new here (didnt know if this was thier right forum for it)

Adeon Hawkwood



I have played a few MMOs and this has without doubt the best and most helpful players that I have found

I can't really add anything to what's been already said. Just the one main thing is have fun

You have 12 slots to make Characters on each server, make use of them, find the server that suits you best, I can't comment on the NA servers as I'm a EU player. Well until the server list merge then the sky's the limit

One other thing don't be in a hurry to get to 50, enjoy the journey read the story lines, some are good and some are awful but take time to read them.

Most of all welcome to our happy band.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces



i think im going to make my frist villian in the freedom sever.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
i think im going to make my frist villian in the freedom sever.
As a villain, I approve of your first choice! Though as a Virtueite, I stand strong with my Virtue pride! Really though, take the advice that some have given you regarding global channels. Find them, I bet the Freedom forum probably has a few listed.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
well before this game i was going to get dc universe online and play as a controller. but then i found out that CoH was for the MAC as well and i always wanted to get this game. plus i felt that this game is more in depth and has more options then DC so id like to play as a controller but as i said before. im new to mmo,s and know very little about how to build, what stats to work on, what class or type to start out as, ect any help would be greatful
My own recommendations for a first time controller would be Mind or Plant control. Though you could always post a thread over on the controller boards about a first time controller and you'll be sure to get a lot of useful feedback.

Don't worry too much about some of the intricacies of the game. CoH is pretty forgiving. Your first build likely won't be the best, but you'll be able to contribute to teams easily.



well i made my frist person im just tryin to beat the training area so i can make my villian. but how gain more powersand ablitilys.



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
well i made my frist person im just tryin to beat the training area so i can make my villian. but how gain more powersand ablitilys.
As you gain levels, you will earn power choices and the ability to add slots to your power to make them more... powerful.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
As you gain levels, you will earn power choices and the ability to add slots to your power to make them more... powerful.
Ah ok thank you very much



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
well i made my frist person im just tryin to beat the training area so i can make my villian. but how gain more powersand ablitilys.
I can't stress this enough: read everything in the tutorial about powers and stuff. Then read what the trainers say to you. It's all good info. You won't get it all right away, but when it clicks you'll understand what they mean. When you do your next character (or your 300th like me) then, it'll feel perfectly natural.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
As a new player, your first avatar has to be a Praetorian
Not necessarily. If you buy a basic copy of CoH without Going Rogue, Praetorian isn't even an option, and you can start in the Hero or Villain zones on the first character. But as you said, it's easy enough to get around that restriction anyways.




well now i think im getting close to beating the training so ill hopefully be making my villian soon



Alot of people have already given good tips for you to start of with..all i can say is:

Welcome to the game and fourms..this community is one of the best your'll ever find prized by soo many people.
Take your time..this game isn't about hitting 50 as soon as possible its about the journey, the experiences, and bonds you make.



alrighty i made my villian and now he's about a level 6 i belive is thier anyway to look at your guy online



Originally Posted by ramules View Post
alrighty i made my villian and now he's about a level 6 i belive is thier anyway to look at your guy online
Unfortunately, the planned "City Vault" feature (which would have done what you describe) was scrapped by the devs as too resource-intensive. However, the playerbase has stepped up and created its own character tracker in the form of City Info Tracker. The only catch is that in order to track your characters you need to be running Titan Sentinel while you play. Once you get it all set up though, it's a handy way to keep track of stuff on your characters, from XP levels, to influence/infamy totals, and soon even what salvage your characters have stored (I'm looking forward to this feature, personally).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



ok is thier way to swtich between full screen to window mode for a mac



baa ?



aahh ok then gotcha