Scrap the IXP concept
The IXP thing was just a game mechanic throttle to keep too many people from instantly unlocking all of their Incarnate slots. It's the same reason Issue 19.5 introduced the Notices that forced you to play at least a few weeks worth of WSTs to get your Alphas fully slotted.
The Devs want you to have a reason to keep playing for a while to make sure everyone has a fair chance to get on full trial leagues for at least a few weeks/months. If everyone could easily unlock all of their incarnate slots like in a day then no one would be around to keep running them.
Besides that in a few months from now no one will be caring about IXP one way of the other anyway. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I know what you mean I just opened up Lore on my second character last night and by the time the trial I was on ended I stepped outside the BAF and slotted a tier three into the brand new power. And the exact same thing occured when I opened up Destiny.
I think part of the problem is the design of both trials and I seriously doubt anything we say here will change it.
You start a BAF and enter the facility. The entire inner courtyard is teaming with IDF troops and it looks like one heck of a battle but as soon as you defeat 40 of them the rest all disappear.
You move into part two and tackle Nightstar solo along with her MK Vickies. Now I suppose you COULD slow down the defeat of the AV and use as much of the time as your allowed to get more Vickies out but most people just defeat Nightstar and move on. Worst part is .. even if there are 9 or 10 Vickies still around when she is defeated they disappear too.
Now you move to the Escapee phase and at least during this for 5 straight minutes you can defeat as many runaways as possibe. When the 5 minutes are up they drop to their knees and are no longer vaild targets.
Now you take on Siege and the 9CU units and just like the solo battle with Nightstar you have an opportunity to take out his support. This is probably the one phase here things don't go poof because as fast as he is defeat Siege and Nightstar regen for the final battle. You can take out quite a few Vickies and 9CU during this since your trying to make sure BOTH AVs are defeated together but once again as soon as they both die.. anything still standing to attack disappears.
I averaged about 10% of the IXP I needed for every BAF run I did and since last Tuesday I have opened up and slotted 2 characters with all 4 new powers and gotten them to 50(+3). Now I had some failed attempts which messed up the numbers a bit but I'd say I probably have done the BAF at least 45 to 50 times to get all those slots open
The Lambda isn't quite as bad.. Part one allows you to clear the entire map including the EB "security team" before moving on to part two.
Part two is a huge tease though... You know you have to get all, or as many as you can, of the acids and pacifier grenades to succeed in part three so you rush past mob after mob of IDT searching and if your lucky may take out a few of them as you destrot weapon caches or containment chambers. then, just like the BAF, you are denied any chance at extra iXP since either the time runs out or your teams locate all of both weapons. You can have 5 or 6 minujtes left on the clock when the last glowie is destroyed but forget about battling any of the mobs in the facility because part three starts and you are transported outside to battle Maurader.
The very first thing you do outside is close down all of the portals that will allow reinforcements to arrive so you deny yourself added things to defeat.. then again if your teams failed to get most of those acid bombs the reinforcements come so fast that you can quickly be overwhelmed and wind up failing the trial. Of course you can take out IDT while battling Maurader but just like the BAF as soon as he is defeated everything else disappears and you are left inside an empty facility. Time to head out and start over
Now suprisingly the Lambda does seem to actually give out more IXP.. I averaged about 20-25% per attempt and almost always 25% or higher on the successful ones. That translated into doing around 4-5 to open each power so I have only done about 20 of them.
Now fortunately neither trial takes a huge amount of time to complete with a good team and I have been on some REALLY good teams but that still equates to close to 30 hours of nothing but running trials .. I managed one ITF on a character that still needed a Notice and did managed to complete one KAL TF villain side on my badger but for the most part all I did all week was BAF and Lambda.
Neither is set up like say the Imperious TF. Even after defeating Romulus you can roam around inside his castle and defeat hundreds of left over Cimeroran Traitors. With the BAF and LAMBDA mission complete means MISSION OVER.. move on!
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
What? Since when? The mobs have never dissapeared when running BAF for us on Union? We tend to make a point of sweeping everything, turrets included, before even thinking about going inside.
as per the OP, i focused more on unlocking the slots because it was so easy to get the boosts and i rather be able to slot a tier 1 instead of going without until it unlocks on its own, i had judgement, lore, and interface unlocked on the first day due to stockpiled shards and inf and then used every thread i got to convert to xp until i had all the slots unlocked

What? Since when? The mobs have never dissapeared when running BAF for us on Union? We tend to make a point of sweeping everything, turrets included, before even thinking about going inside.
As for the OP's comment, yeah I agree. The iexp is way, way, way too slow in accumulation when compared to threads and component rewards. I have rares in all 4 slots for 2 of my level 50's now. In both cases, they had enough materials to make almost 1 and half rares before they're even able to unlock the darn slot.
I think part of the problem is the design of both trials and I seriously doubt anything we say here will change it.
You start a BAF and enter the facility. The entire inner courtyard is teaming with IDF troops and it looks like one heck of a battle but as soon as you defeat 40 of them the rest all disappear. |

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
This is a very good point, but for future speed runs, I really wouldn't want it changed. Right now though, I secretly cheer a bit when we fail to kill Nightstar & Siege within the 10 sec since that gives us more mobs (ambushes) to kill. I never work against the common goal of getting both, but if it happens, I'm never upset.
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so we usually spend the first 8-12 minutes just killing them both as much as possible and right around the 10 minute mark is when we actually complete it

Tl;dr, IXP comes in too slow relative to other rewards, and once you open the slots, it's useless. IXP is far outpaced by thread, merit & component gains. Why have IXP at all? Let us open slots w/threads (and increase thread drops to compensate). Note, this is NOT a rant on how IXP comes in too slow, period (see the bold part above), or that other rewards come in too fast, but that their ratio is borked.
. |
Aurgh, brain fail. Dunno where that came from.... forgeddit.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
| are aware you can use threads to BUY incarnate XP right?
Yes, you can buy IXP. Why? You'll open your slots quickly enough, and then IXP is irrelevant--why waste the threads that you'll use to, well, craft your T3 when said slots open? |
I can sort of guess your rebuttal at that too, so please read my whole thing if you're planning on it. I'm not complaining that IXP gain is too slow. I'm saying it's too slow compared to other gains. And in the long run, like when IXP is worthless cuz we have all slots opened, it's wasteful to spend threads on IXP. My whole complaint is that the optimal progression, i.e. not wasting threads, is right now, 0 to T3 with very little in between. I can't possibly see how this is WAI.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
How about after you have no slots to unlock, letting IXP count towards gaining Threads?
Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.
I pretty much agree. By the time I unlocked Destiny I'd already had a tier 3 ready to slot for some time. I wonder if maybe the devs didn't account for people forming full leagues rather than using the queue to PUG. Aside from ambushes the trials have a fixed number of mobs to defeat. The larger the league, the more people getting a piece of that pie. So everyone gets a smaller piece. On the BAF trial especially it seems glacial. I seem to be averaging a bit over 10% iXP on a full league, efficient run. That's almost 20 BAFs just to unlock both slots...per toon. Seriously?
I pretty much agree. By the time I unlocked Destiny I'd already had a tier 3 ready to slot for some time. I wonder if maybe the devs didn't account for people forming full leagues rather than using the queue to PUG. Aside from ambushes the trials have a fixed number of mobs to defeat. The larger the league, the more people getting a piece of that pie. So everyone gets a smaller piece. On the BAF trial especially it seems glacial. I seem to be averaging a bit over 10% iXP on a full league, efficient run. That's almost 20 BAFs just to unlock both slots...per toon. Seriously?
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
This is a very good point, but for future speed runs, I really wouldn't want it changed. Right now though, I secretly cheer a bit when we fail to kill Nightstar & Siege within the 10 sec since that gives us more mobs (ambushes) to kill. I never work against the common goal of getting both, but if it happens, I'm never upset.
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OH God yes. Now I have only had this happen twice in all the BAFs I have done.. been on some pretty good teams that watched that closely but in both cases it was the only time I finished the Trial and discovered I'd made more that 10% of the iXP I needed.

I still cant figure out why the LAMBDA seems to reward better. Sure mobs vanish more often on the BAF than on it but there are a LOT more mobs. That and the fact that 1/3 of the Lambda all but requires you to ignore mobs and concentrate of glowies while every phase of a BAF has you killing stuff????
I guess it evens out a bit in the end. I have NEVER gotten the reward table that only offered me ten threads or a super Inspiration doing a BAF.. I have had that one three times doing the Lambda.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
OH God yes. Now I have only had this happen twice in all the BAFs I have done.. been on some pretty good teams that watched that closely but in both cases it was the only time I finished the Trial and discovered I'd made more that 10% of the iXP I needed.
![]() I still cant figure out why the LAMBDA seems to reward better. Sure mobs vanish more often on the BAF than on it but there are a LOT more mobs. That and the fact that 1/3 of the Lambda all but requires you to ignore mobs and concentrate of glowies while every phase of a BAF has you killing stuff???? I guess it evens out a bit in the end. I have NEVER gotten the reward table that only offered me ten threads or a super Inspiration doing a BAF.. I have had that one three times doing the Lambda. |
in the lambda trial, your fighting a lot more tougher targets (such as boss ranked baddies) and because its only being split between 2 teams, it doesnt cut into your xp as much
the biggest issue with it is that league teams do not share xp and work like completely seperate teams killing the same baddies

So just to update, I opened up my Destiny slot Monday, and sure enough I had enough for my T3. Then last night (Tuesday), I opened up my Lore slot, and immediately T3 again. Still haven't played w/a T1 or T2 power (again, I could just choose not to slot my T3... but why, esp considering the level shifts?).
I was a bit surprised when I opened my T3 Lore slot that I didn't have enough threads or commons (tons of uncommons and 2 rares in inventory tho) to get a T1 of my next tree--I figured I'd have enough to start my 2nd climb to a rare to get my T4, at least not w/o breaking any uncommons or E-merits. Then again, I wasted 60 merits opening up the Cryo tree when I planned on going Pryo.
I am a bit worried about the lack of very rare drops--I have 2, but on another toon, and he doesn't even have a single thing opened yet. E-merits are definitely harder to come by (only 7 or 8 so far). I'm thinking, esp for the long term, that I should rotate in toons more often to get everyone their nightly E-merit(s) instead of grinding just 1 toon to get enough IXP to open something up. Which just means for all my incarnates, it's going to be weeks of nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing... bam! T3s for all! It's a tiny bit frustrating.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
I still cant figure out why the LAMBDA seems to reward better.
The boss spawn groups during the AV battles are the major source of iXP and equal members of every team need to be doing that part!
In the leagues I run it seems everyone gets 20-25% iXP (well depending on the slot since the 2nd one requires more iXP to unlock).
My tactic is to divide the scrappers evenly across the teams and call for all scrappers and one controller to handle the spawns (toss in the controller because they are so awesome at locking down the group and keeping them bunched. It is so annoying when someone hits the tightly packed group with KB and scatters them. You then end up with 1-1 battles rather then just blasting AOE until the group dies).
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Personally, I think the Tin Mage and Apex TF's should be adjusted to award iXP as well. My biggest complaint with incarnate XP at the moment is the constant grind. On a good BAF I've gained around 20% or 5 runs. I only have 4 alts that I'm focusing on for the incarnate content, but after unlocking the slots with the first I'm finding it a bit dull.
Couldn't agree with you more on this, dave... and after minor participation on Trials with my FF Defender... I'll not be returning to them until something (if anything) is done to make it worthwhile for me. I'll just stick with Alpha. Way too poor to afford to make anything and not "farming" 2 Trials to get the new shinies. But, that's my choice.
Personally, I think the Tin Mage and Apex TF's should be adjusted to award iXP as well. My biggest complaint with incarnate XP at the moment is the constant grind. On a good BAF I've gained around 20% or 5 runs. I only have 4 alts that I'm focusing on for the incarnate content, but after unlocking the slots with the first I'm finding it a bit dull.
I finally opened a slot w/only the T2! My tank got his T2 Void Judgment slot, but that's cuz he never got a rare drop in his 6-8 runs it took to open Judgment. So, that's how you'd start w/a T2, just have bad luck (or poor "participation") and never land a rare. This might be happening more w/my Defenders and low damage toons since they also can't score any rares atm.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee
Tl;dr, IXP comes in too slow relative to other rewards, and once you open the slots, it's useless. IXP is far outpaced by thread, merit & component gains. Why have IXP at all? Let us open slots w/threads (and increase thread drops to compensate). Note, this is NOT a rant on how IXP comes in too slow, period (see the bold part above), or that other rewards come in too fast, but that their ratio is borked.
I ran trials pretty much non stop over the weekend and opened up T3s in Judgment & Interface on 1 toon, and made nice progresses w/other toons, but haven't opened anything else yet. So what's my problem? I never got to play w/T1 or T2 powers. I mean I could have, but didn't really feel the need, because as soon as I had enough IXP to open up one of the two slots, I had more than enough components to craft straight to the T3 (and in fact I mistakenly crafted a T1 I didn't want, so even wasted 60 threads there). I'm about 60%/85% done for Lore/Destiny too, and I'm sure that as soon as I open those up, I'll have more than I'll need for T3s of those as well.
Is this how the devs want us to progress on our Incarnates? Nothing, nothing, nothing, BIG power boost! Wouldn't it make more sense to, you know, fairly quickly get our T1s, which would then make the trials a bit smoother as we work our way to T2s, etc? Remember our Alpha slots? You could solo, or get a bit of help, and open the Alpha slot in well under an hour, but you'd only get 1 shard. A decent amount of work went into slotting that w/the T1 alpha, and a bit more for the T2. An artificial wait for I19.5 for the T3 & 4s, but still, it was a nice progression of our initial Incarnate abilities.
As it stands, the only way I can see getting enough IXP and not having enough components for a T3 is to constantly fail the trials, and merely kill enough mobs to get IXP, but not complete any objectives which will get you Astral merits (4 threads per!), and have horrible luck w/thread drops. Or if you just refuse to break apart your Astrals, cuz their only use atm is for more threads. If you hoard all your merits, you too can start w/a mere T1 or likely T2 when you open your slots.
Otherwise I'm thinking about 3-4 unsuccessful Lambda runs will open your Interface slot. Of course, you only need 60 threads to fill your T1, so you might still immediately do that, even w/o a single successful run depending on how many A-merits you've picked up. Interface is trickier--you can't kill that many mobs in the first phase, and you start getting your Astral merits awfully fast. The best tactic might be to let the prisoners escape, failing the trial at that stage. This strat might necessitate a good 8-10 failed BAFs, which unfortunately will still net you enough thread & A-merits to get to T1 easily. In fact, I think it may be impossible to open your Judgment slot w/o having enough material for at least a T1. Is this what the devs had in mind, that we'd fail a lot in the beginning letting us build up our IXP first?
Lore & Destiny have it worse w/higher IXP needs to open. I've landed a couple of very rares already, so I may even have a T4 ready when mine open up. Yes, you can buy IXP. Why? You'll open your slots quickly enough, and then IXP is irrelevant--why waste the threads that you'll use to, well, craft your T3 when said slots open? Remember, I'm not saying IXP rates are too slow, only that they're slow compared to thread/component/merit gain. And for Posi's sake, I'm not advocating slowing our thread/component/merit gains, though that's an obvious solution.
My solution? Get rid of IXP. Too big a change, I know, so won't happen, but either accelerate the gains, lower the threshold for slots opening, or let us buy them w/our now useless Alpha components (hey, what about all these Notices I'm racking up w/WSTs?), V-merits, hell reward merits even. At the very least, let us share our IXP pools so that we're not "wasting" IXP earning potential doing one trial and not the other.
An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee