Off market sales etiquette




I've been running those same old tips day after day and very soon I'll hit 30 Hero merits and, hopefully, the big pay off. However, I have a few questions about how transactions are made off market.

First, do sellers ask for all inf up front or do you accept partial down payments?

Do you e-mail the enhancement/recipe or open a trade window so the buyer can examine the goods?

Finally, would I be better off using the market? Does the security justify lower profit?



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
I've been running those same old tips day after day and very soon I'll hit 30 Hero merits and, hopefully, the big pay off. However, I have a few questions about how transactions are made off market.

First, do sellers ask for all inf up front or do you accept partial down payments?

Do you e-mail the enhancement/recipe or open a trade window so the buyer can examine the goods?

Finally, would I be better off using the market? Does the security justify lower profit?
I've sold a few off market, and my preferred approach has been:

1> Contact buyer via forum and in-game to arrange a transaction time.

2> Buyer GleeMails me inf in however many installments it takes
(999,999,999 is the most inf any Gleemail can hold)

2A> I claim each installment and immediately sock it away on a market bid
that won't win (so, for instance, I bid 1B on a Glad Armor 3% - it won't win
it, but now the inf is mine and safely tucked away)

3> Once I have the inf, I gleemail the shiny to the buyer, and confirm it is

4> Win-Win

In direct answer to your questions;

1> Yes, I ask for the cash up front -- if these items were sold at an
in-game store, the buyer would also have to pay up front there as well.

2> The times I've done it, it was all handled very conveniently through
gleemail as outlined above.

3>That really depends. If you want absolute safety, then yes, use the
market. You'll get nearly 2B (minus 10% fee) guaranteed, and they'll get
their shiny, guaranteed.

However, if you want full value for some of those items, you have to sell
off market currently -- that requires trust from both parties. They have
to believe you've really got the item, and you have to believe they really
have the inf.

As a third alternative (though I've not been involved in such a deal), it
would also be possible to have a 3rd, mutually trusted party, broker the

So, say for instance, somebody like Fulmens, or another well-respected
marketeer served as broker. The seller would send him the shiny, the
buyer would send him the inf, and then he'd forward them on to the
appropriate folks. Presumably, he'd charge a fee for this service, 1-10% ??
and both buyer and seller could feel comfortable with the trade.

Those are some ideas for you on how such a deal might be handled.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



What I've done is either as above by glee mail.

Alternatively since I have toons on every server, glee mail the enhancement to a toon of mine on the relevant server. Use the trade window for them to give me all but 1BN of the price. Trade the enhancement for the last billion.

Have sold 2 4BN enhs in these ways and bought a 2BN.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I have to point it out - typically saving up merits for a pvp IO is not as cost effective as buying lotgs/miracles for 2 merits each.

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



Originally Posted by Lohenien View Post
I have to point it out - typically saving up merits for a pvp IO is not as cost effective as buying lotgs/miracles for 2 merits each.
Lrn2mrkt, I got 4BN for each of my 2 30 merit PvP IOs, are you really getting 266M for a LotG ? (they were about 150M at the time I did my transactions) and mine are off market so no -10% fees.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Interesting. For purples, it's clearly better to do LotGs in general -- you can sell 10 LotGs or celerity stealth procs, and be pretty sure of enough money to buy any one purple recipe. But if the high-end PvP IOs are worth enough more than that... Yeah.

FWIW, I'd be willing to broker deals and not take a cut, I don't care. Since I'm "that seebs", it's not as though I can just disappear.



Originally Posted by Lohenien View Post
I have to point it out - typically saving up merits for a pvp IO is not as cost effective as buying lotgs/miracles for 2 merits each.
It depends how much the pvp io will sell for. Organica did a test with 30 merit rolls. She made 2,299,269,539 or 76,642,318 per merit.
76,642,318 * 35 merits = 2,682,481,129.

This means that it is better to save for the pvp IO instead of rolling recipes if the pvp IO sells for more than 2.7 bill.

What about LotG7.5s? Atm, they are selling at a hi of 250 mil, or 225 mil after market fees.
225 mil / 2 merits = 112.5 mil/merit
112.5 mil * 35 merits = 3.937 bill

What if LotG7.5s dropped to 200 mil?
180 mil / 2 merits = 90 mil/merit
90 * 35 merits = 3.15 bill

If a toon needs money quicker, then selling LotG7.5s is a good alternative. The toon can be built incrementally every 2-3 days by selling LotG7.5s instead of waiting 1-2 months to build up enough merits.



Etiquete wise. You always make sure you are guaranteed your inf first before the IO is distributed. Thats most common and accepted.

For example 3 Billion for a Glad armor proc. The person trades you 2 x 999,999,999 for nothing. Then on trade 3 you trade the IO and the last 999,999,999.

Now I've run into a guy recently who tries telling everyone that you trade the IO on trade 2, as he wants to reduce his risk. However its not the preferred way to do it. That particular player is or was trying to corner the market on high end procs - so he was trying to make it safer for himself since he was throwing so much money around.

But in the end the seller gets the benefit of the doubt. As the seller a point of fairness is before the trade begins you open a trade window and show the buyer you actually possess the IO in question. Then close the window and begin the normal transaction.

I've done a LOT of trading with folks. And if I'm selling I would NEVER put up the IO before all Influence is guaranteed first. Most agree with this.

Over the hills and through the woods.



Originally Posted by crayhal View Post
What about LotG7.5s? Atm, they are selling at a hi of 250 mil, or 225 mil after market fees.

What if LotG7.5s dropped to 200 mil?
I needed two level 25 LotG +rech for a character. On Monday, I walked up to WW, put down 200 mil x2 and walked away with the IOs instantly.

At level 50, LotGs dip as low as 125 mil. They're still a guaranteed income, but they're not worth nearly as much as they used to be.




Just as a question on the market, what is the educated guess about when the PvP IOs will start coming down in price? Is it always going to be 'more people are making more characters, so things will always be more and more expensive' or can anyone see a point in the future where the PvP IOs will start coming down in price? Are we trending up or down?



Originally Posted by PratzStrike View Post
Just as a question on the market, what is the educated guess about when the PvP IOs will start coming down in price? Is it always going to be 'more people are making more characters, so things will always be more and more expensive' or can anyone see a point in the future where the PvP IOs will start coming down in price? Are we trending up or down?
Have they fixed the absence of drops in PvP ? till then, they'll be going up.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by PratzStrike View Post
Just as a question on the market, what is the educated guess about when the PvP IOs will start coming down in price?
Currently, PvP IO's are not dropping. Therefore, the prices will go nowhere but up. Assuming the drops are fixed, it will likely take a LONG time to see any price reductions.

This is based on two conditions:
1) The drop rate is not changed.
2) Farming still continues to occur.
If either of these changes, all bets are off.

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I've never done off market transactions, but I always assumed you did a 1st sale of 2B worth of goods, say 3~5 purps or 10 LotGs or whatever's worth that much *atm* on the markets, then trade them back + another 2B for the PvP recipe. You'd need to roll up alts to meet at a common server and stick the excess inf in wents, use gleemail to setup the intermediary goods, etc, etc, which looks like all sorts of a PitA which is why I never bothered w/off market transactions in the first place. Good to hear there are 4B transactions going on by gleemail only, all on faith.

BTW, I recently dumped a few 50 LotG +rech (crafted) exactly because they were going for over 220M, and in fact, I got 250M for at least one of them. They'll likely stabilize in the 100~150 range again before long so figured I'd take the excess I19-craze cash, since I can churn out all the LotGs I want w/tips (and I will again once I'm done Alpha-ing my 50s).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
BTW, I recently dumped a few 50 LotG +rech (crafted) exactly because they were going for over 220M, and in fact, I got 250M for at least one of them. They'll likely stabilize in the 100~150 range again before long so figured I'd take the excess I19-craze cash, since I can churn out all the LotGs I want w/tips (and I will again once I'm done Alpha-ing my 50s).
I generally see LotG +recharge around 150 million, and attributed the higher price to all the level 50's coming out for respecs with i19. Like you, I have the patience to just buy it with a bit of tipping.

Also, thank you to everyone who has replied. You've been very helpful. I'll probably ask for the 2B up front with the remainder after. It seems like my project was well timed with the bug that is reducing stock.