new here (didnt know if this was thier right forum for it)

Adeon Hawkwood



hello all,

i am new to the game (the game is still downloading new) and just wanted to introduce myselfe. I hope to enjoy this game very much.



Triumph. That's the server you want. It's the only thing you need to know.

Oh, um... Welcome!



alright then does it matter if im a hero or villain.



thank you very much



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
alright then does it matter if im a hero or villain.
Well, a lot fo the content is Hero-only, or Villain-only, but form level 20, you can become a Vigilante, which is a Hero who's starting to turn bad, or a Rogue, whioch is a Villain that's starting to turn good, and both of them have access to both Hero and Villain content in a slightly limited way - for example, a Vigilante can go to the Villain zones, but can't start a team themselves, they can only join one there, and the other way around for Rogues visiting the Hero zones.
The 3rd option you have at the avatar creation screen is to make a Praetorian, who's someone from an alternative universe, which is not the classic Hero or Villain setting of the main part of the game.
A Praetorian can only reach level 20 before they have to come to the main part of the game and become either a Hero or a Villain.
As a new player, your first avatar has to be a Praetorian, but you can park them in the tutorial and make a 2nd one as a Hero or a Villain, if you prefer - the reason for this is that the Paretorian content is some of the newest stuff in the game, so it has the full range of all the various things that have been added to the game over the years, which the starting Hero and Villain content doesn't have, as it's quite a bit older.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
alright then does it matter if im a hero or villain.
Depends on what you want to be. If you don't have Going Rogue, then certain archetypes (ATs for short) start in one side or the other. Just pick one that sounds like something you'd like to play.

Generally speaking, a Scrapper with Willpower as the secondary will be the easiest to play in City of Heroes (what is known as blueside) and almost all the Brutes are the easiest to play on redside (City of Villains). They each have pretty good damage and decent defenses, so are good starter sets for new players. Have fun! Ask questions!

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Virtue is a nice place too. Shop around the servers a bit and see which one you like.

Likewise with AT's. I have never been a melee player, my first and true love has always been controllers. Going Rogue has let me enjoy dominators a bit too. Find what you like.



well before this game i was going to get dc universe online and play as a controller. but then i found out that CoH was for the MAC as well and i always wanted to get this game. plus i felt that this game is more in depth and has more options then DC so id like to play as a controller but as i said before. im new to mmo,s and know very little about how to build, what stats to work on, what class or type to start out as, ect any help would be greatful



Welcome to the game.

Try a couple of characters on both sides, up to at least level ten. It's pretty easy to get that high fairly quick, and you'll have a decent idea about how the particular Archetype you picked out plays. Make sure also to try a couple of different primary/secondary combinations as well. Sometimes you pick a melee character and the style of play suits you, but the powers don't, for example.

Don't be afraid to ask for help in broadcast. People will be glad to either point you in the right direction, or come help you directly.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



thank you for the tips ill have to try those out. is thier anything i should read before i start like what all the stats or ablitys do.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
thank you for the tips ill have to try those out. is thier anything i should read before i start like what all the stats or ablitys do.
Not really, most of it's easy enough to pick up as you go.

The wiki is an excellent resource though:



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
thank you for the tips ill have to try those out. is thier anything i should read before i start like what all the stats or ablitys do.
Your best bet for a quick reference is while you are picking powers. Each gives a description in the lower right window as you pick them. There are also tabs up at the top as you enhance and pick new powers that allow you to see more detailed information about each power (activation times, damage type, accuracy, range, etc). Just hit the toggle up at the top of a column you're looking at, and then mouse over the power you want to examine more closely. In the costume creator, you can also get a preview look at all of the power animations if you can change the color of the powers (or sometimes the actual animation....not very many can be changed in this way).

If you're just wanting to read a bunch of stuff before you actually play, go to Paragon Wiki. It's generally very up-to-date.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.




You want to play on Freedom! and you want to play a villain!

We have cookies.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Welcome to the game! Virtue ant Tri are both great servers. I suggest picking a server based on play times, some are just more populated than others a different times.

This I can say for sure, you will find no better community in an MMO than here.

Types of Swords
My Portfolio



thank you for the link. is thier like any weapon drop chart or anything or armor stats.



Power details can be found in the character builder: (use Mids, the online planner is ridiculously out of date and doesn't include much detail)

There aren't any real drop charts or anything like that. I recommend not bringing much of any preconceived gaming experience into this game, as it's not really... normal

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



hmm o kthanks im normaly veary open to new game ideas i think their refreshing



Always nice to welcome new players after so long of gametime.
I hope you will anjoy your stay !



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
well before this game i was going to get dc universe online and play as a controller. but then i found out that CoH was for the MAC as well and i always wanted to get this game. plus i felt that this game is more in depth and has more options then DC so id like to play as a controller but as i said before. im new to mmo,s and know very little about how to build, what stats to work on, what class or type to start out as, ect any help would be greatful

For stats one thing I love about this game is they are what they are called ie accuarcy is accuracy, damage is damage, recharge reduction is recharge reduction. The thing I hated about other MMOs I tried was they had stats like charisma and dexterity ok I know what those mean but how does that translate to effecting my powers lol.

Yep this game names it like it sees it so you ever think hmm my accuracy is abit lacking in this power you just slot an accuarcy enhancement etc. I will say one thing though double origin and single origin enhancements are named kinda weird so you may have to read the description of some but they are color coded.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
thank you for the tips ill have to try those out. is thier anything i should read before i start like what all the stats or ablitys do.
Meh, just play. If you screw up and pick the wrong powers, don't worry about it, you can always respec later. If you pick an AT that turns out not to be right for you, make another character. Heck, if you pick an AT that is right for you, make another character anyway. Then you will have two. You can have a hero and a villain...or three, or four....

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



A few things:

1: Welcome! Regardless of who you are, where you're from, or how long some of us have been here, nobody's really feeling any "Get off my lawn" for you. We're glad you've joined us. Come on down, stop on by, mash bad guy faces and fly, to another Paragon City niiiiiiight!

Sorry! Sorry! Couldn't help myself for some reason.

2: The server itself is relatively unimportant. ALL the servers have communities. And all of them are active. Some are just more populous than others. If you have specific things you want out of the game, ask around and people will give you information so you can make an informed choice for your "main" server.

3: Don't limit yourself to one server. There are lots of activities going on across multiple servers. If you like Hami raids, or ship raids, there's 11 (soon to be 15) servers where they're going on all week! Spread yourself around and work on alting a bit. This will give you options if you hit a burnout phase on one of your toons and need to switch. It also gives you options if you find an activity you like and want to experience it on multiple servers.

4: DO NOT STAND AROUND ASKING FOR TEAMS! Or at least don't do it for very long. Otherwise you spend more time begging for teams than you do playing. Find the various community channels on your server(s) of choice and join. These will give you extra resources for finding teams and getting in on events. It's also a great way to make friends.

5: You do NOT need to team 100% of the time. On some days, you'll just be in during a slow period. Don't just stand around waiting for people to come on! Run a couple missions solo. Try out AE. Work on your marketing a bit. If you're building a supergroup base, fiddle with that a bit. Heck! Help out other newbies for a while!

6: Don't let bad experiences put you off. Now, this game has lots and LOTS of great people playing. But, to be honest, there are also some people who can be...less than pleasant at times. Heck, even some of the really cool people have bad days and this can bleed into the game. My advice is, don't take offense. Don't let it put you off the game. And whatever you do, DON'T allow it to build into some high school drama. If this means putting an offender on ignore for a bit, go right ahead.

If someone is CONSISTENTLY a jerk, go ahead and use the player rating system. That way you get a nice heads-up so you can avoid playing with them in the future.

If someone who's normally cool freaks on you, just put them on ignore temporarily, find something to do, and give them time to cool off. Usually they'll catch a clue and apologize for their behavior.

7: TALK WITH YOUR TEAMMATES! Yes, there are lots of people here on TeamSpeak or similar voice systems. If you're not one of them, take time during missions and TFs to chat them up. Sometimes they can forget that not everyone on the team is using voice chat.

And if they're NOT on voice chat, make SURE to chat the group up. It helps keep good communications and prevent the team from splashing down as readily. It also encourages others to chat back. Great way to make friends when your teammate is getting wailed on, you run over and proceed to slap them silly while chatting him up and passing him a couple inspirations.

8: Don't be afraid to ask for information! Seriously, this game can be MAJORLY overwhelming for players when they're not familiar with the content. Hell, I've been here almost 3 years and some of the content still corn-fuses me sometimes. ASK about what's going on, rather than face-planting and relying on your teammates for rescue. I teamed with a gentleman and his wife tonight. The wife was brand new to the game and seemed a bit confused as we were steamrolling quite successfully. It took a couple missions, but we were able to answer some of her questions while we were planting foot in bad guy backsides. Hopefully the advice we gave will help her feel more comfortable in the game.

9: Learn how to use the friend and global system! When you find someone you have a bunch of fun playing with, ASK TO FRIEND THEM. If you play with them for a while, ask to global friend them. This way you know when they're on and it's easier to team with them. It also helps bring you in contact with each others' friends.

Well, I'd go on, but it's almost 3 AM here. So I'm going to activate my faceplant power.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
thank you for the link. is thier like any weapon drop chart or anything or armor stats.
Just to expand a bit on this, your character doesn't have equipment slots. Your individual powers have enhancement slots instead. So if you get Thunder Kick from Martial Arts, it starts with one slot and you could put an Accuracy Enhancement in that to make it more accurate. As you level up you get more slots that you can place at will, so if you place some in Thunder Kick you'd be able to slot some Damage Enhancements in there, too, so you can kick harder. But not more that 3 of a kind! The game will let you do it, but it's generally a bad idea to do as you run into a soft cap.

If you want to play with loot, you'll be interested in the Inventions you can make in the game, but take the tutorial from the ingame University on that, it'll tell you the basics (and get you a free Accuracy Enhancement Invention). You'll get a popup in the game when that opens up for you, I think.

This also means that all armor, weapons and such in the game are just costume items. The basic broadsword does the exact same amount of damage that the living broadswords from the broken mind of a dimensional god or single molecule thick energy blades do. Likewise with clothes and armor, it's all the same. This means that even at the highest level, you'll see all kinds of costumed characters running around, all looking unique. All that matters in effectiveness is what powers you have, and how you've slotted them. Well, and how good you are with your character, of course, but that should be a given in any game.

Anyway, welcome to the game. Have fun!

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



thank you everyone for the advice. i hope i get a grasp of things quickly so i add to the community. wich seems awsome by that way