Khelds and the I20 incarnate slots




So after all that lovely juicy sneaky peeky info that was posted in screenshot format from the EU getting a look see at the other incarnate trial that's coming with I20, I got to thinking about what id take from the various choices for each slot.

I gotta admit I'm torn on a couple...which lead me to come here and ask you all what YOU would take.

For Destiny I can already tell you that I imagine the vast majority of us are gonna grab Clarion (STATUS PROT! OMG STATUS PROT!). Im kinda tempted a little by Barrier (+def/+res) and Ageless (+end/+Recharge) though.

Interface im kinda leaning to the tohit debuff proc. The less Im hit the happier I am. Though -res could be nice too. The -def, and -recharge ones don't really appeal to me.

Lore, dont know, probably go with either clockwork or warworks, my characters more of a tinker type anyways.

No clue what to go with Judgement. Ionic is likely to be electricity, but its also a chain AoE, the hold would be nice though. Void would give me another nova, Pyronic would give me a better luminous detonation for human form, doubt id bother with the cryonic cone though.

So how about you all, what will YOU go with?



The to-hit debuff branch of Interface proc's is pretty sweet; especially as at the higher level versions it also adds a chance for -regen (with the very rare radial version having a 100% chance to inflict -regen on the target(s)) - suspect it would prove pretty nasty against AV's and other targets with high hp/regen.

<edited for inability to spell; memo to self - posting before morning cup of tea is generally a Bad Idea>

Roleplayer and member of "The Unity Vigil"
Characters: Union (Heroes) -
White Warlock Lv50 Ill/Storm Controller
Black Providence Lv50 MA/SR Scrapper
Starwhisper Lv50 Peacebringer



Where is the info on these?

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




People are saying some of the new incarnate powers will not work in forms, alas. I'm not a beta person, so I have no way of confirming this, but I'm assuming the confirmation of this is not a lie.

If this is true, it's not too terrible, but I'm not super happy. Interface presumably will work in forms, as it's an auto power. Going to human to summon a pet, I can deal with. I'm less happy if we can't use Judgement or Destiny in forms, however. I can live without summoning a pet in the middle of a tough encounter... but I would assume we are supposed to be able to use Judgement or Destiny on the fly, and a "no forms allowed" requirement on those would be a real bummer.

Anyone playing around in beta and on a Kheld able to confirm how things work?

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Clarion, most likely, but Barrier's a pretty strong contender. Protection from status effects or making it so they're less likely to hit? Either works for me.

Interface is definitely -res/-regen. Why? As a peacebringer, I'm fairly good at surviving. What I need is a way to do more damage OR have the opponents heal less. -res/-regen doing both? That's perfect. -to hit is strongly resisted in most cases I know of.

Lore? Maybe Clockwork to simulate having minions to clean up in roleplay. The only really useful thing to me from this slot is the level shift.

Judgement? Probably Ion. Controls, please. Very useful.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Clarion, most likely, but Barrier's a pretty strong contender. Protection from status effects or making it so they're less likely to hit? Either works for me.

Interface is definitely -res/-regen. Why? As a peacebringer, I'm fairly good at surviving. What I need is a way to do more damage OR have the opponents heal less. -res/-regen doing both? That's perfect. -to hit is strongly resisted in most cases I know of.

Lore? Maybe Clockwork to simulate having minions to clean up in roleplay. The only really useful thing to me from this slot is the level shift.

Judgement? Probably Ion. Controls, please. Very useful.
Diamagnetic is -To Hit/-regen. Reactive is -res/-health(DoT). There is no -res/-regen Interface.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Hm. I must have misread something. Then its' a toss up between Diamagnetic Radial Flawless and Reactive Core Flawless.



Slight necropost but I think the is still worth chatting about.

While it looks like Pyronic Judgement is going to be head an shoulders above the other Judgement slots I'm a sucker for theme so I'll be working my way up to "Void Core Final Judgement", No need for KB, -Dam is no use if they're dead and by the time I'm in place for a nuke I'm already eclipsed.

Less said about that the better, I'm going to skip the whole thing until we can get non-praetorian pets. But by the dark gods I'd go for a couple of extra fluffy-style pets (NOTE TO DEVS, fluffy Lore pets require no new animations or GFX work. They are also pretty generic so everyone with dark powers could justify them thematically, PB Photon seeker graphics would be a great flipside)

Well theme says Gravitic, but we have plenty of -rech and -spd anyway I think it would be wasted. It looks like Reactive will be popular and more damage is always good, extra fire damage harkens to the early days of Requiem's powers being described as "dark fire" so I'll probable aim for "Reactive Total Radial Conversion" and not go past that unless I have _loads_ of free time. though I might also build up a "Diamagnetic Total Radial Conversion" for AVs

I don't think I can resist "Clarion Core Epiphany" self-buffed mez protection is just too much to pass up, but after that I might go for "Barrier Core Epiphany" for TF's

Yea Gods I'm going to be running a lot of TF's... but If I go for Void Judgement first then Clarion, Then the level shift from Destiny... nope, its just going to be a lot of TFs



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Anyone playing around in beta and on a Kheld able to confirm how things work?
I believe that would be against "beta rules"...

As for seems the Devs have FINALLY heard my cries over the past few years for a mez protection option for human-form Kheldians.... I can't say that I've ever been more ecstatic to play in a long, long, long time. This is enough to bring me back to when I was playing "hardcore" over a year ago.

Definitely "Clarion" for me.

On my tri-form builds, I'd probably go for the damage one.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



It really depends on the cooldown on Clarion, honestly. I have the sneaking suspicion I'll still be carrying around 5 trays worth of Break Frees.



Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
It really depends on the cooldown on Clarion, honestly. I have the sneaking suspicion I'll still be carrying around 5 trays worth of Break Frees.
pretty sure it's perma but with diminishing returns over time. starts at 36 and decreases down to 3 by the end of the duration. but still perma which is good enough.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



"Clarion Core Epiphany" is Perma, the others aren't and global recharge doesn't help.

Also there are no limits on what can be discussed right now this is open beta as far as the forums go.



Destiny: For me its a toss up between Clarion and Ageless. I like the radial side of clarion more because of the +range and +special but it doesn't go perma at tier4 which means I still need breakfrees. Ageless effects can be perma. Ageless offers the debuff resistance khelds lack and it will be helpful for dwarf form. The +end will also be helpful for lightform and nuke crashes for PB's. Since destiny powers are clickable in forms, Ageless offers a +recharge power that can be used at moments when dropping forms to click hasten would be inconvenient.

Judgement: I really like the animations of Pyronic and Void. Pyronic does more consistent damage but Ion has the potential to do more damage to more targets. I'd have to try an upper tier Ion on a trial to make the final call.

Interface: I'm going with reactive based on the real numbers for interface powers. Diamagnetic and paralytic seem like good concepts but I felt like the numbers were too weak to make a difference in most encounters. The -special and -rech for gravitic was actually decent but extra damage from reactive was too good to pass on.

Lore: I'm leaning towards Seers but I considered Warworks and Clockwork too. The lore support pets are kinda "meh" with the exception of seers providing fortitude so I based my decision on the bosses. The Mk-VI "Victoria" from warworks is the queen of damage for lore pets. She probably does more damage than I do and it's a mix of melee and ranged damage with crits. The clockwork dismantler does almost as much damage as vicki but it's all ranged. Seer's do psi damage which is really nice to balance situations where smashing/energy damage isn't as helpful. Seers are the only lore pets with fly which make them more useful for hovering in human form or using nova form. Seers are forced to run into melee when they use dominate mind because the power has a 5ft range. The cool thing is they will fly back to the player and continue to stay at range for their other attacks.

Old School



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I believe that would be against "beta rules"...

As for seems the Devs have FINALLY heard my cries over the past few years for a mez protection option for human-form Kheldians.... I can't say that I've ever been more ecstatic to play in a long, long, long time. This is enough to bring me back to when I was playing "hardcore" over a year ago.

Definitely "Clarion" for me.

On my tri-form builds, I'd probably go for the damage one.


I personally would like to thank you for the championing of mez protection for khelds that you have done. I remember many times we discussed HEATS and VEATS and the amazing lack of any mez protection for HEATS while VEATS get it out the wazoo.

Anyway. Thanks Alien.
Welcome Back... again.


Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



lol, thanks. :P

Hey, we should both take revenge on Bobcat sometime...

Originally Posted by _Dawun_ View Post
Destiny: For me its a toss up between Clarion and Ageless. I like the radial side of clarion more because of the +range and +special but it doesn't go perma at tier4 which means I still need breakfrees.
I was under the impression that it was perma (i.e. it lasts for 2 minutes, and has a 2 minute recharge time)...

As far as I know, from what I read in the description for the power, you would have at least mag 3 mez protection at any given time--if not more, depending on which point you are at after the powers activation.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I was under the impression that it was perma (i.e. it lasts for 2 minutes, and has a 2 minute recharge time)...

As far as I know, from what I read in the description for the power, you would have at least mag 3 mez protection at any given time--if not more, depending on which point you are at after the powers activation.

It's actually better than what you were told. The core side, which is pure mez protection, does go perma and DR's down to mag 6 mez protection. The radial side, which includes +special and +range as a bonus, caps out at a 90 second duration for tier4. The radial side goes down to mag 3 mez protection before it expires. Clarion core epiphany is amazing but I am still considering the benefits of Ageless.

Old School



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
lol, thanks. :P

Hey, we should both take revenge on Bobcat sometime...

I'd like that. Still got the mish up.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



For Destiny, I will be grabbing Rebirth, either core or radial, whichever proves better for my build. Why? My Ultrashade (may I coin a new term?) is basically a flying granite tank that rains down hell from above. He sits at the range softcap with perma-eclipse and enough recharge to keep three pets active. I can still take a tiny bit too much damage over time if I am doing something absolutely insane, but with more hp or regen I don't think that will be a problem anymore. This will also help my pets with survival.

I might also craft an Ageless radial epiphany eventually for the resistance to effects, as one of the few things that can still topple an ultrashade is endurance sapping/-recovery (though, for the build at the range defense cap, those sapping powers never really hit).

I will continue to use my macros/binds to make break frees instead of going Clarion, as I don't need inspirations for anything else and mezzes rarely hit me anyway.


For Judgement, I am going Ion Core for the ridiculous target cap, and because I like lightning (Already slotted the first Ion and it's awesome).


Interface will be Reactive Radial Flawless. All the effects of interface will only stack so many times on the same target (from however many sources), so I think once many people get these slotted up, an AV will be at that stacking cap to just about all of the effects. The Reactive Radial, however, offers a chance for bonus fire damage, which is something that I think won't have problems with "stacking," and therefore won't be wasted. Plus it's extra damage.


Lore, I don't have enough information on the pets' abilities yet, but I am probably going to go with the seers for extra ranged damage (they can join my flotilla in the sky).

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Definitely going with

Destiny: Rebirth, Radial side, for my human dwarf pb. We already have dullpain so a mini Instant healing/heal power would be nice power..

Interface: -res/fire more dmg for my proc stack pb = awesome sauce.

Everything else is not necessary... get them when i get them

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Not to hijack the thread... but seeing as this too has to deal with Incarnate slots/ powers

How will you plan to manage the power trays? With my Tri-form, Temp powers, Accolade powers and now Incarnate powers... I'm running 6-7 power trays. I'm rather interested in how everyone plans to manage the additional power... Or maybe I should start paying attention to binds a lil more.....

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
Not to hijack the thread... but seeing as this too has to deal with Incarnate slots/ powers

How will you plan to manage the power trays? With my Tri-form, Temp powers, Accolade powers and now Incarnate powers... I'm running 6-7 power trays. I'm rather interested in how everyone plans to manage the additional power... Or maybe I should start paying attention to binds a lil more.....
Ive got too many trays...

Tray 1 is my human form attacks, heals, hasten, conserve power, and buildup...also Judgement.

Tray 5 (just above it, im not organized, so sue me) is my Dwarf form tray. Dwarf attacks, quantum flight, dwarf toggle, another copy of Judgement, and Call to justice (hero alignment, its there cause its right above the normal tray and easy to get at with a mouse).

Tray 7 (Just above the prior one...again, not organized) has all my toggles, light form, nova, photon seekers, and my self-rez. Things that either shouldn't turn off, or that I dont wanna fat-finger or misclick.

To the side in an extra tray opened up is Tray 6, its got my non-form travel powers in it, as well as secondary mutation, mystic fortune, etc. This one is specifically for things I should have the time to have to hunt down to find. All the things that im not gonna be using in the middle of a fight.

I dont even have my nova tray on the bar. Ive got binds to switch my primary bar when I switch forms, they're a lifesaver...and yes, Nova bar has yet another copy of judgement on it.

Ive recently opened up another extra tray, its full of copies of my Clarion incarnate power. This is my Panic Tray. I think its fairly obvious why I call it that.



I'm a bit more organized... I guess.
But on the right side of the screen I have trays 1, 2 and 3 with all the form powers 1 is the Human attach chain, 2 is Nova with Buildup and shields and 3 is Dwarf with Heals then I have 2 more trays on the top of the screen with accolade powers, travel powers, Temp powers and a couple of odd powers I can't remember. I had to remove some Temp powers to make room... Incarnate powers… needless to say I'm not looking forward to 7-9 trays on the screen full of power options... but maybe other Arc-types will get a taste of what we deal with, normally.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



No form powers are in my trays until I'm in that form, I use binds to swap my bottom try to the proper form.

As for the rest of it, from my guide:

Originally Posted by The MFing Warshade
The MFing Trays

I don't know about you, but I'm astounded by the myriad of powers available to us. As such, power management becomes essential to the efficient eatinating of your enemies' essences (alliteration aside). I've already mentioned keeping your nova and dwarf powers in their own trays and letting binds swap them around for you. This keeps form powers from cluttering up your normal trays.

First, I recommend expanding to all three trays full time. Now take a moment to think about the powers you don't need to put in the trays. Your Teleport power doesn't need to be there since you already have a bind for it and it doesn't have a recharge time. Likewise, the form toggles don't need to be in the trays anywhere. The powers you got from levels 1-4 probably don't need somewhere to go because you likely haven't slotted them at all and thus won't use them. Hasten may need a spot, but if you never take it off auto it won't. If you're like me, you have three concealment powers that you'll never turn on.

Keep in mind that the top two trays will never change as you dance between forms. This is important because quite a few of your powers are on long timers and you want to use as soon as they're ready. To keep an eye on these powers, such as Dark Extraction or Eclipse, you should put them in the top trays. Even if they're grayed out while you're in a nova/dwarf, they will still flash when they finish recharging. Other good powers for up here are Sunless Mire, Unchain Essence, Quasar, and even Stygian Circle. I know circle recharges fast, but if you need to drop forms to use it, you better be sure it's ready.

That leaves the few attacks and some utility powers that can be put in the first tray. These powers are generally always up. Gravity Well should go here, as well as Gravitic Emanation. I also put my vet attacks in this tray. It makes sense to put Shadow Recall here as well as the situational powers like Inky Aspect or Starless Step if you took them.

One last tip: Put accolade powers like Geas and Eye of the Magus in your top trays. These can be used *while shapeshifted.* Also worth noting while we're on the subject is that accolade powers are affected by global recharge bonuses, of which you should have a lot.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Mr_NoBody View Post
maybe I should start paying attention to binds a lil more.....
Yeah I thought about that I've never been much for Binds after my first few attempts failed... but no I might have to take a closer look. But I'm so Ol' school... that it would be a big learning curve not clicking on everything, I might not know how to act.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"