Superman Returns-belated "Fridge Logic"




Let's ignore many of the more talked-about flaws of Superman Returns for a moment. Forgive me if this has been mentioned before, but I was struck by this only this past weekend:

If Superman is super thanks to our sun, how did he fly outside of our solar system to the ruins of Krypton and survive?

Did anyone else catch that? Seems like a bigger flaw than super-baby.



Well, from what I've read, Superman stores up power from the sun. He didn't suddenly have powers as a new born when he showed up. They developed over time as he matured. So like a battery that is well charged, he can stay powered for a while.

5 years worth of stored up power? Now that I'm not sure about.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



The prequil comic shows he took the space ship that carried him to Earth as a baby.




Not a Superman expert here, but I don't think it's something unique to our sun that powers him. I thought it had something to do with the color or wavelength it emits and there are many more stars out there similar to the one we orbit that could provide the power he needs. And without atmospheric attenuation, maybe he gets even more power when in space.



Didn't he use a Kryptonian ship? At the beginning of the movie I thought he mentions burying it.

Way to many alts.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The prequil comic shows he took the space ship that carried him to Earth as a baby.

Er, also in the movie you can see that he came back in the ship cuz it crashed in the Kent Farm field and he tells Ma Kent that he buried it the morning after.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



I see. So the ship that carried him here as an infant is entirely operational, and suits his adult size just fine.

Five years of oxygen (or whatever the heck he breathes naturally when not powered by our sun), food, water, all in what is an escape pod.

I know I'm digging a little far on what's supposed to just be fun, but even comic movies shouldn't test the limits of my suspension of disbelief this far.



Whose to say that Supes didn't stock the ship with oxygen and nachos and do some repairs on it on the weekend, like restoring a classic car?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




It depends on what superman we are talking about, but...

Some of Superman's powers come from the sun...some aren't... and it's not the sun. It's the Yellow spectrum bombardment or something like that that is stored up over time.

Now depending on various sources he just stores the energy and uses it and Red suns doesn't charge it so once he's out of power he'd other sources the red light drains his powers...

As far as breathing...again depends... some sources say he doesn't need to breath or eat while some sources say he needs suits and such.



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I see. So the ship that carried him here as an infant is entirely operational, and suits his adult size just fine.

Five years of oxygen (or whatever the heck he breathes naturally when not powered by our sun), food, water, all in what is an escape pod.

I know I'm digging a little far on what's supposed to just be fun, but even comic movies shouldn't test the limits of my suspension of disbelief this far.
Kryptonian crystal tech is self-repairing and infinitely reprogrammable, at least according to what's been done with it in the comics.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I see. So the ship that carried him here as an infant is entirely operational, and suits his adult size just fine.

Five years of oxygen (or whatever the heck he breathes naturally when not powered by our sun), food, water, all in what is an escape pod.

I know I'm digging a little far on what's supposed to just be fun, but even comic movies shouldn't test the limits of my suspension of disbelief this far.
well, we could test them a touch further:

superman held his breath for the entire trip.

he also didn't eat as he absorbed whatever he needed from sol, and whatever other sun he came across along the way.

peeing light is far more spacesaving than peeing water.

a #2 in photons is even more efficient than a #1. zero need for toilet paper.

the real problem for supes on a trip like that? scanning earth for good tv along the way that isn't inverted left/right or up/down.


Kittens give Morbo gas.



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Kryptonian crystal tech is self-repairing and infinitely reprogrammable, at least according to what's been done with it in the comics.
yeah, not like he had a readily available database of the entirety of Kryptonian knowledge available to him to be able to make whatever changes were necessary so he could make the trek back to the ruins of his homeworld or anything.



It's interesting that noone brings up that it only took him five years to reach a galaxy on the other side of the universe according to the superman movies... Good thing there are some theories that pretty much say that superman's flight is warp ^.^ and that in DC there is the speed force.



Actually, wouldn't it have taken only 2 1/2 years to reach it, then 2 1/2 years back, for a grand total of 5 years?

"Ben is short for Frank."
-Baffling Beer-Man, The Tenacious 3: The Movie




Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
It's interesting that noone brings up that it only took him five years to reach a galaxy on the other side of the universe according to the superman movies... Good thing there are some theories that pretty much say that superman's flight is warp ^.^ and that in DC there is the speed force.
it's been a while since ive seen the movies. but do they actually say Krypton isn't in the Milk Way Galaxy? also, i'd always assumed some sort of warp travel was involved anyway. if you can accept being under a yellow sun gives a guy super powers, assuming the folks that sent him here had FTL tech isn't exactly a big leap.



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
it's been a while since ive seen the movies. but do they actually say Krypton isn't in the Milk Way Galaxy? also, i'd always assumed some sort of warp travel was involved anyway. if you can accept being under a yellow sun gives a guy super powers, assuming the folks that sent him here had FTL tech isn't exactly a big leap.
If I recall correctly, Kryton was only one sector away from Earth.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
it's been a while since ive seen the movies. but do they actually say Krypton isn't in the Milk Way Galaxy? also, i'd always assumed some sort of warp travel was involved anyway. if you can accept being under a yellow sun gives a guy super powers, assuming the folks that sent him here had FTL tech isn't exactly a big leap.
Superman is supposed to have traveled across several galactic empires and to the outer edges of the known universe of what Krpytonians knew... and Krypton is supposed to be one of the several great galactic empires...

Not to mention if we apply the regular DCU Krypton is one of the most advanced cultures in all of the DCU... They're power apparently rivals that of the gods and guardians and such...



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Superman is supposed to have traveled across several galactic empires and to the outer edges of the known universe of what Krpytonians knew... and Krypton is supposed to be one of the several great galactic empires...

Not to mention if we apply the regular DCU Krypton is one of the most advanced cultures in all of the DCU... They're power apparently rivals that of the gods and guardians and such...
And they couldn't prevent their planet from exploding or get off of it in time or have enough colonies...

Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Kryptonian crystal tech is self-repairing and infinitely reprogrammable, at least according to what's been done with it in the comics.
It's only a matter of time before it becomes self-determining sentient.

I, for one, welcome our new crystalline overlords.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And they couldn't prevent their planet from exploding or get off of it in time or have enough colonies...
Well there's been numerous explanations over the years as to why Superman actually was the last survivor of Krypton. The most common element is that the Kryptonians were such a proud race and the governing body didn't want to believe that they could be destroyed so easily, so they ignored Jor-El's claims. Also, I think Jor-El was Krypton's greatest scientist, so it might have been that he was the only one who could actually verify his own data.

And in recent years I think they said something like there was a call to all Kryptonians to come back to Krypton before it exploded. I think it had to do with Brainiac attacking and stealing Kandor. They were also supposedly aware of what the various suns could do for them, but space travel was highly regulated.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Actually, wouldn't it have taken only 2 1/2 years to reach it, then 2 1/2 years back, for a grand total of 5 years?
Also, we're talking relativistic speeds here.

It was five years for "us". It may have only been weeks or months for him, depending on how fast he was going.

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Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Well there's been numerous explanations over the years as to why Superman actually was the last survivor of Krypton. The most common element is that the Kryptonians were such a proud race and the governing body didn't want to believe that they could be destroyed so easily, so they ignored Jor-El's claims. Also, I think Jor-El was Krypton's greatest scientist, so it might have been that he was the only one who could actually verify his own data.

And in recent years I think they said something like there was a call to all Kryptonians to come back to Krypton before it exploded. I think it had to do with Brainiac attacking and stealing Kandor. They were also supposedly aware of what the various suns could do for them, but space travel was highly regulated.
There's also the whole thing with the Eradicator altering Kryptonian birthing matrices as well.

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Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
Whose to say that Supes didn't stock the ship with oxygen and nachos and do some repairs on it on the weekend, like restoring a classic car?
I like that no one is acknowledging this Occram's razor.



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Superman is supposed to have traveled across several galactic empires and to the outer edges of the known universe of what Krpytonians knew... and Krypton is supposed to be one of the several great galactic empires...
What if Krypton is like 3 States Liquor? Right on the border between Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana?



I found it more ridiculous that he could lift a continent made of green kryptonite, myself.


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Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
I found it more ridiculous that he could lift a continent made of green kryptonite, myself.

well the movie was full of things that made folks go BWUH?, the poorly explained trip to what was Krypton was the OP's.