Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg
Instead of having every enemy be "smart", how about having a few smart enemies? Maybe 25% of the mobs have the "smart" AI and get aggro from healing/buffs/debuffs/ugly costumes. That way the current dynamic isn't completely lost but a new element of surprise is tossed in the ring. It might spice up fights a bit.
Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade
This is a good one. Another one that I've seen in some much older games was to manipulate the aggro list. The enemy normally focuses everything on the top of the list, you have aggro or you don't. But in a few older games the enemy would occasionally toss one attack at an enemy in the 2-4 range, then go back to the top of the list. If this was implemented in such a way as to keep them from running back and forth or losing a lot of tine with redraw it might spice things up some.