If 2% Resistance equals 1% Defense, How much Regen is equal to 1% Defense ?




Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
This is a very enlightening post and highlights well the difference between the linear progression of +regen and the exponential curves f+def and +resist. My question then is, that 41.733% is a % of what exactly?
It represents that you have damage equal to 41.7% of your total health aimed your way every second for 60 seconds in order to be reduced to zero health. This is not damage that you are being hit with, but damage (from minion sources) which will then be reduced by either defense, resistance, or recovered thru regen. I have decided to express DPS as a factor of health because it makes comparisons of regen, resist, defense and healing much easier to calculate.




Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
1) Drain Psyche
2) Suppress Pain, Painbringer
3) Regeneration Aura, Adrenalin Boost

I'm sure there're other ways of boosting regen to fun levels, just can't remember..
Absolutely. I only mentioned WP and Regen because they can get permanent passive regeneration over 400% relatively easily. IO builds for certain powersets can hit 400% passive regen with a great deal of effort, but have a hard time going much farther.

The powers you mention are good for regen, but each comes with some sort of drawback.
Regen Aura, for instance, cannot be made permanent (60% uptime on most mature builds).




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Absolutely. I only mentioned WP and Regen because they can get permanent passive regeneration over 400% relatively easily. IO builds for certain powersets can hit 400% passive regen with a great deal of effort, but have a hard time going much farther.

The powers you mention are good for regen, but each comes with some sort of drawback.
Regen Aura, for instance cannot be made permanent (60% uptime on most mature builds).
Well, at least Suppress Pain (MM version, or in PvP) is easy without any drawbacks since that's 200% base, along with Health for another 40%, you just need a single health IO to hit 425%. Still, point taken.



Keep in mind we're still talking about a sort of tanker mentality with the damage models. Regen has the weird property of rewarding you with nothing when you are at full health but handsomely for a string of dodges following a hit. This makes evaluating regen precarious.

With defense, your chance to dodge is (usually) not affected by how many of the previous attacks landed, or how long ago that occurred. With Regen, that is the biggest part that matters, since damage usually arrives in bursts rather than a steady stream. The reason this is critical to understand is that outside of models, it is rare to let enemies stand around and beat on you. A character with the power to halt or slow enemy attacks following a dangerous hit reaps more benefit from Regen than one who doesn't do that. And Regen also rewards you for running away, giving you rewards up to the point where you're fully healed, or at least healed enough to re-enter combat.

This isn't usually considered in Defense and Resistance models because its simply viewed as time added to the defeat line, which in those models is always eventually reached. With Regen, the line you're reaching toward could as easily be defeat as it is immortality.

That's the long winded way of saying "trust the model only so far."



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

That's the long winded way of saying "trust the model only so far."
Yep ! Models like this only amount to generalizations over comparisons and even the most complicated ones are going to "gloss over" factors which are extremely important during the game at some point. Like damage type for resistance, debuffs, mezz effects, etc, etc.

Having read thru alot of Arcana's threads on these ideas, what would be the most interesting approach would be to create "simulators" much like a certain television program uses to compare "warriors" from various historical periods. The funny part is that if it were done well, it would essentially be a "clone" of the game but without the graphics.

I would rather spend my free time playing than working on something like that.




There are four key variables in determining survivability in the face of damage: bonus max HP, regen bonus, defence, and resistance. And there is a way of reducing the problem of which to focus on to a very simple equation.

For the sake of argument, let us equate survivability with the average amount of incoming damage you can survive indefinitely. Let:

d = incoming damage per second
hmax = base maximum HP
h = current HP
m = bonus HP (as a percentage, so that max HP = hmax(1 + m))
f = defence as a percentage
r = resistance as a percentage
g = bonus regeneration as a percentage
Then (averaging over time),
dh/dt = - (0.50 - f) d (1 - r) + (1 + g)(1 + m) hmax c,
where c is some constant representing base regeneration rate.

The indefinitely survivable damage rate then is d such that the right hand side is zero:
d = c' (1 + g)(1 + m)/( (1 - r)(1 - 2f) )
where c' = 2 hmax c is some constant. To keep things neat, let F be twice the defence, F = 2f.

The optimisation question is: given your current values of g, m, r and F, which should you increase by how much? The benefits are given by the partial derivatives ∂d/∂g, etc.
∂d/∂g = d/(1 + g)
∂d/∂m = d/(1 + m)
∂d/∂r = d/(1 - r)
∂d/∂F = d/(1 - F)
This again shows that as resistance and defence increase, the same increase gives a larger benefit, while as regeneration and max HP increase, the same increase gives a smaller benefit.

Given the choice of an increase of x in regeneration, or y in defence, what should you choose? The relative benefit of choosing regen is:
(x ∂d/∂g)/(2y ∂d/∂F) = (1 - F)/(1 + g) x/2y
which is greater or equal to one only if
(1 - F) x ≥ (1 + g) 2y.
One percent of defence is equal then to 2 (1 + g)/(1 - F), or equivalently, (1 + g)/(0.5 - f), percent of regeneration.

If you have no bonus defence nor any bonus regen, one percent of defence is worth two percent of regen. On the other hand, if you had 10% defence and +300% regen, one percent of defence is worth 2 (1 + 3)/(1 - 0.2) = 10 percent of regeneration.

These same ratios work to compare any two of the four stats. Should you go with a 10% regen bonus or 2% to max hp? Well, the regen is better if (1 + m) 0.1 ≥ (1 + g) 0.02. If your current max hp was at +10%, and your regen was at +80%, then since 0.102 ≥ 0.036, you should go with the regen. If on the other hand, you already had a regen bonus of +500%, then 0.102 < 0.12, and you would be better off taking the +2% max hp.



My personal opinion, and that is all it is really (an opinion), is that the "Immortality Line" is useless for comparing two powersets. Even the model I like; "gone in 60 seconds" has serious limitations, but is more relevant to in-game circumstances.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
My personal opinion, and that is all it is really (an opinion), is that the "Immortality Line" is useless for comparing two powersets. Even the model I like; "gone in 60 seconds" has serious limitations, but is more relevant to in-game circumstances.
Fair enough! My opinion is that it depends very much on the archetype and play style. For a kill-them-before-they-kill-me situation, the immortality line is nigh irrelevant. For tanks versus large groups, or any situation where there are few heals and little downtime between fights, I think it has utility.

But I can claim that if one thinks the immortality line is relevant, then the above analysis is useful.



Originally Posted by halfflat View Post
...If you have no bonus defence nor any bonus regen, one percent of defence is worth two percent of regen. On the other hand, if you had 10% defence and +300% regen, one percent of defence is worth 2 (1 + 3)/(1 - 0.2) = 10 percent of regeneration.
Have you taken into account that you cannot remove base regeneration from the character model. A character with zero defense and resist, still has base regen, which is why you see health expressed as 125.2 (100% +60 seconds of base regen) in my models.

So that first point of defense is actually 1% defense (2% survivability increase) on top of what 0.42%/sec base regen yields.

To be honest, my head exploded while reading your first post, so I am not sure if you took that into consideration.




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
Have you taken into account that you cannot remove base regeneration from the character model. A character with zero defense and resist, still has base regen, which is why you see health expressed as 125.2 (100% +60 seconds of base regen) in my models.

So that first point of defense is actually 1% defense (2% survivability increase) on top of what 0.42%/sec base regen yields.
Aie, I did not! I'll have to crack open Mids or check the stats sites to see what this counts as in terms of base regen %. (that is, as a figure that be compared with the regen bonus percentages). I may have a wrong understanding of the regen bonus percentages!

EDIT: Oops, no dramas. My understanding was correct: the (1 + g) [where g is the additional regen bonus from Health, etc.] is multiplied by the base regeneration rate, which was represented above by hmax c. For absolute values of where the immortality line sits, the base regeneration is of course important. For comparing improvements though, it all cancels out.



Originally Posted by halfflat View Post
Aie, I did not! I'll have to crack open Mids or check the stats sites to see what this counts as in terms of base regen %. (that is, as a figure that be compared with the regen bonus percentages). I may have a wrong understanding of the regen bonus percentages!

EDIT: Oops, no dramas. My understanding was correct: the (1 + g) [where g is the additional regen bonus from Health, etc.] is multiplied by the base regeneration rate, which was represented above by hmax c. For absolute values of where the immortality line sits, the base regeneration is of course important. For comparing improvements though, it all cancels out.
Random note though, past level two, one can consider base regen to be 140%, cause of inherent health.



The way I understand it goes like this.

You regenerate from zero to full in 240sec, regardless of HPs, so your baseline regeneration is 0.42% Health per sec. If you add 10% HPs to your character, you now regenerate at a rate that is still 0.42%. sec, but as a factor of comparison to the original HP value, you have just upped the regen to 1.10 X 0.42% or 0.462%/sec. Your character sheet will still reflect 0.42/sec, but in order to translate that regen back to your original HP totals it needs a larger value for regen to be accurate in the model.

In much the same way, you can convert +HPs to Resist, Heal to Regen, Resistance to +HP etc....

10% bonus regen becomes 1.10 * base regen, and will change the display of your regeneration in game by 10% so you would see 0.462%/sec. If you have 10% bonus HPs AND 10% bonus regen, your ingame display will still show 0.462%/sec, but that is a % of your new HP total, so to get the comparative value in relation to baseline, I would multiply :

0.42/sec * 1.10 * 1.10 = 0.5082 which is approx = +21% regen or +21%HP

I hope this is correct, at least.




Though inherent health now means that everyone's bonus regen starts at 40% unslotted. From a clean slate then, the first 1% defence is worth 2.8% regen if Health is unslotted, or 3.08% is slotted with a single level 50 IO.

EDIT: Just saw Signpost's reply. Sorry for being late to the party



Originally Posted by Signpost View Post
Random note though, past level two, one can consider base regen to be 140%, cause of inherent health.
Actually this is not true. Health still retains its function as a Bonus regen amount.
Your baseline regen is still 0.42%/sec. But I guess you meant that comparative models should take Baseline+Health into account for comparison purposes.

So noted




Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
10% bonus regen becomes 1.10 * base regen, and will change the display of your regeneration in game by 10% so you would see 0.462%/sec. If you have 10% bonus HPs AND 10% bonus regen, your ingame display will still show 0.462%/sec, but that is a % of your new HP total, so to get the comparative value in relation to baseline, I would multiply :

0.42/sec * 1.10 * 1.10 = 0.5082 which is approx = +21% regen or +21%HP
Yup, that's my understanding too. the 1.10 * 1.10 corresponds to the (1 + g)(1 + m) bit in the equations above.



That is an interesting model. I do want to point out why its not quite as cut and dried as it may seem though.

Models tend to break when very high Defense gets involved. Particularly, very high Defense with low Resistance.

The crux of it is that most damage models treat a chance to take damage a percent of the time as the same as taking the same percent of that damage all the time. For example, treating a 5% chance for 1000 damage as the same as taking 5% of 1000 damage from every attack. If you jump into a pile of enemies, you can more or less average things this way. If you're fighting an AV or GM, you cannot. Roll snake eyes one time and you're dust. This is why a huge "it depends" needs to be attached to all of the models we make conflating Defense chances with flat survivability time.

Now, the problem of Regen with high Defense and low Resistance fighting an AV is particularly intriguing. In this situation, you may not end up taking any damage at all for several minutes into the fight, in which case Regen isn't actually contributing. Then, when you get popped, how much Regen contributes depends on whether the next hit happens before you fully heal. If you ever do fully heal, Regen stops contributing again.

Here's where it gets really weird. If you're soft capped but there's a chance the AV could possibly two-shot you, you've hit a point where Resistance becomes unhinged from its standard value. Increasing Resistance to the point where it now takes 3 or 4 back to back hits to kill you could become more important than it normally would, because it closes your vulnerability to hitting a critical fail point before Regen does its work. The duration between how long you get hit becomes critical to know. And unfortunately, its impossible to know, although you can guess at the chances. Most Tankers probably don't have to worry about this, but something like a /Psi Dominator definitely does.



Well Said Tex !

I will have to admit that I don't like the "Tanking" role on teams, so even though I have tanks, they are soloists. I also don't participate in "big game hunting" like some folks do, so fighting AVs and GMs has never been part of my game, unless I am on a team.

As a result, any models I work on will tend toward what survival pictures are present in solo scenarios with lots of manageable enemies. This helps to normalize performance between all three disparate survival factors (Avoid, Resist, Heal) due to typical damage being lots of smaller amounts in a steady, but diminishing, stream.

It's just a personal bias at work here, but it's the only comparative metric that matters to me




Agree entirely, Oedipus_Tex! (I think I've heard of your brother — can I call you Ed?)

The ability to withstand the two (or more) big hits is a definite advantage to resistance and +max hp which are not captured by the simple model.

I was very happy when they put in the no-instadeath scheme, but now it seems like every second heavy hitter does their damage from 'one attack' in multiple tranches or has persistent DoTs, merely to work around it.
Grr, it was put in for a reason!



Originally Posted by halfflat View Post

A whole lotta maths

Halfflat's analysis was just what I was hoping for: a general metric for comparing the three, best usable versus 'normal' minions and Lts (i.e. not ones that debuff, and not Bosses or higher that will make you eat pavement with a few good hits in a row). Again, far from perfect but a satisfying way comparison.

I like the Done in 60 method too, if only for estimates of just how nice a build is in non-TF/GM/AV situations.

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I'm actually somewhat disatisfied with the standard models of defense and resistance, regen not withstanding. Not because they are completely wrong or not somewhat helpful, but because I feel people trust them too literally. The same with DPS models and other such things. One day if I feel like dealing with the board hate I may write a detailed explanation of my issues with this type of assessment.

That's not to say I think such models aren't useful. They demonstrate something, I'm just not always sure it's something as conclusive as what's assumed. It's a little bit like deciding whether to wear a coat based on a weather report rather than the fact that you opened the door and found out it was 30 degrees outside. Although the flip side of that is only trusting subjective experience, which can also lead astray.

The short explanation though is this. You are rarely, if ever, in an "average" situation, so any talk of averages can only be theoretical. The average models, of Defense in particular, fall apart when the numbers get too extreme, which happens in particular on squishy characters. You simply cannot look at a 5% chance to die in two hits as the same as taking 5% of incoming total damage, which is what you do when you map Defense over to Resistance using 1% D = 2% R model. Nor can you view a chance to get hit by a DoT that takes 6 seconds to deliver its full damage payload the same as a huge upfront damage spike. Survivability models are still useful, but they flatten a lot of realistic real world scenarios onto a flat posterboard that as often as not does not present the full scenario.
The statistical average models do suffer from those problems at the extremes, something I tried to quantify in my Scrapper Comparison magnum opus. But they do have at least one advantage over more accurate models: people can use them. There are more accurate models: I even suggested one years ago and did initial work on it, as did I believe two other posters: the stochastic Monte Carlo Markov model. It attempts to calculate the probability of a set of different sequences of events to generate a survivability percentage histogram. In the case where incoming damage is a low percentage of health per second on average, this model and the average calculations are in close agreement. At the extremes, the Markov diverges and closely tracks the true survival percentage provided the Markov partitions are small enough.

The problem with this model is I wouldn't bet on more than a dozen forum readers being qualified to generate it and crazy enough to expend the effort. At the moment, however, I am unaware of a more accurate model that can actually be used by most players effectively. All the ones that have been proposed have been, to be frank, utter nonsensical crap.

I keep thinking about an alternate model, one that is less complex than the Markov, but more accurate than the average one, that might be more easily computable with assistance - i.e. a spreadsheet. But I haven't found the right approach yet that generates better results than the average model without being too difficult for players to use effectively. However, the key component of this model is that it uses Spawn groups as the unit of incoming damage, which allows us to sort of "precompute" some of the complexities of the more general model. Its actually inspired by the *oldest* models of CoH mitigation that were worth anything at all: the Havok (and later Circeus) tanker spreadsheets.

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I love the idea of a Markov model approach for this problem. I can imagine a scenario in which people upload data from Herostats (say) that describe the sorts of fights one gets in to in a variety of contexts (e.g. over the course of a given TF.) These are aggregated, and coupled with survivability stats of a character (derivable in principle from a Mids representation), one could derive the histogram for passive survival in these contexts. Coupled with attack and other power data, could potentially even estimate solo active survivability.

Sounds like a lot of work though!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
No you don't.


Mids says 1900% regen. So close, but no ciggy.

EDIT: Mids says 1900 regen on rest.
Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Well, I have to admit I have no idea what that number's supposed to represent, given that the Regeneration Rate in Combat Attributes caps out at 8.33%/s in-game.
Okay, this is getting me a bit puzzled, since as I look at it, the in-game numbers are expressed as a different range than what the paragon wiki indicates... and moreover, I see a disconnect between the combat monitor and the 'maximums' that paragon wiki offers for health regeneration.

On a level 50 blaster, repeating Bosstone's test, I also get 8.33%/sec health regeneration while resting.. From a base of 0.42%. I cannot arrive at a maximum of 1900% or 2000% health regeneration buff from that.

Where are those maximums from?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Okay, this is getting me a bit puzzled, since as I look at it, the in-game numbers are expressed as a different range than what the paragon wiki indicates... and moreover, I see a disconnect between the combat monitor and the 'maximums' that paragon wiki offers for health regeneration.

On a level 50 blaster, repeating Bosstone's test, I also get 8.33%/sec health regeneration while resting.. From a base of 0.42%. I cannot arrive at a maximum of 1900% or 2000% health regeneration buff from that.

Where are those maximums from?
The maximum cap is not on regen itself, but on regen strength. In other words, regen buffing. Just like there's no actual damage cap: the cap is not on actual damage, but on damage buffing.

Its archetype-specific, but for blasters its 2000% maximum (or +1900%). Which means blaster regen can be buffed up to 20x normal. Base blaster regen (same for all player characters except for VEATs) is 100% health in four minutes (240s). So that is 0.4167% of your health bar per second, or about 0.42%/sec. That's percent of your health bar per second.

Twenty times that is 20 x 0.4167%/sec = 8.334%/sec, or about 8.33%/sec. That's 8.33 percent of your health bar per second. The "of your health bar" is the part that is missing from the abbreviated Real Numbers display.

Most caps in the game are on strength (buffing) not values (stuff after buffing).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Okay, this is getting me a bit puzzled, since as I look at it, the in-game numbers are expressed as a different range than what the paragon wiki indicates... and moreover, I see a disconnect between the combat monitor and the 'maximums' that paragon wiki offers for health regeneration.

On a level 50 blaster, repeating Bosstone's test, I also get 8.33%/sec health regeneration while resting.. From a base of 0.42%. I cannot arrive at a maximum of 1900% or 2000% health regeneration buff from that.

Where are those maximums from?
You forgot that the number is rounded. 8.33/20 is 0.4165.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
So that is 0.4167% of your health bar per second, or about 0.42%/sec.
Nurrr. That's the part I was missing when I was trying to figure it out myself. .42 x 20 is 8.4, and I forgot that was just a rounded number.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.