Any effects of AMerits on the market?




Are you guys noticing price drops, due to increased supply I presume, on high-end IO's due to the introduction of AMerits? I've been sitting on a handful of (theoretically) popular enhancements for most of the week, as it seems that I may have vastly overestimated their value.



Originally Posted by Sir_Lionheart View Post
Are you guys noticing price drops, due to increased supply I presume, on high-end IO's due to the introduction of AMerits? I've been sitting on a handful of (theoretically) popular enhancements for most of the week, as it seems that I may have vastly overestimated their value.
I don't think they are going to have THAT much of an effect on most IOs. Probably the highest end (read: Glad Armor Unique) will notice some drop because why would anyone pay 4 billion for something they can easily get for running some tippies every day for 20 minutes. Other than that, I think things may all drop a little, but not too much.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



As soon as we got AMerits, the price on several high-priced Pool C/D rares dropped significantly from pre-I18 highs. Notably, they dropped below blue side highs; red-side highs were significantly higher.

It seems plausible that this is due to the comparative ease with which people can earn enough AMerits for both a large number of random rolls and individual Pool C/D recipes. While RMerits can be earned in large numbers, I do think the TF minimum team size requirements act as a barrier to entry for significant parts of the player base. So while the throttle on AMerit earning rates may be more significant compared to merit earning rates, I suspect more players are hitting the max AMerit rates than are approaching the max RMerit rates.

I suspect something similar is going on with tickets, but don't have as clear a theory on why. Perhaps fewer people are interested in ongoing ticket farming, or lack characters that are sufficiently good at it to spend their time on that.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I find it far quicker/easier to earn an A-merit for my random 5 recipes than to earn enough tickets in AE to get the same number or rare recipes or 100 R-merits to roll with those.

Of course my rolls have been junk so far.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



My rolls have been pretty even. I have sold almost everything I generate at 25 and 30 (although it can take a week or so before people notice there is something to buy. But at those levels, even a pacing of the turtle proc sold very well.

At 35, it is about half and half. But I had one roll at 35 that was quite good; 2 LotG global recharge, 2 mako triples and an Oblit quad.

I don't roll at 50, I just buy specifics and if I don't need anything I let 'em build up.

But I am not sure it is really dampening demand. I haven't sold any of Luck's that I have rolled and only 1 Miracle recovery. I am sure I could sell 'em but I would rather slot them on my army of alts.

Before, I would just concentrate on one toon because of the expense of the high end stuff. Now I can spread my attention out to many alts and still make money on those things that I don't need.



I haven't yet gotten around to getting enough amerits for it to come up. It's hard for me to "spend" the kind of money involved -- even if I had two a-merits, it'd be hard for me to justify spending them both on a single recipe, but probably a better deal overall than the two random rolls would be. Probably.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I find it far quicker/easier to earn an A-merit for my random 5 recipes than to earn enough tickets in AE to get the same number or rare recipes or 100 R-merits to roll with those.

Of course my rolls have been junk so far.
This matches my experience (the speed, I haven't been rolling my a-merits). It takes me an hour or less spent over a couple of days to earn an a-merit. I don't farm AE tickets so I can't compare that, but there's no way I could earn 100 r-merits in an hour, even speeding through TF's.



The price of LotG: +RCH seems to have gone down a bit, probably due to the ease of people getting them (good thing imo). I can only think other ones have gone a bit.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The price of LotG: +RCH seems to have gone down a bit, probably due to the ease of people getting them (good thing imo). I can only think other ones have gone a bit.
I think, demand for LotG+ will increase significantly when i19 goes live



Good point. The question is how players will choose to get their LotGs.

I've got a few billion to my name, but I still prefer to get my LotG, Numina, and Miracle procs with AMerits. I save the infamy for cheaper stuff - Positron's, Decimation, and anything else I can buy outright at ~10-20m per IO.



Lets see the effects......

1) Pool C recipes which are not the TOP demand ones have roughly halved in price. This may be due to increased competition among marketeers from blue/red sides in the combined market, due to the increased supply from amerits, or due to a combination. I'm going with mostly increased supply as my guess.

2) The price on top-demand pool C recipes has dropped significantly but not as severely as the middling pool C stuff.

3) The price on purples and PvP IOs has increased alot because they're not in the random rolls and people have more inf left after pool C'ing and have spent it on high-end stuff. Any effect amerit buying may have in increasing supply hasn't been seen yet.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
even if I had two a-merits, it'd be hard for me to justify spending them both on a single recipe, but probably a better deal overall than the two random rolls would be. Probably.
Two A-merits is ten random rolls.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
...Perhaps fewer people are interested in ongoing ticket farming, or lack characters that are sufficiently good at it to spend their time on that.
I have seen comments about specific builds for ticket farming before but i am not sure I get how you would build for that other than lots of AOEs to kill lots of critters quick.

Is it a question of picking the right mission to match your strengths?

(ie. If you have a high range defense pick a mission with lots of baddies who have lots of ranged single target attacks.)

Not looking for trade secrets just a general explanation of how one would go about it.



Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
I have seen comments about specific builds for ticket farming before but i am not sure I get how you would build for that other than lots of AOEs to kill lots of critters quick.

Is it a question of picking the right mission to match your strengths?

(ie. If you have a high range defense pick a mission with lots of baddies who have lots of ranged single target attacks.)

Not looking for trade secrets just a general explanation of how one would go about it.
There used to be AE farms where all you had to be able to do was dish damage because the enemy wouldn't be fighting back much (snipe farms.......the mm pet mis-level one....etc). They're all kind of lame but its just like any type of farm honestly....kick butt and kill stuff fast.



Originally Posted by DevilYouKnow View Post
I have seen comments about specific builds for ticket farming before but i am not sure I get how you would build for that other than lots of AOEs to kill lots of critters quick.

Is it a question of picking the right mission to match your strengths
Just to be clear, I'm not just talking about really min/maxed ticket farming. I'm talking about any form of dedicated ticket farming, where you play the same mission with the same foes over and over. (To answer your question, in the better farms those foes usually are tailored in some fashion to be weak to your strengths, but it doesn't have to be anything spectacular. It being spectacular just probably makes you able to take on more foes and thus earn more tickets faster.)

In my experience, there are only so many people willing to run farms for hours at a time on a regular basis. I'd say probably 1/3 to 1/2 the people I know well in game have farmed the AE at some point, but probably only like 1/10 or fewer of them do it with any regularity. The rest get bored and want to do other stuff.

That may happen with AMerits too. Even though you can't quite "farm" them in the same sense, you do still have to repeat the same content a lot. We're getting more in I19, though, so that may help sustain it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Ok, Thanks. Yeah I did try that for awhile, but in general AE doesn't draw me like the regular content does.

Thanks for the clarification



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Just to be clear, I'm not just talking about really min/maxed ticket farming. I'm talking about any form of dedicated ticket farming, where you play the same mission with the same foes over and over. (To answer your question, in the better farms those foes usually are tailored in some fashion to be weak to your strengths, but it doesn't have to be anything spectacular. It being spectacular just probably makes you able to take on more foes and thus earn more tickets faster.)

In my experience, there are only so many people willing to run farms for hours at a time on a regular basis. I'd say probably 1/3 to 1/2 the people I know well in game have farmed the AE at some point, but probably only like 1/10 or fewer of them do it with any regularity. The rest get bored and want to do other stuff.

That may happen with AMerits too. Even though you can't quite "farm" them in the same sense, you do still have to repeat the same content a lot. We're getting more in I19, though, so that may help sustain it.
That is already happened to me. I was farming A-Merits to get GA 3%, I wanted for one of my toons. Done with that couple weeks ago. I probably only ran 3-4 tips missions since then.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
My numbers on "what happened to pool C" roughly match Enyalios's- but I'm pretty sure she has data to back hers and I don't have data to back mine.
No I do this stuff with data in the real world market.....and pay money to buy the data I need. I'm too lazy to enter every item into a spreadsheet like that. I'm just barely motivated enough in-game to keep track of my own bids and asks on a spreadsheet so I can set up proper support bids and such. That said, I have a really good memory for profits so I trust what I remember pretty well.



Originally Posted by Enyalios View Post
3) The price on purples and PvP IOs has increased alot because they're not in the random rolls and people have more inf left after pool C'ing and have spent it on high-end stuff. Any effect amerit buying may have in increasing supply hasn't been seen yet.
I wonder if this is the main reason purple prices are where they are now. In the early days after I18 release people claimed it was because everyone was playing new characters in Praetoria rather than running 50s and generating purples. I think we're far enough out now that it's clear that wasn't the reason. Prices have stayed high.

I wouldn't have thought the price difference on pool Cs alone would be enough to fuel the rise in prices on purples, but I don't have an alternate explanation. I'm eager to see how I19 affects them. There will be lots of people playing their 50s with completed builds, generating purples. I expect prices to dip, at least marginally.



I think the rise in the price of purples is just human nature in action.

When LotG, Numina, Miracle procs were pricey or out of reach, that was the goal that many players had. (I just need 2 LotG to finish this build, etc.)

But A-merits made that more accessible, either through increased supply or straight buying with A-Merits. In esscene we all got a nice raise.

With more buying power we have raised our sights higher and purples which were never considered before for toons now become the goal. I have never slotted a purple, but I am now actively looking for places they could go without harming the goals of my builds.



I think there's a little bit of "Prices are higher because we have more disposable income". And there's a little bit of "We pay more because we've adjusted to the price shock." But about a month after GR hit, purple prices dropped noticeably- my interpretation was that most of the new Praetorians were now starting to beat up L47+ content.

Prices are NOWHERE near the start of I18 levels, and supply is nowhere near as low.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.