Would you play with Captain Knockback?




Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
And what you consider acceptable instructions?
Presumably if he's kicking people he's the team leader so whatever he says is fine.

If you don't like it, leave.

However I presume you are trying to find something wrong in whatever his instructions are.



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
Presumably if he's kicking people he's the team leader so whatever he says is fine.

If you don't like it, leave.

However I presume you are trying to find something wrong in whatever his instructions are.
Well, sometimes I see people acting like this should be a single-player game with IA team members.

Only thing is... It isnt. Every single person on a team is a unique individual, and for some the overuse of control is actually pretty annoying.

I never had to kick anyone from the teams I assemble, and normally my only command is "Have Fun, No Drama".

And very rarelly i found necessary to leave a team because of the positioning of the leader. Mostly because of me playing with cherished friends, and we all know our styles.

** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



I'd probably play on a team with Captain Knockback for a little while, just for the humor value. I doubt I'd stick around for long though.



Originally Posted by BunnyAnomaly View Post
Presumably if he's kicking people he's the team leader so whatever he says is fine.

If you don't like it, leave.

However I presume you are trying to find something wrong in whatever his instructions are.
Imagine, if you will, the instruction "don't waste endurance on those stupid powers, just heal."

While the team leader is certainly allowed to run a team by whatever rules, it's sometimes nice to distinguish between "rules I personally don't enjoy" and "rules which are provably stupid."



For the original question -- I played once a couple years ago during a winter event with a player who was being an overzealous, helpful sidekick type person who would run in to groups and fight like mad. He said he was modeling himself after an incarnation of "Robin".

He was extremely annoying. I'm not all about maximum xp/sec or steamrolling things, and I am happy to die here and there, but he was running in and grabbing the attention of the whole room, Snaptooth included, when we absolutely could not handle that. As long as he was on the team, we would keep faceplanting. The only times we could function was when he was eating dirt.

I'm all for having fun and being silly (and I'm usually a big talker in my teams, wasting time with chatter) but if we can't function at all together, I don't want you around.

Your toon sounds fun and I wouldn't mind playing with you, as long as we can keep it controlled and contained. If your antics wind up killing everybody over and over and over, well, that's not fun for the rest of us. It's only fun if we can keep our toons alive.

So if everybody survives, with the ocassional faceplant, then more power to you and I want in. If it's teamwipe after teamwipe, well, I'll stay over here thanks.

Jazra -- Level 50 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Swayvill -- Level 50 Plant/Psi Dominator
Droshalla -- Level 50 Warshade
Latro Dectus -- Level 50 Fortunata
Starseeds -- Level 50 Elec/Storm controller



Originally Posted by Jazra View Post
For the original question -- I played once a couple years ago during a winter event with a player who was being an overzealous, helpful sidekick type person who would run in to groups and fight like mad. He said he was modeling himself after an incarnation of "Robin".

He was extremely annoying. I'm not all about maximum xp/sec or steamrolling things, and I am happy to die here and there, but he was running in and grabbing the attention of the whole room, Snaptooth included, when we absolutely could not handle that. As long as he was on the team, we would keep faceplanting. The only times we could function was when he was eating dirt.

I'm all for having fun and being silly (and I'm usually a big talker in my teams, wasting time with chatter) but if we can't function at all together, I don't want you around.

Your toon sounds fun and I wouldn't mind playing with you, as long as we can keep it controlled and contained. If your antics wind up killing everybody over and over and over, well, that's not fun for the rest of us. It's only fun if we can keep our toons alive.

So if everybody survives, with the ocassional faceplant, then more power to you and I want in. If it's teamwipe after teamwipe, well, I'll stay over here thanks.
It brings up an interesting point of counter balance that I think people on either side of such things can forget about.
When this is part of role-playing, the other characters also have to play their role and that might very well mean (partly) correcting/helping or ditching the menace.

Usually the problems arise when 1) the other role-players don't consider the fact that they're free to role-play and interact to try and make things better or 2) the offender is immune to all attempts to generate some acceptability in regards to OOC playtime fun.
And 2) even includes a more extreme imbalance from the offender... when they are simply pushing things so far it defies the reality of the offending character. When constant faceplants mean absolutely nothing, it can greatly cheapen the whole experience and the role-play value. If that character had real thoughts and emotions and a shred of intelligence, they might either rethink their approach or rethink being involved in fighting at all.
The balance of any extreme thing such as this is generally taking it short of the point of extreme failure (let alone repeated extreme failures, hehe).
Much, much, much fun can be had through perseverance (through intentional or unintentional snafus). Repeated, completely overwhelmingly impossible odds might be fun for a set theme of imbecilic moron fighters of inept proportions (alright, who's in on this super team idea?), but, short of that, as in all cases of interactive/collaborative playing... everyone has to conceded and bend a little.

I don't have any steadfast rules and generally gravitate towards giving everyone the benefit of the doubt and a chance (or two) to get things right and well and we'll all have fun.
If/when that doesn't pan out, then, yeah, it's time to walk.

I do hope to run into Helpy sometime!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Ok, we have talked and talked and how about we form a Knockback Night team?

I know we have tanker Tuesday - how about Knockback Thursday? Being Thorsday it is a great time to fire up Lightning storm and knock 'em flying!



Originally Posted by Jazra View Post
Your toon sounds fun and I wouldn't mind playing with you, as long as we can keep it controlled and contained. If your antics wind up killing everybody over and over and over, well, that's not fun for the rest of us. It's only fun if we can keep our toons alive.
My experience thus far is that it's slow but not usually fatal. In fact, he's impressively high mitigation compared to some other troller builds I've tried.

I try to aim for "disruptive enough to make things interesting". A lone minion getting knocked off a balcony and shooting at us from far away could be funny, or irritating, but won't kill us all. A single group ported in at the elevators is not going to be a big deal with 6 large robots waiting to gank them. So, you know... Enthusiastic stupidity, but carefully tweaked to tend to work out.

Irresponsible Captain Tylor, maybe.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

That's it. Superteam forming.

To join you must have: Storm Summoning, Illusion Control, Gravity Control, Energy Blast, or Force Fields. Kinetics if and only if you take repel.

Anyone with an AoE immob with -kb is not welcome.
Don't forget Peacebringers. Those squids put out hella knockback when they try.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Lets not forget the SS toons with handclap



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

That's it. Superteam forming.

To join you must have: Storm Summoning, Illusion Control, Gravity Control, Energy Blast, or Force Fields. Kinetics if and only if you take repel.
Add Assault Rifle to the list, with their Slug, Buckshot, and Grenade powers.

My Knockback character is an AR/Storm corruptor named Agent Cyclone, who has slotted most of his powers for knockback. On teams I try to keep it toned down, using Lightning Storm rarely and never using Tornado or Gale. But every once in a while I like to cut loose. The results can be messy and epic.

New Webcomic -- Genocide Man
Life is funny. Death is funnier. Mass slaughter can be hilarious.



My Ninjas/FF/Field Mastery mastermind is pretty insane on the knockback, too.