The Incarnates: Icly or oocly?




Back to the original question, no, none of my characters will actively mention the incarnate mechanics or have it alter their bio/background in any way that effects RP... just like I don't consider completing one of the "end game" TFs as happening directly as they did, because exactly how many times will the secret of the Honoree be revealed? Or Recluse's mega weapon be thwarted? I will just mix it in casually, as long as it is just a bit of a boost in power, that seems fitting for the particular character.

Even then I dislike the idea that a bit of backstory suddenly should make your character "ZOMG UBAR!". I have one character who's background is that they are sort of a living channel for the power of Apollo. That is the explanation for their powers, not a RP bio "I WIN" button/blurb, it is just the reasoning behind why this particular character is just as powerful as all the other level 50 super duper spandex wearers out there. And for the canon purists out there, sure, all the characters who have unlocked the "alpha slot" will be enhanced by the Well, but not intentionally and certainly not knowingly. I mean, my big battle armored Tanker certainly didn't decide to take a hot steaming bubble bath of godliness in the Well ala Achilles, just that for whatever reason this source of cosmic energy decided to leak into him.

But none of my characters are going to go around in RP with the, "Excuse me. I am feeling particularly godly today!", mentality.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



To the original Question.

Depends on the character.

For the one who currently can do all this stuff... (Condor Azul) yes the character IS aware of all the incarnate stuff, but will not follow that path (same way a teamate offered to give her powers... and she has rejected the offer, twice).

There is an explanation of why she would have the in game incarnate system, however the explanation of it is very very extensive and involve almost a dozen of other people in the server, some aware of it some not, but it is all related to the storyline of her kidnapping and changes.

When another char reach 50... depending on the char they will openly seek the path of the incarnate.

"What counts is not what sounds plausible, not what we would like to believe, not what one or two witnesses claim, but only what is supported by hard evidence rigorously and skeptically examined. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan



On the original question, none of my characters will be ICly doing the well of the Incarnate stuff. Yes, I've unlocked the alphas and will slot my 50s with them, just like I slotted them with Hamios back when, but just as my characters were never sticking bits of Hamidon in them, they are also not electing to be puppets of the well. I also have never RPed most of the game mechanics. I did not reach into a villain and take his cyberheart. I don't have "levels" in character; when someone else RPs it, I relent to calling it security clearance.

Quickshot is mainly technological, and quite logical. She would never see the appeal of having some unknown power that you might wind up a puppet to as a good thing.

Aliuneidis is the avatar of love. It's all he needs. Accepting power from something else would corrupt him.. which could be an interesting plot in itself, but..

Swiftwind is an android, as well as logical. She might go for something that would make her closer to human, but just for power? During the Ramiel arc, she fought both EBs simultaneously while ignoring all the Rikti swarming her. She's already pretty powerful.

Inuit Acer's powers are based in his peoples' beliefs. He's not going to shun his gods for some Well.

and so on..

As the story is currently written, it's a horrifying tale of corruption and misuse of power, including Statesman, who comes across as a total dweeb. My characters will most likely be wincing when other characters mention ICly doing it.

Live arcs: 517377 and 517381
Virtue: Quickshot. Swiftwind. Aliuneidis. Gizmodeus. Dasher. Fiver. Inuit Acer. Daniel Darke. Cerebral Flame. El Halcon.
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Yeah... all of my characters are either the sort that would absolutely never be connected to the Well...

...or are virtual, RP Incarnates anyway, connected instead to multiversal forces of Order and Chaos.

But, really, I just have to look at it and think to myself... Would Smersh really accept power from some undefined but sentient power source, or would he just crank his old armor suit up to 11?

I work under the latter assumption.

It is possible that I might take one of my characters who is not yet 50 and play with the lore itself, but I haven't made that decision yet.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

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Originally Posted by Baronesa View Post
...Condor Azul...
Oh, I recognize that name! :3

But yeah I think it depends on the character that is level 50. I can think of a few that wont be involved with incarnates. Seraph just works because he's into mythology, lore, legend, and the like so one way or another he would be subjected to these origins via his line of work.



I see the incarnate system as a matter of "Do what the feck you want with it." For example, Shadowstormm will be working pretty-well directly from the Canon story associated with the arc.

However, I by no means intend for him to become a living god. That'd hollow out the character immensely and make him boring to RP. For Shadowstormm, it'll more be a case of him pushing through the boundaries of peak human ability to become something....more. Certainly not a god by any stretch, but something more than human. His shots will hit harder, he'll be hardier and a little stronger, and he'll become more accurate than a lifetime of marksmanship could ever allow.

For other characters? It'd be a tech upgrade or a new set of targeting software, some it will be simply part of the evolution of their mutation.

Either way? I for one certainly won't be making the "Duuur, I'm a god, therefore I win' claim.

That's just silly.



Are we talking about how we're explaining it now? I say go any direction you want. The precedent has already been set to explain your connection to the Well in any way you wish. Nobody's forced to integrate the Mender's TF into their own story. Who says there aren't more Excaliburs out there? The Lady might have had a trunk-full of them in a Wal-Mart parking lot. "Hey buddy, wanna inherit the kingdom?" Or how about other cultural weapons. Masamune, etc? Anything would do. Not even just weapons or ancient artifacts. It can be tech, a spell, a mutation that taps into the power. Hell, one of my characters has a suit of power-armor powered by a demon (Aeon stole MY idea, damnit!) and running on a Magickal OS. I plan his connection to be via the demon. Do whatever YOU want.

Even if you don't want to IC acknowledge your alpha slot, sure, okay. However, I do believe that any time you reject anything in the game that allows you to develop your character more, it's your loss. Allow your characters out of the box you wrote them in. The writers/devs have worked extremely hard to translate as many game mechanics as possible into IC terms. Take advantage of it. Integrate!

I was quite amused when I realized the writers pre-empted all the "not connected to the Well" stories out there with the Honoree. You're not connected? Sure you aren't. Okay, yeah. No problem. I believe you. You're definitely not. Mmmhm. ^_^

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I don't see some single one-size-fits-all path to power suiting my characters.

Some of them might come into contact with the Well in some way or another; it almost certainly wouldn't be the rather generic means presented in the Incarnate story arc. It would be something personally tailored to their own character that fit in with their existing story.

Some of them will simply never attain such levels of power as the Well offers. These characters were never meant to be cosmic heroes. One of them is a guy who is just a little bigger, a little stronger, a little tougher than average. He doesn't even have a costume, and hesitates to call himself a hero at all.

Still others already have such power or will find it by other means. One of my characters is already the embodiment of a force of nature. The primary limiter on her power is simply how much of it she can wield without losing her sense of self altogether. Another was contacted by an entity whose power would certainly rival the Well's... and the two might well not get along. It's doubtful the Well could do anything for these already-cosmic powers.

It's... following the game mechanics too closely inhibits the individuality of characters. In many cases, they're more interesting as they are. This isn't to say the Well doesn't have its RP uses; for some characters, it could be an interesting path to follow, and some of mine probably will have their encounters with it. But certainly not all.



My Hero main is a 50 BS/WP scrapper. His excuse is being a 20 HD Warblade. Incarnate will simply equal out to his 21'st HD.

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



According to the arc, becoming an Incarnate for our characters consists of 'acquiring an upgradeable mystic artifact, and then taking steps to upgrade it.' Additional power is bestowed on the character by said artifact, to the extent that they upgrade it. The mystic artifact acts as a conduit for the Well's power. It's a piece of magical plumbing, and especially in the early phases really isn't much stronger than the dozens of other artifacts and gadgets the game has the majority of players pick up, interact with, and keep in their pockets throughout the content. In the form of temp powers, ehancements, inventions, salvage, base equipment, and even inspirations if you want to go that far.

It's not any bigger of a leap than playing your veteran blackwand as an IC magic stick your character's been keeping in their closet in case they ever happened to need it. And nobody thinks twice about someone doing that.

In total it doesn't really seem that incompatible with most characters in the City-verse to me, except ones who are rejecting the game's reality to replace it with their own from the outset. And if you're already ignoring the game world, I guess incarnates just mean you'll have to ignore it a little harder.

"Experience is the mother of good judgement. Bad judgement is the father of experience."



It varies vastly based on the character, all the way from "completed the arc, I'm not an incarnate" to word-for-word accepting all the lore of the arc itself.

My time-traveling Mender is following the game's lore literally. She spoke with Statesman, fought Trapdoor, the whole deal, and is now on "the slow path" collecting Incarnate Shards to become more attuned with her fledgling Incarnate abilities.

My primal "defender of Earth since its creation" elemental character is an Incarnate of Gaia similarly to how Statesman is an Incarnate of Zeus. He's been one since the moment of his creation (by Gaia herself), and will always be one. His power is constant - he's not becoming more powerful ICly as he gains Incarnate slots - he's already at the maximum level of "Incarnate-ness" one can be at.

I don't RP by level, and my Incarnates are powerful because they should be otherwise, not because "omg i am a god nao, bow b4 me." Since I don't RP-fight, conflict is rather moot, but I would never go "um, no, that power doesn't work because I'm an incarnate," and I wouldn't RP with someone who did.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I got into a discussion, and I came to one's a no win situation, no matter which way you go with it.

On the path to incarnate VS those who arent. On the path would be more powerful than those not on it, but in RP land, one has to give and take and play it fair so both sides are equal.

Then you run into the level 5 "But I'm a god! I just haven't gotten to that story arc" or "But I'm just that good, but I've only just gotten onto the scene"

As for how I'm playing it...I always saw my main, not as an incarnate per se, but rather someone who can play on that field and give them a run for the money. where they raise an eyebrow and go, "She shouldn't beable to do this!" then possibly still lose, or pull out the win.
Pretty much my exact thoughts. Though my character comes from another galaxy and lost all his powers in the process. So I just thought of it as him getting some of that back during his whole time in CoH. But since most level 50s are incarnates, it's barely anything acknowledgable.



To RP it or not was a fairly easy choice for me, since my main character is a Troll. I don't think anyone in their right mind would be like.. "Hey, drug addicted, mentally deficient, overly-violent gang member.. I'mma help you get some godlike power! Why? Iunno, just seemed like a good idea at the time."

Besides, I usually find it a bad idea to RP most in-game stuff EXACTLY as it happened.. It'd be odd to Roleplay killing Trapdoor with the 97th other player to go "How could you have killed him, -I- killed him", Etc..



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Pretty much my exact thoughts. Though my character comes from another galaxy and lost all his powers in the process. So I just thought of it as him getting some of that back during his whole time in CoH. But since most level 50s are incarnates, it's barely anything acknowledgable.
Love the Dark Zero pic!

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Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
But since most level 50s are incarnates, it's barely anything acknowledgable.
First log in Friday I saw LFG tags: lvl 50 somthing Incarnate LFG for Candy Farms.

Totally kills the notoriety, just saying.

On a completely different note:
Kind of a bummer profiles no longer list Alphas and went back to IOs. IO set list should go into a new tab. :P



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
First log in Friday I saw LFG tags: lvl 50 somthing Incarnate LFG for Candy Farms.

Totally kills the notoriety, just saying.

Captain Sugar Rush!!
A super speedster with a sugar high!!

He is now high blood sugar incarnate!!!!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



When everyone is all-powerful no one is really a "threat". I don't bother RP'ing it.

Off topic, I for one wish there was a feeling of "risk" being a villain in the game.

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Originally Posted by Space_Cop View Post
Off topic, I for one wish there was a feeling of "risk" being a villain in the game.
If there was, even less people would play villains than are playing now.

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