Praetorian Invasion: War Council ((FAQ + OOC Discussion))




This is a Unionverse server-based roleplaying event. The idea is to have a big cross-SG effort featuring our world's key supergroups such as the New Heroes Union, Nighthunters, Foundry, Militia, Unity Vigil and others, including the main villaingroups such as the Cadre, Corporation, Court of the Blood Countess, Roguehunters and others, coming together to address Intelligence of a common threat; the upcoming Praetorian Invasions, and more. Following the success of Big Lunk's own cross-SG plot during the Second Rikti War, this plot would mainly feature a War Council.

Interest so far:

New Heroes Union (@Hana Li & @Lady Arete)

Nighthunters (@Pious & @Thunderer)

Foundry (@Bunny & @Alcione)

Militia (@Dante & @Wolfram)

Unity Vigil (@Zortel & @FloatingFatMan)


Cadre (@Dante & @Wolfram)

*(1) Corporation (@Q. & @Bunny)

Court of the Blood Countess (@Elizabeth Bathory & @Black Knight)

Roguehunters (@Tyger & @Pious)

Proposed Dates

Initial Meeting of the War Council: 7pm DST (servertime +1), Saturday 7th May at AE Creation Studio B, Rikti War Zone. *(3) Fudge as a Vanguard War Room.

Phalanx Suspected Date of Praetorian Invasion: Monday 9th of May

Phalanx Suspected Date of Main Praetorian Forces: Friday 27th of May.

Proposed Plot Events

*(6) The Freedom Phalanx have issued warnings of an imminent Praetorian attack of even greater scale than recent attempts. *(5) In direct response, Vanguard have organised a meeting of some of America's finest to sit and work together against this common foe. The cross-community meeting is intended for super-powered individuals, supergroup leaders and their lieutenants in hope of forming a Coalition of War. Through strong teamwork, cross-faction communications, joint patrols, league missions, task forces, reconnaissance, effective social interactions and exchange of Intelligence, we could pursue the enemy together.

Key Notes

1. You won't have to attend every meeting or battle if you cannot. I'm sure they'll be enough of the fun waiting for you when you do attend.

2. Everyone is encouraged to plan their own teams for anti-invasion patrols, reconnaissance etc.

3. Everyone is encouraged to explore pieces of fiction (*4. Praetorian Surge Fiction thread) as part of this in-game event.

*(2) Maybe even hold other smaller meetings for those Supporters of Cole, In-betweeners or War-Opportunists. Anything other than us Primal Earthlings.

4. There have been heart-warming expressions by those involved to roleplay peacefully and respectfully among one another, without need for quarrel.

5. Devs are obviously GM, which makes the whole project much easier to synchronise. The idea is to highlight the overall story of the Unionverse reaction.

6. I'm actually a little nervous with this. It seems all the figureheads from many sections of the Unionverse have agreed to at least give this idea a look in, which is pretty damn awesome, but I'm no Big Lunk. Heh. I've been advised to keep meddling to a minimum and let things naturally come together as people already have so much interest in the in-game event itself. Other words of advice was to prevent grandstanding and meta-gaming by not focusing too heavily one group or person. Hope you like this idea and embrace it, either way, have fun out there kicking Praetorian cans!



Well, as of this morning I would've asked that the location for this be moved from the RWZ to Studio 55 since I have a character currently in Praetoria who was slated to come to Union, but since the devs have postponed the server list merge indefinitely, I guess I won't be joining this.

So I'll just o the one thing I can: wish you luck and tell you that there's no reason to be nervous. Just let it flow as it does, just like you said you've been advised already, and focus on having fun.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




I wont be able to stay for all of the first meeting. Unfortunately, I have to pick up my other half from work at 7:40.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



May is so busy for me... I probably cant make the 7th.

Then again.. the week following Liz can step in. I will do my best to send a replacement.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Well, as of this morning I would've asked that the location for this be moved from the RWZ to Studio 55 since I have a character currently in Praetoria who was slated to come to Union, but since the devs have postponed the server list merge indefinitely, I guess I won't be joining this.

So I'll just o the one thing I can: wish you luck and tell you that there's no reason to be nervous. Just let it flow as it does, just like you said you've been advised already, and focus on having fun.
According to a recent announcement, the merge is now scheduled for next Tuesday, May 10th.

Bottom of the first post.

So you can still join in.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Just a quick tweak in your info Pious.

The Foundry is run ooc by myself and @Alcione, but the Corporation is run IC by my character Aquis and the board of directors and the best ooc contacts to add are ny own and @Q. (Plus half of the Corp can be nabbed on URP if needed you just need to yell loudly enough!)

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Alas, I will be away this weekend so unable to join on the 7th. However I will make every effort to catch up and join any further meetings.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Question..are you planing to run this just from the Primal side, or will Pro Praetorian factions have a roll ?



3 people in leadership functions that have problems this weekend. Maybe monday is better????

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Wow, you guys, as a NA Player who's eagerly looking forward to the Merge, I gotta say that this sounds like a very cool event.

Good job and sounds like you all are gonna have a blast.



I think we should have a Praetorian Surge Fiction thread, as we did with the Rikti attacks. This frees up the IC Story thread for people who don't want to read about it, and means there's an easy way to find the fiction at a later date.

Interesting point raised about Pro-Cole characters, too. That's something to think on and discuss OOC.



Could be fun, especially as the previous Kidnap Statesman stuff, may or may not have happened prior to level 1 in Preatoria.

Given Arachnos and Longbow actions in Preatoria, it's easy for Pro-Cole players to view it as justified retaliation against the US and Rogue Islands.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Question..are you planing to run this just from the Primal side, or will Pro Praetorian factions have a roll ?
Very good question. As a player of a pro-Cole Loyalist operating in the Isles, I would love it if like minded Praetorians could meet up too during the event.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Very good question. As a player of a pro-Cole Loyalist operating in the Isles, I would love it if like minded Praetorians could meet up too during the event.
Me too, i would see the Pro-Coles more as a loose collection, may be not even knowing about each other at the start , run from Praet by a non player character.

I would see them as spys and raiders rather than a full SG, there is also the question of them red or blue side, or Ro or Viggy.



...I wonder.

...I may join this with one of my toons, provided when the merge comes, I can transfer him to Union.



Originally Posted by Rock_Powerfist View Post
Question..are you planing to run this just from the Primal side, or will Pro Praetorian factions have a roll ?
And then there's the people who are 'actively neutral.' This is probably 'make your mind up time' for Gunwitch and similar characters who have tried their darndest to stay out of the way and try to keep a lid on everything (though I suspect that this will be about as solid as the Rikti Raids and despite hordes of IDF running through the area there will be no signs of visible damage).

Such people aren't going to turn up to this meeting, I suspect, especially if they know it's being run by the Priest. Moderation isn't something anyone is likely to want to hear.

So, third faction to consider.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Good point. I've got an Ex-Syndicate who's only care is not being hauled back to the BAF or being gutted by some Syndicate who have followed him, an ex-Powers Division member and his IDF trained/brainwashed sister that he rescued who wants to keep her from the IDF at all costs but would like to return to Praetorian China, and two pro-Praetorian PPD officers who are on the fence.

They'll be featuring in fiction.



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
And then there's the people who are 'actively neutral.' This is probably 'make your mind up time' for Gunwitch and similar characters who have tried their darndest to stay out of the way and try to keep a lid on everything (though I suspect that this will be about as solid as the Rikti Raids and despite hordes of IDF running through the area there will be no signs of visible damage).

Such people aren't going to turn up to this meeting, I suspect, especially if they know it's being run by the Priest. Moderation isn't something anyone is likely to want to hear.

So, third faction to consider.
Well if we want to get really complex, there is the active anti -Cole faction living in Paragon and or the RI, i have a Resistance toon , who is now Paragon based and is working from there for the Resistance.

THB without a clear idea of the scope and duration of the conflict it could well be that there is little these smaller factions can do, beyond character development and aside RP.



It never got entirely off of the ground for much RP stuff, but, a base for pro-invasion RP could come from The Loyalist Network though that would work best for small group RP rather than big meetings, big meetings draw attention. Maybe smaller meetings with news of the topics discussed fed through the network (this also leads to the fun 'chinese whispers' effect)

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Originally Posted by Pious View Post
Proposed Plot Events

The Priest is among those who've had visions of the Coming Storm.
Sorry, but this is bugging me, as far as I'm aware - fortunately I may be wrong - only Positron has figured out when the Praetorian Invasion is (those lore sponges out there are free to correct me) so to me the selected line stands out as some fudge for this, but fortunately Posi - to my knowledge - put out a message, or at least told Statesman (Not sure which again, Lore Sponges go!) who I'm sure wouldn't let the rest of us be caught with our metaphorical pants down.

But hey! The above may be wrong and simply be me, feel free to correct.

And the second point I'd like to make; This seems a bit limited, at least initially, to only SGs. What about those mercs/Indies/others who aren't affiliated with a large group in any way?

Third point: What about the other factions as raised; before Praetorian Refugees, Praetorian loyalists, and don't forget the men who just want to watch the world burn...

But yeah cool idea, just my few issues. :3 They may be minor in the grand scheme of it all.


*EDIT* Oh and since when was the praetorian Invasion THE Coming Storm? Hrmn? All we know is that it's an invasion, the Storm could be much, much worse.

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Some what iffy on the meta-gaming side.

Can't you arrange emergency meetings for after the event has started, rather than having characters with the amazing ability to check the city of heroes website?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Some what iffy on the meta-gaming side.

Can't you arrange emergency meetings for after the event has started, rather than having characters with the amazing ability to check the city of heroes website?
The major problem with this is time allowance; from running past community events I've learnt it's best to pick a date and stick solidly to it, to push the initial council back will push the whole plot back and if we aren't careful it leads to cramming a whole lot of RP into a short time rather than letting it brew.

That said I do agree that knowing the date would be iffy. However with the incarnate TFs we've seen an advance party invasion so expecting a bigger push to occur wouldn't be beyond the realms of possibility so the Council could meet to discuss the invasion they expect to see hit soon and plan. The issue I'd have with a meeting during the invasions is that a significant chunk of my characters would be out in the field helping at the time, not sitting discussing it.

Whilst the initial post does imply it will just be representatives of major supergroups, that doesn't stop others getting involved. Community meetings in the past have drawn in many people, from larg groups to individuals, but a lonely merc heading in should possibly expect to see more focus given to the leaders of larger groups as that's only fitting IC (but it does give the RP opportunity to make ones point heard amongst the 'bigger dogs')

As for 'other factions' RP, I am happy to help arrange ideas if needed - I can maybe even pencil in another Mercenaries Ball at the start of the invasions, have those of a true mercenary bent offer their services and see if they get hired to help defend the earth or if a sneaky praetorian gets in to use their services to further Cole's plans,

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



It's the weekly uStream tonight at 1830 BST. Someone could hop on and throw a question to the devs, see if we can get an answer on if the Freedom Phalanx would give a heads up in the days leading up to the attack?

(It makes sense that they'd contact some organizations, rather than leaving people blind and without time to prepare.)



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
(It makes sense that they'd contact some organizations, rather than leaving people blind and without time to prepare.)

We do need to ask though, because Statesman is kinda a **** sometimes, especially when it comes to things he thinks he can (or should) deal with himself.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
We do need to ask though, because Statesman is kinda a **** sometimes, especially when it comes to things he thinks he can (or should) deal with himself.
I'll try to get onto the uStream after dinner.

Also, I'm assuming the AE Studio B room is just a fudged location for somewhere in the Vanguard Base, as we don't have access to the meeting room from the RWZ story arcs?