Issue 19 - Patch Notes for build 1900.201011102104.26





Tin Mage Task Force

  • Players should no longer crash when being awarded the Power of Neu badge after defeating Neuron.

Winter Event
  • Players who defeat the Winter Lord should now be able to enter the Lord Winter’s Realm from Paragon City and Rogue Isles.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post

Tin Mage Task Force
  • Players should no longer crash when being awarded the Power of Neu badge after defeating Neuron.

Winter Event
  • Players who defeat the Winter Lord should now be able to enter the Lord Winter’s Realm from Paragon City and Rogue Isles.
Not getting any patches when starting up my client.. nor after I close and exit from the game. I can log in to server select, after i try to select ANY server I get " No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later. "

please advise.



I'm having the same issue on all the servers.

Okay, it took several times of trying to log on, failing, restarting, trying again before the patch decided to download.

Virtue 50's
Hide N. Seek
Mobius Tempest
Pyrotic Change



Thank you!



Not getting any patches when starting up my client.. nor after I close and exit from the game. I can log in to server select, after i try to select ANY server I get " No response from this server. Try a different server, or try playing this one later. "
I was getting the same, tried logging several times. Then I restarted and the next log attempt downloaded the patch and I was on my way.




I am getting the same message and i have tried to log in several times. I also noticed on the initial start up page where it says Project City of heros, it now just says version where it use to list the patch numbers. guess ill keep trying to log into the game.

Hmm still cant log in ...this is frustrating



Working fine for me. Logging in as we speak and the patch is installing.

Please buff Ice Control.



tried all to log into all the servers, quit the game, and tried again, shut down completely and tried, still no patch download started. Hope others are enjoying the game, frustrating to say the least.



Originally Posted by Techulon View Post
I was getting the same, tried logging several times. Then I restarted and the next log attempt downloaded the patch and I was on my way.

I've relaunched the game at least five times and verified the files once. The patch still hasn't downloaded.
is there a way to force it to download?




Working fine here.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



well i am glad some people can get in and play the game, i am one of the unfortunates who cant seem to log into the game.



Bugged patch here too. 3 times tried so far.



so i just tried restarting the launcher 10 times in a row...... no dice.
could we get some idea as to why this is happening, or when it will be fixed?
possibly a batch of logon servers not pushing the patch, devs aware of the issue and currently working feverishly to fix it?

Oh yeah, that was the time that girl got her whatchamacallit stuck in that guys dooblickitz and then what his name did that thing with the lizards and it cleared right up.

screw your joke, i want "FREEM"



Originally Posted by Traegus View Post
so i just tried restarting the launcher 10 times in a row...... no dice.
could we get some idea as to why this is happening, or when it will be fixed?
possibly a batch of logon servers not pushing the patch, devs aware of the issue and currently working feverishly to fix it?
Yep, same here. Any word on this? All my friends are playing but me, and now I'm a LOSER! This is pretty terrible.



Around 3:25pm EST I was doing a tip mission (villainous side) and in the mission I defeated a boss but then you had to talk to that same person before you finished him off. So I clicked on him (while still being under attack) and then I get kicked out of the server...the game crashes.

It was a weird crash had my mouse cursor do the typical "thinking" icon and then the screen flickered and turned all black...then...a few seconds later, it went back to the game screen still 'thinking'...then finally got the windows 7 "program is not responding" message.

I killed CoH, checked server status page to make sure servers were up and they were; re-launched CoH. Logged in and chose the Liberty server; got the "no response from server, try again later."

Looked at server status page again....still said 'up'....logged back in, and then I clicked on the Liberty server again and wa-la, I was able to get back in.

Logged back into my toon that was doing the tip mission (EI) and, of course, he was dead but the mission also reset itself

No one else was booted from the server they said.....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Isn't there supposed to be earmuffs and two other awards first time logging in ? Or is that only for new toons. Nothing dropping on first log in here...

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "



Why NO information ? Why NO information for a patch on saturday, in the evening, when there is lot of people connected ? No forum post, EU GMs totally out... it's the worse communication I've ever seen !

And there was a test of winter event. Useless ?

Moreover, lag is coming back on EU servers, few weeks after they were moved ! It's really a shame.



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
Tin Mage Task Force
  • Players should no longer crash when being awarded the Power of Neu badge after defeating Neuron.
That's what was causing it? The task force did crash when we fought Bobcat first, as well as Neuron. I'll test it out as soon as I can log back in.

Thanks for being on top of this.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by streeturchin View Post
I am getting the same message and i have tried to log in several times. I also noticed on the initial start up page where it says Project City of heros, it now just says version where it use to list the patch numbers. guess ill keep trying to log into the game.

Hmm still cant log in ...this is frustrating
Can't log in here either. Never got a patch and my updater also just says "version" instead of the actual build number.

Edit: Well, after closing and re-opening my updater for 20 minutes I finally got the patch!



Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
Yep, same here. Any word on this? All my friends are playing but me, and now I'm a LOSER! This is pretty terrible.
It's all your fault Joe! The rest of us all downloaded the patch fine and have been having a blast! You've done wrong and you should feel bad!



Been opening and closing updater.......nothing.

Weak. Very weak.




Originally Posted by Starforce View Post
Been opening and closing updater.......nothing.

Weak. Very weak.
Have a rest then, and when you're feeling stronger, try it again.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



wondering what the big exploit was anyone know?

no way either of these issues should warrant a Saturday patch.

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by _23X_ View Post
wondering what the big exploit was anyone know?

no way either of these issues should warrant a Saturday patch.
Considering the big launch of the Winter Event, and then mixed teams not being able to get in to DO said Event, yeah, weekend patch is perfectly acceptable.


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