Discussion: The Rikti are back!




Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
Wanted to reiterate this problem because Virtue invasions are still not working properly. Waited around for an hour and a half last night, no invasions. I logged on this morning to see the "Rikti are retreating..." announcements from two zones, waited around for an hour and no Invasions were announced.

I sincerely hope this is not working as intended because if it is I will likely not be able to get the accolade on the two characters I want it for.
from what I saw yesterday on triumph, there are 4 waves that happen in about a 30-45 minute span, then approx two hours after the start of the last invasion, the next wave happens (5:00, 7:00 & 9:05PM CST)



On justice we waited quite some time... maybe 2 hrs last night in between attacks... The problem really for me though is.. instead of spreading them out over s few maps... just have them hit one REALLY hard. zombies hit harder than the rikti do.

also, when i was on, everyone went to one map anyhow, and ignored the other two... so just thrash one map really hard for a longer period of time... especialyl if we have to wait for so long in between.



Ok,I got on yesterday and Today and I waited 1 hour and 30 minutes with my friends and we waited and finally did 1 invasion and then we waited another 2 hours and nothing, Today i Logged in at 4:45 pm eastern time and as of this minute (6:30pm Eastern) we have yet to have an invasion. if this is supposed to be a constant invasion then the DEV team needs to expand it for two weeks at this rate i will get maybe 1 or 2 toons in during this ALL weekend event. And from what i have read alot of people are paying for this game and are not having fun waiting, this is not a good thing to happen when you have Lego universe and so DC universe starting up. i hate to mention other online RPGs, but if i was playing both games i could get alot more accoumplished playing the other game in 2 hours than i could here. just my .02, In the past it was never this long of a wait so i am not sure what needs to be done but something in the next 2 days needs to change so that people can get on and have fun.

Thank you




Do Rikti attack Praetoria by chance?

Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!



Good question Big King, I was wondering that myself. It would be cool if they did.

Cancel the kitchen scraps for widows and lepers, no more merciful beheadings and call off christmas!



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Do Rikti attack Praetoria by chance?
Originally Posted by 2short2care View Post
Good question Big King, I was wondering that myself. It would be cool if they did.
It would also completely break canon. The Rikti are generally not aggressive and only briefly attacked/scouted in Praetoria while tracking the attack on their world back to Primal Earth. (In case there was any doubt: Nemesis did it.) Basically, after Cole and the Praetorian crew hit the Rikti advance force so hard that they were farting teeth the Rikti said, "Bad: ours. Apologies: to you. Returning: never." They then eventually found the trail to Primal Earth and the First Rikti Invasion started.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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This event is so much fun. Thank you CoX team!



Originally Posted by Gemini_2099 View Post
This event is so much fun. Thank you CoX team!
What part of it is so much fun? Waiting and waiting and waiting for attacks to arrive? Massive Laser Death from Above because there's hardly anybody in the zone (probably because many players got sick of waiting and logged off)? This event is a giant disappointment compared to previous Rikti invasions.



Originally Posted by Big_King View Post
Do Rikti attack Praetoria by chance?
No - they haven't discovered the Praetorian dimension yet.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Like to thank all of the villains, rogues, and vigilantes I had the pleasure of leading in today's Rogue Isles war effort on Infinity. All in all we managed to get between ten to fifteen people their accolades, and several of those people even ran Borea missions in breaks between waves.

Even the mass of back to back Full on heavy spawns in Grandville within shooting distance of passing dropships didn't manage to stop us, and it was amusing to see heavies running AWAY from the group on a few occasions.

Solid fighting, Solid healing, solid buffing, and really solid rally times all around.

It was a blast Infinity, and I wanted to personally thank everyone who landed in my group today, or that other group that we hooked up with in St. Martial that one raid.

Thanks for the fun and the badges!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - they haven't discovered the Praetorian dimension yet.
Maybe i misread it, but i'm pretty sure it's canon that the Rikti encountered Praetoria when tracing the origin of the Nemesis attack that precipitated the Rikti Invasion.

Edit: Although most sources suggest Nemesis as the instigator of the war using his automatons to impersonate the Freedom Phalanx, automatons you encounter in a CoV arc, but at least one mid-ranked Rikti agrees with you:
"Though he didn't seem like the type to talk much, the Rikti Psi-scout called Lk'Onik had something he wanted to say: 'Longtime Didn't: Trust Humans.
We Thought: Humans Attacked: First.
Was There: First Attack.
Thousands: Dead. Lost: Everything Important.
Looked like: Freedom Phalanx.
Further Attacks: Dozens.
Finally Traced: Point of Origin.
Thought Justification: Protecting Ourselves.
... : ...
Since then, seen: Freedom Phalanx; Seen: Earth-Heroes.
Phalanx = Attackers: Impossible.
My Theory: Praetorians. Nothing Else: Makes Sense.'"

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Maybe with luck they'll extend it and ramp up the invasions for another 1-2 days. We could also supplement it by having folks run speed versions of the LGTF to trigger some more.

And woohoo, my "Dropship Down" video is once again live on YouTube! 41 dropships. 60 minutes.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Maybe i misread it, but i'm pretty sure it's canon that the Rikti encountered Praetoria when tracing the origin of the Nemesis attack that precipitated the Rikti Invasion.

Edit: Although most sources suggest Nemesis as the instigator of the war using his automatons to impersonate the Freedom Phalanx, automatons you encounter in a CoV arc, but at least one mid-ranked Rikti agrees with you:
"Though he didn't seem like the type to talk much, the Rikti Psi-scout called Lk'Onik had something he wanted to say: 'Longtime Didn't: Trust Humans.
We Thought: Humans Attacked: First.
Was There: First Attack.
Thousands: Dead. Lost: Everything Important.
Looked like: Freedom Phalanx.
Further Attacks: Dozens.
Finally Traced: Point of Origin.
Thought Justification: Protecting Ourselves.
... : ...
Since then, seen: Freedom Phalanx; Seen: Earth-Heroes.
Phalanx = Attackers: Impossible.
My Theory: Praetorians. Nothing Else: Makes Sense.'"
They've just never heard of a Nemesis plot, that's all

The devs were actually asked about Rikti in Praetoria as Hero Con last year, and Hero 1 said that they hadn't found Praetoria, and weren't even looking for it.

Of course, Nemesis getting Praetoria to attack the Rikti homeworld, but then creating Freedom Phalanx automatons on Primal Earth as a decoy would be quite typical of his way of operating

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They've just never heard of a Nemesis plot, that's all

The devs were actually asked about Rikti in Praetoria as Hero Con last year, and Hero 1 said that they hadn't found Praetoria, and weren't even looking for it.

Of course, Nemesis getting Praetoria to attack the Rikti homeworld, but then creating Freedom Phalanx automatons on Primal Earth as a decoy would be quite typical of his way of operating
Ah, i hadn't looked into the Rikti and Praetoria story stuff since GR was underway, so it may have been retconned, or i may be remembering incorrectly.

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Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Maybe with luck they'll extend it and ramp up the invasions for another 1-2 days.
Hope not. I've sent a few alts into the invasions that I wanted to secure the accolade on, but when lag gets so bad that an alt is practically frozen and powers are suffering major recharge lag doesn't inspire me to enter any more invasion events.



It's still fun, but not as fun as it used to be. The invasion needs a serious overhaul.

"...now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb" - Dark Helmet



Gotta admit, we had fun!

We mixed it up on Guardian, Freedom and Pinnacle between me and my SG/VG mates.

On Guardian, Friday night with the Challengers SG, we did a variety of zone invasion hops to get the accolades for mains/alts for our SG members, did a few RWZ mishes and RWZ street sweeping while awaiting for zone invasions.

On Freedom, Saturday night, we had a coalition event "Arachnos vs Ritki" (hosted by Legion, Champions and Knights of Arachnos VGs) with several VGs participating throughout the day/evening for several hours, where we did the same as on Guardian, but also did Ritki Story arcs, a LGTF and a Ritki AE mish. We could not, however, get enough at the right time to take out Drop Ships. It was a high speed, rollercoaster of activity where everyone said at the end, "WOW! What a ride!".

On Sunday, to celebrate the Russian October Revolution anniversary, the Soviet-themed Red Guard VG on Pinnacle took to the streets and street swept RWZ, jumped to various zone invasions, and also did a Ritki AE Mish.

New members had a blast! Returning members forgot how crazy the drop ship bombings were! Veteran players found a new level of excitement in what is constured by otehrs to be a rehashed invasion event. SG/VG-wise, we had a great time teaming up together to do some consolidated fun!

Sorry to hear that others here didn't quite enjoy the event, but it is what you make of it.

If you go into this event with "been there done that, don't care", instead of "what can I do differently or creatively to make this more fun or worthwhile not only for me but for others",you'll get highly varying results.

Challenge yourself to find a way to take an event you consider bland and use the gray matter between one's ears to twist the facade of the event with new creative ideas as tools. Some in other SGs/VGs on this post did that, and I'm impressed with their efforts, just as I was happy to see my SG/VG mates enjoying our take on this particular invasion.

Dare yourself to be creative; you might surprise yourself!

Thanks devs and OCR team for an invigorating Ritki weekend!

...so...about Issue 19 release date....when?



Ok, how about NOW?

Still no?

Well what about....*drones on into the ether*



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They've just never heard of a Nemesis plot, that's all

The devs were actually asked about Rikti in Praetoria as Hero Con last year, and Hero 1 said that they hadn't found Praetoria, and weren't even looking for it.

Of course, Nemesis getting Praetoria to attack the Rikti homeworld, but then creating Freedom Phalanx automatons on Primal Earth as a decoy would be quite typical of his way of operating
Maybe the Rikti in general don't know about Praetoria, but Lk'Onic heard about them through his work with Vanguard.

In any case, the Dark Watcher's arc makes it clear that it was Nemesis automatons that attacked the Rikti. That quote comes from Serpent Drummer's arc, before that particular revelation.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Dropships should be able to be brought down
I have actually seen several people that "claim" to have done this. I admit to a little bit of skepticism since I did not witness it myself but, apparently it can happen.



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
I have actually seen several people that "claim" to have done this. I admit to a little bit of skepticism since I did not witness it myself but, apparently it can happen.
It CAN and HAS been done. I know from experience dude, if you know what I mean. We led a Dropship assault team on Protector during the recent invasion and took down 2 over Talos.

Those things are nothing but a big bag of hitpoints, and if you have about 30+ people with good DPS you can drop one easily. The trick is you can't slow them down and they move fast through the zones, so you have a limited time to blow them up before they leave the zone.



Samuariko made a video of teams taking out the drop ships, you can probably find it on her site, or on you tube.

Found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZHWhE6JQ_U

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

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