Why is Base Construction the only unimproved aspect of CoH/CoV?




Originally Posted by unjust View Post
Man… The devs are asking questions like suits!!!
The Suits are in charge and they pay the Devs. Production is an arm of the Suits and they run things at Paragon Studios.

The days when the Devs could hide between the shifting sands of Cryptic and NCSoft and do whatever they want is over. It's all NCSoft now. They are firmly in charge of the direction of development. The Devs must create within that constraint.

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Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Here's an "Easy Gimmie" that requires no new content that would be an upgrade to Base capabilities.

We have an item called a Mission Computer. It does basically ONE THING ... the Cathedral of Pain.

We have the Pillar of Ice and Flame. It basically enables Flashback Missions.

We have Tip Missions. These are obtained through drops, but the only Tip Missions available to you are the ones which are Level Appropriate to you.

Combine these three functions ... into the Mission Computer.

Allow people to do Flashback Tip Missions so as to permit them to auto-exemp (ala Flashback) to Tip Missions of lower levels ... using the (nigh useless) Mission Computer.

No "new" content need be created for this, other than a UI element which allows players to select a Flashback Tip to run, and specifies the Level Range of that Tip Mission (see Pillar of Ice and Flame UI for how to do this). This system could also allow Flashback Morality Missions to be selected when 10/10 Alignment Missions (of any Level) have been completed.

Do you really think the implementation of this flashback tip mission system of yours only needs a UI interface and it's good to go?



I would love to see the mission computer become something other than an obstacle when I'm zooming through my base.

My SG has been around since a few months after launch. One guy designed and built the whole thing, and apart from one time clicking on 'edit' just to see what the design system looked like, I have never touched it or had any interest in changing any of it. We don't meet or gather there, and now that everyone just pops into Ouroboros to travel, the transporters get little use. And since I got my field crafter I don't even do THAT there anymore. While I would love to see any additions to the game, this is something that I think a lot of people- like 99% or so- would rarely/ never touch.



Another thing that would be a good thing for SG'S.

Personnel Rooms: A place where you could store and show off your badges and souvenirs from missions, as well as decorate as the individual saw fit. It could be made to be different sizes and paid for by unused prestige and put in as an instanced map as to not over lag SG's with large memberships. The rooms could also be awarded by The SG via the Sg rankings.

This might bring in some interest for the casual individual, as well as use some of the Mounting prestige in the Larger SG's.

Maybe even introduce some purchasable Mini games either accessed through a game console or even a holo-room (aka startrek holodeck).



IMO, bases served exactly one purpose when they first came out: Entice CoH players to buy the new CoV.

Since then the only additions/improvements to base items or construction have been to support other additions to the game. Don't think the changes were all good, either. We lost unlimited salvage storage because they didn't want us to horde invention salvage (when it was only base and empowerment they didn't care how much we stored). They removed pathing because it broke more things than it preserved (base raids). So, in order to remove pathing requirements they removed the bounding boxes for base items. Interestingly this caused us to lose one of my favorite tricks in base building: Double doors.
How cool were they? Why do we need "doorways" anyway?

Grrr, there I go again. Stopping short.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Actually, I think I remember the Devs talking about how they attempted this and wound up with something that wasn't substantially better than what we already had, and so, that development time went up in smoke.
If that's true, it's pretty sad. Because what we have is terrible.

(edited for word choice because that sentence was worse than the system it described)


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick




First, I love seeing the ideas.
Many of them have been put forward before.

But I'm not seeing a lot of "convincing".

Add the WHY/HOW to your suggestions. Spell it out. Seriously. It's what they've asked us to do.

This idea will bring in customers because...
This idea will benefit current players in this way...
Keep it brief and straightforward.
Bullet point it if you have to... we need to give them solid reasoning.

I love you all; your passion, ideas and artistry are inspiring.
BUT, the devs are in such a position that they also need to "convince the suits".
We can help them help us, but we need to do it a certain way.

Something else to consider; is your idea a "necessity", "simple quickie", "moderate effort", or "complete overhaul" type? This is a big factor. The more effort needed to implement an idea, the more powerful reasoning it will need.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
To answer the original question....

The Devs want to know why/how investing resources into improving the base/building feature is good for the overall health of the game.

How will improving bases bring in more customers?
How will improvements benefit current players (not just builders)?

They've asked us to convince them.
Whining is not convincing.
Begging is not convincing.
Ranting is not convincing.
"Because we want" is not convincing.

When you make suggestions/requests, try to keep these things in mind.
It's hard, believe me I know, because frustration can be so overwhelming.
Lordy, how I know it.

But try.

A stand alone base editor is a fix all. The ability to edit, save, send, share, and improve on bases...with updated tools of course.

A stand alone base editor that is easily distributable throughout -the world- would be one hell of a way to advertise.

Does anyone remember the short lived stand alone costume creator? I do.

Try combining the two.

I can see the fan sites now. providing links for people to download. "You can create a character, you can build a base, but in order to play with any of it you have to join the game"

Once people get into it they would HAVE to get an account.

It's a win/win situation.

I'm the base builders liaison and if anyone wants to join the committee, now would be a good time. Send me a PM and I'll shoot your screen name to Avatea and get you added to the list.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
A stand alone base editor is a fix all. The ability to edit, save, send, share, and improve on bases...with updated tools of course.

A stand alone base editor that is easily distributable throughout -the world- would be one hell of a way to advertise.

Does anyone remember the short lived stand alone costume creator? I do.

Try combining the two.

I can see the fan sites now. providing links for people to download. "You can create a character, you can build a base, but in order to play with any of it you have to join the game"

Once people get into it they would HAVE to get an account.

It's a win/win situation.
What level of resources do you think it would take to implement this idea?


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
What level of resources do you think it would take to implement this idea?

Ok here we go. Knitty gritty time. I would be better able to answer that question If I had an idea of what resources were available to begin with.

just roughly- it would probably require the dedication of an entire issue.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I'm the base builders liaison and if anyone wants to join the committee, now would be a good time. Send me a PM and I'll shoot your screen name to Avatea and get you added to the list.
Please note, I am not the leader of the committee nor do I speak for them<unless asked>. I am just someone that can shoot your screen name to Avatea and get you recruited to the committee. Peace and love.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I've got some points to make on this:

What is the difference between bringing in new customers and preventing the existing customers from leaving the game?

If one new customer comes in, and one old one leaves, how are the Devs making a profit?

To be honest, my SG is the only reason I still play this game. It's inactive, but as the founder, I work on the base all the time, trying new things whenever I get inspired.

I play the game, yes, but let's be frank...it's all the same old thing. None of the promising features and content is enough to keep my interest. When I log in, I look at my 50s and don't even bother. I look at my other toons and barely bother.

In fact, the only time I usually play a toon is when a friend happens to log on. Otherwise I either base build or log off.

So why do I stick around? Out of loyalty to a game that I keep hoping will show the same loyalty to me that I have shown to it. Yet time and time again, I am disappointed.

Already, I have been trying new games out, looking for one I like...on I enjoy. Before, if I didn't have the money to renew on time, I would scramble to get it. Not I have 2-3 games installed that give me the chance to play online for free.

My love of this game has been slowly dying, and the reason for that is the lack of attention the devs give to the part I enjoy most. Base Building.

And while it's true that no other MMO gives the same ability this one does, it feels like we're being slapped each time an issue comes out and nothing has changed. It's insulting.

I disagree that a total rework of the system is needed. I think the system works good enough. Sure, there are a few things I think could be upgraded, but they are not "must haves".

If they really wanted to satisfy all of us base builders, they would just add the existing map items to the bases, a little each issue. No, it would not make the news, but it would be a commitment that would satisfy many of us.

I mean, lets me honest...if we cannot get a total upgrade in the system, wouldn't the arachnos map items be welcomed? Wouldn't a larger entrance room be welcomed as well? One tile of water?

Heck, if they would just add an "elements" tab it would be great.

All of this exists in the game in the proper form...all they have to do is assign it to the base builder and decide on pricing. That's it. And they do not even have to do it all at once. Just add 2 items per issue, that's it. That would not tick off any PVPers or such, but it would go a long way to satisfy the Base Builders themselves.

But it seems the devs would rather slap us in the face.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
A stand alone base editor is a fix all. The ability to edit, save, send, share, and improve on bases...with updated tools of course.

A stand alone base editor that is easily distributable throughout -the world- would be one hell of a way to advertise.

Does anyone remember the short lived stand alone costume creator? I do.

Try combining the two.

I can see the fan sites now. providing links for people to download. "You can create a character, you can build a base, but in order to play with any of it you have to join the game"

Once people get into it they would HAVE to get an account.

It's a win/win situation.

I'm the base builders liaison and if anyone wants to join the committee, now would be a good time. Send me a PM and I'll shoot your screen name to Avatea and get you added to the list.
I like this idea, but if it's the same base content, it won't work for long. And although I think you are right in your assumptions, I doubt the devs will commit to something like that.

Now, if they were to make the Base Editor open source, I bet fans would come up with something though. There are plenty of us with programming and 3D rendering skills.

I think part of the problem though is that we ask for too much up front. Make it simple. Just add exsiting items to the editor.



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
What is the difference between bringing in new customers and preventing the existing customers from leaving the game?

If one new customer comes in, and one old one leaves, how are the Devs making a profit?
That is a very good question. Common wisdom suggests that acquiring new customers costs a fair bit of money, while keeping and maintaining existing customers costs a lot less.

One would therefore presume that making your existing customer base happy is a greater priority than getting new ones.



There are only so many supergroups, and base building is limited in most cases to one individual within that group- so we're talking a subset of a subset.

The only ways I could see base building significantly upgraded:

  1. Personal hideouts/headquarters: everyone can build a base!
  2. Expanded gameplay functionality for VG/SG members' bases: reason for all members of a group to focus on their base, not just the builder

The first solves the limiting factor, bringing base building to every single player, irregardless of VG/SG status. This gets tricky, as it can't have too good of functionality, or else the reason for VG/SG bases dwindles. Also, It would have to have severely limited storage capacity, as more storage+more player hoarding, which reduces market supply/

The second is tricky, as it assumes VG/SG membership- something that devs won't do, so it can't be SO good that those without a VG/SG will feel cheated or left out. Also, what kind of VG/SG functionality? While some groups have the membership to fill many teams, others couldn't even fill one. This could be solved via the original silver mantis SF approach, allowing non-members to join in, but hits the faction hiccup where rogues/vigilantes are limited in access.

If the devs did BOTH, they don't devalue VG/SG bases, and they expand the game-time play options of all players, letting them tinker in the builder. The increased VG/SG base functionality helps those groups, and makes bases more important, while the personal bases satiates those without big groups they can access. Heck, personal bases could easily be an inf sink, something the game needs, and as an influence sink the reduced inf flow could counter the increase in supply should personal bases allow storage.

The problem here is that doing both would take more time, a lot of resources, and would be another 'big' release that they would not be assured would/could succeed in being a game-wide improvement embraced by their costumers as a whole.



An odd and only half formed thought...

So what if they added in Personal Bases which allowed for things like showing off badges and souvenirs and some sort of costume closet to show off your various costumes. Along with the various decorations like beds, lounges, TVs and so on. And if you have the proper badges you could have a terminal to the Auction House or access to your Vault or a Invention table.

And one of the things you could put in your personal base is a door to your SG Base. The SG Base would still have all the things it has now, but add a room for 'barracks' (or whatever you want to call it) which would have all the doors (or probably just one point with a selection of doors) that granted access to the various personal rooms. The SG permissions would decide who was allowed to 'plant a door' in the Base but each individual would decide if their door was locked or unlocked.

I'm sure there's lots of coding which might make this untenable but it seems to me to at least be a fix that doesn't require a complete overhaul. It would only require one more type of room be added to the current Base system. The personal rooms could either use current Base build code or be the core that eventually a new Base system is built around.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
But it seems the devs would rather slap us in the face.
I really wish you would stop saying things like this. No one is slapping you in the face. No one is taking a pee in your cheerios. Ultimately their are only a certain amount of resources available to be allocated to any given aspect of the game. It's nothing personal if they have different priorities than you do. Please quit trying to make it personal.

"SARS, Bird Flue, 9/11, Anthrax in the Mail, Mad Cow Disease. Pope John Paul didn't die, he preboarded." - Christopher Titus "5th Annual End of the World Tour"



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
There are only so many supergroups, and base building is limited in most cases to one individual within that group- so we're talking a subset of a subset.

The only ways I could see base building significantly upgraded:
  1. Personal hideouts/headquarters: everyone can build a base!
  2. Expanded gameplay functionality for VG/SG members' bases: reason for all members of a group to focus on their base, not just the builder
The first solves the limiting factor, bringing base building to every single player, irregardless of VG/SG status. This gets tricky, as it can't have too good of functionality, or else the reason for VG/SG bases dwindles. Also, It would have to have severely limited storage capacity, as more storage+more player hoarding, which reduces market supply/

The second is tricky, as it assumes VG/SG membership- something that devs won't do, so it can't be SO good that those without a VG/SG will feel cheated or left out. Also, what kind of VG/SG functionality? While some groups have the membership to fill many teams, others couldn't even fill one. This could be solved via the original silver mantis SF approach, allowing non-members to join in, but hits the faction hiccup where rogues/vigilantes are limited in access.

If the devs did BOTH, they don't devalue VG/SG bases, and they expand the game-time play options of all players, letting them tinker in the builder. The increased VG/SG base functionality helps those groups, and makes bases more important, while the personal bases satiates those without big groups they can access. Heck, personal bases could easily be an inf sink, something the game needs, and as an influence sink the reduced inf flow could counter the increase in supply should personal bases allow storage.

The problem here is that doing both would take more time, a lot of resources, and would be another 'big' release that they would not be assured would/could succeed in being a game-wide improvement embraced by their costumers as a whole.
FWIW I'm with you completely; been there a couple of years now. But the dag gum decorators union (errr correction... unions...looks like we have more than one now) has been the dominant voice in this section of the forum for awhile now . I'd add the possibity of a microtransaction to defray the costs of appeasing this minority; or maybe even underwriting the whole personal hideout/headquarters deal. That may be unpleasant for some but it could help define what is doable and when.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Out of my 15 Toons, my first toon I rolled, a level 50 Blaster, is the only one who constructed a base. I didn't want to join a SB or VG so I just built a base. Needless to say, not much has been done with it because of cost issues to enlarge the base. I would say if they made it "easier" meaning less costly to build "add-on's" and extra rooms, then I might find it more enticing.

Also, I think that if bases are to stay around, they (dev's) need to rethink how bases are used, not just as a giant closet to hold stuff and to show all your friends how cool it is. Over time, the shiny will wear off. There probably needs to be some kind of integration within the game with bases playing a vital part on some missions, TF and such. Maybe when they first implemented bases, they had a lot more in mind for their uses. But, as others have said, it is time for an improvement and to rethink bases.



A small change to start with?

An xyz axis tool and new objects.

Is that a small enough start?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Also, It would have to have severely limited storage capacity, as more storage+more player hoarding, which reduces market supply/
Funny. The boogeyman of hoarding hasn't been proven and the promised revisit to the 30 Item salvage cap hasn't occurred in 2.5 years since Issue 13 was in beta.
Originally Posted by Sunstorm View Post
Q. Salvage Storage Racks, Why only 30 pieces of invention salvage?

A. In short, the market. The market system is designed to have a steady supply of salvage coming in. If large salvage racks were added, it would create a temporary supply problem of unknown duration until the salvage racks filled up.

Since having salvage temporarily dry up would be a big problem for all players, this number was intentionally kept low. Once the impact on the markets as a whole can be measured, we will look at adjusting these numbers again.
Remember that guy? The temporary spokesperson for Bases on the development team. That post was made 11-20-2008.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by American_Angel View Post
I've got some points to make on this:

What is the difference between bringing in new customers and preventing the existing customers from leaving the game?

If one new customer comes in, and one old one leaves, how are the Devs making a profit?

To be honest, my SG is the only reason I still play this game. It's inactive, but as the founder, I work on the base all the time, trying new things whenever I get inspired.

I play the game, yes, but let's be frank...it's all the same old thing. None of the promising features and content is enough to keep my interest. When I log in, I look at my 50s and don't even bother. I look at my other toons and barely bother.

In fact, the only time I usually play a toon is when a friend happens to log on. Otherwise I either base build or log off.

So why do I stick around? Out of loyalty to a game that I keep hoping will show the same loyalty to me that I have shown to it. Yet time and time again, I am disappointed.

Already, I have been trying new games out, looking for one I like...on I enjoy. Before, if I didn't have the money to renew on time, I would scramble to get it. Not I have 2-3 games installed that give me the chance to play online for free.

My love of this game has been slowly dying, and the reason for that is the lack of attention the devs give to the part I enjoy most. Base Building.

And while it's true that no other MMO gives the same ability this one does, it feels like we're being slapped each time an issue comes out and nothing has changed. It's insulting.

I disagree that a total rework of the system is needed. I think the system works good enough. Sure, there are a few things I think could be upgraded, but they are not "must haves".

If they really wanted to satisfy all of us base builders, they would just add the existing map items to the bases, a little each issue. No, it would not make the news, but it would be a commitment that would satisfy many of us.

I mean, lets me honest...if we cannot get a total upgrade in the system, wouldn't the arachnos map items be welcomed? Wouldn't a larger entrance room be welcomed as well? One tile of water?

Heck, if they would just add an "elements" tab it would be great.

All of this exists in the game in the proper form...all they have to do is assign it to the base builder and decide on pricing. That's it. And they do not even have to do it all at once. Just add 2 items per issue, that's it. That would not tick off any PVPers or such, but it would go a long way to satisfy the Base Builders themselves.

But it seems the devs would rather slap us in the face.
If we are indeed getting "slapped in the face" it would be from PlayNC not our dev team.

-from my understanding- here's why: PlayNC is calling the shots, they are the ones most directly responsible for allocating resources for game development. If this game doesn't have the resources allocated to develop the feature of base building, that's not on the shoulders of our over worked under-payed dev team. That's all on PlayNC.

In short, Slap-in-the-face= PlayNC's lack of interest of investing resources.

The dev's hands are tied behind their backs in that matter. They can do nothing about it.

I know you are passionate in your posts, I'm guilty of the same <oh boy am I!> just...try to find a way to express yourself without being so...flammable...if that makes any sense.

Now if I could just take my own advice...

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
An xyz axis is apparently NOT a small thing to implement.

They tried it.
It mucked up the works.


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I feel it would be nice to see a red name post here. To at least say hi, and good job.

All the nicely worded lists and easy to do ideas don't mean a thing if they don't have the

attention of someone who can bring it up in a meeting.