Tin Mage TF is just ridiculous..
I have a suspicion about the the new content we're going to be getting. It's not founded on any valid inside information, so I could be completely wrong, but here's what I suspect.
I think it's going to assume certain progressive levels of power more so than most prior, 1-50 content has. If I'm on base, it will assume things like more personal mitigation, more personal recharge, more personal DPS, etc. and so on, with the exact stats in question varying from encounter to encounter but the trend being "more".
If that's correct, then there are a few ways to can meet those expectations. You can have inventions giving you more, you can have teammates giving you more, or you can obtain at least certain temp powers to give you more. (Or, of course, you could have all these in some combination.) But if you lack teammates and inventions and temp powers, or you aren't just innately good at the stats in question, you are going to be facing a really, really hard fight.
That's what Trapdoor is already. I've said it before, I do think the encounter could benefit from some improvement, but ultimately, it's do-able if you do certain things. Given that there are several alternatives, it's not that unreasonable (IMO) that someone might do at least one of them. Some of the folks having the worst time with the encounter are doing none of them.
Like it or not, I think people need to be prepared to be faced with more of that. I may not like all the implications that produces as I20 and other Incarnate-focused content comes along - already there are things I could see them doing that I would not like. But I don't think we're going to get a big break on progressive difficulty. We'll see. This is a forum, and everyone's feedback should be welcome, but I do think that there are some requests that just don't make sense for this new ground, and keeping it as accessible (as in easy) as everything that's come before is probably one of them.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I think some of this incoherent raging aginst meting other human beings is perhaps connected to the date today, as well as the season in general
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
If I had an alternative, I just might take it. Permanently. I don't say this as a threat, as a temper tantrum or as an exaggeration. Anyone who knows me will know just how much I love this game and just how much I've never wanted anything else. The fact that I WANT something else "for real" is actually a great concern to me, personally. And that's not a case of burnout. I haven't played the game seriously-seriously in quite some time, and I took quite a few breaks.
If ever I should be excited about the game, it should be now, and I'm just not. Not when I look a year down the line and see a future that's essentially a completely different game from what I joined back in 2004. I hope I'm wrong. I hope the developers will prove me wrong. But they've taken such pride in their raids I just don't see it.
And the worst part is I just don't see any alternatives right now. There are no decent games that can hold my interest for more than a few days, certainly not MMOs.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
That sounds more like an attention deficit problem and less of a game problem
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
I think it's going to assume certain progressive levels of power more so than most prior, 1-50 content has. If I'm on base, it will assume things like more personal mitigation, more personal recharge, more personal DPS, etc. and so on, with the exact stats in question varying from encounter to encounter but the trend being "more".
Going forward with the Incarnate system, I would hope that what the system "expects" us to have is actually the previous Incarnate Boosts. I have no problem with the content associated with the next slot (was that Judgement?) expecting me to have an Alpha Paragon in order to do well, even if I'm technically allowed to try to unlocking even if I have just a basic initial Boost. That's fine with me, because it creates self-contained difficulty - the "things" the system expects and requires are things the system itself provides, which is how game design should be, in my opinion.
I liken this to special events, like the Steel Canyon fires. Yes, you can indeed fight the fires with Cold powers, even just Cryo Ammo for Dual Pistols (I know that for a fact), but the event cannot expect you to be able to do that, so extinguisher packs are provided. Or take the Hydra Trial. The Hydra Head is immune to all damage, but the tools to damage it are provided to you in the Trial itself. Sure, obtaining them isn't exactly easy, but they're still there.
To quote Yahtzee's review of Alpha Protocol: "The game is all too happy to let you sink all your points learning to waltz only to stick you in a mandatory freestyle disco competition." Having a game which allows people to put themselves in a no-win situation without prior warning is just no something I want to see. And I don't think there's good enough reason for it, either.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
If I had an alternative, I just might take it. Permanently. I don't say this as a threat, as a temper tantrum or as an exaggeration. Anyone who knows me will know just how much I love this game and just how much I've never wanted anything else. The fact that I WANT something else "for real" is actually a great concern to me, personally. And that's not a case of burnout. I haven't played the game seriously-seriously in quite some time, and I took quite a few breaks.
First, if you are half as emotionally involved in City as this post leads me to think, then you are a lot more emiotionally attached to City than I have ever been to a game.
While I get enjoying this game over others, espesicially MMOs, this is not my first or my last. When the run is over, it's over. I quit once for RL reasons and I one day I will walk away.
It will, however, take a whole lot more than some content added to the game that I dont like or that my weaker characters cannot solo. Which it seems is your issue, other than worrying over what 'might be'.
Really, its just a game man.
And, since you are not playing 'seriously-seriously', why on earth are you carryiong on like this anyway? Really. Let it go man...relax.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
While I get enjoying this game over others, espesicially MMOs, this is not my first or my last. When the run is over, it's over. I quit once for RL reasons and I one day I will walk away.
It will, however, take a whole lot more than some content added to the game that I dont like or that my weaker characters cannot solo. Which it seems is your issue, other than worrying over what 'might be'. |
It's not "some content" that bugs me in this case, but rather what I see as pretty much the final step of a focus shift in the game's actual design. If I had even the slightest doubt that the game is going where I think it's going, I would never dream of claiming to be looking for another game, much less actually doing it. But nothing at all that I've seen since the moment this new system and this new direction was announced that makes me in any way, shape or form doubt what I feel would happen. I can't know the future, but historically, I've been write about these things more often than not.
What bugs me so much isn't the system itself. It's that the narrative is finally going to a place where I've always wanted to see it go. I discussed this with a friend of mine the other day, but the Incarnate system is really levelling the playing field, putting our own characters on basically equal footing with the signature characters and even the gods of fiction, Merulia at the very least, to say nothing of Hequat. If I've had a single complaint about the game's story FROM DAY ONE, it's that signature characters have always been painted as unrechable gods, especially back in the day when the Statesman used to spawn as a level 54 super-overpowered AV in the Hero's Hero arc, just to show us he's still ten times the hero we were.
So JUST when we're finally getting the kind of narrative I've always wanted to see... It gets stuck behind the most basic example of raid grind I've ever seen in a game I've actually played high enough to see it first hand. "Disappointing" does not even begin to describe it.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
They give us a system that allows our characters to be incredibly powerful, stronger than even the gods themselves, if the "Well" is to be believed. Yet the only content we have, and the only content it looks like we'll have, which has anything to do with those powers, is content that's designed to make us require help.
Losing the ability to fight at least SOME of my own battles represents a marked step DOWN in apparent power in my eyes, regardless of what the numbers may say. Having alternate Incarnate activities that don't require a team would solve this, but such have not been added, announced or, as far as I can tell, even considered. And that's the disappointing part. Keep telling me I can't know. We'll see who's right and who's wrong when it happens.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
So JUST when we're finally getting the kind of narrative I've always wanted to see... It gets stuck behind the most basic example of raid grind I've ever seen in a game I've actually played high enough to see it first hand. "Disappointing" does not even begin to describe it.
You have decided to get bummed about what might be. I am tired of trying to fight your delusion.
Peace out.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
There is nothing stuck behind the TFs. You can gain all your Incarnate powers without ever playing them.
You have decided to get bummed about what might be. I am tired of trying to fight your delusion. Peace out. |
It's a good narrative, and i've enjoyed what i've seen so far, but unfortunately it comes with enemies and challenges that are above average in difficulty. See, world-threatening events on a level far greater than anything seen before shouldn't be all that tough. They should be about as dangerous as anything else you face, except, obviously, even less so since you gain greater power to fight them with, so they'll actually end up being less threatening than leveling up through the old content since your new powers make everything less challenging.
Which, probably unintentionally, does speak to the Johnny Butane school of late game challenge: "If we're expected to take on a menace that threatens entire worlds I should become so much more powerful when facing it that it's even easier to crush than everything I faced on the way to 50. That way I can feel truly powerful as, even solo, entire pantheons fall before me."
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
There is nothing stuck behind the TFs. You can gain all your Incarnate powers without ever playing them.
You have decided to get bummed about what might be. I am tired of trying to fight your delusion. Peace out. |
1. We grow in power via Incarnate powers whereas the content does not. Sooner or later, we will become far too powerful for regular 45-50 content and will no longer have a reasonable claim to progressing as Incarnates off enemies that are beyond easy. All it takes is a couple of level shifts to do this.
2. The costs of Incarnate abilities increase, and by a fair margin, the stronger the abilities become. You can choose to assume that those costs won't inflate greatly as both rarity and slot level increases, but that would be a mistaken belief given practically the entire history and framework of the game. The Shard drop rate isn't great even now with the costs we have. It's only going to get worse.
3. There is no point in pursuing Incarnate powers if one cannot participate in the actual Incarnate stories because those stories are only ever told through Task Forces and trials. Becoming overpowered over existing content we were balanced against to begin with is an empty venture.
You guys take such pleasure in calling me deluded, ADD, unreasonable and so forth, and then you wonder what I'm talking about when I say the community isn't what it used to be. We didn't use to take pot shots at each other like this. Not over everything all the time. And then when I actually turn around and say it, people are flabbergasted that I'm taking everything like a personal attack when these are the things you say to me. What did you think was going to happen?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Which, probably unintentionally, does speak to the Johnny Butane school of late game challenge: "If we're expected to take on a menace that threatens entire worlds I should become so much more powerful when facing it that it's even easier to crush than everything I faced on the way to 50. That way I can feel truly powerful as, even solo, entire pantheons fall before me."
You know what made my villain feel powerful? The Time After Time arc, and the fight with Lord Recluse. Sure, it's not an easy fight, especially solo. And, sure, it just goes to show that Recluse is indeed overpowered. But the context of the fight is great, because it puts me up against the biggest baddie the game has to offer up to that point, someone whom the entire game has been trying to build up as the biggest of the bigs, and it lets me win against him. It doesn't come with cheating powers named after forum memes, it doesn't come with thousands and thousands of damage per hit, it doesn't come with a mosh pit of a battle. But it doesn't have to, because the story is so framed that the achievement FEELS significant, and I'm allowed to have it all to myself.
The Incarnate TFs lack any sort of feeling of this nature, because they are purpose-designed to make every single participant feel like a gnat that is only tangentially able to survive by the skin of his teeth. And while there's a certain amount of pride that comes with that, obviously, it's not the sort of pride that comes from a feeling of power and authority, but rather one of survival and being the underdog. And really, when you start swinging around the power of the gods, ego-stroking story arcs where you AREN'T the underdog really seem like the logical place to go.
And, shoot me for saying this, but 8-man Task Forces are not the sort of story that caters not-underdog ego stroking, if for no reason other than because they're intentionally designed to crush any one single player with overwhelming force.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
You guys take such pleasure in calling me deluded, ADD, unreasonable and so forth, and then you wonder what I'm talking about when I say the community isn't what it used to be. We didn't use to take pot shots at each other like this. Not over everything all the time. And then when I actually turn around and say it, people are flabbergasted that I'm taking everything like a personal attack when these are the things you say to me. What did you think was going to happen?
Obviously, you do not like the way I even communicate. I do not take any offense to that actually.
We are ALL delusional. EVERYTHING we THINK is DELUSION. See, all I was referring to was your state of mind, in a general fashion, with words I use everyday.
Yet, you CHOOSE to take it as a personal attack.
This is why communicating with you and people like you gets so old, so fast. You are just looking for a reason to get upset and not trying to learn anything.
You are determined that the developers and the forum posters that like the new End Game are all out to ruin your fun. Well, some posters are I am sure, but I am not.
Additionally, you continue to argue that the type of content we have now to use our Incarnate abilities against is all that will ever be added, TFs, without ANY proof. AT ALL. You are speculating and trying to cry wolf based upon that speculation.
This sort of discussion of 'what-if' can be fun, but not when you are doing nothing but projecting your negative 'future view' on it.
Then, in your negative-Nancy outlook, you turn around and tell the rest of us that are trying to help you and others get through the content, learn to maximize your strengths and embrace the many game systems you CHOOSE to ignore, that we are the bad guys for playing the game to it's fullest.
And you wonder why others get frustrated with YOU?
All I have been doing in this discussion is to open your mind, your outlook on the game and what it has to offer and all I get from you is wishful thinking about what things used to be from your PoV. Yet I am the bad guy?
Yeah, Happy Holidays.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
We are ALL delusional. EVERYTHING we THINK is DELUSION. See, all I was referring to was your state of mind, in a general fashion, with words I use everyday.
Yet, you CHOOSE to take it as a personal attack. |
Additionally, you continue to argue that the type of content we have now to use our Incarnate abilities against is all that will ever be added, TFs, without ANY proof. AT ALL. You are speculating and trying to cry wolf based upon that speculation. |
I'm not opposed to being wrong. However, I will only admit to that when I am PROVEN wrong. I mean no offence to anyone in particular on the development team, but that's the extent of faith I have in them, and indeed have had in them since this whole drive for end game started. As far back as when this was first announce, the IMMEDIATE concern I brought forward was what happens if this new system is only accessible through TFs, Trials, Raids and Giant Monster zone events? About a year later, I've been proven completely right to have been afraid of this, because this is exactly what happened. What reason do I have to not be convinced I'm right this time, too? That I have faith that the development team is better than this? Sorry, I no longer have faith in them. Not when it comes to this.
Then, in your negative-Nancy outlook, you turn around and tell the rest of us that are trying to help you and others get through the content, learn to maximize your strengths and embrace the many game systems you CHOOSE to ignore, that we are the bad guys for playing the game to it's fullest. |
I appreciate the efforts of people trying to help. I doubly appreciate the level-headedness of people who jump down your throat when you refuse to use a particular strategy, engage in a particular form of gameplay and so on and so forth. These kinds of people are FAR rarer than you may want to believe, and I've been involved in pretty much every thread on this subject, at least here in General Discussions. I've seen how it goes. And it's nowhere near as benevolent as you make it out to be.
All I have been doing in this discussion is to open your mind, your outlook on the game and what it has to offer and all I get from you is wishful thinking about what things used to be from your PoV. Yet I am the bad guy? |
And if not that, then what? To be optimistic about the game's future? I've never been optimistic about it, and I've been right not to be about half the time. When we heard about new animations coming in I19, my first reaction was to think "They hype them up, they won't be anything special." And yet somehow the new animation still managed to disappoint me even beyond that. There are the few times when my mind has been blown, such as when Castle actually admitted that Blasters were the least popular AT and set out to fix them. That was inconceivable to me at the time, because I was convinced the developers' view of balance was about diametrically opposed to my own. Then with the Stalker and Dominator changes, I almost managed to believe things were going right. But that was short-lived.
I'm not opposed to opening my mind. Far from it. But what you have to understand is that I'm not looking for a new gaming experience. I'm looking for ways to retain the old gaming experience. That's really all this comes down to, and why that bothers so many people I don't think I'll ever know.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Johnny gets vilified a lot around here, in a lot of ways because it's the hip thing to do, but some of what his says is actually true. There is nothing as demoralising as a game that keeps insisting you're getting stronger and stronger, but always making you feel weaker and weaker still. See, if the game tells me I have become stronger than the gods themselves, but it makes my enemies four times as strong as the gods and then some, I'm not going to believe it. Bigger orange numbers do not make me feel more powerful. Proper context and storytelling does that.
You know what made my villain feel powerful? The Time After Time arc, and the fight with Lord Recluse. Sure, it's not an easy fight, especially solo. And, sure, it just goes to show that Recluse is indeed overpowered. But the context of the fight is great, because it puts me up against the biggest baddie the game has to offer up to that point, someone whom the entire game has been trying to build up as the biggest of the bigs, and it lets me win against him. It doesn't come with cheating powers named after forum memes, it doesn't come with thousands and thousands of damage per hit, it doesn't come with a mosh pit of a battle. But it doesn't have to, because the story is so framed that the achievement FEELS significant, and I'm allowed to have it all to myself. The Incarnate TFs lack any sort of feeling of this nature, because they are purpose-designed to make every single participant feel like a gnat that is only tangentially able to survive by the skin of his teeth. And while there's a certain amount of pride that comes with that, obviously, it's not the sort of pride that comes from a feeling of power and authority, but rather one of survival and being the underdog. And really, when you start swinging around the power of the gods, ego-stroking story arcs where you AREN'T the underdog really seem like the logical place to go. And, shoot me for saying this, but 8-man Task Forces are not the sort of story that caters not-underdog ego stroking, if for no reason other than because they're intentionally designed to crush any one single player with overwhelming force. |
FWIW, i'm not making fun of Johnny because it's the hip thing to do. i really do think, and have thought so for years, that his demands are unreasonable and unbalanced in varying proportions depending on which demand we're currently being presented.
i actually feel stronger even as the enemies get tougher. Partially because i've fought them while sidekicked and found it to be brutal facing them with lower level slotting and abilities. And partially because i notice the greater array of abilities they bring to bear when fighting me. Even if the fight is tougher i actually feel like i must be more powerful when my foes are using robots loaded with energy cannons and missile racks, psychic attacks that cut through most defenses, superpowered agents with suites powers similar to regular heroes and villains backed up by squads, bioengineered horrors, etcetera. The only group that goes somewhat against that feeling to me is the Cimerorans. If they had made more use of mythological/mystical lore/weapons and monsters i would find them more satisfying.
Edit: FWIW the TFs do not make me feel like a gnat when taking on the War Walkers or the Praetorian military. The War Walkers really do work as imposing menaces even though they're actually not as dangerous as they appear. Again, though, i notice the sort of powers and forces the enemy brings to bear when trying to stop me. If they were a real threat with just the occasional pistol or shotgun round then i would agree that i was being made to feel weaker.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
i actually feel stronger even as the enemies get tougher. Partially because i've fought them while sidekicked and found it to be brutal facing them with lower level slotting and abilities. And partially because i notice the greater array of abilities they bring to bear when fighting me. Even if the fight is tougher i actually feel like i must be more powerful when my foes are using robots loaded with energy cannons and missile racks, psychic attacks that cut through most defenses, superpowered agents with suites powers similar to regular heroes and villains backed up by squads, bioengineered horrors, etcetera. The only groups that goes somewhat against that feeling to me is the Cimerorans. If they had made more use of mythological lore/weapons and monsters i would find them more satisfying.
Lord Reclue's biggest contribution to City of Villains is quite literally acting as the game's poster child. He never does anything, he almost never says anything, he never appears in anything, he never fights anyone. He's barely even IN the game. When I fight him, I know he's supposed to be "very" strong, but I have no frame of reference as to how strong he should be, so my thinking is "Eh, how strong could he be?" Because I have no way of knowing.
You know, people laugh at me when I say this, because it IS silly, but the one thing Dragonball Z did well was establish a villain as being a credible threat. How? Well, suppose you want to set a big bad as being a big bad. So you send a smaller big bad in first to be very tough fight for the heroes. Let them beat him just barely, then let them learn and become stronger for it. Then send another bad guy who shows the heroes that no matter how strong they may have gotten, the bad guys are still VERY strong. Then as that story's taking place, keep dropping hints that the actual big bad is much, much stronger than even that. This way, when I actually get to the big bad, I'll be thinking "Holy hell! I barely beat that underboss, and the boss is supposed to be even stronger? Not good!" That builds suspense and it lets me feel like that particular big bad SHOULD be a credible threat.
How many named villains can you say that about? Nemesis almost had a build up, but then completely didn't. His Fake Nemesis are said to be incredibly strong... But they're really isn't. There's every opportunity to present the one in Mass Duplicity as this hideous monster by making it into an Elite Boss and changing the story to say it completely wiped out several Rikti bases before you got to it. So when you beat THAT, you've only gotten a taste of the horrors to come. Instead, the Fake Nemesis in that story is completely ineffectual, because you catch it before it's done anything and beat it down like any other boss. And people wonder why no-one takes the Nemesis Army seriously any more.
Amusingly, the character who gets probably the most development is Akharist, simply because whoever wrote for him seemed to be having a lot of fun with the character and because he shows up so much. But someone like Virgil Duray is just a name drop, if that. And who the bloody hell is Hopkins and why should I care?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
But imagine what the nerd raging would be like if Relcuse played a bigger part and "overshadowed" the players?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
And if not that, then what? To be optimistic about the game's future? I've never been optimistic about it, and I've been right not to be about half the time. When we heard about new animations coming in I19, my first reaction was to think "They hype them up, they won't be anything special." And yet somehow the new animation still managed to disappoint me even beyond that. There are the few times when my mind has been blown, such as when Castle actually admitted that Blasters were the least popular AT and set out to fix them. That was inconceivable to me at the time, because I was convinced the developers' view of balance was about diametrically opposed to my own. Then with the Stalker and Dominator changes, I almost managed to believe things were going right. But that was short-lived.
You choose to look for and thus find the negative.
I do not, nor do I wish to associate with those that do.
Enjoy your life, your way. I'll do the same, but that will include not interacting with you.
"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45
I think it also boils down to looks.
When I'm fighting in the Apex/Tin Mage TF's, and seeing WarWalkers drop from the sky and hearing that an ultra-powered super soldier from another dimension has just dropped from low orbit into the middle of Steel Canyon... yeah, I feel like this is something worthy. The WarWalkers (and, hey, the Clockwork, I guess) look like they should be kicking our butt. This army has been preparing for years and years to invade.
What I DON'T like and makes me feel like a chump is Director 11 brawling me for 900 damage. Or using that same stupid purple gun to almost one shot me. What, are you telling me bullet technology has increased ten-fold in Malta? And what about his armor? It's standard, crap armor. It looks weak, and he is powerful merely because someone says he is.
That's my only gripe with the new stuff. The Praetorian Army is relentless and a juggernaught; it should be winning. Malta? Not so much.
To quote someone I can't remember: "He's killing a proto-god in one punch and Malta fears US?!"
Of course, on the other side are the absurd suggestions, like people who've said they didn't have any problem with this or that because they used Geas of the Kind ones or because they had something like 50 temporary powers left over, or because they had a zillion purples or so. These are the times when "No, I can't do that." seems acceptable.
But then there is that sort of grey area in the middle, where the people suggesting it really feel it should be standard practice, but the people on the receiving end really don't feel it should be, and that's where a lot of these problems occur. The easiest controversial subject is Shivans, and Nukes when those come up. Granted, with PvP in the sorry state it is in now, getting them shouldn't be THAT much of a problem... But then they ARE sort of an unpleasant crutch, and they involve combat with PvP rules, which I haven't even begun to look at, because I don't PvP.
And then there is the subject of build. More precisely, a specific build. "So just Hold him" is an easy answer, but then we get into corner cases of ATs and characters that don't really have access to holds. Or slows, or knockback. Or, otherwise, who don't have access to enough raw damage. Which then devolves into building specific builds for specific situations and that's all sorts of wrong, in my opinion.
And then... Well, there is Inventions. I've personally never invested into the system, but I've been told they make a huge difference. Thing is... I and at least a few others just don't want to get into that for various reasons. And then the bickering starts, because those who invest in Inventions are convinced it's not that hard, it's not that complicated, the Market isn't a problem and so on and so forth, where, which brings us to the "But I don't want to play the Market," which brings us to the "you want everything given to you" and on and on and on. I've been down this road. A LOT. To the point where I will no longer mention not having or wanting Inventions, because every time I do, I always have to spend two pages explaining WHY I don't and how I'm not stupid for being that way.
What I'm trying to say is that it's very easy to go from good advise into outright accusation, and it's not always a clear step. Historically, that has happened before. Many times over. But this is the first time when that's actually becoming quite as relevant, which is what makes so many people clash over it. Before, if I didn't want to get into Inventions, I simply got scoffed at, and we both lived happily ever after. Now if I don't get into them, in some people's eyes I don't deserve to get into Incarnates, either, and this causes a problem that goes beyond game balance.