Mender Ramiel - Soloable on a Generic Build?
IME the only problem people thend to have is the fight with Trapdoor. And if you can splat his bifrucations quickly, Trapdoor shouldn't be exceptionally hard to beat. You may need inspirations if you have trouble with him, but there's nothing there that screams "problem! fix!"
Progress so far (not counting the Talk To missions):
1st Mission: Easily stealthed
2nd Mission: Failed. Could not make a dent in Trapdoor and ended up running out of inspirations
And that is it for this arc for me for now. Guess it is time to go for extensive sets after all.
You had to stealth the first mission...? O.o
That was a precautionary measure. I figured with all those AVs there, it would be best to sneak around instead of risk having to fight any of them.
That was a precautionary measure. I figured with all those AVs there, it would be best to sneak around instead of risk having to fight any of them.
EDIT: As for Trapdoor, stock up on purples and kill his bifurcations as soon as humanly possible. He'll spawn one every 30 seconds. I beat this mission on a Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster (without Drain Psyche even, pretty much used only the attacks in Dual Pistols) that had nothing but SOs, so you should have no problems with Archery.
Also on Steam
I solo'd trapdoor on many toons with just SOs, not even generic IOs. Take a couple purples/greens and a stash of Reds. Eat a ton of reds, and wail on Trapdoor till he dies. Drag him in the lava if you need too.
@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor
I apparently could not hold enough inspirations to hold him off, and simply could not make a noticeable dent in his health.
And even if the inspiration technique would work, that is poor design. Shouldn't a hero be able to win by, say, using all those powers that the last 50 levels worth of adventuring were spent acquiring?
Progress so far (not counting the Talk To missions):
1st Mission: Easily stealthed 2nd Mission: Failed. Could not make a dent in Trapdoor and ended up running out of inspirations And that is it for this arc for me for now. Guess it is time to go for extensive sets after all. |
About the 2nd - you did kill all his little clones, right? Otherwise his regen shoots up. With blaster damage you could probably damage him through one or two clones but you'd be better off just killing them.
What clones? As far as I could tell, it was just me and Trapdoor there. Didn't see anyone else.
I apparently could not hold enough inspirations to hold him off, and simply could not make a noticeable dent in his health.
And even if the inspiration technique would work, that is poor design. Shouldn't a hero be able to win by, say, using all those powers that the last 50 levels worth of adventuring were spent acquiring? |
Also on Steam
What clones? As far as I could tell, it was just me and Trapdoor there. Didn't see anyone else.
As for Trapdoor, stock up on purples and kill his bifurcations as soon as humanly possible. He'll spawn one every 30 seconds.
You get a message every time he spawns one. They cannot always immediately be seen but they are there, somewhere in the room.
That's what a Bifurcation is? I thought that meant he was going to pull a Protean every time that notice came up. Didn't realize that meant he was duplicating himself.
Yeah, every 30-ish seconds after you start that fight, TD spawns a clone of himself somewhere in that room. Often on the complete other side of the room - there are designated spawn points that I'm not sure they can move from. As long as it is alive, TD gets a massive Regen boost. The thing that annoys me is that if you die and go to the hospital, he keeps spawning them while you're gone so there's a roomful of them when you get back. I had that happen a time or two.
Edit: Ah, took too long typing that up. Anyway, I think it's in the briefing and/or clues somewhere that he found a way to effectively clone himself with his powers. Would have to look up exactly where. Good news is that his clones are all Minion rank, not EB rank, so they're easy to splat if you see em.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
I just tried this again, using up a full tray of inspirations (mix of purples and reds) and still failed. I took down each clone as it was generated. But there just wasn't enough time between each cloning for me to deal enough damage to Trapdoor to make a difference.
well I have also had mixed success on the Trapdoor mish on a number of different AT's. Some just blew him away and others just would not touch him.
I made the decision to run each alt once to see what it could do, and then for the ones that were going to struggle to either drop the mish or shout for help.
I have shouted for help a few times and fortunately got it from other players in the same situation that had a complimentary alt and together we rocked him. That was a more satisfactory ending than dropping and of course kept my drop option for the next "2x AV/EB defeat" mish.
Hope you get sorted soon and if you are on Virtue and I see your shout you will get help
So many cats - So few recipes!
Age is of no importance,
unless you are a cheese!
Dont forget with the ingame Email you have 20 more slots for insperations and ifyou have a friend email you more you have unlimeted.
Or just have them help you
I apparently could not hold enough inspirations to hold him off, and simply could not make a noticeable dent in his health.
And even if the inspiration technique would work, that is poor design. Shouldn't a hero be able to win by, say, using all those powers that the last 50 levels worth of adventuring were spent acquiring? |
I apparently could not hold enough inspirations to hold him off, and simply could not make a noticeable dent in his health.
And even if the inspiration technique would work, that is poor design. Shouldn't a hero be able to win by, say, using all those powers that the last 50 levels worth of adventuring were spent acquiring? |

I just tried this again, using up a full tray of inspirations (mix of purples and reds) and still failed. I took down each clone as it was generated. But there just wasn't enough time between each cloning for me to deal enough damage to Trapdoor to make a difference.
Also, I see you've got a couple of holds. On my blaster, I spammed Char as often as it was up until I got him held. Unless they've changed it since I ran it, that seemed to stop him bifurcating.
Also, also, the Envenomed Dagger temp power is really nice for slowing down his regen.
It's impossible to drop the Trapdoor mission, because it has a choice in the dialogue tree at the end.
Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.
I'm about to attempt Mender Ramiel's Incarnate arc on my Archery/Ice Blaster. At the moment, she is using mostly generic IOs with very minimal set bonuses here and there.
If the game is still balanced around SOs, this should be no problem, right? |
I haven't tried the arc with a purely SO'd/generic IO'd character because none of my characters end up at 50 like that, but even without maximum IO builds it seems quite easy. Inspirations could easily pass for the IO bonuses because the fight has never taken me longer than two or three minutes.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Put mission to -1/1 and get any pet. Done the arc recently on two alts both SO's with some regular IO's - no sets. Trapdoor is harder then before but still doable without sets.
"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
I'm about to attempt Mender Ramiel's Incarnate arc on my Archery/Ice Blaster. At the moment, she is using mostly generic IOs with very minimal set bonuses here and there.
If the game is still balanced around SOs, this should be no problem, right?
Here is her current build, which will remain this way until I get around to respeccing her for inherent fitness and to recover those extra 2 slots from Flight:
01 => Chilblain ==> ACC / Rooting Grasp(x5)
01 => Snap Shot ==> TStrike: A/D / A/D/R Dev: A/D A/D/R Chance to Hold
02 => Aimed Shot ==> TStrike: A/D / A/D/R Dev: A/D A/D/R Chance to Hold
04 => Fistful of Arrows ==> ACC(x2) / DMG(x3) / RNG
06 => Blazing Arrow ==> ACC(x2) / DMG(x3) / Apoc: R/A
08 => Swift ==> FLY
10 => Aim ==> RCH(x3)
12 => Hover ==> Karma -KB
14 => Fly ==> FLY(x3)
16 => BuildUp ==> RCH(x3)
18 => Health ==> HEAL
20 => Stamina ==> END-M(x3)
22 => Ice Patch ==> RCH(x3)
24 => Hasten ==> RCH(x3)
26 => Combat Jumping ==> WG: Slow Resist
28 => Ranged Shot ==> ACC(x2) / DMG(x3) / RNG
30 => Chilling Embrace ==> END-R
32 => Rain of Arrows ==> ACC(x2) / DMG(x3) / RCH
35 => Freezing Touch ==> ACC / HLD / Neuronic Shutdown(x4)
38 => Stunning Shot ==> ACC(x2) / ENR / RCH
41 => Shocking Bolt ==> ACC(x2) / HLD(x3) / RNG
44 => Charged Armor ==> RES(x3) / ENR(x2)
47 => EM Pulse ==> ACC(x2) / RCH
49 => Explosive Arrow ==> Detonation: A/D / Air Burst : A/D / Posi Blast: A/D / D/RCH
So, is this build viable for this upcoming arc or will I need to come up with a whole new plan based around extensive set bonuses in order to have any hope of getting through this solo?