A Different Sort of Question. (Touchy subject matter ahoy!)




Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

Why did I -know- I would be slapped in the face with a Wikipedia article for my previous post? xD
It's a trap! Don't trust the wiki.



Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
on topic of gender reassignment surgery, personally I find it to be more cosmetic mutilation than an actual change in gender. Not that I judge anyone who wants it or has gone through it. Until there is an actual change from male to female reproductive capabilities (Or the reverse), the subject has just changed from gender x to gender neuter.
Gender is mental, sex is physical.

You can be transgender without neccesarilly being transsexual, to give an appropiate analogy.



Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
Aw, it's OK Bright, we all still like your dancing sister of battle avatar
It's actually a dancing Space Marine girl! And yes, I'm aware that Space Marines don't have females. I think that's the point! <3



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
Gender is mental, sex is physical.

You can be transgender without neccesarilly being transsexual, to give an appropiate analogy.
I understand there is a distinction, but I have a hard time percieving it.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



Originally Posted by Acanous_Quietus View Post
I understand there is a distinction, but I have a hard time percieving it.
One's physical, one's mental. The two are not inextricably linked.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



I think what he's thinking is the whole, "You either got a 'piece' or you don't." Which is physical. You don't have an apple if your banana is green, so to speak.



That makes a lot more sense than how it sounds XD

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

All your gonna do is just farm behemoths anyways.

My thoughts on November 30.



Of course surgery doesn't change your gender. It changes your sex. Gender is determined by the brain. And, for reference, I'd point out that human brains have noticeable and well-understood sexual dimorphism. "Transgendered" people are, it turns out, accurately reporting the physical reality of their brains. So they are, as a matter of objective fact, correct; someone who's saying "I'm female" is saying it because she has a brain which is observably more like a female brain than a male brain. (This is slightly oversimplified, but basically right.)



I find myself somewhat bemused that a discussion which began as about neither transgender nor transsexual has become a discussion about it anyway.

(Although I do like the phrase "mixed gender". A. Place first gender into large mixing bowl. B. Sprinkle second gender over first. C. Mix gently with whisk.)

-Morgan. Under no circumstances use a blender; the pun isn't worth it.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I guess, the point here isn't just to ensure that the sort of RP you like happens, but to help ensure that other people don't get into something they find really disturbing. So I see the tag as a sort of compromise; it slightly hurts you chances of getting the kind of interactions you really want, but it massively reduces the chances of other people getting into something that freaks them out. From a net social benefit standpoint, I think it's a win. It is a kindness to people who would rather stay in their comfort zones, and one of the things that I think is important in RP is that it be safe enough for people to dabble a little and have it stay safe and fun.

That's exactly the idea - and for that reason... Well. At least, for now - I've decided to go with 'Intersexed' unless I can think of something better. It's nice, clean, simple - and if anyone has to ask, I'll be happy to clarify for them.

Also... Did he ever get to talk to the Mayor? I just love that whole idea.

Someone asked earlier what we might consider a male-to-female trans... I'd consider them, personally, whatever they asked me to consider them. I figure; they had the courage to go through with something so drastic despite what others might think simply because it felt right for them, and I just can't help but hold a deep respect for that.



Yes, the half-orc got to talk to the mayor. I think they even sort of accomplished something; narrative necessity won.

So, I have Yet Another New Toon. "Aunt Millie", who is "putting the aunt back in taunt aura". She spends missions complaining. "When I was a little girl, the insane people in giant robot exoskeletons had decent haircuts. This is a disgrace!" "When I was a little girl, the Malta Group had to content itself with sending Zeus class donkey carts after people who could run pretty fast." Etcetera. So at one point, we had someone in a shredded martial arts robe hoverblasting.

Aunt Millie: YOUNG MAN! Are you looking up her skirt? That is ENTIRELY inappropriate. You should be ashamed.
Hoverblaster: Oh! You're so right. Let me solve that "young man" problem.
[hoverblaster changes to a female costume]
Aunt Millie: ... Well, as long as you're comfortable with who you are.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Yes, the half-orc got to talk to the mayor. I think they even sort of accomplished something; narrative necessity won.

So, I have Yet Another New Toon. "Aunt Millie", who is "putting the aunt back in taunt aura". She spends missions complaining. "When I was a little girl, the insane people in giant robot exoskeletons had decent haircuts. This is a disgrace!" "When I was a little girl, the Malta Group had to content itself with sending Zeus class donkey carts after people who could run pretty fast." Etcetera. So at one point, we had someone in a shredded martial arts robe hoverblasting.

Aunt Millie: YOUNG MAN! Are you looking up her skirt? That is ENTIRELY inappropriate. You should be ashamed.
Hoverblaster: Oh! You're so right. Let me solve that "young man" problem.
[hoverblaster changes to a female costume]
Aunt Millie: ... Well, as long as you're comfortable with who you are.
Gnehehe! Excellent concept - and even better example! I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out, here.



Re-reading that, it makes no sense. There was one hoverblaster doing a pixie with a shredded martial arts robe so you could see her underpants, and ANOTHER who turned into a girl to continue looking up the first one's skirt.

Aunt Millie's intolerance of change is funny directed at NPCs, but would be less fun directed at player characters I didn't know well enough to know how they'd take it.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Re-reading that, it makes no sense. There was one hoverblaster doing a pixie with a shredded martial arts robe so you could see her underpants, and ANOTHER who turned into a girl to continue looking up the first one's skirt.

Aunt Millie's intolerance of change is funny directed at NPCs, but would be less fun directed at player characters I didn't know well enough to know how they'd take it.
Strange. I must have read it as you intended it, but not as you wrote it; somehow.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Aunt Millie: ... Well, as long as you're comfortable with who you are.
For some reason... this one line pushes the entire situation past 'amusing' and straight into 'laugh out loud'. She sounds like a heck of a lady to team with.

On a slightly related note: The super science booster is just a barrel of hilarious situations waiting to happen...



Aunt Millie exists entirely because of the phrase "Putting the aunt back in taunt aura". I built a little old lady, plaid skirt, polkadot bowtie, argyle sweater. I used invuln because if you set it to "FX in PvP Only" there's simply no indication that there's any particular reason for which this ordinary little old lady is not being significantly damaged. Then I went with dual blades because watching the little old lady do the jumping spinning animation made me laugh.

I sort of modeled her response on what I've seen from a few old folks who are otherwise quite conservative, who clearly had to deal with a friend transitioning. Ultimately, the immediate reality of their friend won over their preconceptions, and they're pretty cool about the whole thing.

Next up, Donnah Matrix ("Donna Matrix" was taken), a mind/emp troller whose background may or may not to be altered to state that, while she was employed in a very respectable profession*, she was bitten by just about everything, giving her all sorts of super powers.
[*] It's the oldest profession, therefore respectable by definition.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Aunt Millie exists entirely because of the phrase "Putting the aunt back in taunt aura". I built a little old lady, plaid skirt, polkadot bowtie, argyle sweater. I used invuln because if you set it to "FX in PvP Only" there's simply no indication that there's any particular reason for which this ordinary little old lady is not being significantly damaged. Then I went with dual blades because watching the little old lady do the jumping spinning animation made me laugh.
Oh yeah. Being able to set some powersets to FX in PvP Only really opens up some more options. (Namely, I use Invuln for just about any character that uses body armor exclusively.)

Originally Posted by seebs View Post
Next up, Donnah Matrix ("Donna Matrix" was taken), a mind/emp troller whose background may or may not to be altered to state that, while she was employed in a very respectable profession*, she was bitten by just about everything, giving her all sorts of super powers.[*] It's the oldest profession, therefore respectable by definition.
This reminds me of a 'for fun' concept I had: A Natural Mind/Emp Controller, with the excuse for his/her abilities being "I am just that persuasive." With ridiculous phrases such as:
"I keel you!" "No, you want to kill those guys over there."
"Oh god, it hurts!" "No it doesn't."

...Which might be dragging me off topic. Whoops.



Off topic, but yes, you can do that. I have a mind/psi dominator whose character background points out that, yes, the background really IS telling you how you feel. Duh. MIND/PSI DOMINATOR.