Young Justice Premiere - Nov 26th 7pm




Originally Posted by Knightfox View Post
I don't expect Red Arrow to actually join the team, if what I've read is correct and Artemis will be their archer.

I missed the show, anybody know if it can be watched online anywhere?

your welcome.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Thanks from me as well, that was pretty cool. Though I suppose I'm used to Robin being more of a take charge leader than he seemed in this, he came across too young here. Looking forward to them working in more characters, Miss Martian and Artemis for certain and hopefully Wonder Girl and others as well. Not crazy about Kid Flash sporting the Impulse goggles.

Anybody notice that Zatarra was a league member? Seems pretty obvious that's a setup for his daughter Zatanna to appear later on as a possible new member. When I first saw that devil guy's silhouette, I thought it was Kid Devil or something. Looking forward to seeing more episodes, and I love that they don't shy away from having the league make appearances. I suspect that lots of teen characters will make appearances, sidekicks and offspring of the heroes and villains. I read that they had 50 or 60 to choose from to make their team, had no idea there were that many in the DCU.

Gotta go back and watch some JLU now that I've got my fires stoked.



I also want a lil Genome as a pet. They are so cute!

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
He was still developing, and getting used to his powers. Plus, his suit was designed to absorb Solar Radiation, which (Much like Superman) gives him his powers.
I can accept that. We don't know for sure if Superman on this Earth developed his powers early like the silver age, or later like after the Byrne reboot. The fact he was in the suit absorbing solar energy at 2x rate may be the reason SB would even have powers to any degree by that physiological age.

Well, keep in mind that this was most likely the first time that Superboy was outside his tube.
I've got a hunch Cadmus may have deployed him before on a mission as a test, maybe for something nefarious. Just a gut feeling, but I also recognize that him not knowing he couldn't fly takes away from that theory.

Drugs'll do that to you.
I'm not sure they'll go that route. The same writer just did an extended anti-drug arc on Spectacular Spider-Man, so I don't know. I like the idea that Speedy walking helped the Leaguers take a chance on the other kids; seeing what keeping them in the dark/on the sidelines too much can lead to.

I also want to echo what some others have said about deadbeat Superdad. The only way I can defend his reaction is that this is a fairly young Superman with less experience and we have no idea what his life is like: Are his folks still around? What's his status with Lois? All of that could have shaped his reaction. Also, in the comics, he didn't get off on the right foot with Superboy then either. At least in the comics at the time, each of them not being thrilled that the other was around was mutual.

People who've been following the interviews about the show know eventually SB will take the Kent name, so likely he'll gain Superman's acceptance before too long.




Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
I also want a lil Genome as a pet. They are so cute!
Was I the only one thinking "Rikti Monkey!"

Seriously. Little psionic buggers that hop around...




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I also want to echo what some others have said about deadbeat Superdad. The only way I can defend his reaction is that this is a fairly young Superman with less experience and we have no idea what his life is like: Are his folks still around? What's his status with Lois? All of that could have shaped his reaction. Also, in the comics, he didn't get off on the right foot with Superboy then either. At least in the comics at the time, each of them not being thrilled that the other was around was mutual.
Superman is at least in his early 30s, probably 33.

Also in this continuity, if the events of the Jr issues are not simulations as they were shown to be then both Batman and Superman have children, and possibly have wives.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I'm not sure they'll go that route. The same writer just did an extended anti-drug arc on Spectacular Spider-Man, so I don't know. I like the idea that Speedy walking helped the Leaguers take a chance on the other kids; seeing what keeping them in the dark/on the sidelines too much can lead to.
But showing Speedy/Red Arrow being a bigger and bigger a-hole as the series goes on and then revealing a drug addiction would be one heck of an anti-drug arc. Plus, Speedy WAS a drug addict in the comics. Granted, it may not happen on Earth-16, but who knows?



Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
From what I understand Speedy comes back as the Red Arrow later in the series.

Another thing from what I understand there was copyright/legal issues preventing them bringing in Wonder Girl at the beginning of the story and she will be coming in later.
Thanks for both of those. Yeah I can see Speedy's return as "RA"...and frankly I just don't think it's fair that Superman gets Superboy, Batman gets Robin, but Wonder Woman..the third leg of "The Trinity" gets...the shaft?

Naw. Not fair. But it's nice to see WG will show up at SOME point.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
He was meeting his clone. I mean, how would you react if you suddendly learned that some secret organization had cloned you?
I'd probably act a lot like Superman did to Superboy. I didn't mean it as a slight to Kal-El...just more of an observation. It's probably good he wasn't any more freaked out than he showed!

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
On another note, I was amused with the Kid Flash/Speedy joke.

"No, Speedy is Green Arrows sidekick!"
"But that doesen't make any sense!"
"Look! It's Flashboy!"

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by Teldon View Post
I also want a lil Genome as a pet. They are so cute!
*eyes go white*

"Yes. You want a Genome. They are totally not dangerous at all and require very little care. Plus, they are stylish and will make you the life of the party. This is not an endorsement from the Cadmus Corporation..."


- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
*eyes go white*

"Yes. You want a Genome. They are totally not dangerous at all and require very little care. Plus, they are stylish and will make you the life of the party. This is not an endorsement from the Cadmus Corporation..."

Please it would have to fight my cats for the pure evil mind control thingie.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



I watched this with my 3-year-old son yesterday. Really exciting and action packed. The animation was really impressive. I wish they would make another Justice League series with that quality of animation. Anyway, we both really enjoyed the show and will continue watching.

I'm assuming that Robin was Tim and maybe we will see Dick as Nightwing at some point. Also, I think that the Flash in the League was Wally and that Kid Flash is really Impulse. It may not be true, but that's how I'm going to enjoy the show.




Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
I watched this with my 3-year-old son yesterday. Really exciting and action packed. The animation was really impressive. I wish they would make another Justice League series with that quality of animation. Anyway, we both really enjoyed the show and will continue watching.
But this is a Justice League series. All the kids are in the Justice League and are interacting with other League members and villains. The show is just not from the perspective of the Big Seven.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
But this is a Justice League series. All the kids are in the Justice League and are interacting with other League members and villains. The show is just not from the perspective of the Big Seven.

I appreciate the presence of the JL but I want another cartoon focused on them, not as back up players for Young Justice. I want what I want!




Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
I watched this with my 3-year-old son yesterday. Really exciting and action packed. The animation was really impressive. I wish they would make another Justice League series with that quality of animation. Anyway, we both really enjoyed the show and will continue watching.

I'm assuming that Robin was Tim and maybe we will see Dick as Nightwing at some point. Also, I think that the Flash in the League was Wally and that Kid Flash is really Impulse. It may not be true, but that's how I'm going to enjoy the show.
You are of course able to enjoy the show however you want. Just curious though, what's wrong with them setting the show in another Earth different than the comics, as they done, and accepting it that way?

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Forefinger_ View Post
I'm assuming that Robin was Tim and maybe we will see Dick as Nightwing at some point. Also, I think that the Flash in the League was Wally and that Kid Flash is really Impulse. It may not be true, but that's how I'm going to enjoy the show.
For the record, Robin is Dick Grayson, Kid Flash is Wally West. But hey, whatever floats your boat.



I enjoyed it. One thing that's hard to pull off in an ensemble superhero show is to ensure each character has a purpose, especially when they are as wildly different as Robin and Superboy. Giving Robin the "brains of the outfit" role was a - ahem - no-brainer, but showing him to be a natural leader and adept at tactics without taking away from the others and making them seem like dumb bricks was a fine balancing act they pulled off quite well.

Some of the dialogue was excellent, as well. I liked the "over-, under- and whelmed" running bit but I actually laughed aloud at the "Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick / that makes no sense" line. The only two bits I didn't really care for were Speedy's reaction compared to the others' non-reaction, then as soon as he leaves Kid Flash takes up the same rant and then Superman at the end seemed to be at a loss for words, which is understandable, but they made him seem so muddled and un-Superman-like that it was a head-scratcher. Those minor quibbles aside, it was overall quite enjoyable, much better than I expected.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
For the record, Robin is Dick Grayson, Kid Flash is Wally West. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
I don't like "why" they did that. I understand it, but don't agree with it.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
You are of course able to enjoy the show however you want. Just curious though, what's wrong with them setting the show in another Earth different than the comics, as they done, and accepting it that way?
Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
For the record, Robin is Dick Grayson, Kid Flash is Wally West. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
It's different from normal DCU continuity. I get it, but when Robin acts like Tim, i.e. all the computer hacking stuff, and Kid Flash acts like Bart, and not Wally, then it changes my enjoyment of the show a bit. Also, Barry Allen was wearing Wally West's version of the Flash costume. If they wanted the look and the attitudes of those characters, why not just have those characters fill those roles?

Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
I don't like "why" they did that. I understand it, but don't agree with it.
Exactly. They just shoehorned the classic characters into the roles that they had grown out of that were being filled by others.




So wait... is Miss Martian part of this or not? Cause she was the main reason I was interested when I originally heard about it.



Originally Posted by OzzieArcane View Post
So wait... is Miss Martian part of this or not? Cause she was the main reason I was interested when I originally heard about it.
She's there. She gets introduced at the end of the episode.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Rush_Bolt View Post
She's there. She gets introduced at the end of the episode.

*Squeels like a schoolgirl*



Finally got around to taking a look at this and all I can say is WTF?

Blaqualad? What was wrong with Garth?

Yes, alternate Earth, yadda yadda, but this doesn't do justice (meh, no pun) to either Young Justice or the Titans. Points for using the Mike Grell look on Ollie, though, but that's about the only positive thing I can say. Other than 'it looks better than Teen Titans' but really, I can't think of anything worse than Teen Titans, so that's hardly a compliment.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
Winston Churchill