Why no Spines for Brutes?




My guess would be just because it hasn't been done yet (or would that be wishful thinking?)

Looking at it sensibly though with evidence in this thread, the combination of Quills and let's say Blazing Aura (Spines/Fire being the most common combo with Spines I've found) would mean a sum of roughly 30 damage per 'tick' of both auras if they were enhanced to 95%. Add on the usual 70% fury damage buff a Brute will be running then take into consideration that the tick is every 2 seconds then you get to around about.. 25dps at an estimate for an AFK Brute (anyone that can be bothered to I wouldn't mind you checking the math over as I wield a calculator like a blind man wielding a permanent marker). That isn't all that much I don't think but it's a solid addition to an active one.. But then I also checked out normal damage numbers for Spines with the Brute modifier (ingame numbers though) and TBH, it wouldn't really be that overpowered but may have the same effect as the comparison of Brute and Scrapper Fire melee.

So I'm gonna have to be in the same boat as Neogumbercules, I personally cannot see any problems with it numerically with my crude caveman maths, nor any issues conceptually.. But then, archetypes concepts don't really apply anymore with Broadsword Stalkers (still waiting for them to get Stone Armour too, I want a Broadsword/Granite Stalker).

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Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
Add on the usual 70% fury damage buff a Brute will be running then take into consideration that the tick is every 2 seconds then you get to around about.. 25dps at an estimate for an AFK Brute (anyone that can be bothered to I wouldn't mind you checking the math over as I wield a calculator like a blind man wielding a permanent marker).
It's a fairly close estimate - the numbers for Death Shroud are listed earlier at ~27 damage per tick with slotting at 65% Fury, but Quills does less damage per tick (scale 0.15 instead of scale 0.2, so it would do a base of 6.256), and Blazing Aura does a little more (scale 0.22 for a base of 9.18).

With slotting and 70% Fury, those base numbers are multiplied by 3.35 for the final values of 20.96 for Quills, and 30.75 for Blazing Aura - it works out to around 25.86 dps for a Spines/Fire, and just over 24 dps for Spines/Dark or Spines/Elec. If it were allowed, Spines/Stone would do just over 23 dps since Mud Pots does scale 0.18 damage.

To summarize and just use integer values...
Spines/ at 95% slotting and 70% Fury:
  • /Fire: 25 dps
  • /Dark, /Elec: 24 dps
  • /Stone: 23 dps
  • /Other: 10 dps

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
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It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
To summarize and just use integer values...
Spines/ at 95% slotting and 70% Fury:
  • /Fire: 25 dps
  • /Dark, /Elec: 24 dps
  • /Stone: 23 dps
  • /Other: 10 dps
Yeah, i dont see that being too much dmg considering my SS/fire's build has BA at 21.89dps already.

Edit: Just took a look at a Spine/fire scrapper they get about 23 dps.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal




Originally Posted by Gypsy_of_Paradox View Post
Its because spines has -recharge which would affect fury generation negatively. Its also why Brutes don't have Ice Melee/Ice Armor. But the mechanics to Fury have changed quite a bit since CoV release. I'd love that they take another look at these sets.

Again I'll say, Can I has my Spines/Ice Armor Br00t nao????
Nah this wouldn't be the case Fury has changed a lot over the years. One would have no issue with building Fury if Spines was available.

I think it Spines was ported it would be balanced. Castle said it was overpowered...but to me I think Spines is a tough set to stick with. I think if you actually make it to 50 you should receive an award b/c the early levels are brutally slow paced. I think that reason alone keeps many at bay and it's one reason you don't see a zillion Spines scrappers running around everywhere. Most don't make it past lvl 20.

To be honest though spines is amazing but I've seen other sets kill much faster than spines.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I don't think there's any more to Brutes not having access to Spines than there was to Brutes not having access to Claws. They used to not get Claws, now they do. They used to not get Mace and Axe, now they do. It's just a matter of the devs can't just Proliferate every single Power Set that can be Proliferated at one time.

Spines may wind up doing a bit too much damage on Brutes, after all, Claws apparently did, because its damage was reduced slightly. But IIRC that wasn't due to a large amount of AoE damage, it was because Claws has an extremely fast attack rate. Quills is a constant AoE attack, but it doesn't generate Fury, and Spines' other attacks have fairly long animation times. So at worst I would expect it to get a slight adjustment like Claws got.

The more likely reason Brutes didn't even get Spines in the first place was that it was ported to Dominators as Thorny Assault. Since it is a pseudo-ranged Power Set to start with, it fits Doms better than "pure" meleers. For that reason, it may be low priority to be ported over to Tankers or Brutes. But I don't see any reason why, given enough time, it would be Proliferated eventually.
This is probably the actual reason. There were Spines Stalkers and Thorny Assault Domis when CoV released so Spines Brutes weren't really a priority and other things have been proliferated since so the devs haven't got around to it.

Balance isn't really a concern since one of the things the devs do when proliferating is rebalance some powers (although the need to do so may have been why it never made the list, combined with the fact at the last round Castle et all would have been eviscerated if they hadn't given the Brutes forum Claws)



LOL we "Redsiders " have been barking up that tree for years now .
when we got the ability to make scrappers go bad i stopped asking for it .
if i remeber correctly the reason was that something about spines screwed up brute fury just like ice. as for it being more powerful than the scrapper version i dont know. since brutes have had the nerf bat applied to the damage cap and fury .



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Nah this wouldn't be the case Fury has changed a lot over the years. One would have no issue with building Fury if Spines was available.

I think it Spines was ported it would be balanced. Castle said it was overpowered...but to me I think Spines is a tough set to stick with. I think if you actually make it to 50 you should receive an award b/c the early levels are brutally slow paced. I think that reason alone keeps many at bay and it's one reason you don't see a zillion Spines scrappers running around everywhere. Most don't make it past lvl 20.

To be honest though spines is amazing but I've seen other sets kill much faster than spines.
Of course the -recharge would prevent enemies from attacking which would lower fury gain. This was the original issue when fury dropped quickly, as it stands, it won't matter if ported as it is right now.

To me its not a matter of what kills faster or slower, I want the set for fun. As I spam, I always mention I want a Spines/Ice Armor. Not because of the kill speed or synergy, all that stuff is minor. I want the mix because I believe it would be fun nothing less.

As far as mixes I don't see at 50, out of all my mixes, I have two at 50 I've never seen. My AR/Rad corr and my Stone Melee/Energy Aura Brute. Mind you I play only on Infinity, so they may be popular elsewhere.



The bad information collectively demonstrated in this thread is off the charts.

I was in CoV beta. Jonyu (sp? - the dev assigned to Brutes) explicitly stated that both Spines and Ice were not given to Brutes because the -recharge effects interfered with Fury generation. Period.

Damage auras on Scrappers are pretty damned consistent with Damage auras on Brutes. Yes, they don't critical on Scrappers. With the damage multipliers and average fury, they're still very close. (Excepting Brutes that can consistently keep 80%+ Fury)

Damage auras don't generate fury in the same manner as an attack (as at least one poster has theory crafted). The only thing they do is generate aggro, which consequently generates attacks, which generates fury.

Holy crap, guys, less theory crafting please.



Originally Posted by Rad_Avenger View Post
I was in CoV beta. Jonyu (sp? - the dev assigned to Brutes) explicitly stated that both Spines and Ice were not given to Brutes because the -recharge effects interfered with Fury generation. Period.
Back then you also needed to be hit to generate fury. Now you only need to be attacked.

Besides, brutes have access to Dark Armor which stuns or fears the majority of its foes. A set being "bad for fury generation" is no longer a valid reason not to proliferate.

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Just give me a regen brute and I will be happy.



Originally Posted by Rad_Avenger View Post
The bad information collectively demonstrated in this thread is off the charts.

I was in CoV beta. Jonyu (sp? - the dev assigned to Brutes) explicitly stated that both Spines and Ice were not given to Brutes because the -recharge effects interfered with Fury generation. Period.

Damage auras on Scrappers are pretty damned consistent with Damage auras on Brutes. Yes, they don't critical on Scrappers. With the damage multipliers and average fury, they're still very close. (Excepting Brutes that can consistently keep 80%+ Fury)

Damage auras don't generate fury in the same manner as an attack (as at least one poster has theory crafted). The only thing they do is generate aggro, which consequently generates attacks, which generates fury.

Holy crap, guys, less theory crafting please.

What I've always seriously wondered about this is if Fury is THAT hard to generate why Dominators weren't banned from teams with Brutes. Unless Fury used to operate so differently that it was unrecognizable. Anyone who knows the mechanics of -Recharge should know that -Recharge does significantly less slowing of enemy attacks than mezzes do. Somehow Dark Armor made it through anyway. And Electric, with its -Endurance that can stack to floor enemy endurance before they get many attacks at all, something -Recharge can never do. Did devs past not know the floor of -Recharge was -75%, or was Fury just that completely different? Because I find the -Recharge justification very, very hard to believe unless they were simply mistaken about the effects that mechanic has on the game.



I'm fairly certain that Quills regularly generates the orange "Critical" message. I don't know if that's a mistake and it's not really generating crits, but I see the message all the time from Quill bursts. Or can the procs generate crits?

I've never seen a melee AT that can mass arrest like Spines. Maybe mow down bosses faster, but quantity-wise I can't see Spines being topped.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Back then you also needed to be hit to generate fury. Now you only need to be attacked.

Besides, brutes have access to Dark Armor which stuns or fears the majority of its foes. A set being "bad for fury generation" is no longer a valid reason not to proliferate.
I agree with you. Its not a valid reason at this stage in the game - was merely re-stating CoV Beta convos for the record.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Brutes do more damage with damage auras than scrappers?

How, when blow for blow scrappers outdamage brutes with every other shared attack post SOs?
Damage auras are buffed by Fury. Scrappers get critical hits which pull them ahead with normal attacks. But damage auras do not crit, except for Quills, which I presume is because it is in a primary.

Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post

Quills is a constant AoE attack, but it doesn't generate Fury
We have no way of knowing this one way or the other, because Spines brutes do not exist.

Also, read what I said about Quills. Unlike any other damage aura available to a scrapper, Quills will indeed land critical hits. By that logic, it seems reasonable to assume that it would generate Fury as well.

I think the way it works for scrappers and stalkers is: Any damaging power that is in a primary or power pool has a chance to crit. If brutes work similarly, it would be: Any damaging power in a primary or power pool will build Fury.

It would make sense with damage auras benefiting from Fury, but not building it, because they are in brute secondaries.

I think if it were a straight port, Quills would not only benefit from Fury, but it would probably build it as well, because Quills is an odd power all around. I can see how that would be just a little overpowered. Quills dealing upwards of 60 damage per hit? Yeah, that would be a little sick.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
Well since brutes taunt with their melee sets (punchvoke) it wouldn't make a lot of sense for quills to NOT have a taunt aspect.
But again, attacks Taunt on ACTIVATION. Auras taunt automatically. It would certainly be possible to add a Taunt effect to Quills, but I don't know if its necessarily conclusive that the devs would make it so, just because other AoE attacks Taunt when activated. (Besides, most Brute attacks are single target, and only taunt the target hit. That makes Brute punchvoke less AoE oriented than Tanker Gauntlet)

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
We have no way of knowing this one way or the other, because Spines brutes do not exist.
Okay, let's put this another way. How would you MAKE Quills generate Fury? Because the way Fury is currently implemented, it would not.

Again, Fury is generated on activation. (This is due to the way the code works, punchvoke, at least, COULD be generated per tic) Even if the devs did add an effect to the attack that added Fury, like the AV bonus, it would only be generated on hit. And it would be generated for each target hit. That's not how Fury generation works for AoE attacks. (Well, okay, now that I think about it the Fury could be generated on Self instead of Target. It would still be a workaround)



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Darn it. City of Data didn't list Mud Pots' damage on the main chart. You had to go to the page to see the damage effect. All the other damage auras list their damage, so I'll blame that on a typo.

At any rate, Mud Pots doesn't generate Fury any more than any other damage aura, and it is a Taunt aura, so it's drawing aggro because of that, not because of the damage it deals. Although I do note that Brute auras that DO deal damage DO have a Taunt aura. It's just some auras that don't deal damage Taunt and some others don't.

I still think the overriding concern is that the devs will probably decide that any given Brute should not have more than one Taunt aura. Thus it will be in their Secondary.

Originally Posted by Rad_Avenger View Post
I was in CoV beta. Jonyu (sp? - the dev assigned to Brutes) explicitly stated that both Spines and Ice were not given to Brutes because the -recharge effects interfered with Fury generation. Period.
Ah. That's the first time I've seen that quote attributed. Good to know.

I'm not sure that -recharge is the same thing as a mez or stun, as a mez can effectively be controlled. If it is an attack, then it is a momentary reduction in attack rate, and if it is a toggle, then it can be turned off. It's known that Oppressive Gloom is not the best power for Brutes to take, and those that take it can turn it on situationally, to provide extra mitigation in emergencies. A -recharge in every attack you make cannot be turned off, and Chilling Embrace is less useful as damage mitigation if it is turned off.

I do agree, though, that the issue is not as great as it once was. Ice Melee deals more damage now than it once did, and Fury has been changed to be more easily sustainable. I think I would still like to see Ice Armor made unique for Brutes just for cosmetic reasons, I'd simply like to see it, but I think the -recharge in Ice or Spines would be possible to compensate for, now.



As Castle has eluded to: Spines would need to be completely revamped because it breaks too many rules, does too much AoE, and has too many secondary effects. Basically, if Spines were ported, it would likely have its AoE damage reduced, single-target damage raised, and secondary effects lowered. So, it hasn't been ported because of the time it would take to revamp the set. I also suspect a good amount of tears would be shed on the Scrapper forum.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
As Castle has eluded to
I'm sure Castle likes Elude as much as anyone, but in this case he alluded to problems with Spines.

And now I've made an allusion to Castle's possible use of elusion in case you're under the illusion that was the right word to use.

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The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
I'm sure Castle likes Elude as much as anyone, but in this case he alluded to problems with Spines.

And now I've made an allusion to Castle's possible use of elusion in case you're under the illusion that was the right word to use.
*Grin* I see what you did there.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
Mud Pots doesn't even DEAL damage.
Yes, it does. Fire damage.

You're correct of course that aura do not themselves raise Fury.

Quills would likely not have Taunt on it, because it is part of an attack set not a defensive set.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Curveball View Post
Because if Brutes had spines no one would ever play a scrapper again.


Yes, I should hope you're j/k. Spines is hardly the most popular or effective set for Scrappers.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Spines is PAINFUL to solo in the early levels...like Psychic Blast painful except at least Psychic blast has an attack chain so to speak of.



I'm looking at the numbers for Spines RE: -Recharge.

Here is the AoE potential -Recharge out of Spines if I'm not mistaken. I'm using Scrapper numbers because I can't locate a Brute power with -Recharge to see if they have a different modifier:
Spine Burst: -8% for 8 seconds, 3 second cast time
Quills: -8% (unstackable with self)
Ripper: -8% for 10 seconds, 2.17 second cast time
Throw Spines: -16% for 10 seconds, 1.63 second cast time

So that's about -40% Recharge after Spine Burst >> Ripper >> Throw Spines, which before Arcanatime can step in to make times longer, takes around 6.8 seconds to animate. At this point the -Recharge in Spine Burst is about to expire, but I guess you could chain back around and reliably sustain -50-60% Recharge in AoE over time. That means the enemy is attacking about 1/2 as fast as normal once you've built up the debuff. All of this is assuming you have the Recharge to keep cycling these powers back to back.

However -Recharge is not that straight forward. While you were spending 6.8 seconds building -Recharge, the enemy is theoretically attacking back. If it's not attacking back (maybe you knocked it down or something), then -Recharge is probably not going to have much of an effect on this fight at all, because -Recharge only has an effect on enemies after they take a swing at you. If you mezz or knock an enemy down, it has often either 1) not expended 1 or more powers and therefor not subject to a -Recharge penalty on them or 2) is out of the fight for now but its powers are still recharging anyway, limiting how much impact the actual -Recharge is having on preventing them from attacking again.

Also, -Recharge is an effect over time, not an instant effect like -ToHit that only has implications the moment the attack roll is made. When enemies launch their alpha, they are not debuffed at all, so any time they spend under no -Recharge penalty means they are actually Recharging quite a bit faster than the predicted 1/2 speed. Because of this you can expect a full wave of attacks back in your face shortly after enemies take their initial round of attacks. By the time you've built up enough -Recharge to make it significant with Spines, the enemy should be close to dead. Unless you're fighting +4s or something, and those resist -Recharge effects by 48%, making your reduction in their Recharge times not even noticeable (assuming you can get them to around -30% Recharge, which is only increasing their Recharge times minimally--a power with a 6 second recharge recharges in about 8.5 seconds which is better than nothing, but if 2.5 seconds messes up your Fury bar its a wonder what actual mezzes would do.)

And in all of this time a Dark Armor could have stunned the enemy for ~10 seconds with Oppressive Gloom, which reactivates every 2 seconds and can essentially permastun a minion.

Single target is such a wash it's not even really worth considering, but for the record, here are the numbers:
Barb Swipe: -8% for 2 seconds
Lune: -8% for 4 seconds
Impale: -8% for 8 seconds

All of this is not to say that -Recharge isn't the reason the devs didn't bring this set over, or that -Recharge isn't effective in some circumstances. It's just to say that if -Recharge was the reason, it wasn't really justified, unless Fury used to work very very differently than it does now. I have never actually seen the original version of it but I can't imagine how -Recharge could ever have effected it in the negative ways the devs apparantly believed it would.



Can I has my Spines/Ice Armor Br00t naos??