Staying True to Alignment?
Let's say you start out as a hero.
At level 20, you start doing Hero tip missions to enjoy that content. You runn all of them in your level range, then do the Morality mission and stay a hero. You're missing out on all the Vigilante content!
But you can -do- the vigilante content, all the way to the Morality mission, and then choose to keep your own alignment.
You're not missing that content. If you don't side-switch you're missing out on Villain and Rogue content, but if you're planning on the character being a hero, anyway, what does it matter?
There's no great "Reward" for staying a hero, but there is no penalty, either. You don't have to do the tip missions at all, if you don't want to. If you do want to, then go enjoy it! For me it's mainly been a method to get my Dominators Heroside (I prefer them to Blasters) or grab random rolls to sell on the market.
Other than the time taken to switch - and having to wait longer for the hero or villain power - there is no penalty for staying hero or villain (or switching all the way and staying *there.*
Of course, *during* switching, you can't get most of your new side's content other than newspapers and whatever you can do via teaming. *shrug* The advantage is simply getting the rewards quicker.
And no, there shouldn't be any greater advantage (or a penalty) for staying as a hero or villain. The RP reason is fine - "this is what I wanted the character to be in the first place." It's not pointless if that's where you want to be in the first place.
Frankly, so far, most of mine stay true to the alignment. One or two are swapping. A few stay in the middle. *shrug* It's where I want them to be. That's all that matters to me.
I have to admit, I don't get the "penalty" idea.
From what I have seen, the hero penalty and villain powers are more useful.
I'm moving new characters to Vigilante and Rogue, so I can see the new content.
Those I want to move, move. Those I want to stay, stay. Seems perfect to me as it.
Why would there be rewards for NOT side-switching? Isn't that like asking for rewards for NOT doing TFs or not playing on teams? It's part of the game. You're supposed to want to do it, at least where appropriate.
The only rewards given are there to ensure that there's any point in being a pure hero or a pure villain. The old argument from pre-beta was that if you can access both sides as a vigilante and rogue and team cross-faction, who would want to be anything else? And so, for being a pure hero or a pure villain, you get hero or villain merits, respectively, and for being a rogue or a vigilante, you get the ability to team with people from the other side.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I'm the wrong one.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...

Oh well, I am in the slow process of moving my red toons to blue. The real reward to me is playing in the environment I prefer.
I was never fond of the concept of penalties for switching sides.
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I really don't see any penalty involved in any of the alignments. Stay a Hero or a Villain and do the tip missions and you earn A-Merits. Go Vigilante or Rogue and earn reward merits.. along with the ability to cross over to the other side and run missions and collect badges (in all but one case this includes earning added merits by getting all the exploration badges in the appropriate zones .. There is one badge in Atlas that a Rogue can't reach because its buried inside the entrance to Recluse Victory and only heroes and vigilantes have access to that side).
There is absolutely nothing stopping a hero or villain from teaming with vigilantes or rogues, respectively, and doing their tip missions.. as long as they ensure they have completed their 5 hero tip missions for the day first. So really the only content they are unable to reach is from the other side (Red or Blue as the case may be) and since prior to I-18 a hero had NO method to even think about exploring villain content and visa versa I really don't see that as an issue. IF you want to explore all the new tip mission content then switch to Rogue or Vigilante.. there is nothing keeping you from teaming with people doing hero tip or vigilante tips (blue side) or villain and rogue tip (red side) at that point.
As far as I can see all 4 alignments offer some form of reward so it just a matter of WHICH type of reward you want.
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
The hero power is better than the villain power unless you are a dom or MAYBE a brute.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
If you stay true to your alignment and run Tip missions regularly and take advantage of those A-Merits, you will end up ahead of the game over someone who switches sides. Not much, but still. They lose 4 days switching sides. In that time you can get your Numina Unique or whatever your heart desires.
They never said there was going to be a penalty and they never said the advantage was going to be substantial and ongoing. A-Merits are the advantage for staying true to a side. They allow you to make significant purchases much more quickly and easily than traditional Reward Merits.
Maybe someday they'll consider adding other additions, but even if they don't the system is solid.
"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill
I'm very impressed with GR so far - but I am beginning to get the impression there's one rather large omission from it - but I've not explored every aspect and it's possible I'm missing something.
If I am, then I hope I'll be corrected but if I'm not, then I think this is an oversight - but to me, an important one I feel. I cannot yet see any point in remaining true to your original alignment in terms of game reward or any advantage to doing so. A-Merits are available to Heroes and Villains equally so whichever side I start out at, from level 20 I can swap and start earning them at will. The worst penalty for side switching is a slight loss of time available to earn merits. Yet if I start out as a hero, and I steadfastly remain a hero (or villain as the case may be) then I'm technically penalised - I miss out on content that is available to people who do side switch. To me this seems very odd - when it's a fundamental tenet of the game that you pick a side from the start. Sure Going Rogue allows you to swap but it's almost forcing you to swap sides at least once - and if you don't, then you're losing out. I can see there's an argument that says "well the Devs want you to experience the content on the other side" but in an as alt-friendly game of this maturity that CoXGR is it seems highly unlikely that most players who've played for a while won't have experienced it - so that argument's relatively easily countered. So what's the advantage in game terms (in other words excluding RP/Personal Satisfaction/Other reasons) to stick to your original alignment? If there isn't an advantage, as I suspect is the case, should there be one? It seems loyalty to high ideals or to Lord Recluse is penalised, not rewarded. Switch from Hero to Villain to Hero again nobody bats an eyelid, but to remain a constant Villain or Hero is all a bit pointless perhaps? |
Though, I hope in i19 those new alignment missions really do have me sitting and thinking.
So far, they've been okay Hero seems right, vigilante seems to let everyone die.
Only in praetoria have I seen myself sitting at the choices going "Hmmm...which one would this character take"
BrandX Future Staff Fighter

The BrandX Collection
There's no great "Reward" for staying a hero, but there is no penalty, either.
It's a minor penalty but for a min-maxer it is a penalty.
Really? I would say the opposite is true. With the exception of Dominators and Brutes who do get to fill their bar the Villain power is only slightly stronger at the cost of a shorter duration and only affecting you instead of the whole team. It's not a bad power but 40% damage for 30 seconds on the entire team seems a lot more useful than 60% damage and 30% recharge for 20 seconds on yourself
No matter what you do you get a temporary power. Whether YOU feel one power or another is "Better" is your own business. Personally I like the Rogue and Vigilante powers better, nine times out of ten, but use the hero and villain ones while I'm grinding A-Merits.
Faster recharge PBAoE control effect which takes ALL the minions out of a fight? Yes Please!
Really? I would say the opposite is true. With the exception of Dominators and Brutes who do get to fill their bar the Villain power is only slightly stronger at the cost of a shorter duration and only affecting you instead of the whole team. It's not a bad power but 40% damage for 30 seconds on the entire team seems a lot more useful than 60% damage and 30% recharge for 20 seconds on yourself
Just imagine even two heroes hitting this, that would buff them as much a standard build up on non-scrapper ATs. Three heroes and that's +120% damage and +30% ToHit, half a team and it's 160% and 40%.
Controllers are the ONLY AT without ToHit and Damage buff click for themselves, AM and Devices secondaries with DP or AS for blaster aside.
The base Aim power, if it were somehow on a controller (having the lowest modifier so such a thing) would be 40% to damage and ToHit, and this doesn't count build up.
But needless to say, if three other folks on my team his "call to justice" with me, I hit my build up on my scrapper, and this is post I:19 launch (So that's plus hiw current 20% damage bonus from sets and later when I get assault), my scrapper's going to smack something for about 294% his regular damage. god help you if he crits in that time.
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eh, the problem with video games is that rewarding one behavior can have the perceived effect of punishing the opposite. halved debt and miss complete bonuses incentivised people to do mission content, but lead many to feel "punsihsed" for street sweeping. I really have to say that havign started mmo'ing when they were a lot more punishment ok with the lack of penalties for this, it inhibits freedom for those who want to switch and really would defeat the purpose of the expansion. If concept matters, then it matters. rian frostdrake will never go from hero, it fits his theme, my reward, such as it is, is to be able to run the tip missions that really reinforce the concept of being a hero to me, pick up some alignment merits, and have some fun pugging instances. that is the reward, and i dont need any more of a carrot or stick than that. oh, and that power, but right now my temp power list is so clogged, i probably have a temp hamidon pet-summoning power i am unaware of, so really havent used it much.
I cannot yet see any point in remaining true to your original alignment in terms of game reward or any advantage to doing so. A-Merits are available to Heroes and Villains equally so whichever side I start out at, from level 20 I can swap and start earning them at will. The worst penalty for side switching is a slight loss of time available to earn merits.
Yet if I start out as a hero, and I steadfastly remain a hero (or villain as the case may be) then I'm technically penalised - I miss out on content that is available to people who do side switch. To me this seems very odd - when it's a fundamental tenet of the game that you pick a side from the start. Sure Going Rogue allows you to swap but it's almost forcing you to swap sides at least once - and if you don't, then you're losing out. |
In my game experience, the penalty to switch sides is much worse. In order, to switch one degree it requires two days minimum. To return to my alignment burns another two days. That's potentially two a-merits I could have earned, easily a LotG +7.5 Recharge or Miracle:+ Recovery, both items that sell for around 100 mil.
Given peoples different modes of play, A-merits will have different value. If you marketeer maybe 100 mil is chump change. Perhaps you only use SO's and have no intention of working towards an IO build. However, I like playing and building characters for performance so those a-merits are worth a great deal to me.
Eh... Rogues get Duplicity, Vigilantes get Fear Incarnate, and Villains get Frenzy.
No matter what you do you get a temporary power. Whether YOU feel one power or another is "Better" is your own business. Personally I like the Rogue and Vigilante powers better, nine times out of ten, but use the hero and villain ones while I'm grinding A-Merits. Faster recharge PBAoE control effect which takes ALL the minions out of a fight? Yes Please! -Rachel- |
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Eh... Rogues get Duplicity, Vigilantes get Fear Incarnate, and Villains get Frenzy.
No matter what you do you get a temporary power. Whether YOU feel one power or another is "Better" is your own business. Personally I like the Rogue and Vigilante powers better, nine times out of ten, but use the hero and villain ones while I'm grinding A-Merits. Faster recharge PBAoE control effect which takes ALL the minions out of a fight? Yes Please! -Rachel- |
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Valid point. I like it on my tanker and blaster to edge a little extra damage, and on my scrapper and defender, I like the fact that CoJ is a team buff (and for my scrapper, it makes him feel like he's a team contributor beyond damage). But I know my controller would love fear incarnate to stack with his own fear power, though my corrupt rogue gets little use of duplicity.
Doesn't have to stack, really, to take all the minions out of the fight while I wail on the LT or Boss and they fuel my AoE Taunt Aura ability or just put them out of the fight while I placate someone and tear them a new .... nostril.
Two words: Alignment merits.
Since most of my characters are concept-driven, I don't really have much desire to switch sides. I have so many alts that I don't feel as if I'm missing out on any content anyway - sure, my heroes can't do rogue tips, but that's what villains are for. I do wish rogues and vigilantes could gain alignment merits, though; I do find myself feeling like I have to choose between concept and POWERRRRR on the toons that really ought to be purple, based on their personalities/methods. My Dark/Dark Corruptor is VERY purple, probably vigilante purple, and the Fear Incarnate power would be amazingly thematic for him... but no merits! However, it's less an incentive to make him fully red or blue and more a disincentive to play him at all, with the way my mind works.
I actually find it most useful on scrappers, brutes, stalkers, and tankers.
Doesn't have to stack, really, to take all the minions out of the fight while I wail on the LT or Boss and they fuel my AoE Taunt Aura ability or just put them out of the fight while I placate someone and tear them a new .... nostril. -Rachel- |
As stated, I can understand why you would like it, though I still lean a bit towards Call of Justice, at least on my scrapper because it helps me feel like a bigger team contributor.
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Well, my own experience with duplicity has been a lot of 'miss' bubbles.
As stated, I can understand why you would like it, though I still lean a bit towards Call of Justice, at least on my scrapper because it helps me feel like a bigger team contributor. |
Fortunately, both are abundant!
I'm very impressed with GR so far - but I am beginning to get the impression there's one rather large omission from it - but I've not explored every aspect and it's possible I'm missing something.
If I am, then I hope I'll be corrected but if I'm not, then I think this is an oversight - but to me, an important one I feel.
I cannot yet see any point in remaining true to your original alignment in terms of game reward or any advantage to doing so. A-Merits are available to Heroes and Villains equally so whichever side I start out at, from level 20 I can swap and start earning them at will. The worst penalty for side switching is a slight loss of time available to earn merits.
Yet if I start out as a hero, and I steadfastly remain a hero (or villain as the case may be) then I'm technically penalised - I miss out on content that is available to people who do side switch.
To me this seems very odd - when it's a fundamental tenet of the game that you pick a side from the start. Sure Going Rogue allows you to swap but it's almost forcing you to swap sides at least once - and if you don't, then you're losing out.
I can see there's an argument that says "well the Devs want you to experience the content on the other side" but in an as alt-friendly game of this maturity that CoXGR is it seems highly unlikely that most players who've played for a while won't have experienced it - so that argument's relatively easily countered.
So what's the advantage in game terms (in other words excluding RP/Personal Satisfaction/Other reasons) to stick to your original alignment? If there isn't an advantage, as I suspect is the case, should there be one? It seems loyalty to high ideals or to Lord Recluse is penalised, not rewarded. Switch from Hero to Villain to Hero again nobody bats an eyelid, but to remain a constant Villain or Hero is all a bit pointless perhaps?
Thelonious Monk