The Incarnates: Icly or oocly?




Ok so me and a buuuunch of people had a big discussion today.

about RP.

well, yes.....typically, if someone was like "oh hai I'm an incarnate" they would kind of be....overplaying themselves, and potentially submitting themselves towards a more god-mode scenario.

My question to you: Do you RP your character as an incarnate now? did you add an interesting twist to it? or are you simply ignoring it?

For Me: My character has been absent for about a month and a half, In character, I've made it to where he joined a circle of mages that chose members to turn into PARTIAL incarnates. What they do is take a fragment of an artifact that belonged to a god or a diety/higher power, and they forge it into something personal for that mage, and then bond it to them. My character magisterum was crafted a silver rosary out of a Fragment of the goddess frigg's circlet. Because of this, it's just a fragment, yeah he can do ALOT more now than he could before, but I didn't actually write it to where it made him more powerful.


Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



It depends on the character. For some I don't ICly acknowledge it, it's just them getting better at what they do. If/when they get that AoE upgrade, I'll think of some non-incarnate reason for it. I would say most of my characters will end up like this, their new powers having nothing to do with incarnates at all.

But some I could see going with it. Actually getting the power of the Well and using it to their advantage, finding shards, the whole thing.



I got into a discussion, and I came to one's a no win situation, no matter which way you go with it.

On the path to incarnate VS those who arent. On the path would be more powerful than those not on it, but in RP land, one has to give and take and play it fair so both sides are equal.

Then you run into the level 5 "But I'm a god! I just haven't gotten to that story arc" or "But I'm just that good, but I've only just gotten onto the scene"

As for how I'm playing it...I always saw my main, not as an incarnate per se, but rather someone who can play on that field and give them a run for the money. where they raise an eyebrow and go, "She shouldn't beable to do this!" then possibly still lose, or pull out the win.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Honestly, as much as I hate the idea of accepting a bunch of special snowflakes that want to be the sons and daughters of Hades because of their new connection to the well... it's inevitable.



One also has to remember, no one is actually an incarnate yet. They're working towards that step in the (at the end of the) story arc, not becoming one.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I wish to hear peoples' opinions.

yup, for most people I ignore it, I just always had that my character had a fragment of frigg's circlet that he used to draw his magic from, so I guess that's really the only explanation I can give to him getting stronger in any way.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



It's really not important to me either way.
I don't see being an Incarnate as the only way for characters (players and NPCs alike) to be extremely powerful and I don't really think anything has changed along those lines.
Each and every character origin is equally terrible and great, so I'm not going to judge, hehe.

As for my own characters thus far...

I do not plan to include the Incarnate lore into their powers.
Since it's been a solo ride through it, for the most part, I can decide on my own what I want to include and/or discard.

It was interesting... As I was making my first run through the arc with my main, the Electric-Knight, I had trouble soloing the Honoree (After taking out Holtz) and called in two SG mates for some help.
While doing it, one mentioned to the Electric-Knight something along the lines of asking him if he was going for the power of the incarnates as well...

Without missing much of a beat, the Electric-Knight shrugged and said, "Well, this mender guy seems to think so...".

He doesn't really trust the credibility of the Menders nor such outlandish stories involving himself.
What the truth ends up being... I guess we'll see!

I share a bit of E-K's doubts, to be honest

As for growing in power...
When that actually happens to a significant degree, I may come up with something else... But, thus far, Electric-Knight has constantly been growing in power as he gains more control and experience with his powers.
So far, nothing has changed along those lines.
(He did have a bit of a lull in gaining greater power the past year or so... but that worked out perfectly as he had some major story arc stuff take him down several pegs for an extended period of time)

So... I tend not to delve into these things between characters. I don't assume that someone is taking all aspects of certain story arcs into play exactly as how the game states things.

Inspirations can mean many different things to different characters just as anything else within the game, as far as I am concerned.

If someone wants to talk about Incarnates from their perspective, that's fine with me... but all unwritten (and oft-typed ones as well) rules of engagement apply just the same as beforehand.

To me... the Incarnate System is the video game's end game system... And mandates nothing more. When they announced the End Game system, they said the working title was the Incarnate System... I was a little disappointed when they decided to stick with that, but I understand why they did and I think the story works out okay.
I just have never believed in everyone needing to stick to such things for their own characters.

Just my 0.5 cents (tax man took the rest).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I have already started RP'ing Lizzy using her new found incarnate status to intimidate store clerks into giving her great discounts on shoes.

There is nothing you can say to me about this that will make it less hilarious and awesome.

"How much did you say those were again? Really? That seems a tad high to me, I mean I love them and they are like so my color and i bet my feet would look super cute in them but I am just not feeling that your store truly appreciates me choosing to lend my status to your company by purchasing your products... after all, I am an Incarnate now. Really? 98% off, well that does seem more like it. I will take ten pairs, one in each color please."

For the rest of her life she will typically forget she even has this new wealth power... but by god sales people better watch out.



Depends on my view for the character. Some characters, like my Warshade, will use the excuse for an incarnate as actually becoming part Incarnate as it's a new source of power for her. Other characters I may bring through that storyarc will mostly be extracting some hidden powers that were latent inside them and have just started to emerge. Even others will just go through the arc and that's it. They won't be an incarnate at all.

Otherside of the fence is that I don't consider IOs IC. There is absolutely no content in the game that requires you to have IOs slotted. It may make it easier, but it's not forced, unlike Incarnates. You need to be an incarnate to do the Tin Mage or Apex Taskforce, and if the alpha is slotted it makes it easier. Nothing requires you to be all invention origin'd out. Heck, I have a few characters that are levelling on just SOs, because they do the job.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Flea is an Incarnate of himself.

Like he'd trust you damn mammals to do anything right.

In essence he has become bad *** awesome squared.

Implosion pending.

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



It seems like if you "RP by level", and translate game accomplishments directly into character abilities, then consistency would demand that you accept the claims of godhood of a character with 10 fully slotted out Incarnate powers. But we're not nearly there yet.

Even with several (swappable) Uncommon Boosts, the most a character can claim is "I've unlocked a bit of additional power, not much, but it goes beyond what was previously thought to be the zenith, so that's remarkable in and of itself." The Rares and Ultra Rares will probably be more interesting, since they get into into "my powers go up to 11" territory with the Level Shift.

This is all, of course, assuming you draw a direct line from game level to IC power level. If you don't, then nothing really changes - you'll still be accepting people's claims of godhood based on how well you RP together.

Character index



Originally Posted by Rintera View Post
well, yes.....typically, if someone was like "oh hai I'm an incarnate" they would kind of be....overplaying themselves, and potentially submitting themselves towards a more god-mode scenario.
Well, it definitely pushes them towards a more likely situation of a god-mode scenario, but as always that particular problem remains in the hands of the person roleplaying it, not the system itself.

My question to you: Do you RP your character as an incarnate now? did you add an interesting twist to it? or are you simply ignoring it?
My primary RP toon is being RPd as an Incarnate now, yeah. Part of her main worries and motivations, after the intro arc, revolve heavily around the ideas and lore behind Incarnates, and more specifically the Well itself.

Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Honestly, I'm mostly ignoring the Incarnate stuff IC because there's just not much explanation of it in the lore. Kind of like how I ignore the actual story implications of Invention Sets and the salvage that created them, or of the fluff behind standard Enhancements, but still acknowledge that my characters are more powerful than I'd be portraying them if they didn't have either of those.
There's plenty of explanation in the lore. Just because it wasn't there before the i19 release doesn't mean it isn't there now, and the explanations we've been given mesh very well with the tiny scraps of information that were provided before. Naturally, it's by no means a *requirement* to roleplay the mechanical powers you get from it as Incarnate abilities, but the lore is definitely there.

Right now... I don't actually know what an Incarnate Shard is, or why gathering them does anything to my Mu Mystic's lightning powers or my Batman-Wannabe Stalker's Mad Ninja Skills. Same for all the Uncommon Salvage you upgrade them into. Did my Weather Wizard take that Infinite Tessalation and... what... eat it? Wear it on a necklace? Grind it into powder and inject it into his eyeball? Just put it somewhere in his apartment and occasionally take it out of its box to tenderly stroke it and call it his precious? What about my Dark Matter powered robot? Eh. Don't know, don't care.

I am definitely RPing characters who have unlocked and slotted their incarnate abilities as being more powerful than those who haven't, even if I come up with other story justifications for it, though.
Which is all just about the way things should be done in general. The behind the scenes mechanical portions of something don't need to have any actual impact on how they're roleplayed; the only reason that they're there is because it's impossible to program in every possible iteration of everything anyone could want to do ever. Our powers work pretty much the way we decide they work, and unless someone starts claiming their stuff works in a way that's just utter and blatant **** of the lore, I've got no issue.

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
One also has to remember, no one is actually an incarnate yet. They're working towards that step in the (at the end of the) story arc, not becoming one.
That's debatable- the way the source is presented, it could easily be argued that the definition is simply someone that taps the Well for power, no matter how little. It's certainly stated enough that only Incarnates can resist the draining power Cole has.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
It's really not important to me either way.
I don't see being an Incarnate as the only way for characters (players and NPCs alike) to be extremely powerful and I don't really think anything has changed along those lines.
Each and every character origin is equally terrible and great, so I'm not going to judge, hehe.
Bingo. It really just makes a particular RP choice a lot more viable, makes certain things available to RP as without having to even stretch the game lore to do so. Doesn't *make* you do so.

In the end, I love the options it's provided, and have really gone pretty hard to town on it; I've always enjoyed working out in-character justifications of how all the powers I actually use *work* from an IC perspective. My close RP-friends and I have all enjoyed figuring out how tapping energy from the Well "feels" to them, what working with the energy feels like and what they do to draw it out. The different kinds of components, I play off as it simply being easier to discover, or grow accustomed to different parts of the power by fighting powerful enemies of a different type; for her, it *can* be done by beating on exactly the same thing repeatedly (doing the same TF repeatedly and using shards), or by simple repeated, directed application of her powers (fighting mobs of any level anywhere), but the breakthroughs in understanding are much easier to reach if she varies her experience.



If I wanted to RP my characters as godly superbeings, I probably wouldn't use the Incarnate system as the explanation why.



Originally Posted by IAmTheRad View Post
Depends on my view for the character. Some characters, like my Warshade, will use the excuse for an incarnate as actually becoming part Incarnate as it's a new source of power for her. Other characters I may bring through that storyarc will mostly be extracting some hidden powers that were latent inside them and have just started to emerge. Even others will just go through the arc and that's it. They won't be an incarnate at all.
Pretty much this. My little regenerating imp-thing that keeps upgrading herself through trial and error just found a way to upgrade herself a bit more. Probably replaced her heart with Rikti dropship salvage or something, I dunno. Some of my others will probably be taking the more 'normal' Incarnate path... assuming I run the content on them. Not sure yet just how many characters I wanna commit to this with.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I'm not changing a thing about any of my characters, whether they go Incarnate or not. I will say, though, that I've always been annoyed by the "BOW BEFORE ME I AM A GOD" crowd.

Really? God is a level 32 Dominator?

Whether level 32 or level 320, all too often gods and their ilk are just an excuse for poor roleplay. It takes talent to pull off all-powerful-deity without looking like plain old all-powerful-horses-butt.

And those are a dime a dozen.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Rintera View Post
My question to you: Do you RP your character as an incarnate now? did you add an interesting twist to it? or are you simply ignoring it?
Here's the thing: My big bad Demon main Nalrok Ath'Zim (forum namesake) started out as one of those really run-of-the-mill types. But I decided to redesign him at level 20 way back November of 2006 (he hit 50 February of '07). Never has he uttered the words 'foolish' or 'mortal' in the same sentence. In fact, I don't think he's ever said either of those words.

He's not a Demon character that runs around flaunting how 'royal' he is, or how powerful he is. He's very aware of his surroundings and, rather than smash them apart, he chooses to observe. He enjoys conversation and would rather fight with his enemies than against them. When people say 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' Nalrok takes it literally and does his best to mend bad blood with those against him in hopes they'll become his ally. If they won't, then he just does what any towering demon would do and smashes them flat.

That said, he's not the arrogant type. He has a very mild ego and is more like a mountain than a monsoon. When the Alpha Slot was unlocked to him and he completed Ramiel's arc, he didn't see it as "I'M GODLIKE SORT OF!" (If his ability in combat is any indicator, he's sort of at that point already!) He was with a friend at the time, an avian-ish Elec/Will Brute, and for a good while they talked of what this meant to both his future and hers. Currently, I'm RPing his unlocking of the Alpha Slot as new knowledge. Since I went with Cardiac Radial (and will be going Cardiac Core Paragon for that sweet sweet 45% end reduction), the 'knowledge' directly relates to the complete elimination of his endurance issues. Fight smarter, not harder.

... /longwindedpost

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
I'm not changing a thing about any of my characters, whether they go Incarnate or not. I will say, though, that I've always been annoyed by the "BOW BEFORE ME I AM A GOD" crowd.

Really? God is a level 32 Dominator?
See, here's the thing. Say you had an SGmate who was great to RP with and always came up with awesome plots. One day they come up with a plot involving a god or godlike figure. So in the course of trying to figure out what to do next your character goes "okay, maybe we could talk to this god and try to make a deal". And the other player goes "okay" and logs in a level 2 alt with Veteran wings and the Thunderhead aura.

Would you immediately go, "No way, I refuse to believe a god would be level 2, go PL this character to 50 and get them some Incarnate slots and then we'll talk"?

Conversely, I wouldn't RP with a character who is a perfectly normal human being who just happens to have really good informers, if this is used as a tool to intimidate me (like, say, "I know all your weaknesses, I know where you live, I know all your family members, I could ruin your life or have you killed with a single text.")

For me, it's not so much about the discrepancy between the story they're trying to sell me and their ingame stats, it's more about whether they're interested in a good story versus just posturing.

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
See, here's the thing. Say you had an SGmate who was great to RP with and always came up with awesome plots. One day they come up with a plot involving a god or godlike figure. So in the course of trying to figure out what to do next your character goes "okay, maybe we could talk to this god and try to make a deal". And the other player goes "okay" and logs in a level 2 alt with Veteran wings and the Thunderhead aura.

Would you immediately go, "No way, I refuse to believe a god would be level 2, go PL this character to 50 and get them some Incarnate slots and then we'll talk"?

Conversely, I wouldn't RP with a character who is a perfectly normal human being who just happens to have really good informers, if this is used as a tool to intimidate me (like, say, "I know all your weaknesses, I know where you live, I know all your family members, I could ruin your life or have you killed with a single text.")

For me, it's not so much about the discrepancy between the story they're trying to sell me and their ingame stats, it's more about whether they're interested in a good story versus just posturing.
It's the suspension of disbelief. Which I think you touch on. If the story telling is good enough, I'll believe a level one with brawl can do anything.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Most of my characters are not going to go through the Incarnate system specifically because I can't really justify the others having or seeking that kind of power; they're "merely" super-powerful beings. The ones who will take it to that next level:

a paragon who rightly should be as powerful as Statesman, given the chance;
a small god (of a single neighborhood), but a god just the same(*);
an ambitious gangsta (a Hellion by any other name) whose answer to every problem(**) is "MORE POWER";
and a psychic with the proven potential to lay waste to an entire world, if he ever lets himself.

(*) Gozer: "Are YOU a GOD?" King: "Yeah. What's it to ya?"
(**) including, of course, the ones that result from the power he already has.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Most of my characters are not going to go through the Incarnate system specifically because I can't really justify the others having or seeking that kind of power; they're "merely" super-powerful beings. The ones who will take it to that next level:
Have to agree with you on this. Only two of my characters, and that might be a stretch there, would even make SENSE being Incarnated.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Yeah. So far my widow, who was a remake of my blaster, grew in power not because he wanted it, but because the Gefaren circle of mages wanted him to.

Most of my other characters just wouldn't want atlantean MAY seek it if we wishes to be bonded closer to his lady Aphrodite.

I'm debating whether or not my villain(who's a power-crazed imp) would want it...except that she's technology based.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Also, I can think of some who might ICly start the arc, get to the part where the Well works States and/or Recluse like a puppet, and run as far and as fast as they can in the other direction.

(Heck, that's more or less what one of my characters always expected would someday happen to everyone taking bits of the Hamidon and sticking it in their own bodies... the players would have screamed bloody murder, of course, but it's perfectly in-genre.)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Have to agree with you on this. Only two of my characters, and that might be a stretch there, would even make SENSE being Incarnated.
Well, it depends just how you interpret what being an Incarnate means. If you go by a really strict reading of the arc leading up to it, it pretty much means that the character took an afternoon to help a Mender look for the well.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post

(Heck, that's more or less what one of my characters always expected would someday happen to everyone taking bits of the Hamidon and sticking it in their own bodies... the players would have screamed bloody murder, of course, but it's perfectly in-genre.)

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
See, here's the thing. Say you had an SGmate who was great to RP with and always came up with awesome plots. One day they come up with a plot involving a god or godlike figure. So in the course of trying to figure out what to do next your character goes "okay, maybe we could talk to this god and try to make a deal". And the other player goes "okay" and logs in a level 2 alt with Veteran wings and the Thunderhead aura.

Would you immediately go, "No way, I refuse to believe a god would be level 2, go PL this character to 50 and get them some Incarnate slots and then we'll talk"?

Conversely, I wouldn't RP with a character who is a perfectly normal human being who just happens to have really good informers, if this is used as a tool to intimidate me (like, say, "I know all your weaknesses, I know where you live, I know all your family members, I could ruin your life or have you killed with a single text.")

For me, it's not so much about the discrepancy between the story they're trying to sell me and their ingame stats, it's more about whether they're interested in a good story versus just posturing.
Oh man, I might just make some sort of Sane Person On Virtue Award to present to you.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.