Why no Spines for Brutes?




Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
How exactly does that logic work?

All attacks in a Brute primary set have taunt components.
I think the point is that it would be a Taunt aura, not an attack with a Taunt on it.

It could have a Taunt aura like Rise to the Challenge. That would satisfy the requirement to have a taunt component. And it would not add much to other Taunt auras, but would actually be somewhat useful to a Spines/WP Brute. (It would double his Taunt aura)



I really don't think the set would be that much more powerful then the existing sets. It will initially be weaker then scrappers out of the box due to brutes having a lower base mod. It will not crit on brutes, however w/ quills if taunt is added will taunt better then most brutes. We already know it won't mix with Shield, unsure if the devs will allow stone though I see no problems.

As it stands on its own, the brute will never see more then 200% as a damage bonus. Not to mention Brutes already have two sets that on the heavy scale for damage. Energy for ST and SS with its mix of ST and PBAoE. Even if and when its ported it will still have to contest with SS for damage output. Yes Spines has more AoE, but you need to jump around to position yourself for max output. While with SS you can stand in the middle and spam footstomp.

Lots of things factor into comparing sets, the numbers on paper are very different when put into practice.

That being said, can I has my Spines/Ice Armor nao???



Yesh! Spins/Ice armor brooots!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Nah this wouldn't be the case Fury has changed a lot over the years. One would have no issue with building Fury if Spines was available.

I think it Spines was ported it would be balanced. Castle said it was overpowered...but to me I think Spines is a tough set to stick with. I think if you actually make it to 50 you should receive an award b/c the early levels are brutally slow paced. I think that reason alone keeps many at bay and it's one reason you don't see a zillion Spines scrappers running around everywhere. Most don't make it past lvl 20.

To be honest though spines is amazing but I've seen other sets kill much faster than spines.
Yes, it is the case. We aren't talking about a decision made yesterday; they decided years ago not to port Spines explicitly because of -recharge. Obviously with the new Fury mechanics Spines would be more viable, so if they ever get around to looking at it again we may get the port.



Originally Posted by Greyhame View Post
Yes, it is the case. We aren't talking about a decision made yesterday; they decided years ago not to port Spines explicitly because of -recharge. Obviously with the new Fury mechanics Spines would be more viable, so if they ever get around to looking at it again we may get the port.

What ARE you talking about? You just paraphrased what my quote said. I've already said that I understand that fury worked differently during the Beginning of Cov. As a matter of fact I even stated that in the Ice/Ice brute thread many, many times.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
What ARE you talking about? You just paraphrased what my quote said. I've already said that I understand that fury worked differently during the Beginning of Cov. As a matter of fact I even stated that in the Ice/Ice brute thread many, many times.
Hmm. Well perhaps I misunderstood your reply to the post you quoted. But when the question is "Why no Spines brutes?" and you quote someone saying, "Its because spines has -recharge which would affect fury generation negatively." then reply by saying "Nah this wouldn't be the case Fury has changed a lot over the years."... well. Sounded to me like you were missing the point. -Recharge *is* the reason Brutes didn't get Spines. An outdated reason at this point, but correct (and important to correct any misunderstandings given the ridiculous misinformation in the beginning of the thread).

At any rate, we clearly agree on things as they currently stand.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I'd agree with this concept.

I think one of the reasons that Scrappers can get away with two damage aura's is that on scrappers the armor attack powers; such as Blazing Aura, Burn, consume, Shield Charge, and Death Shroud; do not benefit from critical strikes.

On brutes those same armor attack powers do benefit from Fury.

I know how quickly my own Spines / Fire can rip through mobs on it's own... Spines / Fire with Fury Boost? And Build Up? And Fiery Embrace? That could get a teensy bit unbalanced...

It would just be a sight to behold to see a brute throw spines or do Ripper, or even just spine burst with 70+ fury AND have DoT aura and fire aura (which is already pretty strong tool for brutes who farm)

Repeat Offenders forever !

Make all IO's available in Paragon Market! NCSoft, the chinese are making BIG money selling influence and other stuff in the game. Best way to stop them = make the paragon market a place to buy all IO's and perhaps other things as well.



Originally Posted by Commando View Post
It would just be a sight to behold to see a brute throw spines or do Ripper, or even just spine burst with 70+ fury AND have DoT aura and fire aura (which is already pretty strong tool for brutes who farm)
And fiery embrace to add 50% fire damage atop of all that.



Cause Spines look silly.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by BashfulBanshee View Post
Cause Spines look silly.
I think the Thorns from Thorny Assault look pretty cool...better than Banana Melee hehe.