully.
He did post a clarification.

Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
I wasn't saying that a raid leader always needs to do a total info dump before the trial begins, I was saying that a good raid leader needs to make sure everyone has the basics down. Bonus points if they clarify what strategy they're using. Giving contextual instruction during the raid isn't a bad thing, either.

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Originally Posted by MisterD View Post
When I lead, I assume that most people know what is going on. And that if they dont, they will ask. Crazy notion right? If they ask..I will gladly tell them. Ever if they dont, I always give a lil briefing for whatever it is. Like..'clear streets, courtyards, turrets etc,' 'team 1 to warehouse, 2 to lab,' 'use acids on glowing doors, wait by teh container spawn, dont aggro.'
Granted, not the most detailed instructions, but nothing in these is really that tricky. Oh, temp powers on the HUGE glowing doors? Wow thats crazy! Nothing like that in the game before...! Oh wait..maybe I dc'd during that part of mission X..
When I follow, I assume that the leader of the team/league is going to be mature with his leadership. If he assumes I know what's going on and then adopts a "moar l33t than u" attitude when somebody doesn't play EXACTLY like they do, I'll quit the team immediately and one-star-ignore him.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
This is mostly what I meant. I wasn't saying that a raid leader always needs to do a total info dump before the trial begins, I was saying that a good raid leader needs to make sure everyone has the basics down. Bonus points if they clarify what strategy they're using. Giving contextual instruction during the raid isn't a bad thing, either.
Unfortunately some interpret "I'm new to this trial" as "I am a mind reader, and my abilities are only limited by the proximity of my virtual avatar's to that of the person whose mind I'm attempting to read, so if you tell me to follow my team leader (which I never would have figured out on my own, mind you, because I'm kind of dumb) and I do so I will be able to read their mind and know what I am supposed to do."

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
I will point out something interesting revealed by Positron during the Meet and Greet.

You only actually ever get 8 Acid Grenades despite there being 10 crates.

Yup, it's designed so that there is always 2 doors that you need to bust the weapons crates out by Marauder for.

Sneaky dastards.

Also I hate to say it but Union seems to have very little problems with regards the trials but then fewer numbers, no LFG made trials (all premade) means you get a selection of dedicated 'raiders' as it were.
Thats the sort of joke that might live as truth forever.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):