Praetorian AV Tracking
I have a feeling I know the answer to this question already, but I'll throw it out there anyway. I've been working on the portal jockey accolade and did it in a very unorganized way. I have everything except 2 praetorian AVs. Problem is, I'm not sure which two. Is there anyway to find out which ones I've defeated?
You're missing Black Swan and Anti-Matter.
As of Going Rogue the top three offenders are, IIRC, Black Swan (not an objective in "her" mission so she can be missed), Anti-Matter (if you've only faced him once, it was most likely his "boots of escaping! Boots of escaping!l self who doesn't count), and now Siege (appears in a one-off mission now). Siege is also available in Maria's old arc available via Ouro, mission 3 I beleive.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
OK, well, pretty much the answer I was expecting. Thanks for the input. I am 99.9% sure anti-matter is one I'm missing, just not sure about the other. I know I did Black Swan (I'll never forget that map), and I got the mission from Maria for Seige (actually the easiest of all the missions I've done). Oh well, I've started the Praetorian war thru flashback so that should get anti-matter.......
Also, at one point it was Nightstar. You had to defeat her in old Maria's arc to get credit.
Black Swan is required in the new arc. (She was in the old arc too, I think; Nightstar was the easy to miss one.) Siege doesn't exist at all in the new arc, if you did that one, then you have to do standalone missions until you get him.
EDIT: Just saw Rajani's post saying that Black Swan isn't required in her mission. Is that for sure? I was sure I had to beat her when I did the mission.
Are you sure? I'd say he's missing Siege and Anti-Matter.
Black Swan is required in the new arc. (She was in the old arc too, I think; Nightstar was the easy to miss one.) Siege doesn't exist at all in the new arc, if you did that one, then you have to do standalone missions until you get him. EDIT: Just saw Rajani's post saying that Black Swan isn't required in her mission. Is that for sure? I was sure I had to beat her when I did the mission. |
Badge Tips: Defeat Anti-Matter, Battle Maiden, Black Swan, Bobcat, Chimera, Diabolique, Dominiatrix, Infernal, Malaise, Marauder, Nueron, Nightstar, Siege (Praetorian Arch-Villains or Elite Bosses)
They might of switched it around. I know pre-GR she was not a mission objective, while Nightstar was in hers (which was because on BS you are closing a portal, NS you are stopping her ritual).
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
In the original arc, Black Swan could be missed as all that was required for mission complete was to rescue the hostage, Julio Jimenez. I don't think Nightstar was required for mission complete either, but she appeared in the same mission as Siege, and generally was found before him. The 'Disrupt the Ritual' mission was/is a standalone with her that awarded the Shrouded/Shady badge for staying on the map for enough time.
I haven't played the new arc unfortunately, so I can't say how those mission requirements are. Also, that list from Badge Hunter is out of date. Mother Mayhem is now required, as of I18. There was a bug about Nightstar not awarding credit for the badge in the new arc, but that bug has been squashed, and she awards credit properly now.
To the OP: If you do one of Maria Jenkins' arcs, you will get most of the 14 needed. If you do her old version, A Hero's Hero, you'll be missing only Anti-matter, obtainable from Tina Macintyre's arc The Praetorian War. If you do Maria's new arc, A Hero's Epic, you will still be missing Anti-matter, but also will be missing Siege, obtainable in one of Maria's standalone missions or in Mission 3 of A Hero's Hero.
Champion 50s (blueside): Marc Bridge, Nicole Bridge, Fred Blaze, Colleen Storms, Sun's Chariot, Moon's Huntress, Point of Pride
Guardian 50s (redside): Connie Mand
AE arc: Spirit Plane Invasion, #29282, @Honbrid
Not sure what that has to do with anything. I asked if Black Swan was required for completion of the mission she's in, not for the badge.

Black Swan was't required to complete mission in old arc, but IIRC, required in new arc. I also remember doing standalone mission from Maria Jenkins with Black Swan. It was on the same Shadow Shard map, but Black Swan wasn't in Chantry, but rather near mission entrance.
I know there was a lot of people that didn't get credit running one or the other of Maria's arcs. I assume that's all been fixed but I was wondering, did the AV's defeated early on in GR eventually get credited to the people who ran them or did they have to re-run Maria's arc again to get the credit?
I've been slowly plugging away at Maria's old arc (had already run the first mission when GR went live) and I know I ran several of the AV's (like Seige and Nightstar) early on while it was still a problem. It was demoralizing to hear about the problem and I've kind of stalled on finishing it so I was curious.
Nightstar, I think, was the only AV not granting credit - all other AVs counted. Basically, no matter if it's your arc or not, or you've been there for the whole arc or not, each AV defeat gives an invisible badge. Which when added up grant the Dimensional Warder badge.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I have a feeling I know the answer to this question already, but I'll throw it out there anyway. I've been working on the portal jockey accolade and did it in a very unorganized way. I have everything except 2 praetorian AVs. Problem is, I'm not sure which two. Is there anyway to find out which ones I've defeated?
The pencil & paper have yet to outlive their usefulness.
We've all learned an important life lesson here:
The pencil & paper have yet to outlive their usefulness. |

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The Mentor Project
I have a feeling I know the answer to this question already, but I'll throw it out there anyway. I've been working on the portal jockey accolade and did it in a very unorganized way. I have everything except 2 praetorian AVs. Problem is, I'm not sure which two. Is there anyway to find out which ones I've defeated?