Did anyone get the Fast Track to Incarnate?




This question is nagging me. I'm just curious. I hope a few of us qualified at least.



No players are getting the "fast track." If I remember correctly, the fast track refers to characters like Statesman, Recluse, and Honoree who got all their power at once from the well and consequently subjucated their free will to the well.

In terms of game mechanics, it's like they got the alpha AND all the other slots, as well as all ultra-rare enhancements for those slots.

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Is this a reference to the story, or some manner of in-game mechanic?

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The story - as I understood it. Statesman and Honoree could be taken over at will by the well because they'd gotten their powers all at once, and the mender may have referred to it as the "fast track" or something like it.

I could be wrong, though. I've got a mind like a steel sieve.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies




To qualify for the "fast-track" to all the goodies, you have to agree to let any NCSoft/Paragon Studios employee take over the character in question, at any time, with no prior warning.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
The story - as I understood it. Statesman and Honoree could be taken over at will by the well because they'd gotten their powers all at once, and the mender may have referred to it as the "fast track" or something like it.

I could be wrong, though. I've got a mind like a steel sieve.
Oh no, I know what you're saying--I was asking in reference to the OP.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



There is no fast track. It is not implemented, it never will be implemented. It is merely an plot contrivance to separate the player's incarnates from NPC incarnates such as Statesman.

The 9 other incarnate slots have not been implemented yet, the rare and ultra rare tiers have not been implemented, challenges for fully incarnatized characters have not been implemented beyond Apex and Tin Mage.

The only part of the system that currently exists is the Alpha slot and the first 2 tiers of it. There is currently no other part of the incarnate system and no fast track to gain all 10 slots, that again, have not been implemented yet.

The choice in the story arc was a false choice, a fake choice, there was never a choice and never will be a choice as the inevitable and only outcome to it is to gain just the Alpha Slot.

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Originally Posted by Talonflash View Post

To qualify for the "fast-track" to all the goodies, you have to agree to let any NCSoft/Paragon Studios employee take over the character in question, at any time, with no prior warning.
Speaking as an experienced tabletop gamer, that won't deter some people in the slightest. Many gamers have willingly agreed to be GM storyline devices in exchange for great power.

Anyway, as to the OP... Just because something is mentioned in in-game dialog doesn't mean it's available to the players. As everyone has said already, the "fast track" is just background plot for how a few NPCs got their powers.

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Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Speaking as an experienced tabletop gamer, that won't deter some people in the slightest. Many gamers have willingly agreed to be GM storyline devices in exchange for great power.

Anyway, as to the OP... Just because something is mentioned in in-game dialog doesn't mean it's available to the players. As everyone has said already, the "fast track" is just background plot for how a few NPCs got their powers.

I was hoping for the 'fast track' as well (somewhat joking)

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Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
This question is nagging me. I'm just curious. I hope a few of us qualified at least.
I truly hope you were joking about this.

Besides what other people have said here (that the whole idea of the "fast track" was a story plot device) could you imagine how much nerdrage would be generated amongst this player community if there was an ACTUAL fast path that only a "few of us" qualified for? The screaming and shouting on these boards about how unfair it'd be that some people could be fast tracked and others couldn't would be monumentally epic. It'd be DOOOOMMMM! times a million!

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Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I truly hope you were joking about this.

Besides what other people have said here (that the whole idea of the "fast track" was a story plot device) could you imagine how much nerdrage would be generated amongst this player community if there was an ACTUAL fast path that only a "few of us" qualified for? The screaming and shouting on these boards about how unfair it'd be that some people could be fast tracked and others couldn't would be monumentally epic. It'd be DOOOOMMMM! times a million!
These are the basis for my questions about the Fast track.

"As I was saying, the Well of Furies seems to have awakened once more. It will seek out the most powerful individuals and grant them new powers and new abilities," Ramiel declared.
"The Well has become sentient?" asked Silos.
"More like--directed," replied Ramiel.
"What are the implications?" asked Silos.
"Statesman and Lord Recluse will not be the only ones possessing Incarnate abilities. The most powerful individuals from this point forward will struggle to unlock their inner Incarnate and discover new powers. These new Incarnates have affected the Storm, but we of Ouroboros may have created a different threat through our efforts."

Comments will follow here....


Part Two: The One That Got Away

Lord Recluse laughs, shaking his head.
You've come to ask me about Incarnates? I suppose it is well known where the source of my power comes from.
What did you seek to know, Character?
I'm here to find out the path towards becoming an Incarnate.
The path? There is no one true path, Character. Well... That isn't true. There are some ways towards becoming an Incarnate. Perhaps... You would like to offer yourself as an experiment to find out just -
Lord Recluse grips his chest as his eyes go wide.
Not... you...!
Recluse's head slumps forward, turning back and forth, as if struggling against something. After a moment, he calms and looks to you.
Recluse is not here at the moment. You are speaking to what many call the Well of the Furies. Recluse would never tell you what he secretly knows, what he secretly dreads. He is a... disappointment, really. He craves power, but seeks to gain it in every other method save for ones connected to myself. I can see in you this desire for power, however. You will never be able to gain it through Recluse.
That is why I am speaking to you today, Character. There are many who would stand in your way towards obtaining the power found within the Well. I would move to tip the scales in your favor. Do you know of a man named Trapdoor? He was part of Lord Recluse's plans to try to replicate my power without my actual power source. He succeeded... somewhat.
Trapdoor was recently a prisoner of Arachnos, but escaped. He tracked down an item that is connected to myself, an Incarnate artifact, if you will. He is aware of its power, but his twisted source of power will not trigger the artifact.

In this section, the well overtakes Recluse(and Statesman) to show itself to us, talks about the paths to Incarnate. The Well mentions that we can gain power if we want it. Then we go to Lady Grey and she gives more details:

Part Three: Consequences

Thank you for your aid, Character. You no doubt know by now that the Honoree... that Hero 1 was an Incarnate. Did you hear the voice? The one from the Well?

Yes, I did. Can it control any Incarnate?

What I am about to tell you must come with no questions regarding how or why I have this knowledge. The Well's control is very specific, Character, for there are two paths towards the path of becoming a fully powered Incarnate. The first is the fast path, one where the user is granted unimaginable power in a large amount. This is what happened to Statesman, Recluse, and Hero 1. Those who travel down this path develop a very close link to the Well very quickly. This is why the Well is able to control them.

The fate of those who travel down this path is one of constant servitude. Of the three, only Recluse and Statesman were truly aware of this. There is always the risk that the Well will seek to control them; this risk is increased when they try to increase their own power. In a sense, their freedom is confined. If they do not seek more power than what they've been given, they have a chance of fighting the Well's control. To seek more power from the Well itself... it would risk them seeing an end to their own selves.
This is why Statesman has always been fearful of trying to seek out more power, both for himself and others. Recluse, in all of his bids for power, has been trying to seek a way to destroy this link and still maintain his power. While Statesman remains in his place with the Well, Recluse seeks to defy it, to destroy it and earn his freedom.

You said there were two paths. What is the other?

The other is a slower path, gradually gaining more and more power from the Well. This is one that some have begun, but many of these people are not widely known. This path obviously takes much longer than the other, but those who follow this path have no risk of being controlled by the Well. The link of the Well to the person is not as strong as the previous path, meaning that one could tap into the limitless power of the Well without fear of being consumed by it.

However... there are still risks, even with this, but that is simply human nature. Once one gets a taste of the power of the Well, it may become increasingly difficult to resist the urge to try to gain more and more power as quickly as possible. To do this, however, would seal your fate to that of the Well's. This slower path is one that will ensure your freedom and the possibility of unending power, if you can resist its calling to let yourself be consumed by it.
Interesting... is there anything else?

Life's not Fair, Lothic...I want the option for the fast track!! :-) But this would definitely add a new dimension to the play, yes? I mean the power could last for a season or something, right? Would that be fairer, Lothic? What Agenda could the Well of Furies have? Could we get WFTFS(Well of Furies TaskForces) for those that choose/get the fast track?



Technically; everyone did when they did the one and only mission where you see it. The first Alpha mission where future-you has awesome-godly well powers.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
Technically; everyone did when they did the one and only mission where you see it. The first Alpha mission where future-you has awesome-godly well powers.
Ah, finally I see who it was that stole my name! *fistshake*

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Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
These are the basis for my questions about the Fast track.
The most powerful individuals from this point forward will struggle to unlock their inner Incarnate and discover new powers.
Oh, look! Your own quote answers your question. It says right there that the new incarnates will struggle. No fast track for them!

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To the OP:
Huh... some of you didn't get the fast track when choosing it??
I did!

I was upset I didn't choose that with my hero, but my villain chose it and it is AWESOME!!

P.S. My toilet bowl is another aspect of the well.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Do you have dogs? and do they like to drink out of it?

Canine Incarnates?

Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes he get you, rips your head off, sucks out your eyes, pulls out your spleen, humps your leg and pees in your boots



There are some that would consider that animal cruelty...

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Avatar art by Daggerpoint



I had a friend who truly thought that he'd have a choice after reading the mission introduction text for the final mission. He was asking how they could "control" his character if he chose the fast way etc. and seriously considered it assuming it couldn't be *that* bad.

I didn't say anything, not wanting to spoil it for him. I probably should have because I think he was disappointed that there was no choice.

So... I'm not surprised to see a question like this in the forums.



Originally Posted by Dark_Impact View Post
I warned you about my toilet!!

By the way... I realized afterward that my mentioning of the toilet was actually in response to a completely different thread, haha... I somehow lumped the two together, after reading them successively.

It had a *good result though, so yay!

* not really good; ie "good" in a Bizarro World sort of way

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
I had a friend who truly thought that he'd have a choice after reading the mission introduction text for the final mission. He was asking how they could "control" his character if he chose the fast way etc. and seriously considered it assuming it couldn't be *that* bad.

I didn't say anything, not wanting to spoil it for him. I probably should have because I think he was disappointed that there was no choice.

So... I'm not surprised to see a question like this in the forums.
It's not so much the asking of the question as the context. This is someone who clearly access to far more information about the arc than your friend, as well as information about the Incarnate system. The following posts make it clear that either there's some cognitive issue interfering with his ability to interpret rather clearly presented text, or he was posting as a pretext to antagonize others.

Anybody who reads the forums or the Paragon wiki should be expected to realize that most of the Incarnate System isn't even available yet and that the arc's storyline is a pretext for why we won't get full Incarnate power in a blink the way the current Incarnate NPCs did as well as providing a rationale for why this is a good thing.

There are many mission briefings and in mission dialogue that promise terrible citywide or worldwide doom if you don't immediately tackle it, or if you fail at it, but no matter how long you wait to do them or simply give up and drop them no doom ever appears.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden_Avariel View Post
I had a friend who truly thought that he'd have a choice after reading the mission introduction text for the final mission. He was asking how they could "control" his character if he chose the fast way etc. and seriously considered it assuming it couldn't be *that* bad.

I didn't say anything, not wanting to spoil it for him. I probably should have because I think he was disappointed that there was no choice.

So... I'm not surprised to see a question like this in the forums.
In all honesty, I secretly thought we would get the choice, but at the same time knew they wouldn't give it. On my first Incarnate, I debated if i would take the fast track or not if it was offered. I still don't know which way i would have gone on that one if they had offered the fast track.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
Ah, finally I see who it was that stole my name! *fistshake*
Actually you can blame this guy since I joined on the EU boards

You can blame me for all the feedback about my Mercy Rogues arc and the auto-complete one just like I got some of your Felis Prime feedback

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Dark_Impact View Post

The look on his face is priceless too.

"I...am going to kill you all...slowly. Then poop on you!"

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