If 2% Resistance equals 1% Defense, How much Regen is equal to 1% Defense ?




Pretty much like the title says.. I read the thread where players where just about equating 2% resistance to 1% defense. So my question is how do you determine how much regeneration is equal to 1% defense ?

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



That would vary by AT--different Health totals change how much one heals.

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--The Question, JLU



That depends on three things, 1) how much Defense and Resistance you have currently, 2) how much maximum HP you have and 3) how much damage per unit of time you're taking.

Regen is "direct" mitigation whereas Defense and Resistance are relative to incoming DPS. They both also multiply the usefulness of your Regeneration and stack in a different manner. Maximum HP determines how much regeneration in HP/s the percentage equals.

EDIT: Results will also differ depending on if you try to calculate an "immortality line" or time to defeat.

A formula you can use for this:

Time to Defeat = (MaxHP / (DPS * (1 - Res) * (Enemy_ToHit - Def) * Enemy_Acc - Regen)

If Regen (in HP/second) is higher or equals the DPS (enemy base DPS, power accuracy isn't applied yet) after Resistance and Defense are applied you can sustain that damage "forever". If Regen is lower than the DPS with the same conditions the formula will give you the time it takes to reach 0 HP. You can use it to try different combinations of Defense, Resistance, MaxHP, time to defeat, etc. to see how much Regeneration would get you the same increase in survivability in each situation. It is very important to note that because Regen works very differently from Res or Def there is no real rule of the thumb for converting it to either of those.

(I hope I got the formula right, a bit sleepy...)

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



They aren't directly comparable.

You can hit a theoretical (actually, maybe not so theoretical) point where your Regen exceeds incoming damage and you will never die versus the damage you are facing. Resistance and Defense alone will always eventually result in your death. However since all characters have some base Regen it doesn't quite play out that harshly. It's just that Regen by itself approaches infinite survivability while neither Defense or Resistance alone does the same on their own.

Leaving Resistance out, a character with soft capped defense dodging an attack that does 1500 damage has a 1 in 20 chance to take that damage. A character with normal defense (facing same level enemies) has a 1 in 2 chance to take that damage. If the damage killed the character in one hit there is nothing to Regen because the character is dead.

Keep in mind that armor models as they are presented on the boards are almost always treated as if the person is a Scrapper or Tanker type and base assumptions about chance from there. Real life chances for squishier characters are very different because most of them are not trying to tank through the damage, and are only handling a few die rolls at a time. This means the odds are much less likely to normalize within an individual exchange of fire.



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
So my question is how do you determine how much regeneration is equal to 1% defense ?
Regeneration does not prevent damage. The amount it takes to equal any amount of defense or resistance is anywhere from minimum to maximum, entirely dependent on the amount of incoming damage.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
Pretty much like the title says.. I read the thread where players where just about equating 2% resistance to 1% defense. So my question is how do you determine how much regeneration is equal to 1% defense ?
There is no generic answer to this question. Here's why.

Defense makes your foes miss more, which means it causes you to avoid some average percentage of the damage you would have otherwise taken in that fight. That percentage of damage expressed as HP of damage per second is a function of what amount of damage is coming your way. That is a function of all sorts of things - how fast are you being attacked? By how many foes? How hard do they hit? Do you have any resistance to their damage?

Regen bonuses mean you regenerate a percentage of your base HP per second, meaning some fixed amount of HP per second. So how many that is becomes a function of things like your AT and HP bonuses from powers or set bonuses.

So your HP/sec regenned for any HP and regen bonus is fixed, and HP/sec damage is variable based on what you're fighting, and defense is removing a percentage of that variable damage.

In short, the answer to your question varies basically under every new circumstance under which you might ask it, meaning it's not really a terribly useful question to answer.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



As many have stated, it is not a direct conversion.

Reason being, regen restores damage, and is therefore only used after damage has been taken, but def/res prevents the damage, and is used before the damage is taken. Def/res reduce the damage, regen doesn't. So if something can hit you in 2 shots and kill you, regen won't do anything really, but x amount of resistance will lower the total damage and make you live, while def will make you take no dmg at all and live. Regen is best used when some res/def is already in play, to restore the lowered amount of damage taken. So the more def/res you have, the more useful regen will be at getting you to the "immortality line" others have mentioned.



Ow. My head hurts.

The way I like to look at it is, healing is like a debuff to your foes' damage. It's not a flat percentage, though, like Res or Def, it knocks an amount off the top, and then anything beyond that gets to you.

As a result, healing based characters tend to be immortal until the point where the damage they are taking exceeds their regen, at which time they tend to die really fast. This is a characteristic very different from Res, which just dies slowly but steadily, and Def, which dies rarely, but suddenly and without warning.



I didn't know that Regen was based on your hit points. I thought it was just a static number for everyone.. So with that said I can see the point everyone has made..

I guess I need to mess around with that Google Doc that Dech made.

But at least I learned something new.. Which is always good

Thanks for the insight

1. Why Soft Cap is Important : http://dechskaison.blogspot.com/2011...important.html
2. Limits: http://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Limits
3. Attack Mechanics: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Attack_Mechanics
4. Rule of Five: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Rule_o...e_Law_of_Fives



What about if we assume that the player doing the fighting is a level 50 Scrapper, without accolades, fighting even-con minions and Lts? This way there is a constant stream of damage coming in rather than big spikes. We could, as an exercise, choose a common faction (such as Freakshow) and if somebody has the numbers on the average dps of said minions and Lts we could guesstimate just how many of these foes a max regen character of this type could fight. Then, using the same enemy DPS metric, we could compare a hypothetical softcapped defense Scrapper with no damage resistance fighting these baddies and compute the max number of foes he could face and keep the incoming DPS equal to his regen. We could have a very very rough idea then of comparable defense to regen numbers.

It would be of limited use to be sure, but interesting.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
What about if we assume that the player doing the fighting is a level 50 Scrapper, without accolades, fighting even-con minions and Lts? This way there is a constant stream of damage coming in rather than big spikes. We could, as an exercise, choose a common faction (such as Freakshow) and if somebody has the numbers on the average dps of said minions and Lts we could guesstimate just how many of these foes a max regen character of this type could fight. Then, using the same enemy DPS metric, we could compare a hypothetical softcapped defense Scrapper with no damage resistance fighting these baddies and compute the max number of foes he could face and keep the incoming DPS equal to his regen. We could have a very very rough idea then of comparable defense to regen numbers.

It would be of limited use to be sure, but interesting.
The problem with that, is that DPS will work on regen and resistance, but on def, number of attacks plays a role as well. And even with LT and mins, the initial alpha from them will hurt the regen character quite a bit. There simply is no direct comparison. And besides, def and resistance both reduce damage, and so the formula for them is multiplying by a decimal to find damage taken, but regen is subtractive, so comparing them would be impossible.

To put that last statement into numbers:

Defense character: 45% defense, so 5% of attacks are hitting, multiply 100% incomming damage by .05 and you get your dps dealt to you.

Resistance character: 90% of incomming dps is negated, so multiply by .1 to find dps dealt to you.

Regen character: You heal say, 75 hp/s, so subtract that from the dps being thrown at you. If said dps is above 75 hp/s, then you will slowly (or quickly, depending on how much higher) be defeated. If said dps is lower than 75 hp/s you will stay relatively close to 100% health at all times.

So regen is a static reduction. Now lets look at this.

Defense character is rolled against 100 points of damage through 10 attacks form surrounding enemies at 10 points of dmg a piece (scenario 1). Say 30% defense, he takes 2 of the attacks and 20 dmg. Now 1000 points of damage from said 10 enemies in 10 attacks (scenario 2). He takes 2 again for 200 dmg. He still negates 80% total.

Resistance character has 50% res, takes scenario 1. He gets 5 hits and 25 pts dmg. Now same character takes scenario 2, and 250 pts, still 50% negated (using 50% tohit of enemies).

Now regen takes scenario 1. He takes half the hits, so 50 incoming damage, and heals it up, he is A.OK. Now he takes scenario 2 and 500 pts of damage, still the same 75hp/s regened, even though damage attempted to be dealt is way higher.



I'm actually somewhat disatisfied with the standard models of defense and resistance, regen not withstanding. Not because they are completely wrong or not somewhat helpful, but because I feel people trust them too literally. The same with DPS models and other such things. One day if I feel like dealing with the board hate I may write a detailed explanation of my issues with this type of assessment.

That's not to say I think such models aren't useful. They demonstrate something, I'm just not always sure it's something as conclusive as what's assumed. It's a little bit like deciding whether to wear a coat based on a weather report rather than the fact that you opened the door and found out it was 30 degrees outside. Although the flip side of that is only trusting subjective experience, which can also lead astray.

The short explanation though is this. You are rarely, if ever, in an "average" situation, so any talk of averages can only be theoretical. The average models, of Defense in particular, fall apart when the numbers get too extreme, which happens in particular on squishy characters. You simply cannot look at a 5% chance to die in two hits as the same as taking 5% of incoming total damage, which is what you do when you map Defense over to Resistance using 1% D = 2% R model. Nor can you view a chance to get hit by a DoT that takes 6 seconds to deliver its full damage payload the same as a huge upfront damage spike. Survivability models are still useful, but they flatten a lot of realistic real world scenarios onto a flat posterboard that as often as not does not present the full scenario.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
...Survivability models are still useful, but they flatten a lot of realistic real world scenarios onto a flat posterboard that as often as not does not present the full scenario.
I really do agree with your post, 2R=1D is a bit to simplified and not really realistic, thus truely applicable to true gameplay... but i still laughed.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
That depends on three things, 1) how much Defense and Resistance you have currently, 2) how much maximum HP you have and 3) how much damage per unit of time you're taking.

Regen is "direct" mitigation whereas Defense and Resistance are relative to incoming DPS. They both also multiply the usefulness of your Regeneration and stack in a different manner. Maximum HP determines how much regeneration in HP/s the percentage equals.

EDIT: Results will also differ depending on if you try to calculate an "immortality line" or time to defeat.

A formula you can use for this:

Time to Defeat = (MaxHP / (DPS * (1 - Res) * (Enemy_ToHit - Def) * Enemy_Acc - Regen)

If Regen (in HP/second) is higher or equals the DPS (enemy base DPS, power accuracy isn't applied yet) after Resistance and Defense are applied you can sustain that damage "forever". If Regen is lower than the DPS with the same conditions the formula will give you the time it takes to reach 0 HP. You can use it to try different combinations of Defense, Resistance, MaxHP, time to defeat, etc. to see how much Regeneration would get you the same increase in survivability in each situation. It is very important to note that because Regen works very differently from Res or Def there is no real rule of the thumb for converting it to either of those.

(I hope I got the formula right, a bit sleepy...)
This is correct.

For the OP, if your looking for a baseline number (much like your comment about 2% resist = 1% defense) you need to set a time metric. One that I like to use is 60 seconds. So, with 0% resist and 0% defense, you will be defeated in 60 seconds if you sustain 4.17% dps(as a factor of total health) thru that entire time. This does not take all factors into account other than assuming a steady influx of damage (after accuracy) and base regeneration of 0.42/sec.

1% defense added to baseline will change this value to 4.258%, making 1% defense roughly equal to ; 0.042%/sec regen or 10% regen.

Hope that helps. Just keep in mind that regen is just like Defense and Resistance in that it becomes more powerful when "stacked" with those other forms. But it ALSO (like resistance) gets alot of benefit from +HPs.




Originally Posted by ultrawatt View Post
I really do agree with your post, 2R=1D is a bit to simplified and not really realistic, thus truely applicable to true gameplay... but i still laughed.

I could have said "empirical" but I figure clarity takes precedence.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post

So regen is a static reduction. Now lets look at this.

Defense character is rolled against 100 points of damage through 10 attacks form surrounding enemies at 10 points of dmg a piece (scenario 1). Say 30% defense, he takes 2 of the attacks and 20 dmg. Now 1000 points of damage from said 10 enemies in 10 attacks (scenario 2). He takes 2 again for 200 dmg. He still negates 80% total.

Resistance character has 50% res, takes scenario 1. He gets 5 hits and 25 pts dmg. Now same character takes scenario 2, and 250 pts, still 50% negated (using 50% tohit of enemies).

Now regen takes scenario 1. He takes half the hits, so 50 incoming damage, and heals it up, he is A.OK. Now he takes scenario 2 and 500 pts of damage, still the same 75hp/s regened, even though damage attempted to be dealt is way higher.
Definitely, it's not an easy comparison to make. But if we smooth alpha damage out over the time it takes the baddies to fire said alpha and recharge some attacks, we could get an estimate of typical minion/Lts DPS, divide it by 2 for the ones missing, and do a very very general comparision of softcapped Defense to capped Resist to really good +regen. This would have a very tenuous use, but as a thought experiment it would be fun. I'd do it, but I dont know the power names for say, Freakshow, so I can't find the Real Numbers (tm) that would let me gauge this.

tl;dr version - yeah, regen , defense and resist are very different. It's still be marginally useful and very interesting to check it out. Just for Rularuu's sake don't use it for balance arguments!

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post

Time to Defeat = (MaxHP / (DPS * (1 - Res) * (Enemy_ToHit - Def) * Enemy_Acc - Regen)
Some quick minion/Lt damage numbers would make this formula useful for my purposes. Maybe an overall comparison of Time To Defeat for capped Defense, Resist or Regen.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
Some quick minion/Lt damage numbers would make this formula useful for my purposes. Maybe an overall comparison of Time To Defeat for capped Defense, Resist or Regen.
That formula sounds right (haven't checked it myself, but looks about there) but your statement here is a little too hopeful. See, softcapped def and capped res happen rather easily in some way shape or form, but capped regen is VERY rare, and I'm rather certain that even an IH popped AB boosted regen scrapper won't be hitting the regen cap. I'd wiki it, but I have other posts to skim through and only a few minutes to stay on right now.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
but capped regen is VERY rare
Bah. I see it every time I Rest.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
That formula sounds right (haven't checked it myself, but looks about there) but your statement here is a little too hopeful. See, softcapped def and capped res happen rather easily in some way shape or form, but capped regen is VERY rare, and I'm rather certain that even an IH popped AB boosted regen scrapper won't be hitting the regen cap. I'd wiki it, but I have other posts to skim through and only a few minutes to stay on right now.
I see it all the time on my Ice/Psi Dominator, but Drain Psyche is HAX.

I'd mainly be using that metric as a an extremely rough comparison model between the three main types of "make my green bar not go away"*.

* don't get on my case about hard and soft controls :P I know, I know.

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



DPS (% of Health) = ((100 + (Regen * Time to defeat)) / (1-res)*(To Hit - Def)) / Time to Defeat

***All the following are based on Time-to-defeat of 60 seconds against minion based incoming damage***

0% = (125.2/1*0.5)/60 = 4.173%
10% = (125.2/1*0.4)/60 = 5.217%
30% = (125.2/1*0.2)/60 = 10.433%
40% = (125.2/1*0.1)/60 = 20.866%
45% = (125.2/1*0.05)/60 = 41.733%

0% = (125.2/1*0.5)/60 = 4.173%
20% = (125.2/0.8*0.5/60 = 5.217%
60% = (125.2/0.4*0.5/60 = 10.433%
80% = (125.2/0.2*0.5/60 = 20.866%
90% = (125.2/0.1*0.5/60 = 41.733%

0.42/s (Baseline) = (125.2/1*0.5)/60 = 4.173%
0.94/s (+124% regen) = (156.5/1*0.5)/60 = 5.217%
3.55/s (+745% regen) = (312.9/1*0.5)/60 = 10.433%
8.77/s (+1988% regen) = (625.9/1*0.5)/60 = 20.866%
19.2/s (+4471% regen) = (1252.0/1*0.5)/60 = 41.733%

As you can see regen starts at
10% regen = 1% defense at the first point, but scales up to;
12.4% regen per point of Defense at 10%
24.8% regen per point at 30%
49.7% regen per point at 40%
99.4% regen per point at 45%

The reason is simple, for defense and resistance the amount of incoming damage is reduced by
greater and greater amounts as the numbers get higher, while regen needs to "double-up" its base value
constantly to achieve the same results. One way we can offset this scalar is to consider that a
smart player who focuses on regen will also focus on +HPs. so lets see how that will smooth out
the curve.

+ 0% HP and Base regen = (125.2/1*0.5)/60 = 4.17%
+10% HP and 100% regen = (165.4/1*0.5)/60 = 5.51%
+40% HP and 400% regen = (316.4/1*0.5)/60 = 10.55%
+80% HP and 800% regen = (588.2/1*0.5)/60 = 19.61%
+120%HP and 1600% regen = (1162.5/1*0.5)/60 = 38.75%

You can see the uphill battle that regen faces trying to keep up with Defense and resistance,
but it is interesting to note that Combining 1%HP per 10%Regen consistently will keep up with
Defense and Resistance to a point. Realistically, only WP and Regen are going to get over 400%
constant regeneration, which brings us back to the whole point made in the thread that Defense
and Regen are only comparable at lower amounts. They diverge too quickly (especially after 30% defense).




Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
No you don't.


Mids says 1900% regen. So close, but no ciggy.

EDIT: Mids says 1900 regen on rest.
Well, I have to admit I have no idea what that number's supposed to represent, given that the Regeneration Rate in Combat Attributes caps out at 8.33%/s in-game.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post

45% = (125.2/1*0.05)/60 = 41.733%

This is a very enlightening post and highlights well the difference between the linear progression of +regen and the exponential curves f+def and +resist. My question then is, that 41.733% is a % of what exactly?

@Quantum Evil Rad/Rad Corruptor

Making the world safe for maleficent particles since 2004.



Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Realistically, only WP and Regen are going to get over 400%
constant regeneration, which brings us back to the whole point made in the thread that Defense and Regen are only comparable at lower amounts.
1) Drain Psyche
2) Suppress Pain, Painbringer
3) Regeneration Aura, Adrenalin Boost

I'm sure there're other ways of boosting regen to fun levels, just can't remember..