



We NEED them as a travel power!

If not something like Ninja Run, where it's purchased in a pack or as it's own little pay 2.99 get it as a NON TEMP power (so you don't lose it on the Master Runs )

If put as a new power pool...could possibly go...

Tier 1 - Swing Line
Tier 2 - Minor-Moderate (think somewhere around other Power Pool Attacks) Damage Ranged Attack possibly with knockdown
Tier 3 - Immobilize Attack
Tier 4 - Hold Attack

This is just quick ideas on additional uses to put into the pull. And I put the actual Travel power first, as it gives EVERYONE the ability to grab the travel power at level 6 (as a longtime VET I already have this option...so moving it to tier 2 really wouldn't bother me) as I always thought the travel powers should be first, and learning to use the other powers in the pool in combat should be next.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



/Unsigned. We do not need a swinging travel power. Not to mention that it will look ridiculous in 90% of the zones and can't really be used inside missions.




Travel powers should be able to be used everywhere and not restricted to zones where there are structures tall enough to swing from. You can't swing across zones with large bodies of open water, or from the clouds. This is why the power looks stupid in CO.



Who said it has to be limited to where one can use it? o.O

Super Jumpers manage to super jump from swimming in water, and with nothing to put any force behind, they really shouldn't be super jumping, should they?

So saying it's limited to only certain areas, would be silly.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Who said it has to be limited to where one can use it? o.O

Super Jumpers manage to super jump from swimming in water, and with nothing to put any force behind, they really shouldn't be super jumping, should they?

So saying it's limited to only certain areas, would be silly.
And nobody drowns. Besides, you can "push" yourself from the water, somewhat, as water's got a physical presence. (And there's no telling what's underwater, either.)

Tell me what you're swinging from going between Talos and the northern islands.

Yes, it would be limited to certain areas if you wanted it to look *somewhat less* lame. Lines to nowhere look ridiculous.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Who said it has to be limited to where one can use it? o.O

So saying it's limited to only certain areas, would be silly.

Oh yeah and swinging from rope attached to absolutely nothing overhead doesn't look silly.

Implementing stupid ideas from a failing competitors game is always a bad idea.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Super Jumpers manage to super jump from swimming in water, and with nothing to put any force behind, they really shouldn't be super jumping, should they?
By diving back from the surface and swimming up really fast, Soul Reaver's Raziel can jump out of water almost higher than he can jump off land. You don't need to be able to stand on water in order to be able to jump out of water.

You do need to attach those lines on something closer than the moon and denser than the clouds, however.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I used to be against swinglines for the same reasons, but when I played CO I found that the "silly factor" fades quickly, and swinging is actually a pretty fun travel power even with the fairly limited physics they implemented.

Swinging from an invisible ceiling isn't really any less stupid than jumping off of the invisible floor we've already got two feet under every body of water in our world.

I would, however, point out to the OP that the actual travel power should be the Tier 2, to be consistent with the other travel pools.



Originally Posted by Shatterjack View Post
I used to be against swinglines for the same reasons, but when I played CO I found that the "silly factor" fades quickly.
No it doesn't which is one of the reasons the games playerbase has dropped so drastically that it has been forced to go free to play.



Though I will not /sign this.
I will say that in the OP's defense, we DO have an invisible ceiling to swing from.
you know, the one that keeps us from going higher than the war walls or certain sky scrappers? The one that's doesn't actually exist, given that the Talos Island mayhem says the Arachnos Flier simply flies right over the war wall with no opposition. (Seriously, what the hell are those war walls doing besides sucking power when the Rikti can teleport in anywhere or simply fly over them?)

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Shatterjack View Post
I used to be against swinglines for the same reasons, but when I played CO I found that the "silly factor" fades quickly,
No, it doesn't. It really doesn't.



It would be nice if the swingline could serve a dual purpose, in areas where there aren’t several tall buildings to continuously swing from; that instead it could latch onto a medium sized object & slingshot you high into the air, where after a few seconds a paraglider would deploy to get you the rest of the way.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
(Seriously, what the hell are those war walls doing besides sucking power when the Rikti can teleport in anywhere or simply fly over them?)
Rikti still require line of sight to teleport so the war walls keep the ground forces localized in the zone they are attacking.

Yeah I'm just spitballing.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
By diving back from the surface and swimming up really fast, Soul Reaver's Raziel can jump out of water almost higher than he can jump off land. You don't need to be able to stand on water in order to be able to jump out of water.

You do need to attach those lines on something closer than the moon and denser than the clouds, however.
By that reasoning...

Attached swingline to a low flying hero/villain/plane/jet/rikti bombship/arachnos flyer that's passing by.

Tip of hook attaches to a small dimension portal that opens up when it reaches the desired length on the swingline.

I enjoyed swingline. It was fun for me.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
By that reasoning...

Attached swingline to a low flying hero/villain/plane/jet/rikti bombship/arachnos flyer that's passing by.
So you want the devs to go to the trouble of programming a low flying hero/villain/jet/rikti bombship/arachnos flyer that is always conviently flying over your head. That's even more ridiculous.

Tip of hook attaches to a small dimension portal that opens up when it reaches the desired length on the swingline.
Dimensional portals aren't solid objects. They are openings between dimensions that allow matter to pass thru them from one reality to the next. Your hook would pass thru the portal not attach to it.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
So you want the devs to go to the trouble of programming a low flying hero/villain/jet/rikti bombship/arachnos flyer that is always conviently flying over your head. That's even more ridiculous.

Dimensional portals aren't solid objects. They are openings between dimensions that allow matter to pass thru them from one reality to the next. Your hook would pass thru the portal not attach to it.
They don't program you sinking all the way to bottom of the water either, yet that example was given.

As for the dimensional portal, it opens the dimensional portal, attaches to a floating rock (like you see in the shadow shard) and thusly you can swing.

Really, I never saw where the swingline attached in the other game, and it was never a problem.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Perhaps the solution is to include multiple varieties customization for the "swingline." A web-like one, a normal grappling hook, and a technological device that creates an object at it's endpoint from which to swing. That way, the purists have their Spider-man/Batman and everyone else has a "functional" swingline.

Am I being too generous?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Perhaps the solution is to include multiple varieties customization for the "swingline." A web-like one, a normal grappling hook, and a technological device that creates an object at it's endpoint from which to swing. That way, the purists have their Spider-man/Batman and everyone else has a "functional" swingline.

Am I being too generous?
Is it even possible to do something like that with an engine this old?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



No it doesn't which is one of the reasons the games playerbase has dropped so drastically that it has been forced to go free to play.
Yes, it does. And don't be so melodramatic; there are precisely zero people who played Champions and said to themselves "You know, I would keep playing this game but I won't because swingers can go anywhere". CO has plenty of serious flaws, but the "invisible helicopter problem" hardly even moves the needle, and doesn't nearly justify dismissing a travel mode that is so iconic to the genre. It would be like saying we shouldn't have Super Speed because it looks silly for speedsters to stop on a dime.

Dimensional portals aren't solid objects. They are openings between dimensions that allow matter to pass thru them from one reality to the next. Your hook would pass thru the portal not attach to it.
Doesn't have to. The other end of the portal is next to a steel wall in my secret base. When my grapple fires it creates a portal in front of itself, flies through the entrance, then exits into my base and sticks to the wall with an electromagnet. When I'm done swinging the magnet releases and the grapple retracts, ready to be fired again.

Contrived? A bit, yeah. But it's only one possible explanation of many, and it's no worse than any excuse a speedster has for ignoring inertia. And if this game has taught us anything, it's that any power can be explained for any character. Between mutant powers, magic, super-science, alien technology, and so on, it's easy to come up with reasons why a character can appear to "swing from nothing".

Now on the other hand, the physics of swinging is a decidedly non-trivial issue, and can make for a better argument against implementing it. But only the devs can know just how valid that particular argument is. Us players are merely guessing when we invoke it.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Rikti still require line of sight to teleport so the war walls keep the ground forces localized in the zone they are attacking.

Yeah I'm just spitballing.
actually, NPC teleportation doesn't need line of sight, remember? The ONLY thing that restricts it is going up inclined floors.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Uummm, are we really having this "makes no sense" argument again? Tell me something, how is it that a NATURAL tanker can generate a flaming wall around himself? Or better yet, how my DP blaster can damage a freakin KRONOS TITAN? I'm pretty damn sure that whatever that thing is made out of, it can certainly withstand pew pew bullets. I'll tell you how this is so, people have IMAGINATIONS! And even when the imagination aspect fails, you must still remember that it's a game. People come here to escape Real life limitations. Trust me, NOTHING makes more sense than a scrapper pulling his blades out of thin air.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
Uummm, are we really having this "makes no sense" argument again? Tell me something, how is it that a NATURAL tanker can generate a flaming wall around himself? Or better yet, how my DP blaster can damage a freakin KRONOS TITAN? I'm pretty damn sure that whatever that thing is made out of, it can certainly withstand pew pew bullets. I'll tell you how this is so, people have IMAGINATIONS! And even when the imagination aspect fails, you must still remember that it's a game. People come here to escape Real life limitations. Trust me, NOTHING makes more sense than a scrapper pulling his blades out of thin air.
I'll give you one thing as far as DP goes...
Rain of bullets is the DUMBEST thing ever.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
I'll give you one thing as far as DP goes...
Rain of bullets is the DUMBEST thing ever.
<_< I like Rain of Bullets >_>

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
So you want the devs to go to the trouble of programming a low flying hero/villain/jet/rikti bombship/arachnos flyer that is always conviently flying over your head. That's even more ridiculous.
I agree that having swing lines attach in midair is silly, but that's no reason to dismiss swinging as a travel power.

Since a significant part of the impetus for swinging has to come from the characters, it's obvious that the characters have significant jumping capabilities all by themselves. The swing line basically provides a way to gain altitude above what the jump alone would provide. That means that a swinger would be able to travel quickly by super leaping in the absence of tall objects to anchor from. That's what Spider-man always seems to do.

In CoH swinging would be a modal travel power. When you start out it works exactly like super leap, with a lower jumping distance.

To swing you would hold the space bar and click an object, much the same way teleporters do, except you couldn't click in midair. A swing line is projected and you transcribe the appropriate arc. As long as you hold the space bar you hang on to your swing line. Let go of the space bar and you let go of the line. You continue on in a parabolic arc, going up and then coming back down, as if you had superleaped from that point. Space bar-click another object and another swing line is projected.

Practically speaking, the sides of buildings aren't particularly good anchors because you tend to smash into the side of the thing you're swinging from. Spider-man seems to favor horizontal flagpoles, awnings and cornices to avoid this problem. Does Paragon City have many of these in convenient locations? The alternative would be to swing back and forth across streets, anchoring from buildings on alternate sides. That would make it rather slow, kind of like tacking against the wind.

The physics is pretty much the same as superleaping, except that you have a point of rotation that constrains your fall. But how easy it is to hook into that with new code is a completely different question.

Because this version of Swinging has the limitation that tall objects are required, it's not unreasonable that the travel power itself would be available as a first-tier power in a power pool.

The only problem with this power is that they'll have to pick an implementation for its appearance. Because of their history with Marvel, CoH may be hesitant to make something so clearly derivative of Spider-man. That, more than anything, could be why we haven't seen swinging yet.