Peacebringers in play?




Originally Posted by Guardien View Post
All I've seen in this thread, and every thread where Peacebringer performance has been brought up, has been anecdotes. If Peacebringer performance is lacking so bad, it should be measurable, and demonstrable. Where are the numbers to back up the claims?
The real world has been mighty intrusive, of late, but I'm working on exactly that. Seriously. It involves spreadsheets.

Give me a little time and I'll post my hypotheses. (plural, because I have a couple.)

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I know a PB can be built to do pretty well. But no matter what kind of build you come up with, your results would have been far more effective put into any other AT. The comparisons we're making are only with the intention of seeing Peacebringers buffed.
I have a lot of respect for you Dechs, as such, I expected better. There will always be a top performer for any measurable criteria you can come up with, and it will will always be a non-Kheldian. This isn't new, and it's a horrible way to show how PBs could use a buff. Example: Ranged Damage. A PB built purely for ranged damage will never be as good as a Blaster (possibly ANY Blaster even), but it will probably be better than almost every powerset from most other ATs. How is that in need of a buff? Example: Damage Mitigation. A PB built for defense/resistance/heal/regen (traditional damage mitigation methods of meleers), will never be as good* as a scrapper (*higher res cap), brute, tanker, etc. It will be better than almost every powerset from most other ATs. How is that in need of a buff? Sure, most PBs are built to be a "jack of all trades", and so aren't quite so ahead of the other ATs, but still. The simple task of joining a team can sometimes make a bigger difference on PB performance than how its powers are slotted.

Do high end IO'd builds bring most other ATs (if not most powersets) closer? Probably. But at level 6, when my unslotted Nova is making every single blaster weep...kinda hard to worry. Or at level 22 when my SO'd Dwarf is looking better than most non-exemplared tanks?

So, just so we're clear, why EXACTLY do PBs need a buff? Because Warshades are more awesomer (while true ) is not the answer I am looking for. And to be clear, I really am looking for that answer, because I would love to see some love for PBs from the devs...I just can't figure out the justification for it. I need help from people with much better understanding of the game, and math skills to back it up. Someone summon Arcanaville

[edit] I see Smiling Joe has stepped up already, glad to hear it Joe.

[2nd edit] A thought just occured to me: Dechs comparing PBs to "every other AT", is actually a compliment to the PB. I can't think of any other AT that gets that treatment as regularly as Kheldians. Though, to be fair, I don't spend as much time in some AT forums as I do here, so I might've missed those threads for those ATs, whichever they might be (MMs? VEATs?)



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
The real world has been mighty intrusive, of late, but I'm working on exactly that. Seriously. It involves spreadsheets.

Give me a little time and I'll post my hypotheses. (plural, because I have a couple.)
I look forward to this (post linky here?). I know from experience how hard I have to work to get a Peacebringer to be "up to par" and have a pretty good idea where the weaknesses are. Seeing that in empirical data format would be... amazing.



For my money ... the problem with Peacebringers is that they have lousy synergies amongst their own powers. Setting aside enhancement slotting for the moment ... it's really really hard to get Peacebringer powers to STACK with each other to do anything beyond Damage, Defense Debuff and Knockback. There is, in fact, very little that can be done to get what powers Peacebringers *do* have to even Self Stack so as to be able to affect more than just Minions (yawn...) and Lieutenants (yawn...).

Best example of this PB vs WS quandry is the fact that the WS has multiple powers which Stun in Human Form, which can be stacked with little difficulty to Stun Bosses. PBs get a single AoE click power that is a Mag 2 Stun ... and that's it for any meaningful Crowd Control ability for Peacebringers.

WS has Gravimetric Snare, which in addition to being a fast recharging ranged attack is also an Immobilize and easy to use in a 1-2-1-2-1-2-etc. ranged attack chain with Ebon Eye. PB gets Radiant Strike, a slow recharging melee attack that does KnockBACK and is hard to build a repeatable ranged attack chain around.

Eclipse is a click which buffs Human, Nova and Dwarf Forms.
Light Form is a click which locks you out of Nova and Dwarf Forms.

... and so on ...

Warshade powers synergize with each other very well.
Peacebringer powers are "all over the map" and seem to have been designed to achieve as few power combo synergies as possible (ie. Limit --> 0 ... for those who know calculus).

With Warshades, you can get all kinds of "emergent behaviors" from simply slotting powers differently, or using those powers in different combinations to create synergistic effects. With Warshades, the sum is greater than the component parts.

With Peacebringers, there's hardly ANY combos of powers you can build which will create "emergent behaviors" offering new and novel synergistic effects. Peacebringers do Damage (sorta), Defense Debuff (only slightly relevant at all because of the Achillies' Heel Proc) and Knockback (which is a double edged sword that cuts both ways). With Peacebringers, I feel greater frustration with what I *CAN'T DO* due to the (imnsho) ridiculous limitations unnecessarily placed on the Archetype than pride in what I *can* do with my builds.

Example: Solar Flare.
Can only be used when NOT flying or hovering.
On an Archetype who can fly at Level 1 and hover at Level 10.

Example: White Dwarf Flare.
Can only be used when NOT flying or hovering.
White Dwarf Step causes your Peacebringer to Hover for 4 seconds, locking OUT use of White Dwarf Flare until the Hover effect of White Dwarf Step ends.
Warshades don't have this problem/limitation/stupid restriction with Black Dwarf Step and Black Dwarf Mire. Warshades can Step+Mire as fast as the powers can animate with no limitations. White Dwarfs have to stop floating after they teleport before they can AoE Flare, thereby surrendering the intiative of a surprise attack after teleport.

Warshades synergize their powers well.
Peacebringers are specifically forbidden to synergize their powers by Poor Design Choices which gimp them compared to Warshades ... or any other Archetype for that matter.

Want To Buy Peacebringer Powers allowed to synergize by Good Design, please.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Solo, I enjoy the synergies of Incandescent Strike hitting every 5 secs for close to 400 points of damage without procs and landing a mag 3 hold each time, perma Essence Boost/accolades/IOs letting me run at 2100 hps and Reform Essence that heals every 17 secs for 600 hps. That without using purple sets, just an investment in rechage bonus'.

Teaming, I get a kick out of the synergy of Cosmic Balance taking over and possibly maxing out most resistances, doubling damage output and status protections going through the roof

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Give my guide a read through, and have a respec ready.

I promise it'll make a difference.
Deleted the character back in I11.



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Solo, I enjoy the synergies of Incandescent Strike hitting every 5 secs for close to 400 points of damage without procs and landing a mag 3 hold each time, perma Essence Boost/accolades/IOs letting me run at 2100 hps and Reform Essence that heals every 17 secs for 600 hps. That without using purple sets, just an investment in rechage bonus'.
You can't use your IO'd out PB as a baseline for performance. Regardless of how prevalent they are in the game today, balance was, is, and always should be determined with Single Origins as a baseline.

And you can't dispute that on the basis that everyone IO's, because I can turn it right around and say quite honestly that the vast majority of my characters and those of the people I regularly team with are equipped with no more than SO's, and NONE of my IO'd characters have builds worth more than 100-200m. It's all anecdotal, anyway.

Teaming, I get a kick out of the synergy of Cosmic Balance taking over and possibly maxing out most resistances, doubling damage output and status protections going through the roof
Now that is some synergy I can roll with. Regardless of whatever problems I might have with Peacebringers - and those problems aren't gimping the archetype sized problems - it was still a kick on the Mothership Raid the other night to tank the Pylons at maxed resistance. To watch the multiple warheads exploding around me and have almost no damage when the smoke cleared was.... yeah, I'm gonna say it... epic. Peacebringers might suffer from more than their share of shortcomings, but their inherent is NOT one of their weaknesses.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
For my money ... the problem with Peacebringers is that they have lousy synergies amongst their own powers. Setting aside enhancement slotting for the moment ... it's really really hard to get Peacebringer powers to STACK with each other to do anything beyond Damage, Defense Debuff and Knockback. There is, in fact, very little that can be done to get what powers Peacebringers *do* have to even Self Stack so as to be able to affect more than just Minions (yawn...) and Lieutenants (yawn...).

Best example of this PB vs WS quandry is the fact that the WS has multiple powers which Stun in Human Form, which can be stacked with little difficulty to Stun Bosses. PBs get a single AoE click power that is a Mag 2 Stun ... and that's it for any meaningful Crowd Control ability for Peacebringers.

WS has Gravimetric Snare, which in addition to being a fast recharging ranged attack is also an Immobilize and easy to use in a 1-2-1-2-1-2-etc. ranged attack chain with Ebon Eye. PB gets Radiant Strike, a slow recharging melee attack that does KnockBACK and is hard to build a repeatable ranged attack chain around.

Eclipse is a click which buffs Human, Nova and Dwarf Forms.
Light Form is a click which locks you out of Nova and Dwarf Forms.

... and so on ...

Warshade powers synergize with each other very well.
Peacebringer powers are "all over the map" and seem to have been designed to achieve as few power combo synergies as possible (ie. Limit --> 0 ... for those who know calculus).

With Warshades, you can get all kinds of "emergent behaviors" from simply slotting powers differently, or using those powers in different combinations to create synergistic effects. With Warshades, the sum is greater than the component parts.

With Peacebringers, there's hardly ANY combos of powers you can build which will create "emergent behaviors" offering new and novel synergistic effects. Peacebringers do Damage (sorta), Defense Debuff (only slightly relevant at all because of the Achillies' Heel Proc) and Knockback (which is a double edged sword that cuts both ways). With Peacebringers, I feel greater frustration with what I *CAN'T DO* due to the (imnsho) ridiculous limitations unnecessarily placed on the Archetype than pride in what I *can* do with my builds.

Example: Solar Flare.
Can only be used when NOT flying or hovering.
On an Archetype who can fly at Level 1 and hover at Level 10.

Example: White Dwarf Flare.
Can only be used when NOT flying or hovering.
White Dwarf Step causes your Peacebringer to Hover for 4 seconds, locking OUT use of White Dwarf Flare until the Hover effect of White Dwarf Step ends.
Warshades don't have this problem/limitation/stupid restriction with Black Dwarf Step and Black Dwarf Mire. Warshades can Step+Mire as fast as the powers can animate with no limitations. White Dwarfs have to stop floating after they teleport before they can AoE Flare, thereby surrendering the intiative of a surprise attack after teleport.

Warshades synergize their powers well.
Peacebringers are specifically forbidden to synergize their powers by Poor Design Choices which gimp them compared to Warshades ... or any other Archetype for that matter.

Want To Buy Peacebringer Powers allowed to synergize by Good Design, please.
^^^ This. A million times this.

To that list I would add Pulsar, a power that I tried to use to good effect but found that it's slow activation often made it nearly suicidal to use as an opener since many enemies love to use their most annoying attack first. I had similar issues with Incandescent Strike which, as I was often told while leveling my PB, would solve all of my problems and fill my bank account with money. So then I tried Solar Flare, only to find that the knockback put enemies out of range of the abilities that I needed to use (I'm still amazed that knockback powers still find their way into melee-oriented powersets, but that's a QQ for another thread).

The PB just feels like an awkward mess of powers with little or no thought behind how the powers work together practically, as a whole.

My level 50 PB remains the only level 50 character I have ever deleted.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



And that's why it's clear to me that when Geko and Emmert were designing Kheldians, they spent most of their time designing new powers for Warshades and then just did copy/paste from Radiation Blast, Super Strength, and a scattering of Regen powers to fill out Peacebringers.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
You can't use your IO'd out PB as a baseline for performance. Regardless of how prevalent they are in the game today, balance was, is, and always should be determined with Single Origins as a baseline.

And you can't dispute that on the basis that everyone IO's, because I can turn it right around and say quite honestly that the vast majority of my characters and those of the people I regularly team with are equipped with no more than SO's, and NONE of my IO'd characters have builds worth more than 100-200m. It's all anecdotal, anyway.

Now that is some synergy I can roll with. Regardless of whatever problems I might have with Peacebringers - and those problems aren't gimping the archetype sized problems - it was still a kick on the Mothership Raid the other night to tank the Pylons at maxed resistance. To watch the multiple warheads exploding around me and have almost no damage when the smoke cleared was.... yeah, I'm gonna say it... epic. Peacebringers might suffer from more than their share of shortcomings, but their inherent is NOT one of their weaknesses.
Sure, I know...I wasn't trying to point out baselines or argue the virtues of x, y and z etc. There's been enough of that already...either you love, hate or are indifferent reference PBs and 6 pages into this thread, I don't think anyone's opinions have changed. I was just stating what I do with my Human PB.

On TF teams, the toon seems to pump out solid damage (doesn't outperform a Scrapper I'm sure, but with Cosmic Balance sometimes doubling damage I wish I could see a comparison chart...CB+BU+IS is hitting for close to 700 points on Mids, don't know how that translates in the game though) and I may die once if I'm not paying attention to Lightform dropping during the AV fight but I don't remember the last time that happened. If people are basing their PB underperformance issues on SO builds, I can't say much b/c I start frankenslotting or using basic IOs around lvl15 on all of my toons...just my preference.

I'm looking forward to seeing your results on PB #s and yeah, Cosmic Balance IS a real blast.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
[*]Radiant Strike is a Melee KB Defense Debuff Attack on a 10 second Recharge timer, which IS NOT useful aside from pure damage (and which makes you chase down whatever you hit). Radiant Strike is very difficult to work into ANY useful attack chain, whether at range or at melee distances, due to its punitively long Recharge time and Melee Only range. Peacebringer LOSES.[/list]
how do you have trouble working RS in on a melee oriented character?

BU -> IS -> RS -> GB -> SF



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
how do you have trouble working RS in on a melee oriented character?

BU -> IS -> RS -> GB -> SF
Build Up animation: 1.17 seconds
Incandescent Strike: 3.3 seconds
Radiant Strike: 1.07 seconds
Gleaming Bolt: 1 second
Solar Flare: 2.1 seconds
= 8.64 seconds of animations

How do you get single targets to stay alive for more than 5 seconds at a time while on teams in order for your melee combo to be relevant? The animation time on IS+RS alone is as long as the animation time on Propel in the Gravity powerset, and on teams I almost NEVER managed to land a hit on anything using Propel because the target was almost always defeated before Propel could finish animating (over a leisurely 3.5 seconds) ... even against Bosses.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Build Up animation: 1.17 seconds
Incandescent Strike: 3.3 seconds
Radiant Strike: 1.07 seconds
Gleaming Bolt: 1 second
Solar Flare: 2.1 seconds
= 8.64 seconds of animations

How do you get single targets to stay alive for more than 5 seconds at a time while on teams in order for your melee combo to be relevant? The animation time on IS+RS alone is as long as the animation time on Propel in the Gravity powerset, and on teams I almost NEVER managed to land a hit on anything using Propel because the target was almost always defeated before Propel could finish animating (over a leisurely 3.5 seconds) ... even against Bosses.
PuGs. I'm not sure who, or what, YOU'RE teaming with or fighting against, but <10 seconds for a spawn isn't typical for me. It can, and does, happen, but not anymore frequently than the 11-30 second spawn. Certainly not enough to claim that is almost always the case. Leaving the animation times aside for a moment (I'm not a numbers guy), EVERY toon I have, has been on a team where he has cycled through his attack chain more than once on the same spawn. And I really doubt any of them have a 4 second attack chain.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Build Up animation: 1.17 seconds
Incandescent Strike: 3.3 seconds
Radiant Strike: 1.07 seconds
Gleaming Bolt: 1 second
Solar Flare: 2.1 seconds
= 8.64 seconds of animations

How do you get single targets to stay alive for more than 5 seconds at a time while on teams in order for your melee combo to be relevant? The animation time on IS+RS alone is as long as the animation time on Propel in the Gravity powerset, and on teams I almost NEVER managed to land a hit on anything using Propel because the target was almost always defeated before Propel could finish animating (over a leisurely 3.5 seconds) ... even against Bosses.
I attack the immediate threat, that's how. I have no major problems finishing my chains, and if warranted, I'll skip Solar Flare and fire off another GB or RS.

Propel, Thunderstrike, Total Focus, Incandesent Strike, Knockout Blow, Head Splitter, Golden Dragonfly, Eagle's Claw, Eviscerate/Ripper are all powers that have suffered from "enemy dead before I hit." of these are not like the others, Propel. Lots of people know Propel's animation time is it's biggest fault in return for meh damage.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
For my money ... the problem with Peacebringers is that they have lousy synergies amongst their own powers. Setting aside enhancement slotting for the moment ... it's really really hard to get Peacebringer powers to STACK with each other to do anything beyond Damage, Defense Debuff and Knockback. There is, in fact, very little that can be done to get what powers Peacebringers *do* have to even Self Stack so as to be able to affect more than just Minions (yawn...) and Lieutenants (yawn...).
Yeah... basically, PB has a lot of tools but they don't synergize as well as WS. PB has two range and two melee so to deal most dps in human form, you have to melee, which I am fine with. What I really hate is Solar Flare's aoe knockback.

I was going to try Hover thinking that most of Pbs I've seen do aerial combat but then you can't use Solar Flare in air. It's like whatever I plan out, it seems to have obstacles.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Yeah... basically, PB has a lot of tools but they don't synergize as well as WS. PB has two range and two melee so to deal most dps in human form, you have to melee, which I am fine with. What I really hate is Solar Flare's aoe knockback.

I was going to try Hover thinking that most of Pbs I've seen do aerial combat but then you can't use Solar Flare in air. It's like whatever I plan out, it seems to have obstacles.
Well, there's the problem with your thinking... PBs (in human form) have Three ranged attacks, plus a ranged Cone and ranged targeted-AoE. It's true, if you focus on DPS, then you need to use all of your attacks. You also need to stay mobile, so you can change ranges and leverage all of your attacks. In terms of DPS, your AoEs do more damage, because they hit more things - although you do have to manage your KB intelligently.

I agree, I wish Solar Flare and Luminous Detonation were Knock-Down. instead.

I don't find Combat Flight to be precise or speedy enough for me, so I fight on the ground, with Combat Jumping and Hurdle as my 'movement-power'. That's what works for me, YMMV.

Be Well!



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Well, there's the problem with your thinking... PBs (in human form) have Three ranged attacks, plus a ranged Cone and ranged targeted-AoE. It's true, if you focus on DPS, then you need to use all of your attacks. You also need to stay mobile, so you can change ranges and leverage all of your attacks. In terms of DPS, your AoEs do more damage, because they hit more things - although you do have to manage your KB intelligently.

I agree, I wish Solar Flare and Luminous Detonation were Knock-Down. instead.

I don't find Combat Flight to be precise or speedy enough for me, so I fight on the ground, with Combat Jumping and Hurdle as my 'movement-power'. That's what works for me, YMMV.

Be Well!
I've been playing Dominators for a long time and I have no problem using melee/range (in fact, one of my favorite attacks is Radiant Strike!). When I say synergy, I guess I mean PB doesn't excel in any category even though he has access to many tools (including healing). An all-range human form's damage just seems too low to me. An all melee Human has mez protection problem and no psionic resistance (but this is lesser of the problem) and two aoe knocks back, not down. An aerial Human form can't use one of the better aoe attack Solar Flare. The only thing that stacks well is -defense which is probably the least important debuff in the game except when you put procs (but I've said it many times that a Primary/Secondary Set shouldn't be balanced with invention Sets in mind; hence why MM Merc needs buffs because without procs, they deal pathetic damage).

And when I look at Tanker form, WS's Dwarf just seems better. I have not really tried tri-form and as far as I can tell, both Squid forms are about the same?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Yeah... basically, PB has a lot of tools but they don't synergize as well as WS. PB has two range and two melee so to deal most dps in human form, you have to melee, which I am fine with. What I really hate is Solar Flare's aoe knockback.

I was going to try Hover thinking that most of Pbs I've seen do aerial combat but then you can't use Solar Flare in air. It's like whatever I plan out, it seems to have obstacles.
I agree and also wish that Solar Flare would be turned into a Footstomp clone with KD instead of KB. I eventually specced out of it for Protton Scatter which does less dmg, but fires off every 4secs for a little bit of AOEness.

After viewing some of the Human PB posts (props to Dawun, Big Soto and others) and ones like this that speak on the inherent weaknesses of the AT, I just tried to max out certain things in order to get that scrapperish feel.

- all Status Resistances at 120%-130%, except Stun at 75%
- accolades (all of my toons), +hps IOs, perma Essence Boost for ~2100 hps
- increased recharge for fast attack cycles and heals
- Acrobatics for KD and Hold Protection
- Reform Essence recharges 17secs for almost 600hps

- Gleaming Bolt - 2x acc/dmg HOs, 2x dmg procs, 1x res debuff proc and 1x hold proc
cast time/recharge is 1 second, hold procs fire often for extra mitigation
- Gleaming Blast - 5x Decimation for 6.25% rch, 1x hold proc

- Protton Scatter, Radiant Strike and Incandescent Strike all cycling under 6secs
Mids showing: 100dmg, 200dmg and 380dmg without the CB buff or BU recharging 25secs

with CB possibly (depending on team makeup):
PS -150dmg (180 w/BU) 4secs
RS - 326dmg (380 w/BU) 5sec
IS - 571dmg (673 w/BU) 6secs

- Photon Seekers recharging 90secs
581dmg, 900+dmg w/CB, 1100 w/CB+BU

I know Mids doesn't always give the real deal and these #s aren't exact based on Cosmic Balance, but this is about all I can come up with and leave the real stats to the #s guys. With Cosmic Balance doing what it does, I don't have any of the issues that people typically point out as being problems with PBs such as poor survivability, low hps, anemic damage or mezzing (not sure the last time I had to pop a BF, I do get mezzed once in a blue but it's clear within 1-2 secs).

Obviously this is with IOs, but no purple sets and with hero/villain merits available, the build wasn't expensive. I rarely solo any of my toons except to farm and I just use this 1 as another TF toon along with my WSs so YMMV reference specific performance.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Key here is "With cosmic balance doing what it does".
No one's denying that Cosmic Balance boosts Peacebringer's performance on teams. Any balance effort will have to adjust Cosmic Balance to compensate.
The thing is, Cosmic Balance is a "sometimes" thing. Without Cosmic Balance, Peacebringers definitely feel weaker than my other characters. They take longer to defeat enemies of the same level, i.e. they take measurably more attacks to do it, and take more damage doing it as a result.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Key here is "With cosmic balance doing what it does".
No one's denying that Cosmic Balance boosts Peacebringer's performance on teams. Any balance effort will have to adjust Cosmic Balance to compensate.
The thing is, Cosmic Balance is a "sometimes" thing. Without Cosmic Balance, Peacebringers definitely feel weaker than my other characters. They take longer to defeat enemies of the same level, i.e. they take measurably more attacks to do it, and take more damage doing it as a result.
Cosmic Balance only works sometimes? I never noticed that, but sorry your PB feels so underwhelming. I feel like my dmg output is fine without CB, but on teams, it's like I am getting a constant Fulcrum Shift. I kill fine with an attack cycle that puts out ~900dmg over the course of 8-10secs without CB, BU or Photon Seekers soaking up a mob's alphas and doing 550+dmg. Not sure how that compares to your other toons, but I always felt like my PB was comparable to my Blasters...minus the AOEs and that's fine since I run him as a Scrapper solo on +2/x2 for villain tips farming. I only have a few Scrappers that I enjoy but haven't pushed them past 30 so I don't have a grasp on a comparison there.

Post your build if you don't mind, I'd like to take a look and see if I can find a reason why your PB feels so weak.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Cosmic Balance only works sometimes?
When solo, you get nothing from Cosmic Balance. I believe that was the point behind the comment. You don't always have 7 teammates swarming around you at all times.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
When solo, you get nothing from Cosmic Balance. I believe that was the point behind the comment. You don't always have 7 teammates swarming around you at all times.
Ah. Like I said, unless im speeding tip mishs for merits I always have 7 teamates swarming around me. What about you Red...have a PB build that you want to post? I always feel like people in the "PBs r meh camp" are usually using i2 builds and haven't played their toons recently. I'd love to see what you are working with.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
What about you Red...have a PB build that you want to post?
Already have ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Post your build if you don't mind, I'd like to take a look and see if I can find a reason why your PB feels so weak.
Good luck trying to find that out.