Thunderstorms Make Antimatter!!!




Holy Carp!!

Could this perhaps lead to a new Tier 9 power for Storm Summoning?



Green energy if its actually there and we can collect it... and new weapons too... we can nuke people with no fall out if we can harness it wooo.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Green energy if its actually there and we can collect it... and new weapons too... we can nuke people with no fall out if we can harness it wooo.
Yes, sadly antimatter weaponry would be the first thing developed rather then a new power source.



The end of the article says the scientists still have to "figure out what is special about these storms and the precise role lightning plays in the process".

Well that part is obvious: clearly the extra-dimensional alien invaders are using thunderstorms as antimatter particle beam weapon platforms to attack us. They are like big fluffy tanks floating around the world slowly zapping us back to the stone age.

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Hmmm...I just though of an adventure hook for the PnP Supers game I'm running right now. Dr. Stratosphere has managed to harness the antimatter-generating power of thunderstorms, and is flying around in his unassailable cloud fortress threatening to destroy major cities unless he is paid 1 BILLION dollars! Muahahahaaa!!

Can the heroes stop this madman before Peoria is wiped off the face of the Earth?



Just when I thought thunderstorms couldn't become more awesome, we find out that they're spewing anti-matter. Nice.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



Of course, people still don't trust nuclear power. There's no way they'll trust anti-matter, since even a single anti-proton will start a chain reaction that will destroy the whole of the earth!

Yes, I'm being factitious.

Basically, what I'm saying is, if a power source is ever developed, expect it to never be developed properally because of the lunatic fringe.



Yeah, did you see the plans for "clean" Nuclear Power plants in a TED video...basically we have the ability to Use a nuclear reactor and burn through our nuclear power, then take the "Waste" and use it in a tier 2 reactor... then take that waste and use it in a tier 3 reactor and so on, but instead of getting this thing set up and fixing up our power grids... we can't because nuclear is too dangerous...

And the wind mills are too ugly >.>

and [insert green energy here] is too [insert untrue idiotic reason here]



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I wonder how much anti-matter a static shock produces?
None I'd expect. Thunderstorms are so far removed from static it's scary.



And remember, it was a bolt of lightning they needed in Back to the Future 1 to give the Flux Capacitor the energy required due to having no plutonium on hand in 1955......wonder if Doc Brown was on the verge of discovering antimatter?



Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
Hmmm...I just though of an adventure hook for the PnP Supers game I'm running right now. Dr. Stratosphere has managed to harness the antimatter-generating power of thunderstorms, and is flying around in his unassailable cloud fortress threatening to destroy major cities unless he is paid 1 BILLION dollars! Muahahahaaa!!

Can the heroes stop this madman before Peoria is wiped off the face of the Earth?
REALLY???? you made them "Peoria's Finest"? first super group in Peoria! "BECAUSE, one was never needed!!!!" that's awesome. i love a good gm who has fun with is job.

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Thunderstorms...gamma looks like we need a new Thor vs Hulk thread now that we have more scientific information to back us up.

I vote Thor because he can create Anti-matter!

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
None I'd expect. Thunderstorms are so far removed from static it's scary.
Yeah, they're one of those things that's hard to really conceptualize properly because of its sheer magnitude.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




And I have this sudden mental image of Positron in his armor pouting and going, "But I can do that too..."


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So, the anti-matter is created by a gamma ray burst. The obvious conclusion is that the Maestro is the Anti-Monitor.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



The observation that apparently powerful thunderstorms can produce gamma rays has been floating around for a while. What the article describes is really additional information about the phenomenon. It isn't that the thunderstorms are producing antimatter directly, its that the gamma rays they produce are so energetic that they're decaying into electron/positron pairs that the satellite is detecting. It suggests additional details of the event and some additional clues as to the precise process that creates them.

One of the things people have been trying to figure out is where precisely in the thunderstorms are the gamma ray bursts being created. Knowing that could be important because commercial airliners do travel close enough to large thunderstorms for a gamma ray burst to be a potential health hazard. Not enough to kill necessarily, but more radiation than would ordinarily be considered safe on the ground. If the bursts are generated at very high altitudes and directed generally upward, that is a better scenario for air travelers. My suspicion is that these energetic positron beams are suggestive that this is what is happening.

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Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
Basically, what I'm saying is, if a power source is ever developed, expect it to never be developed properally because of the lunatic fringe.
Too bad we can't harness the power of stupidity and ignorance. We could power the world with such a cheap and plentiful energy source.

I wonder what would happen if we gather all the people with an IQ above 140 to one area and all the people with an IQ below 80 on the opposite side of the world. Obviously we would have the smartest and dumbest cities in the world, but would something similar to magnetic poles be created?

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.