Peacebringers in play?




Originally Posted by _Dawun_ View Post
I said autohit and I was talking about attacking. Name some significant autohit damage attacks before you correct me again. I did not say autohit debuff. Even with other debuffs when have you ever been on a team that has a tank where someone said "hey man, we have too many debuffs, we really can't use anymore debuffs, lets turn that person away and get something else." There is nothing in this game that does not melted by debuffs + attacks regardless of the source. Quote the part where I said PB's were the only form of debuffs in the game and where I said I would substitute them for an actual debuffer. I just said PB's can add this effect and a Warshade can't. I compared Warshades to Peacebringers and you can only counter with other AT's. My point still stands. +1 for PB's again.
Yes, you can stack -def debuffs with other AT's -def debuffs. So what? The value of your redundant -def debuff goes down considerably when a Controller throws Radiation Infection out there, just like a Warshade's slows are insignificant in the face of a Cold Defender's Infridgidate. No one will ever say "we've got too many debuffs" because no one really cares once they're redundant. If there's a specific debuffer on the team no one cares if someone else also does that debuff to a lesser extent. At that point the game is more about damage.

And the point that -def debuffs are fairly useless in a situation where everyone can hit consistently still stands. Please demonstrate a single situation where you've seen a team that had a hard time hitting their foes where an ACCURACY BASED -def debuff would have helped, because if you're having a hard time hitting, then you're going to have a hard time applying any sort of persistent debuff that relies on you hitting. I've rarely seen teams that had a hard time hitting, however.

Listen kid, I killed level 54 Captain Mako, I've hit through Posi's Overload as well on a LRSF, and fought every single AV in this game with a PB and the -def continues to stack and be useful. Teams with stacked tactics do occasionally miss Mako in Elude on STF's. Maybe your -def with a tohit roll is worthless. They have these powers called build up and tactics you might be able to hit past high defense with them. I don't have a problems hitting anything maybe you should try using them sometime. Every player we team with is not going have an awesome build. Who in their right mind would argue that a debuff is worthless because people CAN saturate themselves with buffs, really Dechs? Remember I am comparing Warshades to Peacebringers tell me how your Warshade boosts your teams ability to hit targets. Or continue you to give me examples of how things other than Warshades beat Peacebringers and ignore my comparison.
Did you just post this to say you agree? Because your points about Tactics, Buildup and teames that occasionally miss Mako in Elude don't really do a whole lot to support the usefulness of the Peacebringer's -def. Dechs wasn't saying Warshades help teams hit targets. Where did you get that? The point was that -def as a secondary effect in a Peacebringer's attacks is worthless ALL ON IT'S OWN because the nature of accuracy and tohit in this game makes it irrelevant. If you can't hit consistently with your -def attack, you can't apply the debuff. If you CAN hit consistently with it, you don't NEED the debuff.

Forget what warshades do or don't do with their secondary effects. Accuracy dependent -def debuffs are worthless in this game without the need for comparisons of any kind.

Good for you Dech's you didn't miss. It's too bad you don't represent the rest of the playerbase that misses from time to time. Go tell those people the shouldn't bother with extra -def because all of them should hit everything at all times. The fact that you didn't use -def does not make defense debuffs any less useful and it doesn't give a Warshades an edge at all.
Again, everyone misses from time to time, whether there's a debuff to the mob's defense or not. If people are only missing from time to time, then where's the usefulness in the effect? And again - in situations where you're missing more than you're hitting, how are you going to apply that -def debuff if you can't hit often enough to make it useful?

A sonic blaster is not a Warshade. Tell me how your Warshades increases TEAM damage more than a proc'd PB? The possibility of -res on top of increasing tohit rolls is more useful than.....nothing. (-rech does not equal more damage.) Wanna compare Rads to a PB now? or some other powerset that is obviously better than a PB since your WS isn't?
-recharge means less incoming damage, so the warshade in the comparison is actually helping the team survive, vise adding to their damage, as you point out yourself right after the quoted text. By contrast, the Peacebringer's -def debuff doesn't help add to their damage. All it does is allow you to slot a single -res enhancement that DOESN'T STACK and rarely fires. I'd hardly call that increasing a team's damage. Besides, if a PB can slot it then so can the Rad in your comparison.

You've got nothing for me. You're talking about a player that runs 19 minutes ITF's regularly and speed Master TF's without trying. Teams I join melt AV's in under 5 minutes, spend no time on mobs, and move on. The majority of my time spent on a TF is travel time. If I ever have to deal with mobs (like on an ITF) I bring a kin or aoe debuffs and they still go down in less time than an AV.
Wow. 19 minutes, huh? Now I don't have any datamining to show this, but I'd be willing to bet my account that you and the AV melting teams you join are the outliers in this game. I'd also be willing to bet my account that you don't have any datamining to show that you're the norm.

And on a team that can melt an AV in five minutes and power through ITF's in 19 minutes you could be on a COMPLETELY UNSLOTTED build and feel uber. No one would notice if your peacebringer is underperforming, because the debuffs, buffs and damage your team is throwing around are such massive overkill that individual performance is irrelevant. Not saying you or anyone else are not performing well on that team - just saying that it's a bit hard to measure personal performance. As in: nearly impossible.

I play a WS, Dwarf damage numbers suck mired or not. Period.
Well, let's do the numbers on that. First, assume a double mire off three mobs average for a 67% damage boost.

Strike, assuming 95% damage enhancement, does 152 points of damage
Smite, assuming the same enhancement, does 239
Drain, assuming 80% enhancement in heal and 80 in damage, does 337 points of healing and 167 points of damage
Mire will do 225.78 points of damage.
Assuming an attack chain with enough recharge to chain strike, smite and drain twice before miring again, it comes out to somewhere around 134 dps. In addition, it has the potential to heal the shade for around 600 points of damage (assuming two drains in the chain)

134 dps isn't top shelf dps, but I'd hardly say it sucks. Never mind if you're on one of those speed ITF's in lag valley with fully saturated mires. It also doesn't take into account the added damage of the fluffies.

Is "it's easier to soft cap" your only defense? Sure you could do it easier with Ice Armor. You could softcap a PB too. At the end of the day you have more tools of survival after softcap which I already mentioned.
No snark intended at all when I say I'd like to see that softcapped PB build. If you've got one handy, would you mind terribly posting it? Sounds like something I'd be interested in.

You DID say Warshades were vastly superior and you wished PB's were on par with them. Joe said this was an AOE-Game. I merged those 2 themes. I even said Warshades are better with aoe's. The main difference between the 2 is Warshades are aoe monsters and PB's are better at dealing with single targets. If you want Peacebringers to be on par with your idea of "Vastly Superior" how else would they be changed? A second build up? A mire? Even with a damage buff you guys would complain about how your Warshade rolls around destroying groups of mobs in 70% of the game, while PB's aren't, and how that fact makes them subpar.
I actually disagree with your assertion that Warshades are superior with AoE's. Peacebringers have just as much AoE capability as Warshades. I also agree that Peacebringers have more single target potential. Where we differ is in the significance of single target damage. You're not speeding through those ITF's because of single target damage. You've countered with hard targets and AV's, and while I still maintain that AV's are a small part of the game for most people, I'm willing to concede that the single target damage helps the team when up against hard targets, but consider this: A stalker brings to bear far more single target damage potential than a Peacebringer, and has mez protection and higher base hit points. Wouldn't you say the Peacebringer is paying too high a price for that single target damage advantage?

To answer your question about what I personally would like to see changed, I would like to see Photon Seekers have that rather punitive recharge shortened to the point that they can be made perma. Hell, make them unique in the way that an Illusion Controller's Nightmare pet is unique (spawning more while others are out de-rezzes the others) and GUT the recharge time so that they're perma right out of the box.

I would like to see the knockback mag reduced on Solar Flare and ALSO see the damage slightly increased to the point that those who would want to slot it for knockback and damage would see roughly the same performance as now, and those who would see the knockback turned to knockdown could do so and also have a bit of extra damage to compensate for the slightly less mitigation offered by knockdown. I would like to see the mag on Pulsar increased and the recharge decreased slightly to give peacebringers a reliable AoE mez.

In a perfect world I would toss out that worthless -def debuff in favor of a -res debuff, but that would violate the cottage rule and anger players like yourself who value it. And yes, I count your opinion as valid, regardless of how much I might disagree with it. As I've said, that problem is more with the game itself than with peacebringers, and so I don't expect anything to change there. If there WERE a -res component ADDED, it would totally reverse Peacebringers' fortunes. Hell, I'd be happy with something like Bruising for Tankers!

It might also mean trading one or more of the other changes I'd like to see, but I'd be willing.

Okay, it's late, and I'm not even going to respond to the rest of the post. Good night.

EDIT - actually, there were a couple of things I wanted to respond to:

Originally Posted by _Dawun_ View Post
No, I ignore the minions and start pounding the AV to death. This is completely normal. Please highlight the part where I lead you to believe I would go pounding on minions... ever. I can't seem to find that part where I said this or your point. So the WS is good for one whole mob....great. Your really going to "TRUELY OUTSHINE" and dazzle me with your buffs off a single mob? or terrible Dwarf damage? I think not. What are you smoking? The mob goes down now what. We go right back to what I was saying.
My point is that Archvillains don't spawn alone. If you're ignoring the minions and heading straight for the AV, then so is that warshade, meaning - you guessed it! - he's not buffing off a single mob. And see what I said above about terrible dwarf damage. And again - a warshade has fluffies to add to the damage.

Go find the wiki link that states Warshades are affecting team tohit from their powers. I am comparing Warshades and Peacebringers not other AT's. While your there go look up Accuracy. I'm sure there is some cool info pulled from an Arcanaville post that explains the difference between acc, tohit, and defense. An ACC IO buffs accuracy, it is not the same as a tohit buff, it does not negate the usefulness of a -def debuff.
Where are you getting that anyone at all is stating that Warshades are affecting team tohit?

And the ACC IO buffing tohit was a mistype on my part. I well know the difference between accuracy and tohit, the old brain just reverses the names now and then. oops.

Go calculate the time that players spent on those missions that are not EB/AV free that are not tip or AE missions. I would be willing to bet that most of those missions that are played only get one or 2 runs per character because they are mandatory missions to unlock content, epics, or accolades. Lets be honest here, the only time players are willing to go kills tons of mobs is on a farm map or when they level. Once they hit 50's the game is TF's, trials, AV's, and other challenges that do not involve killing large numbers of mobs unless you are farming for something specific. I know people are farming for shards but most of them are doing this on a TF. If there was some other more effective way we would know about it and lots of people would be doing it instead. You only need to hit the objectives on a Tip mission there are tons of ppl speeding to objective for merits or alignment changes instead of killing a ton of mobs. Do you really believe players spread their time evenly on the content available in the game? I read the forums and play the game.... Joe... there really are alot of people spending their time running TF's, trials, and raids to get get Shards and incarnate salvage. I'm not thinking about it, its reality. The time spent assembling a team depends on the time of day, the availability of players on your server, and the time/difficulty/player eligibility of the TF you are trying to form. What does forming a TF have to do with anything?
Just because YOU and PEOPLE YOU KNOW spend a lot of time doing task forces doesn't make it any more than anecdotial evidence. Judging by the remarks you've made about perma essence boost and IO bonuses and speed ITF's and melting AV's, it looks like you're on a majorly expensive build on an outlier team. Hardly indicative of normal play. Most players don't even have a fifty. If they did, there'd have been no need to lower the level cap for unlocking Epic Archetypes. Was it you that made that point earlier in this thread or was it Bill? I think it was Bill.

And I used time spent assembling a team as an indicator of how many people were doing task forces in my own admittedly anecdotal evidence. If the majority of the playerbase were running task forces there shouldn't be any time standing around waiting to find players willing to run it, right?

Damn Joe, I though you would have considered perma essence boost and IO bonuses as the reason for that HP number. The character I describe is my own. Its not some idea, its real.
Okay, first of all, unless you're stacking that essence boost for longer than a couple seconds it means absolutely nothing that it's perma. I was assuming that already. And if you ARE stacking it for longer than a couple of seconds, then you're far from the average build, and not something on which balance can be judged. But even with accolades you're only approaching 1900 hitpoints. You're going to have to come up upwards of 30% hit point bonuses from IO's, and I would VERY much like to see that build. Is it the same build that's softcapped to defense?

In either case, however, we're talking about balance, and whether you use them or not the game isn't balanced around IO's. Not everyone uses IO's, and we shouldn't be forced to use them just bring a character up to par with its nearest cousin.

They fall short in some areas and excel at others. One kheld is not better than the other because they excel in opposite areas. That's the sum of the first post I put in this thread. A character with self buffs has an edge on a character that needs to go in melee to buff themselves off of an AV for survival. Why can't you understand this?
Because the areas at which a peacbringer excells have far less need for it than the areas where a warshade excells, and a peacebringer pays a heavier price for it.

AV's and all content that contains them and PvP may represent a smaller portion of the overall content available to players. Players don't spread their time evenly around all the content. People are playing content involving EB/AV's more often than all that other content. You said it even seems that way. Since there are alot of players engaged in content involving AV's you can't say that PB's fail over half of the game.
Where exactly did I say that it seems people are playing content with AV's more often than all the other content? That meshes up much more with what you're saying, and I'M saying that you're flat-out wrong. You seem to have focused in on the game that YOU'RE playing without paying too much attention to anything that isn't anecdotal to your personal experience.

But you know what? I haven't done any datamining, either. So let's leave our personal experiences aside and look at what the content OFFERS. The game offers TEN TIMES the content for the leveling experience that doesn't include AV's over what does. Now if people choose to AE Farm or even TF farm to level past that dross then that's all well and good, but we shouldn't be FORCED to do that because a select few like yourself have been successful at it. Balance is based on what the game as a whole offers, not what you and your friends have experienced.

On paper they have they might have this capability. PB AOE's just scatter mobs and piss off teams. That one AOE stun is a horrible power. Photon Seekers have retarded AI and you know this. They work more often on single targets then multiple targets. I know you had to have experiences with Seekers just idling around and unsure of which target they should hit. At least WS AOE's have a mez and slow added to them making them more useful for any AOE-centric activities. Being able to hit build up, pull out seekers, or hit light form and strike a target before its aggro'd and dealing damage gives PB's the upper hand on single targets. Having access to 3 Heals that never miss or fail help too.
Warshades' AoEs are dark clones of Peacebringers for the most part, with Solar Flare being the exception. Its counterpart, however is Unchain Essence, which not only scatters mobs to the four corners of the map, it also stuns them so that they don't reform in that nice little AoE-vulnerable group in the Tanker's taunt aura for a while. And Warshades also get knockback in Gravitic Emanation.

And Warshades can stealth in, pop eclipse and mire before the target ever sees them, so where are you getting that a Peacebringer has some stealth advantage? And again I'll remind you that no target spawns alone.

Look, I'd like to see upgrades to Kheldians as a whole and improvements to some of the powers as much as any other poster. I play both Khelds so why wouldn't I want to see that? PB powers need improvements but there are some Warshade powers that could be better too. I do not share this view that Warshades are "Vastly Superior" at the majority of the game. I do not believe PB's were ever meant to be great at dealing with large mobs like Warshades can. Unless someone has some real good evidence of this other than, "Well, there are lots of groups of mobs in the game, like 70% of it, therefore they are teh Uber and PB's are horribad", I am done here.
And no one is saying that Peacebringers should be AoE specialists. What we're saying - well, what I'm saying is that what peacebringers do get is undervalued by the nature of the game system and the state of the content itself, and that they consequently pay too heavy a price for that.

I grow weary of saying "Peacebringers could use some love, but they also get some pretty good benefits" when those benefits are increasingly becoming irrelevant as more power is given to the players that specifically erase the need for those benefits.

Peacebringers. Need. Change.

And it's bloody well time we started asking for it with a fair bit more insistence than we have in the past.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I like Peacebringers better than Warshades because PB's can fly in human form.... PB FTW!!!

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
I like Peacebringers better than Warshades because PB's can fly in human form.... PB FTW!!!
I like peacebringers because all they're missing is the surfboard.

I do find it ironic that pre I19 I avoided shifting to dwarf because it burned my endurance... and after my reworking to be human/dwarf I shift when my endurance gets low to keep fighting while it recharges.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Peacebringer's attacks look very PRETTY! Suck it Warshade!! Suck on it!!

You see my super glowy blasts?? Yup Yup!! You don't have! You only have a dark cloud following you!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
Peacebringer's attacks look very PRETTY! Suck it Warshade!! Suck on it!!

You see my super glowy blasts?? Yup Yup!! You don't have! You only have a dark cloud following you!
I have three dark clouds following me.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I have three dark clouds following me.
Fine. I'll suck myself!

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I have an awesome bright foot stomp!

...Runs in a mob... BoOm!!!.... Where did everyone go?



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I have three dark clouds following me.
If I eat Tacobell I can have 3 dark clouds following me



Originally Posted by Mod_Noc View Post

...Runs in a mob... BoOm!!!.... Where did everyone go?
LOL I got that feeling last night when I played my PB. I used Solar Flare... and then where did everyone go?

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



I skipped through two pages of people (IE: Dechs, et al) arguing about random crap that doesn't matter. What matters is this: Both Kheldians are intended to be used in a team setting. Granted, Warshades are somewhat better at soloing, but that's beside the point. However, the two are designed to be used for different purposes. Peacebringers are designed to support your team by picking up the slack in a team that lacks something in particular. Say, a Tank. If I remember correctly (I don't recall exactly what AT's provide what buffs), three Defenders/Corruptors/Blasters on your team will cap your resistances (to ALL damage, mind you) at 90% in Dwarf form, thus making you *more* durable than your average resistance-based Tank, with the possibility of three self heals.

Warshades, on the other hand, are designed to support your team by reinforcing what you already have. Already have two scrappers? Now you have another one, because they're buffing your damage. Already have a tank? Now you have a backup.

I personally would say that the two are equal, just designed for different purposes. And for the record, I prefer Peacebringers overall, aside from Warshades getting inherent Recall, and Peacebringers getting... Woohoo, Group Fly, and Hover?



But Scirion, this is how we get through our workday! You think we actually do our jobs at our desks? No, my friend, we keep an eye over our shoulder looking out for our bosses and sneak argumentative posts in on the forum and get paid to do so. Taking that away from us by getting back on topic in an intelligent and well spoken manner hurts my heart!



I admit... I LOL'd.



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
I skipped through two pages of people (IE: Dechs, et al) arguing about random crap that doesn't matter. What matters is this: Both Kheldians are intended to be used in a team setting. Granted, Warshades are somewhat better at soloing, but that's beside the point. However, the two are designed to be used for different purposes. Peacebringers are designed to support your team by picking up the slack in a team that lacks something in particular. Say, a Tank. If I remember correctly (I don't recall exactly what AT's provide what buffs), three Defenders/Corruptors/Blasters on your team will cap your resistances (to ALL damage, mind you) at 90% in Dwarf form, thus making you *more* durable than your average resistance-based Tank, with the possibility of three self heals.

Warshades, on the other hand, are designed to support your team by reinforcing what you already have. Already have two scrappers? Now you have another one, because they're buffing your damage. Already have a tank? Now you have a backup.

I personally would say that the two are equal, just designed for different purposes. And for the record, I prefer Peacebringers overall, aside from Warshades getting inherent Recall, and Peacebringers getting... Woohoo, Group Fly, and Hover?
Ask me, the kheldian community could do with a little more passion, and I for one think it's refreshing to see people actually caring enough about an archetype to have a spirited debate about it. If that comes across as arguing, then so be it. We've spent too many years having minor flare-ups and friendly disagreements about problems with peacebringers that ended with agreements to disagree and discussions on how we could learn to live with those shortcomings.

We thought we were being reasonable. Now I'm thinking we might have instead come across as more than a little complacent.

You do, however, have a very good point regarding teaming. I might feel the disparity between Warshades and Peacebringers is a bit wider than you do even teamed, but that doesn't mean my Peacebringer doesn't do exponetially better on teams than solo. The gap between Peacebringer performance on teams and solo is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

My warshade doesn't have nearly so big of a gap between solo and teamed performance, but leave that aside. The exact same argument you just used with regard to khelds being intended for teaming was used for years with regard to defenders' low damage being okay because they weren't intended for teaming.

Yet they recently got a damage buff when solo, did they not?

EDIT - and I wouldn't say no to a buff that affected us in the same way as the damage buff affected defenders. I wouldn't say no to ANY buff.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
But Scirion, this is how we get through our workday! You think we actually do our jobs at our desks? No, my friend, we keep an eye over our shoulder looking out for our bosses and sneak argumentative posts in on the forum and get paid to do so. Taking that away from us by getting back on topic in an intelligent and well spoken manner hurts my heart!
Cute. But you're being just a little unfair. With the exception of a bit of snarkiness on Dechs' part and more than a little from _Dawun_, the overall discussion - though passionate - has been on topic and focused on the overall points at hand (vise being focused on each other).

And no one has gotten personal. Well, no one had gotten personal until you implied that we're all slackers who post at work when we should be getting paid. Not everyone has the same work hours you know. (he says as he looks over his shoulder.)

Gotta go.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Griff Mender View Post
Natalie Portman is soooo Hawt!



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Ask me, the kheldian community could do with a little more passion, and I for one think it's refreshing to see people actually caring enough about an archetype to have a spirited debate about it. If that comes across as arguing, then so be it. We've spent too many years having minor flare-ups and friendly disagreements about problems with peacebringers that ended with agreements to disagree and discussions on how we could learn to live with those shortcomings.

We thought we were being reasonable. Now I'm thinking we might have instead come across as more than a little complacent.

You do, however, have a very good point regarding teaming. I might feel the disparity between Warshades and Peacebringers is a bit wider than you do even teamed, but that doesn't mean my Peacebringer doesn't do exponetially better on teams than solo. The gap between Peacebringer performance on teams and solo is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

My warshade doesn't have nearly so big of a gap between solo and teamed performance, but leave that aside. The exact same argument you just used with regard to khelds being intended for teaming was used for years with regard to defenders' low damage being okay because they weren't intended for teaming.

Yet they recently got a damage buff when solo, did they not?

EDIT - and I wouldn't say no to a buff that affected us in the same way as the damage buff affected defenders. I wouldn't say no to ANY buff.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm all for debate, too. But the posts I *did* read, seemed to consist mostly of two people going back and forth trying to find new ways to say the same thing. I'm sorry, but DPS is not everything. The clifs notes summary of my opinion on the PB/WS argument and comparing them to the other AT's: Don't. PB's are not WS's, and neither are they intended to be. PB's (or WS's) are not Blasters, nor Tanks, nor Scrappers, nor Widows (just throwing that one in because I can), nor are they intended to be. They (in my opinion, at least) are intended to be a "Master of None" AT that can do a little of everything, but doesn't excel at anything. Like a Tank excels at tanking, and a Blaster excels at... Blasting?

And this part right here:

Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe
The gap between Peacebringer performance on teams and solo is as wide as the Grand Canyon.

My warshade doesn't have nearly so big of a gap between solo and teamed performance, but leave that aside. The exact same argument you just used with regard to khelds being intended for teaming was used for years with regard to defenders' low damage being okay because they weren't intended for teaming.
I think you missed part of my point. That's the way it's supposed to be. Peacebringers are intended to be played on teams, yet not suck like a Hoover when solo (though some would argue they fall short in that regard, I would disagree, mostly). Warshades *seem* better at soloing than on teams, because their inherent is less useful to the team as a whole, and is thus less noticable when on said team. (And also because their secondary effects are much more useful than the -Def+KB that Peacebringers get. I'd be the first to agree to change that.)

On the subject of Defenders getting the damage buff (that only applies when solo, or on VERY small teams), I would argue that: One, the devs came to realize that while, yes, Defenders *are* intended to be played on teams, not everyone can be guaranteed to find a team 24/7, and thus Defenders WILL be played solo, regardless of their intent. Two, I would argue that Peacebringers (and Warshades) have their fair share of an equivalent to the Defender damage buff by being useful in both situations (solo/team) as it is. Tell me ONE Defender primary (or secondary, take your pick) that offers the resistance/defense numbers of a Peacebringer/Warshade, along with the wide variety of useful powers (debuffs, buffs, self heal, and in the case of Peacebringers, ally heal, inherent flight/Teleport/recall [as applicable], etc), along with the damage numbers (regardless of how short they fall from being Blaster numbers, that's not their intent) all in one package, and without spending several billion influence on IO's to get there.

Could Peacebringers (and/or Warshades) use a buff? Sure. But so could every AT in the game, in one regard or another. I would like to see an increase to the target cap on Taunt (I could start a whole topic on Taunt being nerfed to Dwarf form effectiveness, but I won't), and the aggro cap for starters. But that's not what we're here to discuss, is it?

(And for the record, I wasn't trying to imply that things were getting out of hand when I said "arguing". Arguing might have been to strong of a word. I encourage debate, just not when it becomes an endless cycle of repetitive debate on the same subject over, and over, and over, making zero progress whatsoever.)



And again, the FULL quote...

"Jack of all trades, master of none, but often better than a master of one."

The Peacebringer missed out on the "often better than a master of one" part.



Originally Posted by Scirion View Post
The clifs notes summary of my opinion on the PB/WS argument and comparing them to the other AT's: Don't. PB's are not WS's, and neither are they intended to be. PB's (or WS's) are not Blasters, nor Tanks, nor Scrappers, nor Widows (just throwing that one in because I can), nor are they intended to be.
I disagree. There has to be a baseline of performance. Brutes recently saw changes to their inherent based solely on comparisons to not one - but two - other archetypes, so there is precedent for comparisons to be drawn, especially where the epic archetypes are concerned.

I think you missed part of my point. That's the way it's supposed to be. Peacebringers are intended to be played on teams, yet not suck like a Hoover when solo (though some would argue they fall short in that regard, I would disagree, mostly). Warshades *seem* better at soloing than on teams, because their inherent is less useful to the team as a whole, and is thus less noticable when on said team. (And also because their secondary effects are much more useful than the -Def+KB that Peacebringers get. I'd be the first to agree to change that.)
Before the days of advanced difficulty settings and spawn size sliders, I'd have agreed wholeheartedly. Now, however, Warshades can set the spawn size up to maximum levels and roll through missions at maximum resistance and damage.

Warshades also ARE their own team when solo due to the fact that even an SO'd warshade with hasten can keep two extracted essences going at all times.

Two extracted essences (and I'm not even counting the fact that most builds with moderate IO investment can keep three essences out) add somewhere in the neighborhood of 120-152 dps to a warshade's attack chain whether teamed or solo (assuming around 95% Damage Enhancement). The burst damage in Quasar and Unchain essence provide the same burst damage potential as Dawn Strike and Photon Seekers, and what does a Peacebringer gain to compensate for that difference in damage?

Solo or teamed, Warshades can walk into at least every other fight with near-capped or capped resistances. More often than not they can do that with better frequency than a Peacebringer's Light Form. Nonetheless, a Peacebringer's heals do give them a slight nudge in survivability in high damage situations, and that alone makes them slightly tougher, depending on the team makeup.

But there again you make a good point when you say that a Warshades secondary effects are much more useful to a team than a Peacebringer's, and it's one I agree with. So - again - what does a Peacebringer gain to compensate?

Don't get me wrong; I'm not trying to say that Peacebringers should do exactly the same damage as Warshades, or even that they are gimped to uselessness. All I'm saying is that there is an unjustifiable gap in performance between the two archetypes and between Peacebringers and the other epic archetypes as a whole.

It isn't because the dev's hate Peacebringers, or because Peacebringers were poorly designed, or any other such nonsense. The game itself has changed, and Peacebringers haven't been able to leverage that change as well as other archetypes.

On the subject of Defenders getting the damage buff (that only applies when solo, or on VERY small teams), I would argue that: One, the devs came to realize that while, yes, Defenders *are* intended to be played on teams, not everyone can be guaranteed to find a team 24/7, and thus Defenders WILL be played solo, regardless of their intent.
That same logic applies to Peacebringers, though. In fact, I'd wager that defenders have a MUCH easier time finding teams than Peacebringers.

Two, I would argue that Peacebringers (and Warshades) have their fair share of an equivalent to the Defender damage buff by being useful in both situations (solo/team) as it is. Tell me ONE Defender primary (or secondary, take your pick) that offers the resistance/defense numbers of a Peacebringer/Warshade, along with the wide variety of useful powers (debuffs, buffs, self heal, and in the case of Peacebringers, ally heal, inherent flight/Teleport/recall [as applicable], etc), along with the damage numbers (regardless of how short they fall from being Blaster numbers, that's not their intent) all in one package, and without spending several billion influence on IO's to get there.
I'm not talking about giving Peacebringers Blaster-level damage. I'm talking about bringing Peacebringers *more* in line with Warshades. Whether that's done through changing/adding secondary effects, tweaking recharge/damage levels on individual powers or through a straight up damage buff is immaterial to me. I have ideas about how it can be accomplished, and NONE of them involve buffing damage to anywhere near blaster levels.

You have a good point about Defenders not getting Peacebringer-level resistances, but then again Peacebringers don't have defender-level debuffs that - depending on the powerset - can bring defender damage up to and even above that of Peacebringers. To say nothing of the fact that player damage resistance is all too often trumped by defense - something defenders can get much easier than Peacebringers.

Could Peacebringers (and/or Warshades) use a buff? Sure. But so could every AT in the game, in one regard or another. I would like to see an increase to the target cap on Taunt (I could start a whole topic on Taunt being nerfed to Dwarf form effectiveness, but I won't), and the aggro cap for starters. But that's not what we're here to discuss, is it?
The problem is that we've been saying - in fairly reasonable and polite terms - that for quite a while. For ages we've said Peacebringers need a nudge to bring them closer to warshades, and we've largely been ignored. Yes, they buffed Kheldians in general a couple years back, and at the time we said Peacebringers were still lagging behind. When we were told to be happy with the changes we got in lieu of more datamining, we acquiesced. Still no changes have been forthcoming. In my opinion it's probably because we didn't make all that big of a fuss.

I could take this opportunity to agree with the sentiment that Peacebringers need a small to moderate buff and bow out of the topic like I've done so many times in the past, but that's just not good enough for me any more.

If we can all agree that Peacebringers could use a buff - and I believe nearly everyone in this thread has posted similar sentiments - then why are we saying in the same posts that Peacebringers and Warshades are roughly equal? Clearly something gave us the notion that they need help.

Defenders didn't need a solo boost any worse than Peacebringers, and they got one. Brutes certainly didn't need what amounted to a buff for mid to low end builds, but game balance dictated the changes. Peacebringers need work. Now's the time.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Cute. But you're being just a little unfair. With the exception of a bit of snarkiness on Dechs' part and more than a little from _Dawun_, the overall discussion - though passionate - has been on topic and focused on the overall points at hand (vise being focused on each other).

And no one has gotten personal. Well, no one had gotten personal until you implied that we're all slackers who post at work when we should be getting paid. Not everyone has the same work hours you know. (he says as he looks over his shoulder.)

Gotta go.
Heh sorry Joe. Just going for the lols . Actually I admit I am one of those slackers who posts when he should be working. At the time I posted that I was stuck at my desk in the office for 13 hours and was posting here more than I was doing paperwork. So it was more a self admonishment than an accusing of the player base. Tho it totally came across that way. I love this forum. And I really enjoy the contributions of everyone on it. So sorry if it sounded unfair or personal. Really. I like you guys alot.



Ok so I am not gonna read through all the crap at the beginning of this thread (sorry, spirited discussion or whatever you wanna label it I am one of those people who actually don't like Drama and seeing people argue. Some people get their kicks from it I don't) instead I am just gonna offer a small suggestion.

Everyone talks about what peacebringers are lacking. a LOT of it stems from a perception that their DPS is low both solo and on a team (though I might debate that.) So what if the secondary effect for all the PB powers were changed from -Def+KB to -Res+KB?

Most of us slot for -Rez in some of the attacks as is why not just carry it over to the whole power set? You get a mostly passive +Dmg boost to the whole team and a Dmg boost to your own powers as well. Would it be too much? Not likely.

It could be argued that other changes are needed also, but lets just start small and work our way up. If this one change were made would it be a decent step towards making the 2 Kheld's FEEL more equal?

From where I am sitting I think it would.

Death can be Beautiful. A Night Widow Guide on a budget



I wouldn't *take away* the -defense. I would *add* -resist to -defense. Not in large amounts, because it doesn't need to be in large amounts to be noticeable over time.

Most AVs and some EBs shrug off the small -def of a Peacebringer's attacks already, so it wouldn't change things much on that end, but the added -res effect makes Peacebringers more effective across the board, especially against lieutenants and minions. And really, that's where it's obvious that Peacebringers have an issue, particularly solo. It's okay for a fight against a boss or EB to be a slugging match; it's not so okay for it to take five or six attacks to take out an even-con or +1 minion.

ADDING -Resist to the -Defense Debuff of a Peacebringer's attacks best leverages Peacebringer's survivability, and makes the Peacebringer more effective overall, particularly in fights against a tough single foe.

Note: A Peacebringer's -def debuff secondary effect isn't strong enough or long lasting enough against any target to induce defense cascade failure. If it were, we wouldn't be arguing about how to make Peacebringers more effective.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
I wouldn't *take away* the -defense. I would *add* -resist to -defense. Not in large amounts, because it doesn't need to be in large amounts to be noticeable over time.

Most AVs and some EBs shrug off the small -def of a Peacebringer's attacks already, so it wouldn't change things much on that end, but the added -res effect makes Peacebringers more effective across the board, especially against lieutenants and minions. And really, that's where it's obvious that Peacebringers have an issue, particularly solo. It's okay for a fight against a boss or EB to be a slugging match; it's not so okay for it to take five or six attacks to take out an even-con or +1 minion.

ADDING -Resist to the -Defense Debuff of a Peacebringer's attacks best leverages Peacebringer's survivability, and makes the Peacebringer more effective overall, particularly in fights against a tough single foe.

Note: A Peacebringer's -def debuff secondary effect isn't strong enough or long lasting enough against any target to induce defense cascade failure. If it were, we wouldn't be arguing about how to make Peacebringers more effective.
I really really doubt any of the Dev's would agree to combining the -Def and the -Res into every attack. You can say that the -Def is negligible all you want but from an outside point of view you'll hear fairly unanimously that it's too much.

And besides, if it really is that negligible, would you really miss it all that much? Maybe in the early levels where you don't have ridiculous amounts of Accuracy but once you hit your 30's that's likely to change.

Just a note - Personally I am pretty happy with my Peacebringer. If no changes were implemented in anyway I'd still play him and enjoy it every step of the way. However, I can also see where others are coming from so that is why I have suggested this change. It seems to accomplish what everyone so far has asked for at least partially. Maybe it would be enough, maybe not but I don't think anyone could accurately assess that until it had been implemented.

Death can be Beautiful. A Night Widow Guide on a budget



I'm fairly certain they're not going to remove -defense from all a Peacebringer's attacks. Peacebringers have -defense as a secondary, and that's probably not going to change.

But the other options are add damage to a Peacebringer's attacks, or add some other effect.

One thing they could to is alter the Inherent to add -resist. This would mean -resist sets couldn't be slotted in Peacebringer attacks, but would still add to a Peacebringer's effectiveness, *like* adding straight damage but not actually adding damage directly. The developers seem to be loathe to add damage to attacks directly.