Huh... So now what do I do?

Adeon Hawkwood



Um not to be snarky but....isn't all content "repeated"?

I mean; I guess I don't understand your issue/problem. You have a toon you want to play...but don't want to do the content that's there because it's just "repeatable content."

To me all content is "repeatable" (it's a MMO after all....) so....*shrugs* Can't help you out.

I have 20+ toons (only one non-lvl 50 atm) and when I was showing a friend some of the characters that I had (just for certain powers/etc...) I thought to myself, "man I haven't played this toon in a while....and I like him a lot....oh well..."

I have 4-6 toons that are my "mains" now with all the Incarnate content/trials out. And with that I've only played my main (EI) up and have all slots unlocked. The other toons don't even have a t4 alpha yet (2 have a t3 alpha). I just don't have the time for more than that at the moment....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Things to keep a 50 busy:

1) Tips & Alignment Merits
2) Play AE Arcs
3) Get every Ouro arc on the character starred
4) Hunt Giant Monsters
5) Create AE Arcs
6) Get every defeat/complete badge from Safeguards/Bank Heists
7) Run every TF or Trial at least once
8) Hunt AVs/Heroes in storyarcs
9) Join a PUG and make new friends
10) Switch sides and do the applicable above

If you can't find content to run, you're not trying.
You win the internets. There is always something to do with a character.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Something I find fun is not just doing Ouro arcs, but trying to get as many of the Ouro "challenge" badges as possible. I suppose that should go in the pile with badge hunting in general, but the extra limitations you place on yourself playing them can make for some entertaining fights and strategies.



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
If you can't find content to run, you're not trying.
I can find content, that's not the issue. I would like, however, to find content that:

1. Allows me to make progress after 50 and
2. I actually enjoy

Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Um not to be snarky but....isn't all content "repeated"?
I never said "repeated," I said "repeatable." Repeated content has no connotation within the context of an MMO, especially not one as heavily based on replay value as this one. It's just content. Repeatable content is significant, however, in that it's designed to be modular, vague and, most importantly, is is intended to be repeated over and over and over again in a short span of time. Sure, I have have run the Library of Souls arc many times already, but every time this has been done over a long stretch of time and with different characters. The Library of Souls is not designed to be restarted as soon as you finish it.

Paper missions, by contrast, are designed for a player to run them back-to-back. That's why they use basic frameworks with item and character names find-and-replaced. These missions have very little story, very little interesting gameplay, no characterisation thanks to being basic one-offs, and as such grow really old really fast. This is not true of story arcs.

Now, I'll grant you that it's perfectly possible for a player to sit down and run a story arc over and over and over again via Ouro. To each their own. But at every point in the levelling process there is the option to run a story arc that this character hasn't already done. I may be repeating said story arcs, but chances are the last time I ran any of them was months and months ago. About the only arcs I repeat every damn time are the Midnight Club and the Cape ones, simply because they serve as gates more so than content.


I think it may be a good idea to run more characters through Praetoria, come to think of it. I haven't done that in a while. I'll probably do that once I'm done with my sabbatical. Speaking of which - I'm on the forums right now because I have one last day of work and not a lot of work to do.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Architect: Not a bad idea. I keep forgetting that exists because it's so full of the dreck of society, but there are occasional arcs in there that are genuinely good. I don't think I have a good way of picking those out, especially since I hate "funny" ones, but I believe the bigger problem is that the Architect does not permit Incarnate progression, even towards the Alpha slot.

I meant to imply that, but let me state it clearly - I'm looking for things to do that will allow me to make some progress towards at least the Alpha slot, not just content to rerun for the love of the content. There's very little I haven't done multiple times now.
Well, in order to do that you need to run Mender Ramiel's arc at least, which you implied in your OP that you hadn't done yet.

Exemping anywhere other than AE will net you shards now, because they will drop at any level.

Other than that, I don't really have any suggestions that haven't already been put out there.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Well, in order to do that you need to run Mender Ramiel's arc at least, which you implied in your OP that you hadn't done yet.
The only reason I haven't done the Ramiel arc on this guys is because I haven't played him since I10, but I'm sure that won't present a problem, not after a respec and reassessment.

Exemplaring, further, is probably what I'll have to resort to, though I'd still restrict myself to 45-50 content. Not sure what I want to redo, really. Maybe Time After Time? Is that in the Ouro crystal?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Is just becoming a hero and running all that content out?



(not being snarky here) I'm really surprised that no one pointed that out yet, Chuckles... if they already did, I missed it. And I agree with Backfire, and Steel Shaman.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Ah, I hadn't actually heard that they do drop from Dev Choices.
That is indeed cool... except for the whole extraordinarily limited selection of Dev Choices and snail-paced addition of others.
There's nothing snail-paced about it. In fact, there's nothing paced about it, it moves about as fast on its feet as Michelangelo's David.

(Yes, "disillusioned" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about this; it'd be like the New York Times claiming in the headlines that they were "disillusioned" about the Titanic because it sank).

Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!

It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...

The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
. . . snip . . .

Side-switching: Again, not a bad idea in general, and one I'll consider undertaking with other characters, but this one is my flagship villain. He's evil. Unrepentantly so. He's unconcerned with simple wealth and certainly unconcerned with any kind of heroics, so that doesn't really work well for him. Not a bad idea, though.

. . . snip . . .
However fooling those idiots in Paragon City into thinking you've "redeemed yourself" (HAH!) could let you do some intelligence work and scout out new "business opportunities" (Muahahahahaha!). If you're motivated by power think of the new opponents you could find and CRUSH in that stinking hive of "Law and Order," and think of the irony when some Rogue Islander comes to PI to rob a bank, you get to ANNIHILATE them and the cops THANK YOU (Muahahahahaha!). Now doesn't that sound like FUN. (Muahahahahaha ... Muahahahahaha ... Muahahahahaha ... *breathe* ... Muahahahahaha ...

"I used to make diddly squat, but I've been with the company for 16 years and have had plenty of great raises. Now I just make squat" -- Me

Pediatric brain tumors are the #1 cause of cancer related deaths in children.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
So what do I do now?
Your predicament is exactly why the AE was created. I'd say hit the AE forum for arc suggestions.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I want to share a little slice of life with you, in the hopes of coming up with some kind of unexpected epiphany, and I say this quite seriously.

I've been talking about not wanting to bother with the Incarnate system for some time now, and as a result have been levelling up "alts." However, I figured "Hey! I have 50s and I ought to play THEM at some point, right? Let's pick my old flagship villain and see what I can do with him?" So I dug up my old Mids build and was just about to set to respeccing a character I haven't really played much in years when I thought to check what said villain can actually do should I go ahead and give him his respec. I was disappointed to find the following in his contacts list:

*Marcus Valerius - repeatable mission contact
*Senator Aquila - he disappeared as soon as I called him
The Architect Studio Manager - whom I apparently haven't spoken with yet
Borea - repeatable mission contact
*Warzone Operative Braun - repeatable mission contact IN A PVP ZONE
*Sister Airlia
*Mender Ramiel

Of those, the only two meaningful contacts that I have are Ramiel and Airlia. Ramiel has around four missions in one arc, Airlia has around six missions split between two arcs. All together between them, they give me around a day's worth of content, especially now that I'm off work for some time over (orthodox) Easter. So, OK, let's say I run with those two. Then what? I literally have no other contacts for this Brute, because I had to run them all just to get to level 50, and I still had to run paper missions for the last level or so, back before Experience Scaling.

I'm really pressed for answers here. Yes, I'm aware I could just run, err... The ITF? The Apex and Tin Mage stuff? The Lambada and BARF Trials? To a point, I suppose. But even were I not disinclined to run "Task Forces" back-to-back, that won't last me much longer, either, at least not unless I plan to grind them endlessly, which I don't.

I find myself right now grasping at straws. I like my villain, and I do want to play him a bit. But I just can't bring myself to commit to all the work I'd need to do to make him playable again (he had a horrid build even before) without something to look forward to at the end of the yellow brick road. There's planning a respec, there's enacting it, there's sorting the MESS this makes of my trays, there's redoing his old binds, probably fixing some of his hideous old costumes, possibly redoing his bio since the one he's using now is six years old and my writing skills have improved considerably. There's a lot of work to put into this guy, and I just don't see the point right now.

All this work, and for what? So I can run a couple of short arcs and be out of ideas once more? I've run papers with him. Run them into the ground. I've run PvE missions in PvP zones. Braun's bar is full. I've run more than enough faceless fill-in-the-blanks repeatable content to last me a life time, and I just so happen to have run almost all the non-repeatable 45-50 content. So what do I do now?

Serious question here. I like the character, I want to play him, but I can't bring myself to sinking down what will end up being an entire day fixing his sorry *** if all I have to look forward is "repeatable content." Because beyond that, I'm out of ideas, and it seriously sucks. I like this character.
Too long, didn't read. Cliff notes?

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
This isn't the answer you want to hear, so just ignore this post.

To everyone else... In my experience, the game is quite a bit more fun--leveling or otherwise--when I play it with other people. I don't have any problem whatsoever running generic missions on a team of all 50s.

There was a time when I'd look at offline games, even RPGs, and see how they had distinct beginnings, goals and endings. City of Heroes isn't like that. It just goes and goes until it stops going. Sure, you can roll a new character, but what's the point? That's when I realized the joys of teaming with friends (or random passersby).

So the moral of the story is: if you're trying to play this game alone, it's gonna suuuuuuuck.

I disagree. I love teaming but often the team is moving so fast there's no time to read Clues and the dialogs. When I can't find a team I log to an alt and try to do content solo and read all the good stuff.

To the OP: Do the arcs you have and get Tip missions. Then dabble with the idea of Going Rogue. Many of the Tip missions are fun.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Vague sense of dissatisfaction in long and meadering OP.

Helpful suggestions all rejected.


Repeat every two weeks.


They seem a lot closer together than that.



I play CoV exclusively and my most played char is 50+ and I keep running into the same problem. I've cleared all my contacts and done all the new arcs via Ourob. Even if they added a new lvl 50 CoV contact (which is yet to happen) I would breeze through it in 1 hour tops depending on the lenght.

Nowadays I just run newspapers/mayhems/warburg for tips, get 5 of them until I get villain morality mission and claim the V-merit. However I've been thinking if the V-merits are even worth it. I would prolly go rogue, cept I already got 20 of those mfers.

Edit: Oh ya, there's always AE. But AE has no shard drops etc and to be honest (no offence to anyone) I've only found 4 arcs that I enjoy and I've completed at least 100 of them.




I've read a lot of your threads, not just this one, over the past several weeks. Based on what I've read, I think you're burned out. The best thing to do, in my opinion, is to take a break from the games and the fora, taking some time to enjoy the anticipation of coming back, if nothing else.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Samuel Tow: making mountains out of molehills since June 2004.



You want to get shards and you want to solo?
Best advice I can offer is to run tips. Over and over. Set as high as you can stand, to increase your chance of getting shards from bosses.
Getting on a team for a little while, to run tips or a task force, would be even better. If you can't work with/find a way to contribute and stand out among four to eight people, you're stuck with solo grinding.

IMO, you are now at the point where you need to make a compromise somewhere and/or give up on something - whether that's endgame progress, being The Guy, or this game entirely. As someone who hates to compromise on things I think are important, I sympathize greatly. But there it is.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Aliana Blue View Post
There's nothing snail-paced about it. In fact, there's nothing paced about it, it moves about as fast on its feet as Michelangelo's David.

(Yes, "disillusioned" doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about this; it'd be like the New York Times claiming in the headlines that they were "disillusioned" about the Titanic because it sank).
Haha, well said
And yeah...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Helpful suggestions all rejected.
Thread: Not actually read. Because if you had, you'd have seen I agreed that exemplaring to 45-50 content is a good idea, since even if this character has run it, that was back in 2005-2006, which is well enough away to repeat.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
IMO, you are now at the point where you need to make a compromise somewhere and/or give up on something - whether that's endgame progress, being The Guy, or this game entirely. As someone who hates to compromise on things I think are important, I sympathize greatly. But there it is.
I should point out that "don't play that character" is also an acceptable option. Not a preferred option, granted, but I'm not dead-set on playing that one particular character at this one particular moment or I'm taking my ball and going home. My objective was to find out if there was something to look forward to after giving him a respec, getting him new enhancements, redoing his costumes and re-writing his bio. Right now, I'm a bit on the fence about it, since Ouro 45-50 content IS a good idea, and that should be able to last me for quite some time. There are a few good arcs in there, granted.

To be honest, I miss arcs like World Wide Red which could keep me occupied for several days. Granted, they do tend to grate if not told very well (see: To Save a Thousand Worlds), but at least it's a body of content.

More or less, my question wasn't whether I should keep playing or quit, but more if I could play THIS character or if I should work on one of my lower-level ones. As it stands right now I'll probably work on a lower-level character and sit on my 50s in wait for more arcs in their level range. I have other characters to play.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Eislor View Post
However fooling those idiots in Paragon City into thinking you've "redeemed yourself" (HAH!) could let you do some intelligence work and scout out new "business opportunities" (Muahahahahaha!). If you're motivated by power think of the new opponents you could find and CRUSH in that stinking hive of "Law and Order," and think of the irony when some Rogue Islander comes to PI to rob a bank, you get to ANNIHILATE them and the cops THANK YOU (Muahahahahaha!). Now doesn't that sound like FUN. (Muahahahahaha ... Muahahahahaha ... Muahahahahaha ... *breathe* ... Muahahahahaha ...
Hmm... I have a few villains who could go for that, malicious jerks that they are. I wonder if... Any of them are 50, though. I'll have to check my roster, but that's not out of the question.

Not for this one, though. See, I built Ezikiel as sort of a compilation of all the "cool villains" I'd seen in my childhood, and one key aspect that got rolled into his personality because of it was that he's the sort of villain who's above lying to people. You know, the kind who says things like:

"Oh, go ahead and follow me. Come see all of my secrets. I'll even send you a copy. Because no amount of knowledge will help you stop me. So go ahead and waste your time."

I do have a 50 villain who's sort of an even more overzealous "crusader" in the most negative sense of the word, and would indeed feel right at home being a hero of the people, only... His actions really aren't heroic. Ever. I mean, he'd fit right in being the de-facto hero doing horrible things, but getting him there would require showing either the kind of conscience he doesn't have or otherwise the kind of pretension he feels isn't required. Sort of like the Paladin from Serenity.

Truth be told, I'm not much of a fan of the side-swapping morality. It seems a bit too specific in how it moves. Villains start out insane, then go greedy, then go altruistic. It makes sense, really, if you're looking to turn over a new leaf, but it's kind of... Heavy if you're just looking to fool around.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Actually, I enjoyed this thread, Sam. It made me think, "I still play my level 50 main all the DO I keep it interesting?"

I remember at one point I got burned out with him and started "Project:BackFire" wherein I created alt versions of my main on every server! That was quite entertaining for a long time, too and now I have at least a lvl 30 alt on any server ready to play at a moment's notice

Oh, and other things my 50 did, pre AE, incarnate system, and zone revamps:

Ran my own enhancement cashing store in Kings Row before it had vendors.
Exempted down with newbies in Kings Row (my fav zone).
Patrolled Kings Row, droning Paladins and dropping inf on solo lowbies doing street hunts.
Sent random lowbies on a quick street hunt of CoT or Lost in KR for a major inf reward. (essentially an AE mish before AE existed)
Yeah, I had a lot of spare time...

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



Originally Posted by BackFire View Post
Yeah, I had a lot of spare time...
Come to think of it, that's part of my problem. I DON'T have a lot of spare time. It may seem like I do because I post from work a lot, but I usually have things to do even on weekends. I usually "steal" my playtime from more important things by, uh... Being irresponsible and not doing my job But that means I need good motivation to do so and I'm a bit struggling for that at the moment.

I should probably start writing again. That always seems to help. Sadly, not with Ezikiel. He's... Difficult to write for since everything I try to write for him ends up huge and elaborate. I think the Vanguard pack will actually help me a great deal in this regard. I have at least one character with basically no story (She's cool, but we don't know who she is or why she's here, but she's cool) who can use an identity, but will also need Vanguard Claws from level one to do so.

Probably have to leave this one alone for a bit, though. The last announcement I heard said the pack would be out "by" the 28th of this month, so there are a few days left still. Just enough to watch the Abyss, Deep Star Six, Leviathan and any other "underwater" movies I can think of. Um... Sphere? I guess?

That actually sounds like a plan - moves and a bit of a break, then come back for the Vanguard pack with a concept character. Should be interesting. Probably not gonna' bother with my older 50s for a while. That's, what? Three of 'em? I may end up playing one of my newer 50s, though. Those ended up getting to 50 with about three or four 45-50 arcs open, so they can do that.

OK, I know what to do now. That makes me feel better. Should start planning that revamped character bio. Best to get past the chaotic brainstorming stages BEFORE I start writing. That always makes things easier.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.