Issue 19 - Patch Notes for build 1900.201011102104.24






  • Rewards for defeating players should once again be in place for Arenas and PVP Zones

  • The Player Info window should now correctly display Set Bonuses owned by a character.

  • Mender Ramiel Story Arc
    • Added more detailed description of what is needed to access Mender Ramiel’s arc when you speak with him.
    • Trapdoor no longer stops Bifurcating.
    • Trapdoor will mix up the location of his bifurcations a little bit more.
    • Trapdoor can no longer be dragged out of range of his Bifurcations.
  • Tin Mage Task Force
    • Director 11’s Proximity Mines will no longer fail to trigger when a player comes near.

Tip Missions
  • Private Punishment
    • Private Punishment should no longer risk death due to enemy attacks
    • Private Punishment will no longer talk to the player until they have rescued him
  • How She Dies
    • Villain alignment points should now be awarded to teammates
    • Desdemona should no longer be targeted by certain Longbow agents
  • Under the Table Job
    • Polar Shift and Miss Thystle can no longer be killed in the mission

Trial Accounts
  • Going Rogue Trial Accounts can no longer access Pocket D via Studio 55.


  • Scrapper
    • Fiery Defense / Burn no longer damages the caster.

  • Roy Cooling Mission 2
    • Fixed an issue where mastermind pets could run off into nothingness.
  • Safeguard Missions
    • The mysterious floating bag of cash should no longer appear in bank vaults on these missions.
    • Villains on the heist should no longer appear to get stuck in elevators as they are attempting to flee with the loot.


  • Masterminds
    • Field Mastery \ Temp Invulnerability now correctly accepts Resist Damage enhancement sets.


  • Neutropolis: Helix: Try to Communicate with the Ghouls
    • The snipers will no longer kill the manslayers around the Ghoul King, they will only wound them, requiring players to defeat them.

Zone Events
  • Imperial City: Syndicate Takedown
    • Enemies pulled or knocked over the edge of the rooftop during the final stage of the event will either be teleported back to the rooftop with no ill effects or removed from the event without credit in order to allow other Syndicate to spawn on the rooftop, depending on how far they fall.
  • Neutropolis: The Great Escape
    • The first lab section of the Resistance side of the event will now require players to defeat PPD forces and hack the security terminal to unlock the door.
    • Teleportation and Recall powers are suppressed when in the lab or underground portions of the event
    • The security terminal and the computer terminals at Lucan’s life-support tube will remain present in the world longer, rather than disappearing immediately once their stage of the event is over.

Transportation Systems
  • Players will no longer be able to use the Praetorian transit systems to cross dimensions and enter Primal Earth missions.

  • The Praetorian IDF are now sporting their new armors.





Channel 'VIP' Host!
/chanjoin VIP



Could we possibly get an option to set the powers display back to the "no set bonus" option that we've had for the last few weeks?

I love it. I hate having to look at all that set bonus junk. Really, who cares?

Guides: Dark Armor and IOs | SS/DA | Crabbing | Fortunata



Originally Posted by theOcho View Post
  • Trapdoor no longer stops Bifurcating.
  • Trapdoor will mix up the location of his bifurcations a little bit more.
  • Trapdoor can no longer be dragged out of range of his Bifurcations.
Looked to be quite a few complaints about this while it was on test. I have to say I don't
get it either. I've yet to have an actual problem killing Trapdoor, but I'm especially puzzled
about the "no longer stops Bifurcating" change - that one I thought was WAI. As a
timeout measure in case he's being too much of a pain for somebody to kill, so he'd
eventually stop and ease up on the poor abused player, it made perfect sense to me.

So with all these changes, count me in too on the side of "Why limit options?"



glad i burned through all my Alpha arc missions as of last night

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



While I can see my set bonuses, I can not see my Alpha slot.....

Go Team Venture!



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
While I can see my set bonuses, I can not see my Alpha slot.....
Alpha slot isn't a set bonus or Global IO though.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



  • Trapdoor no longer stops Bifurcating.
He stopped? He DID!?

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
Could we possibly get an option to set the powers display back to the "no set bonus" option that we've had for the last few weeks?

I love it. I hate having to look at all that set bonus junk. Really, who cares?
I care. I feel better teaming with someone that has a few set bonus cause it shows they someone care about the guy and can maybe play that guy. I do think they should have a separate tab though.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
Looked to be quite a few complaints about this while it was on test. I have to say I don't
get it either. I've yet to have an actual problem killing Trapdoor, but I'm especially puzzled
about the "no longer stops Bifurcating" change - that one I thought was WAI. As a
timeout measure in case he's being too much of a pain for somebody to kill, so he'd
eventually stop and ease up on the poor abused player, it made perfect sense to me.

So with all these changes, count me in too on the side of "Why limit options?"
The patch would appear to be bugged. Trapdoor can still be pulled out of LOS of his bifurcations, but is entirely invincible now.

I tried to solo him on a rad/archery defender. I was unable to dent his health. I was able to pull him out of the room, but even with both Rad toggles on and spamming the -regen power, his health bar never moved.

I tried it both ways. I tried pulling him into the corridor; no effect. I tried killing all the clones; the problem there is that he spawns them so often that you never get a chance to do damage to Trapdoor himself; as soon as you find and kill one, he's back to full health, and you hardly ever get the chance to damage the boss. Eventually I ran out of purples and ran out of endurance, and died.

I won't be able to finish this on any of the several characters I haven't done it with yet so long as it is like this.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Surprisingly enough the only toon I've had a problem with trapdoor was a brute. this may change.

I feel better teaming with someone that has a few set bonus cause it shows they someone care about the guy and can maybe play that guy.
Thats good to know that you will only team with me on only 4 possibly five of my 40ish characters. I only use SO's on several of them because....

This game is balanced around SO's not balanced around IO's, officially.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
Surprisingly enough the only toon I've had a problem with trapdoor was a brute. this may change.Thats good to know that you will only team with me on only 4 possibly five of my 40ish characters. I only use SO's on several of them because....

This game is balanced around SO's not balanced around IO's, officially.
In fairness you have a point, I meant 50s. Even if the guy just hit 50 (or 47) I would have a few sets ready to go at that point.



Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
I care. I feel better teaming with someone that has a few set bonus cause it shows they someone care about the guy and can maybe play that guy. I do think they should have a separate tab though.
Set bonuses, much like Vet badges, have nothing to do with whether someone cares about their character more, or knows how to play better than someone who has less.

Maybe the player wants to challenge themselves and stick to generic IOs.

Maybe they've been saving their pennies for Purples and didn't want to waste money buying regular stuff.

Maybe their regularly slotted character can play circles around half the tricked out characters in the game.

Maybe all those set bonuses don't matter much when you're running content that exempts you down.

Maybe all they do is run around on optimum teams and have no idea how to improvise when on a pug or with people they don't know.

(you get the idea)

If they want to have that info available, fine, but at least make it legible and organized. I'd have rather they just left it out until they fixed it.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Set bonuses, much like Vet badges, have nothing to do with whether someone cares about their character more, or knows how to play better than someone who has less.

Maybe the player wants to challenge themselves and stick to generic IOs.

Maybe they've been saving their pennies for Purples and didn't want to waste money buying regular stuff.

Maybe their regularly slotted character can play circles around half the tricked out characters in the game.

Maybe all those set bonuses don't matter much when you're running content that exempts you down.

Maybe all they do is run around on optimum teams and have no idea how to improvise when on a pug or with people they don't know.

(you get the idea)

If they want to have that info available, fine, but at least make it legible and organized. I'd have rather they just left it out until they fixed it.
And maybe I don't want to play with those people, all i'm saying it is nice to have the information and not need it than to not have the information and want it.

I know some people won't care but it was also nice for pvp.

No reason to argue over this since the best solution to the problem is put the list in a different tab and then everyone is happen (except the guy that hates tabs I guess).



While I personally love having the list of set bonuses returned, if it means the loss of which boost is slotted as being listed, I'd rather have the Alpha Boost listed.

The list of set bonuses can imo, tell you about some builds (not always but it can), but knowing my teammates have the Alpha Boost crafted and slotted I find of more importance, when forming teams for Apex or Tin Mage.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Alpha slot isn't a set bonus or Global IO though.
It was showing in the window before the patch, and now is gone...hoping that it is just buggy and will return in the future.

Go Team Venture!



Maybe their regularly slotted character can play circles around half the tricked out characters in the game.
Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
And maybe I don't want to play with those people
mmm hmmm.

Also note frankenslotting may not result in any bonuses. But, hey, you want to avoid someone who knows what they're doing just because they don't have a list on a tab... *shrug*



I always found that the list of Set Bonuses gets a little bit unreadable when it gets big, which does make it hard to see if you're up to 5 or 8 LotGs or whatever.

Alphabetization would be nice.




Originally Posted by Kawkazn View Post
I care. I feel better teaming with someone that has a few set bonus cause it shows they someone care about the guy and can maybe play that guy. I do think they should have a separate tab though.
Except set bonuses mean exactly squat. Someone can use set IO's and still not end up with bonuses by frankenslotting. My main has only a few set pieces, and no bonuses. it has more HOs slotted than most would consider sane, but it's a very powerfull character, and slotting for bonuses would actually be a nerf to me, taking slots from powers that could use them more.

The set bonus section tells you nothing about the character or the player behind it, except that they have bonuses. It's not a measure of skill or dedication, it's just a list.



Originally Posted by Puppycrusader View Post
So with all these changes, count me in too on the side of "Why limit options?"
Because you're not actually having fun unless you fight him one specific way. You might think otherwise, but trust us, you're not.



I like the set bonuses being displayed so that at times when I see someone who just kicks a lot of buttocks or is very survivable using powersets I have on another character, I can get a general idea of how they built their toon. I do seriously wish they would organize the list a bit though, instead of just a mishmash of text.

I do not, however, use it as a basis for picking people for teams, as the person could be frankenslotted, or filled up with non set IOs or even built with a mass of Hami-O's.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"