Peacebringers in play?




Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
I take Pulsar because it's a survival tool, and probably THE biggest damage mitigator when I can't pull off the Photon Seekers/Solar Flare sequence. Since I have it, I might as well slot it up, and that'd the best set I can think of to slot it with.

As for accolades, I have all the auto accolades.

Also, putting this much effort and this much inf into a Defender would get me an AV-killing machine. So yeah... I still feel Peacebringers are underpowered.
Solo, the biggest damage mitigation I have is striking the boss and killing it quickly with a couple applications of Incandescent Strike; running with 2100hps, having resistance shields +30%, and a heal that cycles through every 18 secs helps me easily finish off minions.

Looking at your build, you have already put a lot of effort and money into it, more than I did mine (with the purple set). I could see if you were running on SOs, but your current build is heavily IOd. Other than the HOs, you can run tip mishs to get some of the more expensive IOs pretty quickly.

Well I tried, after all of this...I'd say stick to running other ATs if you still feel they are stronger toons. I wasn't trying to build an AV killer, but my last recommendation at this point would be to strip your PB and plus up your Defenders, especially if you can run one solo with 2100hps that can do close to 2k worth of damage in the 1st attack cycle with BU. Good luck and have fun regardless of what you decide to play

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"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
That part is easy. Once you have a KB magnitude to time controlled equation, you can calculate how much time a foe spends on his back in relation to the recharge time of the power. For example: if a power has 50% chance of KB that will take 3 seconds to recover from and a 6 second recharge time, then the enemy affected will not be doing damage for 25% of the time on average. If he's one foe in a mob of seventeen (the aggro cap), you can now quantify how much survivability that KB gives you. The missing piece right now is that time to recover bit.

The math part isn't so bad. If you have a means to record those times I described reliably, get me the results and I'll give you the rest.
Sweet. Here's my plan: For the first magnitude* on the scale I'll use White Dwarf Flare. It does knockdown, and larger samples should be easier to attain since it's AoE. Forthe next magnitude I'll use Solar Flare, and for the third I'll use Dawn Strike. I'll download a screen video capture program and record an AE mission with even con council where I use those three powers more often, and I'll keep the combat window open so I can pause the playback at the exact moments when the powers are activated. I'll then click/drag the progress bar to slowly advance time until they recover and fire off that one ranged shot. Since most media players display a precise time of the movie's progress, I should be able to get the times exact.

What do you think?

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Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
What do you think?
That should work pretty well.

Since Dawn Strike is on such a long recharge cycle, what would you think about using just the two flares, but using a second build which enhances those two powers for knockback? That would give me four points to work with.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
'Bout how many samples will you need?
It's going to depend on the kind of results you see. Basically, all I need is a reliable time.

Let's say you use Solar Flare once on three enemies two enemies take 2 seconds to recover, but one takes 4. Common practice is to ignore the outlier as a radical, but there's really not enough data here to say that the 4 second recovery is the radical. Let's say you did this with 50 enemies, and 44 of them took 4 seconds to recover. Now I know with some degree of certainty that the 2 second guys are the outliers.

If you get results that are all over the place, you need more samples. If you get very little variation between samples, then you don't need as many.

That was a long winded way to say "I don't know how many I need." I'm sorry. Just call me Samuel Tow.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Just read it. You'll reroll.
Been several years and I haven't. I wasn't kidding when I said the character wasn't at all fun. I've had more fun being griefed.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Been several years and I haven't. I wasn't kidding when I said the character wasn't at all fun. I've had more fun being griefed.
If the character wasn't fun, I'm inclined to believe you weren't doing it "right."

Just give it one more try, that's all I'm asking.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
If the character wasn't fun, I'm inclined to believe you weren't doing it "right."

Just give it one more try, that's all I'm asking.
I gave it between 4 and 6 tries.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
I gave it between 4 and 6 tries.
That was long ago before my guide.

I've seen you post about not being able to handle the lowest difficulty on your shade. That's not a problem with the AT, it's you not doing something right.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
That was long ago before my guide.

I've seen you post about not being able to handle the lowest difficulty on your shade. That's not a problem with the AT, it's you not doing something right.
Which is fine. Not everyones suited for every AT. Some defenders can solo GM's. I personally can't and don't want to try and force myself to do it. I'm a melee player at heart.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
Which is fine. Not everyones suited for every AT. Some defenders can solo GM's. I personally can't and don't want to try and force myself to do it. I'm a melee player at heart.

I love my PB and I have never been able to get a WS past about level 6 and I've tried at least a dozen times... sometimes using various guides that ultimately don't help because the problem I have is far more fundamental.

The reason? I HATE HATE HATE teleport (even with the point and shoot mouse bind) and I don't want to have to be a squid to fly (which is my preferred travel power by roughly eleventy billion percent). All of the "phenominal cosmic power" fails in the face of a movement platform I can't stand.

It's roughly the equivalent of saying "I like flight simulators" and being given a driving game because "its an awesome driving game." But I don't LIKE driving games, no matter how awesome. I like flight simulators. They're completely different things.



Originally Posted by Titan_III View Post
The reason? I HATE HATE HATE teleport (even with the point and shoot mouse bind) and I don't want to have to be a squid to fly (which is my preferred travel power by roughly eleventy billion percent). All of the "phenominal cosmic power" fails in the face of a movement platform I can't stand.
I use Ninja Run most of the time when I need to move around almost every zone except the Shadow Shard ... and even then, I'm using the Geysers for movement that's faster than Teleport and keeping my Teleport in reserve so as to "land" on floating rocks that the Geysers hurl me at (and seem determined to MISS...).

On my WS, Teleport is my backup mode of travelling.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
I use Ninja Run most of the time when I need to move around almost every zone except the Shadow Shard ... and even then, I'm using the Geysers for movement that's faster than Teleport and keeping my Teleport in reserve so as to "land" on floating rocks that the Geysers hurl me at (and seem determined to MISS...).

On my WS, Teleport is my backup mode of travelling.
See my comment on flight simulators and "But its an awesome driving game" above.

I don't care if I can pick superspeed or superjump or get by on ninja leap. Its NOT flight. You can not be a WS and soar through the air unless you're a squid. THAT is so much of a deal-breaker for me the AT holds zero interest for me.

I also have never been able to get a tanker past level 16 or a defender past level 32 (admittedly this was before the recent solo damage buff so I may have to go back and try them again) or any but my first blaster (my first toon ever) past level 3.

What I enjoy are PB's, Scrappers, Controllers, and MM's in approximately that order... and there's NOTHING wrong with that.



The teleport issue was almost a deal breaker for me as well. Making you take teleport without at least letting you take hover is a sign of sadism. But then I discovered that I could just buy a raptor pack whenever I want at Fire Base Zulu. Problem solved. I just turn Shadow Cloak on (which I do for any kind of traveling anyway), because the pack doesn't fit my current costuming, and become a flying streak of purple energy.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
This isn't a matter of skewing. You'll find it's my attitude on a lot of things (including the way most builds are posted here - "Hi, I'm just starting an X/Y, can someone give tips?" "Sure, here's a level 50, purpled out thing that won't do you a bit of good for 49 levels!")
No kidding! It is why I hardly ever ask for build advice on here...LOL. I think though, it is simply a matter of difference in play. Some of us like to gradually go through it all, some go at it like there is no tomorrow and boast of many many 50s. Neither is wrong, as long as the person playing is enjoying themselves.

With that said, I am awaiting a tip for a level 5 empath/bow defender. I plan to play this level for about a year, so any advice is great! (K I D D I N G)

I do want to make a PB though. It is probably my next project, so thanks to all of you for the input, it does help, even the negative input helps.



I tend to think about exemplaring as I build and slot a character. The one thing I'm unhappy with about Hikari's current build is that Glinting Eye really needs to come earlier to fit how I play the character in exemp situations.

That said.. I don't use anything other than common IOs most of the time when I'm leveling. And for a build like mine, you're building the character towards it. I have a standard sort of slotting I use for attacks: one accuracy, one damage, one recharge, one endreduction, and then from there it's either special effect or more damage or more recharge or occasionally a bit of range, depending on what I feel the power needs.