Vet Rewards need rethought
If the game itself doesn't interest new players, then vet rewards aren't going to keep them.
Vet rewards are just that, rewards for veterans. They were intended by the Devs to be thank-you gifts to the players that stuck with them through the tough initial times of the game, and provided them the funding they needed to keep going. They achieve exactly what they were intended to do, and don't need to be fixed.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
My big issue is the costume parts. NO costume parts should be locked from players, except ones granted from mission chains. And even some of them are questionable.
Okay, so what do you suggest to alter them?
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
New players will assume they just can't get any long-term vet rewards, and that will make them less interested in the game.
New players usually don't even realize there ARE veteran rewards until their 3rd month when they get their 1st one.
An Aett is right. If a player is not interested in sticking around for the game itself, do you really think a couple baubles are going to convince them to stay in a game they aren't enjoying? Unlikely.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
So I worded it wrong. Go to any CC. See how many costume parts are just NOT AVAILABLE to newer players, period.
So I worded it wrong. Go to any CC. See how many costume parts are just NOT AVAILABLE to newer players, period.
6 months - Greek symbol chest pieces (yeah, I see those used all the time.../sarcasm)
9 months - Belly Shirt, the Hacker, Desire, and Disco patterns for Females, Scottish Kilts for Males
15 months - two sets of wings
18 months - Samurai Armor
21 months - shoulder capes
27 months - Tech Sleek
30 months - Signature group logos for chest pieces (Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, Vanguard, Arachnos, PPD, Cage Consortium, CoT, Council)
39 months - Boxing Gloves, Champion (belt), Boxing Shorts, and Boxing (boots)
51 months - Crab Spider, Blood Widow, Mu Mystic, Wolf Spider Helmets
Edit -> So, except for the last two, all are under the three-year mark, which you claim is the cut-off point for new players to feel like they are attainable. And to be honest, I rarely see most of these items used even by the people who CAN use them already.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Let's see:
Trenchcoats - one character
Greek symbol chest pieces - no characters
Belly Shirt, the Hacker, Desire, and Disco patterns for Females, Scottish Kilts for Males - several characters.
two sets of wings - use these a lot, but also use wing recipes and valkyrie pack
Samurai Armor - a few characters
shoulder capes - I think I have one character with one.
Tech Sleek - I use this a lot.
Signature group logos for chest pieces (Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, Vanguard, Arachnos, PPD, Cage Consortium, CoT, Council) - never.
Boxing Gloves, Champion (belt), Boxing Shorts, and Boxing (boots) - one test server character that I've abandoned.
Crab Spider, Blood Widow, Mu Mystic, Wolf Spider Helmets - a few characters.
So yeah, the costumes get a lot of use... Not really.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Vet Rewards that show up after 3 years are pretty much unattainable for new players . . . New players will assume they just can't get any long-term vet rewards, and that will make them less interested in the game.
My big issue is the costume parts. NO costume parts should be locked from players, except ones granted from mission chains. And even some of them are questionable.
30 months - Signature group logos for chest pieces (Freedom Phalanx, Vindicators, Vanguard, Arachnos, PPD, Cage Consortium, CoT, Council)
39 months - Boxing Gloves, Champion (belt), Boxing Shorts, and Boxing (boots) 51 months - Crab Spider, Blood Widow, Mu Mystic, Wolf Spider Helmets |
People are going to quit because they have to wait for Signature Group chest symbols, the boxing set, and VEAT helmets?
Yeah right.

Gotta love entitlement whine threads...
I use someVet Reward costume parts more than others.
I prefer the Demon wings (15 mo) when making a demonic character to any of the recipe wings.
I use the Boxing belt (39 mo) when I need a really over-sized flashy belt (all my characters are female BTW) because of the gap between chest peices and bottom pieces. I despise the rest of the pieces in the set though.
I use the sleek armor (27 mo) on a few costumes, sometimes combined with pieces of other armor sets.
I like the Desire (9 mo) chest piece and have used it pretty often, as well as the belly shirts from that same VR.
I use the Vindicators stylized "V" logo (30 mo) on one character (Violet Psyche) because the curlicues that are part of the logo fit her.
I have 4 characters with a trenchcoat (3 mo) as one of their alternate costumes.
I have loads more costumes from the Magic booster, though.
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
So I worded it wrong. Go to any CC. See how many costume parts are just NOT AVAILABLE to newer players, period.
Outside of those two items, I really don't see the vet reward costume pieces used that often by those who can.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Vet Rewards that show up after 3 years are pretty much unattainable for new players. I really doubt this game will be around then. More likely, we will be on CoH2 (at least I hope so). CoH has already bucked the trend by lasting this long. New players will assume they just can't get any long-term vet rewards, and that will make them less interested in the game.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I think the only costume piece vet reward that needs changed is the 15 month reward. Why? Simple, there's this booster out called the Animal Pack.
I can imagine how disappointing it would be for someone to purchase this pack in hopes of making an awesome eagle, or crow, or raven character, then realizing too late that there are no suitable wings to go with the bird head. At that point, their options are:
1 - use the cherubic wings (which would be rather silly)
2 - purchase the Valkyrie Pack (but those wings are more metallic than feathery)
3 - wait until they have been playing the game for 1 1/4 years
The 15 month reward needs replaced with something else for this very reason. It's bad enough that there were no tail feather options included in the animal pack to go with the bird heads, but the lack of wings is really a big epic fail with the pack (and this is an observation from someone who is otherwise happy with the pack and is well past the 15 month mark.)
I would propose a point/ticket system. First vet reward you get 1 point and the cost is 1 point. Second you get 2 points and the cost is 2 points and so on. Maybe the vaues could be tweeked but you see where I am going. If you dont like a vet reward, you could skip it and save those points to get another vet reward a little earlier.
I would propose a point/ticket system. First vet reward you get 1 point and the cost is 1 point. Second you get 2 points and the cost is 2 points and so on. Maybe the vaues could be tweeked but you see where I am going. If you dont like a vet reward, you could skip it and save those points to get another vet reward a little earlier.
Couple of question:
1) What do the current players get out of this? Players that already picked their vet rewards loose out on getting points and no chance to recover them.
2) Why? You are suggesting something like a 3 year player saving points so that they can get the 5 year reward. They weren't here 5 years, so why do they get the reward for the 5 year mark when there is a chance they could quit next week or any time before actually playing 5 years. Vet rewards are thank you's. People keep trying to make something out of them.
There is not going to be a CoH2. This game will still be around in 3 years, to say the least.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

I wish people would stop using that mean-spirited political buzz word when discussing a game.
As a result the OP posted some flimsy justifications to explain why he should be allowed to get vet rewards early.
1. He blatantly misrepresents how long he has to wait to get the vet rewards he wants. He claims the wait is 3 years when in fact we get 6 costume sets as vet rewards during the first year. Two more sets are given the second year, and the last two are given the third year.
2. He implies that the game lasting this long was a fluke. This logic flies in the face of the fact that there are plenty of MMO's that have lasted just as long and even longer.
Ultima Online - 1997
Lineage 1 - 1998
Lineage 2 - 2003
The Realm Online - 1996
Meridian 59 - 1996
Furcadia - 1996
Nexus: Kingdom of the Wind - 1996
Tibia - 1997
Star Wars Galaxies - 2003
WoW - 2004
Guild Wars - 2005
EVE - 2003
Dark Age of Camelot - 2001
RuneScape - 2001
3. He implies that people will be less interested in playing the game if they have to wait to get a vet reward.
All that adds up to entitlement issues.
Vet Rewards need rethought |
As has been said by many many players, in the many many threads about this:
Vet rewards are a thank-you for those players that have supported the game throughout its life. They are not a right, they're a gift from the devs for your loyalty (one you don't get to pick). If you've supported the game for 3 month to 7 years (so far) you earn the reward for supporting the game for that period of time.
Simple as that.
... Hit it ...

I for one hated that I had the awful trenchcoat on all my alts when only one would ever use the coat plus buttcape but had to wait a year and a half for samurai armor 3 years for the boxing belt; seriously wtf devs let 5 year guys have it all as a thank you while others pick and choose preferebly on an alt to alt basis but even I'd find choice on an account basis acceptable.
Vet Rewards that show up after 3 years are pretty much unattainable for new players. I really doubt this game will be around then. More likely, we will be on CoH2 (at least I hope so). CoH has already bucked the trend by lasting this long. New players will assume they just can't get any long-term vet rewards, and that will make them less interested in the game.