Issue 19/Halloween




It's that time of year again, and Issue 20 went into closed beta.

Has there been any time line or information about when Issue 19 or the Halloween event will be started.

I am not asking for people to break NDA. I am asking if the devs have said anything in public or the forums that my weak search-fu can't find.



So far the only I19 info we've gotten was from the Dev's conference at Pax. Same for the only I20 info we've gotten, unless you're a beta tester.

They usually announce the Halloween event info quite freely, so just keep an eye on the website/forums.

I myself would love some more I19 info, and I can definitely wait for I20 info, because if I know what's in it, it's just gonna make it that much harder to wait for it. I'm already itching to rebuild my toons without the fitness power pool!

And no, no timeline has been given, altho most people I've talked to think November is a reasonable estimation for I19 as it sounds like it's going to be a smaller Issue than some have been.



Keep in mind that there is another panel at NYCC on the 9th of Oct.

I would expect more info to arrive then.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Foxy_Phoenix View Post
So far the only I19 info we've gotten was from the Dev's conference at Pax. Same for the only I20 info we've gotten, unless you're a beta tester.

They usually announce the Halloween event info quite freely, so just keep an eye on the website/forums.

I myself would love some more I19 info, and I can definitely wait for I20 info, because if I know what's in it, it's just gonna make it that much harder to wait for it. I'm already itching to rebuild my toons without the fitness power pool!

And no, no timeline has been given, altho most people I've talked to think November is a reasonable estimation for I19 as it sounds like it's going to be a smaller Issue than some have been.
I'd agree with that time frame. Its already September and they are still working on I-19's release. Historically they don't like to throw too much into one short span of time and around the end of October they will be giving us two weeks of Halloween stuff to play .. this always includes 2 full weekends for those that can only play during those time periods and generally ends in early November. So a Mid to late November release of issue 19 would work out about right... spaced out to give us time to recover from Halloween and still early enough not to overlap with the Winter events which always falls toward the end of December. Hey they DID say 19 would be out some time this fall.. and fall ends in December.

{SPECIAL NOTE} The above statement is strictly theory based on past practices and is in no way an ACTUAL indication of the release of Issue 19. Anyone found to be quoting Wicked Wendy in game and saying "Issue 19 will be here in early November" will be found, detained and given ten lashes with a wet noodle. I am NOT an employee of NC Soft and have NO inside information of the plans they have to release anything.

LOL ... since there is always SOMEONE out there that reads this stuff and decides it is written in blood I figured I'd add that. Of course those sort of people generally tend to STOP reading after they see the thing they want .... /e rolls eyes .. chances are SOMEONE will get the idea I19 is out in early Nov. anyway because they won't read down far enough to see the note. :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post

{SPECIAL NOTE} The above statement is strictly theory based on past practices and is in no way an ACTUAL indication of the release of Issue 19. Anyone found to be quoting Wicked Wendy in game and saying "Issue 19 will be here in early November" will be found, detained and given ten lashes with a wet noodle. I am NOT an employee of NC Soft and have NO inside information of the plans they have to release anything.
Damn! That's LENIENT! I say sic the cockroaches on them or have Praetor White deal with it.

And as for the timeline, I would say after Veteran's Day (US), but before Thanksgiving.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



I wonder if the Hallowe'eny fun will percolate through the dimensional barriers to Praetorian Earth.

Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
And as for the timeline, I would say after Veteran's Day (US), but before Thanksgiving.
You didn't specify whose Thanksgiving Day, and since Canada's is in October, you've given them a window of approximately 11 months.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
I'm crossing fingers and toes that they announced a Halloween Booster Pack at NY Comic Con.

With Carnival of Shadow costume parts maybe?

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Goblin_Queen View Post
I'm crossing fingers and toes that they announced a Halloween Booster Pack at NY Comic Con.
That would be some extraordinarily good news, if they did.



Thanks everyone. I am not to concerned about I19, I was just wondering if I missed something. I am more interested in Halloween. This is the time of year I start bouncing between games to see the holiday events I like, and I hate to say it, I am not so sure last years event here was all the well received. I was not here for last Halloween.



Originally Posted by BlackArachnia View Post
Thanks everyone. I am not to concerned about I19, I was just wondering if I missed something. I am more interested in Halloween. This is the time of year I start bouncing between games to see the holiday events I like, and I hate to say it, I am not so sure last years event here was all the well received. I was not here for last Halloween.
The new part of last year's event was troubling to me. The problem is, to take down all four banners AND! and then, what..... about two minute time frame after the banners are killed, to hunt down and defeat a Giant Monster, is just not reasonable in my book. I think the two minute part is the real killer: out of a 15-minute time frame the banners take so long to defeat that after everyone does that, there's just no time left to defeat the GM.

This works well on highly-populated servers, where you can muster many people to get everything done in time. On lower-pop servers you got a problem.

As a result after the first few days these events were largely ignored, at least on Guardian blueside they were. Oddly enough I saw a higher completion rate redside.

Back to trick or treating



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Keep in mind that there is another panel at NYCC on the 9th of Oct.

I would expect more info to arrive then.
I can't wait for that panel!

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I wonder if the Hallowe'eny fun will percolate through the dimensional barriers to Praetorian Earth.

You didn't specify whose Thanksgiving Day, and since Canada's is in October, you've given them a window of approximately 11 months.
Thanksgiving (US)

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I'd agree with that time frame. Its already September and they are still working on I-19's release. Historically they don't like to throw too much into one short span of time and around the end of October they will be giving us two weeks of Halloween stuff to play .. this always includes 2 full weekends for those that can only play during those time periods and generally ends in early November. So a Mid to late November release of issue 19 would work out about right... spaced out to give us time to recover from Halloween and still early enough not to overlap with the Winter events which always falls toward the end of December. Hey they DID say 19 would be out some time this fall.. and fall ends in December.

{SPECIAL NOTE} The above statement is strictly theory based on past practices and is in no way an ACTUAL indication of the release of Issue 19. Anyone found to be quoting Wicked Wendy in game and saying "Issue 19 will be here in early November" will be found, detained and given ten lashes with a wet noodle. I am NOT an employee of NC Soft and have NO inside information of the plans they have to release anything.

LOL ... since there is always SOMEONE out there that reads this stuff and decides it is written in blood I figured I'd add that. Of course those sort of people generally tend to STOP reading after they see the thing they want .... /e rolls eyes .. chances are SOMEONE will get the idea I19 is out in early Nov. anyway because they won't read down far enough to see the note. :-D
What changes things is the fact that a direct competitor releases in early November. I expect that I19 is being fast tracked to release before then.



The free month people got with Going Rogue has been expiring and the servers reflect it. No, they're not dead and the game isn't dying but there's more green dots showing during off peak times when they used to all be yellow or red 24/7. With stamina issues having long been a problem for newer players (particularly those who don't read forums or guides to learn about Fitness), it would probably benefit Paragon Studios to enhance the playing experience sooner rather than later (read: after another billing cycle).



I still maintain that i19 will release in early December. Traditionally, issues have come out in early December (about a week before holiday events start), May, and occasionally in mid- to late summer.

i19 will hit in December and i20 early in the following May.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



You are more generous than I am, Olantern. I20 will be out in July of next year, I am guessing.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
With Carnival of Shadow costume parts maybe?
I hope so. I wish we finally can wear a dress with the Illusionist costume and the Dark Ring Mistress will be another great addition.