Would you play with Captain Knockback?




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Dimension Shift is a level 12 power. It cannot have been used while you were level 4.

You must have been mistaken.
Ooops, my mistake. I joined a higher level team when I was lower level.

No, it is Dimension Shift for sure.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



With my melee toons I probably wouldnt have too much of a prob with it. As long as peeps understood that KB, w/o walls around, effects melee utility a lot.

That said, I would make use of walls and any other object to controll the distance of the KB, it is great mitigation and controll if used correctly. I'd also try to specialize in "rag-dolling" enemies through fences, closed doors, forcing heads through walls and stone and watching bodies writhe around... that's just good fun there.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



So long as you don't join speed teams with it, that is awesome.
I, personally, would love it. However, I don't play for speed and efficiency.
Good luck!!

Originally Posted by m3lon View Post
If you're going to do a concept character that helps in a painfully inefficient way, it has to be a Grav/Storm/Leviathan with the teleport pool and about 3 fingers of rye whiskey.

Your scrapper friend needs to get into the fight, so you team tp everybody in. Now the blaster is in trouble so you phase the enemies. Now the scrappers is bored because he doesn't have anything to fight, so Wormhole over another group of enemies. But that scares blaster, so turn on hurricane so he has some room to breathe. But now the enemies are scattered so summon your tornado as far away as you can to reign them end. Oh on tornado is going crazy, so counter it with a Water Spout.

Now consume the whiskey, and wait for dim shift to recharge.

This is a recipe of pure WIN.

Dechs... We need to make the Super Team happen!!
I suggest Freedom, because I am very low on slots on Virtue... (And the juxtaposition just seems right to me.

Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Only a masochist would join the KB super team with a melee AT anyway.
And we need to bring Carlin back to be our sole Tanker!!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oh... If we were to make a Super Team based around this...
Maybe, instead of a sole Tanker... We should have ONE of these:

Best Guide Ever:
A Guide To Misery: Assault Rifle/Ice Manipulation for the Almost-Suicidal

(For those who haven't ever seen that, hehe)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Helpy McHelperson is indeed on Virtue. After all, he's an RP toon -- his character background is that he was tragically orphaned when he came along with his crimefighting parents on Take Your Child To Work Day, "despite his best efforts to help".

Being a lazy bum, I accepted a team invite in Atlas Park, and he is now of a level to be getting some initial IOs. No team kicks yet, though. And yes, he has Dimension Shift. Which strikes me as one of those powers that you could conceivably use in a beneficial way about once a week, maybe.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Ok, fine. Secondary limitation to the group. No melee ATs.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Only a masochist would join the KB super team with a melee AT anyway.
my equal opportunity masochist sadist claws/sr scrapper would disagree, vehemently.

Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
With my melee toons I probably wouldnt have too much of a prob with it. As long as peeps understood that KB, w/o walls around, effects melee utility a lot.

That said, I would make use of walls and any other object to controll the distance of the KB, it is great mitigation and controll if used correctly. I'd also try to specialize in "rag-dolling" enemies through fences, closed doors, forcing heads through walls and stone and watching bodies writhe around... that's just good fun there.
exactly, when rikti invasions started i used to find the primary defence force location and simply circle it using shockwave to flip the edges into the core.

imho, kb is the best secondary effect mitigator out there, despite it's hypothetical unpredicability.


Kittens give Morbo gas.



Just for gits and shiggles, I logged into the beta server and took a run at the first Mender Ramiel mission with an Energy/Energy/Fire (BONFIRE BABY!) blaster (Named Boioioioioing)

Pretty much every power was max-slotted for KB.

Loads of fun and thanks to the Freem boost, was still killing stuff left and right.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I saw, once, a cartoon that had a picture of a harried mom in a kitchen covered with messy stuff, spatters on walls, and so on, and a small child. Caption: "I'm HELPING!"

I have toyed with the idea of building a superhero (or possibly a villain) who is "helping". Say, keeping Gale on auto. Slotting energy blast for knockback.

The question is... Would anyone ever willingly play with a character whose character concept was that the was "helping" in a woefully inefficient way? Would the humor value make up for the inconvenience?

And if so, what is the most inconvenient build you can think of? Emphasis on something that a sufficiently exuberant child might think was "helping".
I used to have a toon named "Second Group Aggro'd". If you want it, it's yours. Have a blast... or a knockback...




If the player's character concept dictated the powers, and I like that player and/or that character, my X-5 will run anything with them at any difficulty setting.

My other characters that are still leveling through content will not do that.



To answer the original question, if I like the person, sure.

Don't worry about powers or skill much.



Would Captain Knockback play with Storm Bunny Nova? She is a Storm/Energy, very heavy slotted for KB.

Once, in a TF, there was a tank that was annoying me and the others on team... I told then (by tells) to be away from the Tanker and from Storm Bunny for a few seconds (or not, if they wanted debt). I got so much aggro around us with strategic use of Gale and Tornadoes (and Energy Torrents) that we actually had a very hard time surviving. The tanker didnt. He wasnt prepared for total chaos. From that moment on we (minus the tanker) started to compete on who could make the worst situation go even worst. It was fun in a malefic way...

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I saw, once, a cartoon that had a picture of a harried mom in a kitchen covered with messy stuff, spatters on walls, and so on, and a small child. Caption: "I'm HELPING!"

I have toyed with the idea of building a superhero (or possibly a villain) who is "helping". Say, keeping Gale on auto. Slotting energy blast for knockback.

The question is... Would anyone ever willingly play with a character whose character concept was that the was "helping" in a woefully inefficient way? Would the humor value make up for the inconvenience?

And if so, what is the most inconvenient build you can think of? Emphasis on something that a sufficiently exuberant child might think was "helping".
Sure, I would run perma dimension shift/repel man or My own KB Monster. Energy/Energy blaster, FF/Energy Defender or Peacebringer.

Considering the differing viewpoints on Knockback this post is asking for a flamesuit.

I would probably avoid such a team personally. I don't find it amusing at all unless the Captain KB player is playing the scrapper and the other 7 team members are "helping"

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Grouped with a pair of masterminds. A good time was had by all. It wasn't fast, it wasn't efficient... but it was a blast. And full of hilarity.

I was really, really, impressed with the amount of mitigation provided by knockback, knockdown, knockup, and the like. I could keep a small number of things basically incapable of acting, and substantially reduce the output of larger groups.



I tried this experiment on Liberty. I didn't tell my regular teammates what I was doing but I lvl'd a Nrg/Elec/Fire Blaster named K-Baxx (code of Knockback). I slotted 95% of my attacks with Force Feedback and Kin Crash. Surprised myself how much KB that /Elec does. Bonfire and RotP helps too.

Lets say he has been collecting dust for a bit now once 50 and slotted. I'm told I'm kicked from any TF with I log that alt on.

*edit: Also forgot to say I added up enough -KB for myself its really hard for anyone to knock this blaster off his feet.

@Absolut. and @Absolut-

Liberty Server's own Liquor Store Owner.
Way to many 50's to list here...and adding....



FF/Energy Defender. I clearly state that Knockback is my primary purpose, and never have trouble getting on (or staying on) teams. But then, I actually know how to use Knockback effectively. >.>



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
I'd pull out my Illusion/Storm and join in the fun. I generally think of Ill/Storm as the King of Chaos. But probably Storm/Energy Defender would have the most knockback.
As a fellow Illusion/Storm controller, i can confirm this. My peacebringer is pretty bad about knockback, but pretty much every button on my controller's hotbar should be labeled "Cause Chaos".



In terms of pure griefing IMO nothing compares to a Force Fielder with high defenses running perma Force Bubble and Super Speed together. Combine that with Gravity Control for the horrible horrible Dimension Shift and you can pretty much shut down anything your teammates might have wanted to do.



No. I have no issue with people genuinely believing they're helping when they're not, but if we're talking about someone purposefully using knockback to make things harder, forget it. The humor value I can find in that is close to zero and I'm not a RPer, so I wouldn't think twice before either giving the boot or going my own way with such a player on my team.



With great power comes great responsibility.

You can be a talented Stormie for example or a wreckless one. I wouldn't be chasing things around the room barely getting an attack out that's for sure. I wouldn't be happy to be constantly compromised by someone making everything inefficient. You'd be going left and I'll be going right if you're hardwork. I'm not anti knockback I just don't have all day.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Here is the thing, I decided several years ago that if a power is in the game and a player has selected it what right do I have to tell them not to use them?

I have seen people here say it's griefing to use knockback?

Seriously? It is one of the most used powers for players - the list of things with knockdown/Up is very long. If you decide to roll with it and let players have FUN - suddenly the game is much better. If you seek only the optimal xp per second - then stay in Rikti monkey hell.



If I know what I'm getting into then sure. It would be fun having such a chaotic team like that.

It seems to be the 'in thing' to be loving knockback right now, and some of the lovers make a big strawman and pretend that it's never used irresponsibly.

For the comment immediately above: I don't have any hesitation at all to ask a player to be careful about how they use their knockback. If they don't or they get snarky then I'll just quit. No big deal but it's silly to just sit there and not do anything about something that you aren't enjoying.



I'm gonna say that what your talking about is performance art that is only going to be funny to you and anyone playing in the same room as you. I've considered doing something like this myself with different specs or with really annoying rp like a toon in all white that refuses to step in sewage and I've always decided I'm not a big enough A-hole to do it.

I've kicked storm trollers just for being irresponsible and not listening to instructions.



Originally Posted by Hand_of_Vecna View Post
I'm gonna say that what your talking about is performance art that is only going to be funny to you and anyone playing in the same room as you.
Empirically, this is untrue. I say this because I have already successfully teamed with people on this toon, and I went out of my way to be Very Helpful (porting in new spawns while people were coming out of elevators, knocking things around, etcetera), and we had a blast. And yes, I know they had fun. I advertised for people I could "help" with all my lovely grav/storm powers, on a character named Helpy McHelperson. I got people who wanted to do this, and we had an incredible time. Possibly the slowest alignment tip I've ever run, but it was fun, and we spent the time chattering and making jokes while we watched robots run across the room to try to knock things back even further.



lol, I have an eng/eng blaster named jimmy knockback (y'know, like the song, jimmy knockback and I don't care)

I also have a DP/Eng Blaster that only gets slotted with KB IOs.



Originally Posted by Hand_of_Vecna View Post
I'm gonna say that what your talking about is performance art that is only going to be funny to you and anyone playing in the same room as you. I've considered doing something like this myself with different specs or with really annoying rp like a toon in all white that refuses to step in sewage and I've always decided I'm not a big enough A-hole to do it.

I've kicked storm trollers just for being irresponsible and not listening to instructions.
And what you consider acceptable instructions?

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.