Soloing +4/x8?
Well, for some anecdotal "data," my wife's claws/SR scrapper has done +4/x8 on a lotta enemy types, has completed the RWZ challenge, and soloed the big ol' ambush at the end of Mission 1 of the ITF. Her build has zero purples/PVPIOs, but she is softcapped and has Aid Self. My DM/SR brute is a killing machine and doesn't seem to ever die, but I haven't tried her on the RWZ challenge or and +4/x8 solo missions. She's built without purple/PVPIOs, softcapped and leverages Siphon Life and Darkest Night to good advantage. I'm sure she could take on some +4/x8 and win. My bots/traps does really well, but I have only tried a few Council missions at +4/x8, and succeeded. My build has exactly two purples (the pet buildup proc and the ragnaproc in caltrops) and otherwise has nothing special going for it at all.
Not all enemy groups are equal, and there are some that I would never take on at +4/x8. Longbow, Arachnos, Vanguard, and some others that slip my mind at the moment.
Yeah, I have the same problem, though I run at lower difficulties. I wouldn't try Longbow or Arachnos as anything/x8. Not when they can send your defense of resistance to the floor.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
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When I think soloing +4/x8, I normally think softcapped Brutes or Scrappers. Tanks can do it even easier of course, but it's going to take them a lot longer. Some very high end Controller builds can also do it simply by locking down everything, but +4s tend to resist debuffs and controls pretty well (about 50% reduction as I recall) so it's dangerous. I'd probably go with something like a softcapped Stone/Shield Brute with Aid Self... you want a primary that has decent mitigation, softcapped defense, and ideally some additional protections. You also want decent AoE damage so you aren't there all day. If you don't mind restricting yourself to only mobs that do primarily S/L damage a melee softcapped Stone/Invulnerability or SS/Invul might also work well.
Of course there is one way to solo virtually any group at +4/x8 without even needing IOs. It's very long and tedious and gives little XP or rewards, but it works. Just take any character with Mind or Illusion Control and confuse one mob at a time while staying out of aggro range... Mind Permadoms can even do it to AVs / Heroes.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636
Which mobs makes a difference.
If the mobs are susceptible to kd, and don't have very high smashing resistance, a stone melee brute can prob'ly solo them without much in the way of IOs. 5th column and council, I'm looking at you.
No purples, no PvP IOs.
Just a Dark Armor/Fire Melee tank with about 300 million invested, and I manage +4/x8 Malta and Carnies without problems.
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The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
My SS/Elec Brute, Elec/Fire Tanker and Fire/Shield Scrapper can all do several enemy groups at +4/x8, in that order of effectiveness. As mentioned before it largely depends on which enemy groups you're fighting; CoT, Council, Crey, Rikti, Nemesis, Malta, KoA and Carnies may range from easy to moderate in difficulty. But Arachnos, Longbow, Devouring Earth and Rularuu can be tricky.
Each one of them has just under a billion inf invested in their builds, but then again I built them some time ago and prices may've gone up.
I run +4 X 8 on my claws/sr scrap and dm/invuln brute. Without really cherry pickin my enemy groups. I can run radios all day long. Arachnos/longbow are much more difficult.
Though the brute is too single target to be really effective at it.
Id imagine mez protection is a must and wouldn't try it on a toon without it.
If built right I can't think of 1 melee AT that couldn't do it. Though of course powerset choices would limit to what degree how fast u run through mobs.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
So it looks like the big thing is to have defense soft caps and good AoE damage, yes?
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
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How does it fare against enemy types Dark Armour isn't specifically tooled to counter?
IIRC (and Dechs please correct me if I'm wrong) he softcapped his Tanker to energy as well as smashing/lethal damage. So that would help a lot.
If you can get the endurance useage on Dark Regen to a manageable level (which is very doable with the Theft of Essence proc) then DA becomes very tough indeed. Being able to refill your health bar every 15-20s is massive. For reference, my /FA Brute with upwards of 90% recharge gets Healing Flames back in about 11-12 seconds and that's only a 50% heal.
The biggest problem with fighting +4x8 on a Tanker is going to be killspeed. You can get Brutes and Scrappers tough enough to take on +4x8 spawns handily, but getting a Tanker in shape to kill them with any speed is much more difficult.
That said, on a budget it'll generally be more expensive to equip a Brute/Scrapper to take on those kind of spawns.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
How does it fare against enemy types Dark Armour isn't specifically tooled to counter?
I've done the RWZ challenge while standing next to a pylon.
Defense debuffs can hurt.
I did the first mission of an MoITF set for +4 by accident.
Longbow does cause problems, especially since I don't have mitigation in my melee set besides "kill them." Arachnos I generally don't have a problem with.
Can you provide some examples of mobs that I should have problems with?
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Can you provide some examples of mobs that I should have problems with?

The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
If you don't have trouble with a +4/x8 Kora fruit mission (i.e. Rularuu) in the Shadow Shards, I'll be bleedin' amazed... And the first to congratulate you
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I was just amazed that Eiko would claim Malta are tailored to Dark Armor, and was asking for some "common enemies" that wouldn't be tailored to fight Dark Armor.
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Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I've seen it mentioned a bit around the forums, that people are capable of creating characters that can take on missions with maxed out difficulty. I'm just curious as to how that works, what sort of archtype and build is required, how many billions you have to stuff into IO's, and if it's a general thing, or is it only a limited set of circumstances, confined essentially to optimizing yourself for one particular farm mission to run over and over again?
When I came back to the game, I think March. I read and heard people in game talking about Defense cap. I asked on the forums and someone pointed me to Dechs thread I linked above. Upon reading the thread and rereading it and then following the links in that thread to the wiki and reading those and rereading those. It was as if a light bulb turned on.. I was pretty much OMG what a Schmuck I was all these years.
End result is I began respecing all my toons slowly over to defense cap. My first was an Dark Electric Defender which is decent but very dependent on Darkest Night, but still great. My 2nd was Robot Traps Mastermind which I started from scratch. Then was a Assault Rifle Traps Defender along with a Sonic Traps. Anyways you get the point. I respeced some others along the line as well.
Pretty much for me now I am a Defense cap junkie. All my builds deal around having some sort of defense cap. I do not play the Market game as I find it a bit annoying, but I do run Hero / Villain Missions with my Defense cap toons just to obtain the merits. My builds are around the 100 million mark some are a bit more and some are a bit less, since I have several respecs on all my toons I used 1 or 2 to salvage good IOs I had over the years to help compensate the cost of the build.
Out of all the build types I think Traps is the easiest to help get your defense capped ( If you haven't figured that out yet by all my builds ). The next is as you mentioned in other postings AOE type attacks. There is not enough I can say about Traps. Traps and Kinetics are about the 2 best power sets in the game. Traps because it just makes you godly and Kinetics because you never get turned down from a team. You could be Kinetics / Shoemaker and get on a team.
So if your going for your first Defense Cap toon, I would suggest some sort of Traps. If I had to pick a full set toon for you I would go with Traps Sonic Defender with the Electric mastery for Power Sink. Sonic has the nice Debuff.
I have not done 4/8 but I have done with several toons 2/8. From what I have read and heard in game, running 4/8 is more of a test to see if you can do it. But is not necessary if your looking to farm some mission to obtain good IOs or tickets. Some have said 1/8 with no bosses where as others say 2/6 with bosses.
Nutshell if an average player with limited funds can do it anyone can. I do have builds I would like to aspire to once the funds become available which contain Purple IOs. Pretty much on on my Robot Traps Mastermind. The great thing about Robot Traps is I can actually run around with no Robots and just use traps.
As a side note I would suggest creating a SG / VG to hold salvage and created IOs for yourself. I might have gone overboard as I now have 1 on each side to hold items for me. It really can be a pain sometimes, but again I hate feeling I am getting swindled at the market when I am looking to do a respec or a build. Plus it is a good place to hold your IOs for your builds when you respec.
Hope this helps you out
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
Well, name one kind of melee character that doesn't have trouble with that.
I was just amazed that Eiko would claim Malta are tailored to Dark Armor, and was asking for some "common enemies" that wouldn't be tailored to fight Dark Armor. |
But WP tends to do well against Rularuu enemies.
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
Actually I do have a defensive softcap toon, she's a Shield/SS Tanker. I think I've done +2/x8 with her, but it's kind of slow going.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
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Everything in my sig except the fire/ss tank can do +4/8, and all but the inv/em and fire/ss can solo AVs, though the level varies depending on the character.
You definitely need defense whatever happens; you wont be killing entire groups in a couple of volleys of AoEs. As the enemies get stronger and stronger the need for defense starts to outweigh the need for damage. Debuffs will be especially painful, and of course some characters have an easier time of soloing things than other characters.
For instance, the WP tank needs inspirations or strength of will to solo +4/8 cimerorans, and occasionally needs to use some blues against +4/8 arachnos, but the dom can typically handle those without inspirations. On the other hand, the dom can't solo groups of storm elementals and both the dom and fort have a lot of problems with Rularuu too, while the WP tanker can handle those without too much difficulty although it's veeery slow and becomes much more difficult if there are no wisp overseers.
Active (Freedom): Setna (Ice/Psi Dom), Arram (WP/KM Tank), Tesmiel (Elec/SS Tank), Astredax (Robot/Dark Mastermind), Operative Vidali (melee fortunata)
Retired (Virtue): Gaav (Inv/EM Tank), Baqra (Fire/SS Tank)
I bet he was talking about the end drain protection in dark. Once you take out the sapper threat, Malta aren't very tough.
I will admit that I thought Dark Consumption was in Dark Armour, because I so often stick Dark Armour and Dark Melee together in my head for no real good reason. The End-Drain resistance in Murky Cloud is high enough that it shouldn't make that much difference, though.
To be honest, though, I'm not sure of an enemy type that Dechs's Dark Tanker wouldn't do well against, except maybe Rularuu.
To be honest, though, I'm not sure of an enemy type that Dechs's Dark Tanker wouldn't do well against, except maybe Rularuu.
Vanguard are pretty damn near impossible without inspies.
But thanks much for the compliment!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
Well, I don't consider using inspirations to be cheating, so you're still good in my book.
On my Fire/dark corruptor I can do some types at +4x8 but it is pointless. I can roll thru +2x8 and do 3 or 4 missions of those faster than a single +4x8.
I can easily herd 2 or 3 groups on the wall in Cim and kill them regardless of the level they are. I can survive solo killing the Crystals on an ITF speed run. All of this obviously depends on the perfect storm - where your debuffs miss and your defense rolls snake eyes and you go from perfect to dead in an instant.
In rough fights I set my heal on auto quickly and just keep pouring on damage and Howling twilight/tarpit and fears. In most cases this works just fine and if my -recharge procs hit quickly (I have 4 different powers with them) the boss/AV can't attack quickly enough to kill me or do enough damage to even make me heal.
I stood toe to toe with Recluse on an STF run when the Stone tank got ganked until I could cycle Howling again.
I've seen it mentioned a bit around the forums, that people are capable of creating characters that can take on missions with maxed out difficulty. I'm just curious as to how that works, what sort of archtype and build is required, how many billions you have to stuff into IO's, and if it's a general thing, or is it only a limited set of circumstances, confined essentially to optimizing yourself for one particular farm mission to run over and over again?