Marketeering Inf production rates -- data gathering
Currently doing very casual marketeering, and I don't have any accurate figures, but I'll post what it's been close to the last few weeks.
A-merit generation: -10mil/day (saving up for a Glad Armor unique, buying one every other day)
Marketeering: 150-200mil/day
Drops: maybe 15mil/day
I don't have much time to play so I mostly just do tips to generate A merits for a Glad Armor unique so inf from drops isn't very high. I've also dropped down to very casual marketeering (10 mins/day) because all of my characters I want to IO currently have their builds finished and I'm not leveling anything. Going to roll two more characters as soon as I can think of names for them, but I'm not really worried about their builds because I have maybe 10bil in reserve and their planned builds have no purples in them.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
I make between 1 and 4 billion in a week depending on volume of sales and occasional tickets rolled in bronze 15-19.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I'm trying to see how much inf a casual and dedicated marketeer can generate each week.
I'll give you guys my data though I don't expect others to provide quite as much detail. Over the last 5 weeks I have averaged the follow inf/day (by activity) over all my toons: Amerit generation -- 195M Craft-and-sell mkt -- 761M Selling pops -- 94 Brainstorm to salv -- 41M Total 1092M per day Amerits generated by a combination of TF merit conversions and doing tips missions. Where converted the 20M cost is deducted from net profit. Craft-and-sell done in stacks of 8 or 10 Selling pops is just selling what drops that I don't use. Brainstorm to salv is buying base/comp salvage to turn into brainstorms which are turned into rare salvage random rolls at a cost of 20 per. |
My info is
inf this week...this is my main source of income since I just pvp/marketeer
This was done across 5toons
Done in stacks of 8
I've been very lucky with drops of late, so that will skew things.
Did a Lady Grey, Imperious Task Force and a farm run which produced a Hecatomb proc, Unbreakable Constraint Proc, Armageddon triple, Hecatomb Triple and Unbreakable Constraint triple. Sold most of it for close to 1,400,000,000 and change.
Hero Merits at level 32 have netted me 150,000,000 and change.
Hamidon sales have netted me 100,000,000 and change.
I would call these numbers (for the first list) a little on the extreme side as it's unlikely I'll get three purples per Lady Grey on a consistent basis. Thus, I'd place my daily earnings in the 250,000,000 per day range off Pool C and purple sales. Poverty line, so to speak.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
that's over a billion a week - definitely not poverty level.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I think I make a billion and a half, two billion a week off marketeering, but I haven't really measured it. Occasionally I'll run someone up to level 30 and cash in all their merits and that gives me another billion or something.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
As we speak, just got a Arma proc dropped from ITF. 7 purples in three days, changing my name to Goody_Ryu!

Do you convert to AMerits first?
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Numbers for the past week.
A-Merits: 400~ merits (stored)
Market: 2.7 bil (300 - 500 mil per day)
Drops: 100~ mil
Drops would have been skewed by purples, but this week all I've found were things I needed for a current project. My daily activities consist of running TFs (primarily), tip missions on one character, and 3 - 5 minutes per marketeer at the start and end of my play session.
Amerit generation -- 195M
Craft-and-sell mkt -- 761M Selling pops -- 94M Brainstorm to salv -- 41M |

My marketeering is uber-casual and brings in well SOUTH of 100 million per week (over 50, though). Combining that with regular game play, my 'cash on hand' steadily increases. My needs are simple.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I think I'm generally around 100million-200million a week, I don't track it to carefully. I'm pretty lazy about marketeering though, I tend to only focus on one or two items at a time and don't bother touching the really high end stuff.
My needs are simple, just not small
(And yes, I convert to a-merits first. 2.5 recipes is worth WELL over 20 million inf.)
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
How are you defining casual versus dedicated? I could potentially fall into either category depending on the criteria.
I define it based on how much effort you put into it.
I usually marketeer on one character and check the market once a day (5-10mins with crafting and listing) and I'm willing to wait a few days if my listings don't move. I also put next to no effort into finding good stuff to work on, I have quite a few "top-end" characters so I know what's "good".
For a marketeer I'd say that's quite casual, and even then I'm rolling in billions.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
When I marketeer, it's usually pretty casual stuff like crafting high level uncommons (i.e. doctored wounds) or crafting mid level commons (though I haven't been doing that much lately, too much work for the result). Low investment, modest profit type stuff. I'd guesstimate that if I ever kept it up for a full week at a time, at my usual pace (slow) I'd make 50-100 million or so, but I've never bothered doing so.
I tend to play lots of lowbies and mostly frankenslot instead of go for expensive builds, so my needs are pretty cheap (the most expensive items tend to be various procs, which are often bought with merits). Therefore, I only tend to marketeer when I feel I actually need money (usually when I've just gotten a new character into the 30-40 range where I start slotting stuff), and so my marketeering isn't just low investment, modest profit, it's also low energy, low effort.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
I'd call myself a semi-casual marketeer with some bursts of deeper dedication when I get fixated on some idea or scheme.
My normal routine is to hop on twice a day (once in the morning before work, and once when I get home from work) with a few additional check-ins on Saturdays and Sundays. I will sometimes skip days at a time and not log in at all, but this is typical.
Most of my income is from buying recipes/salvage and crafting to sell the enhancements. I pull in probably around 100 million a day doing this.
I also do some salvage flipping on the side with another toon but I don't put a lot of thought or effort into it. That nets me maybe 10 million a day on a good day.
There are times when I'll get some idea that I want to pursue - candy canes has been lucrative for me and even though I'm out of surplus I'm still bringing in about 20-40 million a day on that. But when the season is over I don't expect to look for a way to replace that income. Or maybe I will find some other scheme. DXP will certainly be profitable.
So in total I guess right now I'm making 125-150 million a day. Every once in a while it might spike much higher than that, or I might miss a few days, but I think that's average.
"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick
I don't track it carefully, and consider myself to be a pretty casual marketeer. I only spend about 10 minutes a day on it with my two dedicated crafter-sellers up and running - Overall, I would esitmate that I make about 300-500 mill per week on average. I have really only been at this since June but I think that's what my overall wealth level would show minus a bunch spent doing my I19 respecs.
[B] GUARDIAN 50s:[/B] [B]Tank[/B]: Ice/Fire, Fire/Fire, DA/SS, Inv/WM, SD/Elec...[B]Scrap[/B]: BS/Reg, Spin/DA, DM/SD, Fire/WP, Claws/SR....[B]Troller[/B]: Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin...[B]Blaster[/B]: Fire/EM....[B]Defender[/B]: D3...[B]Brute[/B]: Elm/ElA...[B]EPIC[/B]: Widow, PB, Crab...CURRENTLY: 45 Stone/Stone Tank...38 AR/Rad Corr...21 Ice^3 Dom
I took 5 years off from the game, then spent the last couple of months making enough to outfit all my toons. About 10 days ago they were all where I wanted them, so the inf started accruing. It's amazing how quickly capitalism can do it's job. In 10 days 400-500 mill has turned into over 3b, as well as outfitting 2 toons with 5 sets of Kinetic Combat (2 more bill).
I can't even imagine what would happen if purps ever dropped for me.
May I ask how much intake time was spent playing and across how many toons where u craft-selling?
My info is Craft/sell-874,223,009 inf this week...this is my main source of income since I just pvp/marketeer This was done across 5toons Done in stacks of 8 |
I have 9 toons which are dedicated craft and sell marketeers. I log each one in every 3 days on a schedule. I average about 7 mins per toon unless I am dragging them to/from a day job location while I'm doing it. So 21 mins a day can make you a whole lot of inf in this game without even manipulating the market or anything.
Almost all of my other toons are involved somehow at the very least having low-ball bids out for whatever seems to be underpriced at the moment.
50-100 mil a day from selling crafted IOs.
600 mil a week from 3 LOTG7.5s bought using tips.
150 mil a week from an occassional purple recipe drop.
I'm trying to see how much inf a casual and dedicated marketeer can generate each week.
I'll give you guys my data though I don't expect others to provide quite as much detail.
Over the last 5 weeks I have averaged the follow inf/day (by activity) over all my toons:
Amerit generation -- 195M
Craft-and-sell mkt -- 761M
Selling pops -- 94M
Brainstorm to salv -- 41M
Total 1092M per day
Amerits generated by a combination of TF merit conversions and doing tips missions. Where converted the 20M cost is deducted from net profit.
Craft-and-sell done in stacks of 8 or 10
Selling pops is just selling what drops that I don't use.
Brainstorm to salv is buying base/comp salvage to turn into brainstorms which are turned into rare salvage random rolls at a cost of 20 per.