An Introduction to Union Roleplay




Greetings all.

I had originally intended to write this for when the server list finally merged but as questions are already starting to fly, I figured maybe now would be a better time. It also allows for any clarifications and corrections to be made long before the server list merger takes place. I’ve been here a fair while but I will be the first to admit that I don’t know every corner of Union RP and so if you feel that something here has been incorrectly described or would even like to offer your own take on something, please, by all means add it to this thread and I will update this post.

This thread is to help our NA colleagues acclimatise to Union RP should they wish to roll up on Union once the merger is complete. It is also intended as a general reference to anyone else regardless of where they come from or whether they are a new player or a veteran. It is by no means comprehensive but I hope it gives you a flavour of what to expect from Union roleplay.

Who am I?

Well my name is Dante (subject to global name changes) and I have been here for about five and a half years, roleplaying for at least five of those. I’m what I describe as a mission based roleplayer, enjoying IC banter and interaction while fighting for / opposing justice. I’m less into social RP but I also like forum RP as long as it doesn’t get too confusing. I suffer from chronic altisis which will probably kick off again as soon as the server list merge occurs.

I have played briefly on Virtue via a couple of trials when I got a little cheesed off with the EU servers so I have some idea of what I am comparing Union to. I know that some of our community have played extensively on the NA servers so I welcome their observations.

Union RP – A General Overview

So, Union. Unofficial Roleplay server since the inception of the EU servers many moons ago. Although described as the RP server, it doesn’t seem as prevalent as it does on Virtue. In general, it’s unlikely that any PuG you join will be roleplaying, more likely the players and teams you will encounter will be OOC most of the time. And, like the best of servers, we still get our fair share of tools, power spammers and god-modders. Roleplay tends to occur in set locations or within specific Supergroups or at set events set up by the community. It’s the intention of this guide to help you find those people and places and enjoy interacting with the Union RP community.

One of the major differences you may notice is a sense of continuity in Union RP. Whereas RP on Virtue seems to occur in ‘instances’ that have little or no effect on each other, Union, with a smaller population of roleplayers, is able to link these things together (mostly) seamlessly. What this means is that when you encounter SuperHero X in forum RP, he will be the same SuperHero X that you encounter in game. And if SuperHero X makes a recap post where he declares that he defeated his arch nemesis Dr VeryBad in a fire fight on Sharkhead Isle, that’s taken as given history and can be referenced by other roleplayers should they wish to. Events carry over and form a cohesive history for that character so that events can continue to affect them. If Dr VeryBad managed to damage SuperHero X’s shield in a forum RP battle, it may well still be damaged when you speak to him in Pocket D later that night. Indeed, the player may well have changed shields to reflect this.

Does this have downsides? Certainly. As a rule, destroying large parts of the city is generally frowned upon as it god-mods the community into accepting that something has changed about the game. Equally, events involving signature characters can have undue impacts on others. But on the whole, it works and makes for a rich, immersive atmosphere.

Roleplay Locations

Pocket D

Pocket D maintains is reputation as being a centre point for social RP. Mostly upstairs on the blue side from about 7PM GMT (12PM PDT / 3PM EDT) until late, there’s normally a crowd of people hanging out there from both sides of the metahuman divide. RP sometimes happens elsewhere in the D so don’t be afraid to go looking around. During winter months, the ski chalet is a popular location even if it does mean being snowballed by folks as they go to get their winter missions.

Galaxy Girl

Long before Pocket D was a glimmer in DJ Zero’s eye, there was Galaxy Girl. Once a location for meeting then jumping off to do missions, GG (as it has become known) is a social hub for some Union roleplayers. Located behind Hero Corps Headquarters in Galaxy City, the GG meets normally start from 9PM GMT (2PM PDT / 5PM EDT) and go on till whenever.

Other Locations

Roleplay can often occur in other places but these are often RPSGs meeting there for some purpose. Places such as the quiet room in AE buildings are popular thanks to the Power Suppression as are out of the way places around the world map. Plenty of RP occurs within RPSG bases as well where the entrance can be controlled and the surroundings managed to perfection.

You may notice the absence of any villain equivalent locations. Attempts have been made to get social spots off of the ground there, most famously, the Clock tower on Mercy Isle. However, these failed to catch alight and slowly died a death a few years ago. These days, a villain’s options are PD or RPVGs.

Special Events

There are often special occasions run by SG and VGs that are advertised on these boards. The Mercenaries Ball is a popular event that happens a few times a year and the recent return of the RP-PvP Event, Gladiators, proved popular with PvPer and non-PvPer alike. Keep your eyes peeled for these on these boards and on the Unionverse Wiki.

Global Channels

There are a number of global channels it’s worth signing up to if you want to meet fellow roleplayers on Union. The largest is probably Union Roleplayers which has a generally chatty crowd most of the day. The channel is fairly relaxed and used mostly for chatter, banter, forming teams and some very, very off-topic moments. Moderation is light but excessive bad language is frowned up as there are still kids playing this game.

GGOOC is the other big RP chat channel but this is mostly linked to the Galaxy Girl meet. However, as you might expect, there’s a lot of cross over between the two. Both are open and OOC but give a great place to meet new friends and get a feel for Union RP.

Common Conventions

From what I have seen, the conventions surrounding communication appear to be fairly universal. Different SGs use different methods, but in general, the following guidelines may help you (apologies if I’m teaching you to suck eggs here).

Local is always IC
Team Chat is IC if they have methods of communicating i.e. comms units
Supergroup chat can be IC or OOC depending on the team
Global Channels are almost always OOC

If you need to say something OOC in an IC channel, the good old double bracket method is the same here as elsewhere, namely ((OOC comment here)).

If you’re new to roleplaying or just want more tips and advice, I can heartily recommend Zortel’s rather dandy guide here:

Recap Threads

To help keep folks up to date, there are a few threads that keep Unionites informed of what is happening around them. These tend to be specific to the meeting points mentioned above.

"9PM Under Galaxy Girl's Skirt" -
Last Night in Pocket D -

Furthermore, for all gossip, rumours and media activity relating to hero and villain activity, there's always this thread too:

In the Newspapers! -

And for standalone stories and creative pieces, the IC Story Thread allows for this too:

The IC Story Thread -

Super / Villain Groups

I’d be remiss if I didn’t at least mention some of the more notable super/villain groups around on Union. With a smaller population, there are fewer RPSGs around but they tend to be strong groups with a fair number of members. I cannot expect to incorporate every group here so I have listed the ones which seem to be the most popular. Rather than attempt to describe them, I have instead provided a link to their profile on the Unionverse where they can speak for themselves.

Hero Groups:

The Foundry
Unity Vigil
The Militia, boards -

Villain Groups:

The Corporation
The Court of the Blood Countess
The Cadre
The Krimzon Guard

Unionverse Wiki

Our sister site to the Virtueverse, the Union Wiki has been kindly set up and maintained by people who deserve to be thanked on a regular basis by us lesser mortals. The home for a vast amount in IC and OOC information, it contains a good few years of Union’s RP and is a great resource for anyone seeking out likeminded roleplayers.

As I said at the beginning, I don’t know everything and I’m certain that I’ve likely missed loads of stuff which could well be helpful to Virtuans (is that a word?) who want to come and join the fun on Union. If you do think I’ve missed something, feel that something needs better clarification or hell, if you’d like to provide some more detailed information on any of the things I’ve mentioned, please either add it to the thread below or PM me an I’ll update the post.

Finally, let me just say I’m looking forward to meeting new roleplayers (as I’ll be stepping into the Virtueverse as soon as I get the opportunity) and that I hope you have a great time joining us on Union.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -




Virtue-ite here. I was wondering how the RP population between Villain and Hero side compare?



Tricky question to answer. I reckon there are less villain RPVGs than hero ones but I can't really comment on how active they are. I reckon it's fair to say that most folk have villain characters but I've no idea how often they are played.

Purely from my observation I'd say hero side is more active but who knows what goes on in SG bases?

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



While heroside is the more popular, there is definatly not a lack of villian RP out there, be it in bases, PD or just recently an IC bank robbery.

Though that said there are noticabley less people that I see villianside, at least for spontenious RP, but with a little OOC planning you'd be surprised how many villians come out of the woodwork.



Whereas RP on Virtue seems to occur in ‘instances’ that have little or no effect on each other, Union, with a smaller population of roleplayers, is able to link these things together (mostly) seamlessly.
Some people do this on Virtue too, though it's less common than on Union. I personally do, and many of the other forum RPers maintain at least some continuity between forum RP and ingame RP. The main reason for the seperation between forum and ingame is a lot of people who RP on the forums don't even play on Virtue, let alone RP there. Creates problems when it comes to continuity.

As for villains coming out of the woodwork... if they operated out in the open the heroes would've caught them already!

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Thanks for this post Dante, this is great!

So quick intro from me; I'm Bunny (though this is likely set to change come the merger) and I perhaps try to organise too much on Union but at least I'm eager!

I am one of the moderators of the Union Handbook, one of the leaders of RPSG The Foundry and one of the leaders of the RPVG The Corporation. Both groups are active, covering RP in missions, base and occasional jaunts to Pocket D. We have our own ooc chat channel but are generally available on the Union Roleplayers channel and welcome people interested in joining us on our forums.

I'm also big on creating roleplay friendly bases and coalitioning them to other peoples. Most notably I have The Succubi Club, a redside hedonistic nightclub and Justice Row a base designed to be a block in Kings Row (IC it is located near the police station) with shops, places to eat and drink and have evenings out.

I'm a big supporter of bringing the community together in big events, things that invite everyone no matter where they usually RP to come together for fun and general mingling. I'm just finishing off the Gladiators event, the RPVP event Dante mentioned.

In the past I've run the Mercenaries Ball and plan to run another some time in the next couple of months (and maybe another again at the end of summer as a celebreation of server list merger!). And I've helped @oreso with The Foundry's cocktail parties which have been a lot of fun.

Like Dante, I am happy to chat to anyone from Virtue who's thinking of coming to join us for RP, I can answer questions as best I can or just generally babble and be friendly! If anyone, from Union already or visiting from Virtue, is ever interested in hosting a community event just yell and I'd be happy to help, be it just advice or more input!

And that's it for now, I will stop the babbling away and spamming links!

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Basically, Bunny is made of win
Oh, and I reccomended this thread for stickying, too.

Me? I'm Techbot ALPHA, and you will obey me, maggots!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Pocket D role play can start anytime really, as long as there are two or more unhidden role players there, actually doing something (aka not afk) it tends to start a flash mob :P

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



I'm wondering if there's a way to get the two communities interacting before the server merge, IC and OOC. The forums are working nicely for OOC, and I suppose they could work for IC as well, though I'm not sure if a great number of Virtueites use the Roleplay forum. A considerable number of people have taken to using Formspring for informal IC contact, using these few as examples. Obviously that's not for everyone, but it's something else to consider.

Anyway, ideas?



Until you actually get access to Union there's little reason to do any IC meeting at this stage I'd say, especially since the universe our characters are in is very different to the universe your characters are in currently :P



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
and Justice Row a base designed to be a block in Kings Row (IC it is located near the police station) with shops, places to eat and drink and have evenings out.
It's nice to know that you can learn something new even when you've been here a while. I should really drop you some PMs regarding this, Bunny, learn more, if only from a point of view of dropping cameoes into my fiction. Unfortunately, I'm currently a sick wretch, so it may take a while.

Thread's good, Dante. I'd comment on the threads though. The GG and Pocket D threads are obviously catch-up and coordination, and serve a different purpose to "In the Newspapers".

The Newspapers thread is plot hints, public knowledge drops, and occaisionally ego blasts (). Posts to it come as newspaper articles or TV (or radio) broadcasts, and are meant to be short bursts of information that the public (i.e. any hero) could get access too.

The IC Story Thread is also important for RP. It's the private version of In the Newspapers thread. Cheating, really, since it gives loads of OOC access into private moments of characters, it requires discipline to not abuse knowledge gained there. Equally, it can be a source of stress relief: a player can be happy knowing stuff his character would have no reason or ability to dicover which would driver the player bonkers to not know.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



I vaguely remember, a long long time ago, that we tried to put together a thread of IC locations throughout the city... That kind of thing would be useful.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
I vaguely remember, a long long time ago, that we tried to put together a thread of IC locations throughout the city... That kind of thing would be useful.
This would be useful. Maybe it should be dug out again, or if not I'm happy to start afresh on this as a project. Discuss it here on the forums and then make a handy dandy guide to the City (and one to the Isles) and pop it on the Handbook.

...I really am an overeager Bunny...

((Metafanzine Published by @Chaos Bunny))
Unionverse Page | Virtueverse Page



Originally Posted by Ravenswing View Post
Thread's good, Dante. I'd comment on the threads though. The GG and Pocket D threads are obviously catch-up and coordination, and serve a different purpose to "In the Newspapers".
Very good point, I was trying to catch a runaway child this morning while updating the thread so I've gone back and clarified the difference between the recaps and the Newspaper thread. Good call on the IC Story thread too, I've included that.

If any more is forthcoming, I'm more than happy to keep editing the post. I'm very happy for it to be a colaborative effort to give a flavour for all Union RP.

Also, I must have a look at Justice Row too, given that the Militia's headquarters is in uptown Kings.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
This would be useful. Maybe it should be dug out again, or if not I'm happy to start afresh on this as a project. Discuss it here on the forums and then make a handy dandy guide to the City (and one to the Isles) and pop it on the Handbook.

...I really am an overeager Bunny...
A good start might be collating the Handbook entries. They all have locations which could be standardised. Just a thought...

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Until you actually get access to Union there's little reason to do any IC meeting at this stage I'd say, especially since the universe our characters are in is very different to the universe your characters are in currently :P
Oh right, that. I may be getting ahead of things a tad.

This seems a bit one-sided at the moment, as far as information sharing goes. I'll see if I can put together a bit of info on what to expect on Virtue.



At this time, it does not seem like we can cross over into Union's global channels until Server Merge. pop



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Until you actually get access to Union there's little reason to do any IC meeting at this stage I'd say, especially since the universe our characters are in is very different to the universe your characters are in currently :P
Well, that may be true for those sticking only to in-game RP, but for the forumites, I'd suggest you go check out this thread. It's set in the Unionverse.

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Well -a- Unionverse.

If the regular Unionverse were Universe 616, then The Crossing Unionverse is Univer 615/617. So alas it's not quite the same sort of thing I'm afraid Devious :P



No mutable 616 canon then? Amatus would be furious if he knew - mutation is vital to the process of evolution. It is not goal-oriented, nor always beneficial, but it is logistical.



So if I'm understanding that right, and assuming the right things based on it, then anything involving characters who aren't on the Union server itself is considered non-canon at least to some extent?

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Originally Posted by Omega_Chief View Post
Well -a- Unionverse.

If the regular Unionverse were Universe 616, then The Crossing Unionverse is Univer 615/617. So alas it's not quite the same sort of thing I'm afraid Devious :P
Why? Where'd the shared world go?

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Originally Posted by DeviousMe View Post
Well, that may be true for those sticking only to in-game RP, but for the forumites, I'd suggest you go check out this thread. It's set in the Unionverse.
After some discussion, peeps decided that we'd set that one in what we came to call 'Onionverse'. No, I'm not kidding.

It's like Union, in that it's possible that some of the characters from there may show up (None of which have yet, to my knowledge, except Ed Mechano, who can dimension hop anyway. So, technically, it might not even need to be that. It's jsut a paragon)

And the reason being was that there'd be too much wide-spread and noticeable stuff for it to not be common new, therefore forceing peeps who didn't join the the Forum RP to have to acknowledge it...which is a big no-no, really. RP can be exclusive or inclusive, but never forced.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
So if I'm understanding that right, and assuming the right things based on it, then anything involving characters who aren't on the Union server itself is considered non-canon at least to some extent?
Pretty much.
While I use some of my Union characters in the SH102 thread, that, for them, is not canon. I won't include that sort of thing in their backstories or anything like that. I could arguably kill one of them off there, and it wouldn't effect Union in-game or on the forums.

This is why continuity threads tend to have a big 'UNION RP: Plot Name Etc' slapped on them, to make it easier to keep track of

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.